4 Green BuilDing Reference Manual AERATION, DEEP WATERING & TREE GUYING SYSTEMS A publication of GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions This booklet forms part of the Green Building Reference Manual for promotion of sustainable urban spaces Designed to assist landscape architects, civil engineers and consulting arborists, each booklet addresses a key aspect of achieving healthy tree growth in urban contexts. Scientific and technical issues are outlined then linked with available solutions and implementation. 2 CityGreen® | www.citygreen.com Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions 3 4.1 Aeration and Deep Watering Systems Key issues Sufficient oxygen, water and nutrients are essential for healthy root growth and therefore healthy trees. If soil gets too wet, the voids between soil particles become filled with water and the root hairs cannot absorb oxygen. Over time the roots ‘drown’ which eventually may also kill the tree. Compacted soil can be as disastrous as excessive water for trees, restricting both oxygen and water. In the natural state, the most abundant supply of water, nutrients and oxygen are usually found in the surface layer of soil. In general as depth increases, soil compaction increases and the availability of water, minerals and oxygen all decrease. Water may be available at greater depths if rainfall is high, ground water is available or water is moving horizontally through sandy soils from water sources. The water from efficient tree irrigation is required not only for all the biochemical processes involved in photosynthesis, respiration and transport, but also for mechanical support to leaf and stem tissue. Insufficient (or inefficient) tree watering will result in loss of leaf turgor and a consequent reduction in new shoot extension. Eventually this will lead to die-back and, if not remedied, the loss of the tree. Oxygen may also be available at depth if the soil is not compacted and the action of earthworms has created tunnels through which oxygen can flow. Tree roots will grow near the surface unless adequate water and air is available below ground. Fig 4.1.1 Fig 4.1.1 - Surface watering of trees can promote shallow root growth and water wastage due to evaporation and runoff. A perforated piping system delivers water and oxygen directly to the primary rooting zone. 4 CityGreen® | www.citygreen.com Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems Aeration and Deep Watering Methods One method for providing both the necessary water and air to the tree roots involves the use of a perforated flexible piping system. At the time a tree is being planted, the pipe may be looped around the rootball within the immediate rooting zone of the new tree, and also in the outer rooting zone, looped throughout the root cell matrix. The pipe is then connected to an inlet located at the tree pit surface. This method may be adapted for use beside roadside verges and open space tree planting or in heavily trafficked areas. Fig 4.1.2 Fig 4.1.2 - Perforated piping system delivers water and nutrients evenly to the tree root ball, without loss due to runoff or evaporation. www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions 5 WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design) or SUDS (Sustainable Urban Design Solutions). There are many ways of harvesting stormwater for healthy trees in cities. Local climate and energy use—“Trees infl uence thermal comfort, energy use, and air quality by providing shade, transpiring moisture, and reducing wind speeds. The establishment of 100 million mature trees around residences in the United States is said to save about $2 billion annually in reduced energy costs.” Sustaining America’s Urban Forest 6 www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions Ultimately, tree size is relative to available soil volume, oxygen and nutrients in the soil and moisture holding capacity, transpiration rates, watering regimes, besides genetic and other environmental factors. Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems Soil quality—“Trees and other plants help remediate soils at landfi lls and other contaminated sites by absorbing, transforming, and containing a number of contaminants.” (Westphal and Isebrands 2001). Sustaining America’s Urban Forest The inlet enables a water hose to be attached when water is needed. The rest of the time the pipe, being looped in a circuit, allows air to flow passively through the system and around the roots of the tree. Changes in air pressure above ground are also accommodated. This arrangement enables long deep watering over the entire root system and the opportunity for the soil to dry between watering, which is better for trees than frequent light watering. Fig 4.2.2 Fig 4.2.2 - Arborvent inlets are used for aeration and supplementary watering and nutrient supply. Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions 7 A range of irrigation systems are available to meet different requirements allowing water and air through but preventing ingress of litter and debris; brushcutter resilient; vandal resistant; architectural appeal; heavy duty for permanent installations. Fig 4.2.3 Fig 4.2.3 - Aeration Pipe is inserted in Strata Cell® Matrix. The RootRain aeration and irrigation product is an integrated component of the GreenBlue urban tree system, providing essential water and oxygen exchange within the tree’s root zone. Available in a number of styles, the range consists of; Rootrain Urban, Civic, Precinct and ArborVent. Resistance of soil to root penetration, or soil compaction, will affect tree root growth. “Conflicts between tree root growth and hardscape cost Californians economically, environmentally, aesthetically, and socially. Not only are millions of dollars spent to remedy the problem, but sometimes the remedies result in the loss of other benefits that healthy, large-statured shade trees could be providing. Clearly, this is a lose-lose situation that calls for increased collaboration in the management of the gray and green infrastructure, as well as research and development of costeffective strategies to retain benefits from a healthy street tree population while reducing costs associated with root-sidewalk conflicts.” Journal of Arboriculture 26(6): November 2000 8 www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems RootRain Urban • • • • • Benefits RootRain Urban is a large capacity irrigation system with a fixed non-removable grid inlet. The grid allows water and air through but prevents ingress of litter and debris. Large capacity 60mm watering circuit The RootRain Urban is particularly suited to roadside verge and open space tree planting. The inlets are strimmer resistant and can be set below mowing machine height. They have very little vandal appeal and no theft value, making them ideal for housing estates and public areas. Easy and quick installation Cost effective on the largest or smallest schemes Extremely vandal resistant Discreet and unobtrusive appearance Product Diameter D No. of Inlets Product Code Rootrain Urban 895mm 1 RRURB1 Rootrain Urban 1790mm 2 RRURB2 Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions 9 RootRain Civic Benefits The RootRain Civic is a very well proven large capacity irrigation system which has a vandal resistant inlet with a powder-coated aluminium cap on a retainer chain. Popular with landscape architects and contractors, the Civic has been widely used on projects demanding a high level of specification. • • • • Large capacity 60mm watering circuit Vented aluminium cap on retainer chain Prevents debris entering irrigation system Quick and easy to install Product Diameter D No. of Inlets Product Code Rootrain Civic 895mm 1 RRCIV1 Rootrain Civic 1790mm 2 RRCIV2 10 www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems RootRain Precinct & ArborVent Benefits • • • • • Heavy cast LM6 grade aluminium/bronze inlet withstands high loads Cast aluminium/bronze vent lid permanently attached to inlet by stainless steel fitting The RootRain Precinct and ArborVent kits are for central urban locations requiring a permanent irrigation/aeration solution and heavy duty cast-alloy inlet. The Precinct inlet has a round-shaped top, and the ArborVent inlet has a square-shaped top. The RootRain Precinct and ArborVent series have been specially designed to interlock with our range of integrated tree grilles. This provides a tamper resistant system that will also prevent the inlet sinking as a result of any soil settlement around the tree. Lid lifts and swings to one side for fast irrigation New grilled inlet which twist-locks into Greenleaf’s range of cast iron tree grilles Can be used in conjunction with Arboresin porous bound gravel Product Diameter D No. of Inlets Product Code Rootrain Precinct 895mm 1 RRCIV1 Rootrain Precinct 1790mm 2 RRCIV2 Rootrain Precinct 3580mm 4 RRPREC4 Rootrain Arborvent 895mm 1 RRARBV1 Rootrain Arborvent 1790mm 2 RRARBV2 Rootrain Arborvent 3580mm 4 RRARBV4 Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems www.citygreen.com | CityGreen® 11 12 CityGreen® | www.citygreen.com Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions 13 4.2 TREE SUPPORT Key issues Until they become established, trees may require support to hold them upright particularly trees that are very tall in relation to their root ball. Indeed urban trees may be subjected to extremely high winds, one aspect of the ‘canyon effect’. Urban canyons are created by streets cutting through dense blocks of structure, especially skyscrapers, causing the channelling and acceleration of wind speeds. Winds can be strong enough to knock a person over, blow objects around, and even pull glass from windows during stormy weather. Trees planted in such locations need assistance until their roots become well established. The provision of some kind of support avoids the risk of the root ball moving in the ground, which prevents the establishment of new roots. Various alternatives are used including staking and rootball anchorage, or guying. Fig 4.2.1 - Healthy Shade Trees enhance residential estates (left). Fig 4.2.2 - Trees in road build outs Germany. 