Greenacres School Newsletter Wednesday 29 April 2015

Greenacres School Newsletter
Wednesday 29 April 2015
Encourage, Challenge, Inspire, Learn!
Dear Parents and Caregivers, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa lava, Bula and welcome to Week 2.
Tomorrow is our annual school cross-country event. We will be having an
early lunch at 12 noon so that we can begin the cross-country programme
from 1pm. The whole school will meet on the bottom field and then run
their designated course by gender and in year groups. Family and
whanau are encouraged to come along and enjoy this exciting event!
Murray Gadd Parent Evening – Helping our kids to Write! 6:30pm
Don’t forget we have a Parent Evening planned for next Thursday 7 May where Murray Gadd our Literacy PD
facilitator will offer ideas and share information with you on how you can help your child to become a fluent
writer. The evening will kick off at 6:30pm in the school hall and you are welcome to bring your children, as
we will set up a movie, with supervision, in Room 6/7.
Kapa Haka 2015
I am very pleased to announce we will be starting up our kapa haka group for the year this term. We have
two new tutors, Kimberley Skipper and Jeremy Davis, who will be working with our students. It will be a tight
timeframe but we are hoping to be ready to attend the Kapo Kapo Festival in Week 10. The first session will
be tomorrow and will be open initially for Year 3-6 to attend.
Today we welcomed Edee Leota and Luca Gundesen-Stewart to Room 1. We
wish them and their families all the best on their school journey with us.
Science Week
Next week is NZ Primary Science Week with a focus on Light. During the
week our students will get the opportunity to try out a variety of experiments
exploring the properties and wonders of ‘light’. Please follow the link below
if you would like to find out more about this and explore the topic further at
As part of Primary Science Week, Chris Monegatti (Tawa College) is offering an opportunity for families to
view the night sky at Tawa College at 7pm on Tuesday 5 May or Wednesday 6 May. RSVP phone Hampton
Hill School Office 2326509. Postponement if too cloudy is Thursday 7 May.
School swimming begins next week. Please make sure your child comes to
school with their togs and towel every day and, if you haven’t already,
please organise payment for swimming at our school office before Monday.
“ Together we encourage, challenge and inspire while fostering a love of learning”
A number of people have been working hard on designing a new school website and we’re excited that it is
expected to go live next week. We’ll send out an email advising when it is live so you can have a look.
Have a great week.
Kind Regards
Shirley Porteous
Entertainment Books
As many in our community know, each year the school sells Entertainment Books as an additional fundraiser
– 20% of all the books sold through Greenacres School is donated to the school! A flyer was sent home last
week. If you would like to purchase a book please click on this link Books will be available for collection from the office from 4 May.
30 Apr
01 May
04 May
05 May
07 May
08 May
15 May
21 May
22 May
22 May
29 May
01 June
09 June
12 June
26 June
03 July
School Cross Country from 1pm
Parent Assembly hosted by Room 8 (2pm) and sausage sizzle
Swimming starts for all students
Board of Trustees meeting
Parent Evening (Writing) with Murray Gadd
Scholastic Book Club Offer 3 closes
Worlds Apart Show
New parent morning tea
Inspiration Friday Round 2 starts
Parent Assembly Rooms 4&5 and sausage sizzle
Teacher Only Day
Queen’s Birthday holiday
Board of Trustees Meeting
Room 9 Parent Assembly and sausage sizzle
Room 3 Parent Assembly and sausage sizzle
Term 2 ends
“ Together we encourage, challenge and inspire while fostering a love of learning”
Book Sale - Tawa Community Centre, Cambridge Street - Saturday 23 May, 09;30 a.m. till 4:30
pm. Proceeds to support Kiwi Community Assistance [KCA]. A wide range of good quality second hand
books at reasonable prices will be available (nothing over $5). KCA is a Tawa based charity, run by
volunteers, providing a range of donated goods, clothing and food to assist local schools, food banks and a
wide range of community organisations. Please support this book sale to enable KCA to continue the work it
does in the community. For further information, or if you are interested in supporting KCA in other ways,
Kids Cross Country Series 2015 starts on Sunday 17 May - Athletics Wellington is again running the Kids
Cross Country Series over the winter months at various venues around the Wellington region. First event
Sunday 17 May at Karori Park. Enter and compete in all five events and receive a competitor’s medal and a
Shoe Clinic/New Balance Backpack at the last event. Get a few friends together and form a team. Team
and individual awards. For more information or to enter go to or email or phone 027 3902735.
German Fair Playgroup Fundraiser at Khandallah Presbyterian Church, 33 Ganges Rd, from 9.30am to
1.00pm on Saturday 9 May – garage sale, clothes, crafts and raffle with German products, German lunch,
cakes and coffee.
Captain Underpants author, Dav Pilkey, will be at The Children’s Bookshop, Kilbirnie Plaza to meet his
readers and sign books on Tuesday 19 May at 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Limit of two books each per signing
please. All welcome. No Charge.
This awesome family adventure sees teams race to visit checkpoints located all over Wellington. They will
tell you exactly where they are - your challenge is to find the quickest and smartest way to visit the most of
these - both by foot and by all forms of public transport, 3 and 6 hour events are available. Details and
registration by 10 May at
Learn Rhee Taekwondo - The safe, fun and challenging way for all the family to learn skills, get fit and
gain confidence with a splash of discipline and respect! Celebrating its 39 year anniversary in NZ lead by
World Master Chong Chul Rhee, Amesbury School Hall, Churton Park: Mondays 6.30 - 7.30pm
Johnsonville Community Centre Hall: Tuesdays and Thursdays 6.00 - 7.00pm
! First three lessons free - try before you pay anything
! Fees from only $11 per week all inclusive
Contact: Gareth 021 364314 or email
Leaping Lizards School of Dance Fun classes in Funk, Jazz, Contemporary and Zumba Kids© for children
3 years+. Free trial classes! Check out for more information or call/text Lorna on
Fun Adult Fitness Classes at Amesbury School, Churton Park! Circuit training: Tuesdays 7.308.30pm. Pilates: Thursdays 7.45-8.45pm. Your first class is free! Pay in advance for the term and receive a
great deal: $8/class for both classes and $9/class for one class. 10 trip cards $100.
Check out for more information or call/text Lorna 021 1770685
“ Together we encourage, challenge and inspire while fostering a love of learning”