14 CityGreen® | www.citygreen.com Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions 15 4.3 Providing TREE SUPPORT Staking Staking is the most common method however care must be taken to avoid damage to roots, trunks and lower branches. Ties should only be used at a height of between 1/3 and a ½ of the height of the sapling in conjunction with stakes. Ties should be broad and soft and many varieties are available including biodegradable hessian webbing. Any material that could cut into the bark of the tree must be avoided. Place ties high enough to stabilise the tree but low enough to allow some trunk movement. Fig 4.3.1 If plastic or rubber tree ties are used, these must be checked regularly during the maintenance period and removed as soon as the tree has established its own anchorage. Rootball anchorage Root ball anchorage, or guying, is an aesthetically pleasing option, particularly for trees that are upright and strong, have large root balls or are planted on sites with uncompacted, loose fill. This method prevents the root ball from moving until new roots grow into the surrounding soil to provide support for the tree and avoids the need for above ground staking which in some cases can be undesirable or hazardous. The root ball is held in position by ties attached to stakes or anchors driven into the base of the tree pit. Individual or groups of trees can be anchored in this largely invisible manner. Guying is often used to provide stability for the establishing root system of transplanted trees with a large trunk diameter (greater than 4 inches). Three guys are attached to the tree and anchored in the ground. Anchors may be wooden or metal stakes, land anchors, or “deadman” (a wooden beam or concrete block placed 2–3 ft below the soil surface). Staking and guying will not damage trees if done correctly. However, it is most important to remove such systems promptly, probably after one season. The risk is that a tree will not develop a sturdy, flexible trunk with a proper tapering shape from base to top if supported for too long. Rootball anchorage is a longer lasting method which does no damage to the tree and might actually improve its root growth. Trees often perform poorly when planted in areas with impermeable surfaces, suffering stress from lack of water and air. This can be overcome by provision of aeration circuits with pavement inlets, or permeable pavements. Air quality—“Trees improve air quality by lowering air temperatures, altering emissions from building energy use and other sources, and removing air pollutants through their leaves. Urban trees in the conterminous United States remove some 784,000 tons of air pollution annually, with a value of $3.8 billion.” (Nowak et al. 2006). Sustaining America’s Urban Forest 16 www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems Arborguy Benefits • • • • • A guying system to fully complement Greenleaf tree packages Designed for trees in the urban and rural environments An effective and out of sight method in preference to tree staking Securing large rootballed trees The method of securing trees has many advantages over staking and is suitable for large root-balled trees. The Rootball is held in position by driving three anchors in the base of the tree pit and fastening the Arborguy rachet strap as shown. If required, the system can be re-tensioned at a later date. Strapping will not cut the rootball - no mats or timber required Anchors are available in both plastic and metal options Strap to be threaded through rings, over rootball, into rachet tensioner and tensioned as necessary Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions 17 Arborguy deadman guying system The Arborguy ‘deadman’ system is ideal where there is a risk of undergound utilities in the immediate vacinity of the tree pit. As shown in the diagram, three deadman anchors (heavy timers) are placed in the base of the tree pit in a triangle shape to secure the wires to. Arborguy kit Arborguy composite anchor For each of the three cables, loop the D ring end of each cable through the wire loop on the opposite end to create a slip knot noose. This noose is then positioned over the end of each of the three deadman anchors and tensioned up in the centre. Once this has been done in the centre of each of the deamen (three times), the nylon webbing passes through the small loop on the end of each cable and is ratcheted up tight over the top of the rootball. Arborguy anchor system, plus complete installation tool kits available Product Code Arborguy strapped medium anchor system with drive in, heavy duty composite anchors. Includes webbing strap and rachet tensioner. Suitable for trees up to 20cm girth. SASMP Arborguy strapped large anchor system with drive in heavy-duty composite anchors. Includes webbing strap and ratchet tensioner. Suitable for trees up to 40cm girth. SASLP Arborguy strapped anchor deadman guying system, supplied with 3 slip knot guys, webbing strap and ratchet tensioner. For trees up to 40cm in girth. SASDMA Tool kit for installation of SASM systems – including extra length drive rod, drive rod rammer, setting tool and drive rod pull out tool. SASKITXMA Tool kit for installation of SASL systems – including extra length drive rod, drive rod rammer, setting tool and drive rod pull out tool. SASKITLA 18 CityGreen® | www.citygreen.com Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions 19 The GREENBLUE STORY GreenBlue was established to provide engineered green building solutions based on sound research into urban sustainability. Our solutions have proved to be current best practice in their field, endorsed by professional organizations around the globe. The GreenBlue Name Our name reflects our passion – to help make our cities more sustainable. From our dedication to research and development and hands-on experience in the field has come a firm belief that there are ways of successfully integrating ‘green utilities’ – trees, soil and water – into urban design to make our cities greener and more liveable. The GreenBlue Vision Our company vision embraces a world where sustainable green space is within reach of every person, every day – and natural resources are utilized (not wasted) for the benefit of mankind. Trees in Cities One of the key focus areas of GreenBlue is green utilities. Trees as green utilities play a major role in maintaining sustainable ecosystems in our cities and should take precedence in urban planning and design if we, and our generations to come, are to reap the benefits. Aiming to significantly improve urban planting success and increase urban forest canopy, GreenBlue researched the reasons for premature mortality in urban trees and poor tree growth in urban environments. We identified the key issues, devised solutions and designed practical products and systems. Successfully! Green Walls Included in the GreenBlue range of green building products is the European brand of green wall trellis systems – Brandmeier Green Walls. This innovative range opens up a whole new dimension to your urban landscape designs. Greening of facades, pergolas and garden spaces is an ecologically sound method of taking your project beyond the ordinary. Greening of compacted urban landscapes and brownfield sites has an ever increasing importance. Global Partners - Combined Experience Collaboration with global research and distribution partners over the last two decades has placed GreenBlue systems at the cutting edge of sustainable tree pit solutions for cities. GreenBlue works closely with renowned European organizations such as Greenleaf (United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, and Spain) and Scandinavian company Milford (Denmark) and is quickly becoming the North American and Australasian market leader in specialist green technology systems. Local authorities, arboriculturists, landscape architects, civil engineers and other related professionals increasingly collaborate with GreenBlue in implementing current best practice in green technology. As the industry market leader in specialist green building products, we are able to offer the results of 18 years of frontline experience in the field, exhaustive research, product development and field trials. Our support service, unrivalled in the tree planting world, can help you to achieve your vision. Research and Development Testing of pavement above and adjacent to structural soil cell treepits. 400 passes on pavement and 200 passes on sidewalk failed to induce any measurable pavement collapse. Ongoing research and development is a key to the growth of GreenBlue, with knowledge gained in laboratories and field collaboration construction sites being shared with industry partners. As a company, GreenBlue pursues the current boundaries of design relentlessly to bring to the market proven engineered green building systems that provide optimum solutions for urban planners. Training and Accreditation Long term success of engineered green building systems is directly impacted by the quality of installation. Not only is the health of trees and shrubs but also pavement integrity and storm water function in danger of compromise, with potentially dire consequences, if installers are not competent in best practice installation. For this reason, GreenBlue has developed a unique accredited e-learning program. Installers may complete this comprehensive training course online to gain Arborsystem accreditation. This accreditation status is part of the prerequisite package for product warranty recognition and is further evidence of the dedication of GreenBlue to the Green Building Industry. Trees with aggressive root systems have been planted in GreenBlue root management and soil cell systems, and excavated for research. Technical Support GreenBlue strives to provide world class support for designers and installers of the various green building systems available. Complete suites of drawing files in 2D CAD format and PDF are available to designers, free of charge. Detailed product and installation specifications are available for inclusion in project designs, many of which are fully editable. GreenBlue consultants are also able to obtain independent engineering advice on behalf of clients, utilizing qualified engineers with key experience in the use of GreenBlue green building systems. GreenBlue invests in physical, laboratory testing - for verified structural data, and development of cutting edge green building systems. Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions 21 green Accreditation— EARN LEED POINTS BY USING GREENBLUE STRATACELL® MODULES Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is an internationally recognized green building certification system, providing third-party verification that a building or community has been designed and built using strategies intended to improve performance. Metrics used include the following: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor/outdoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), LEED is intended to provide building owners and operators a concise framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. Widely accepted in North America and Canada, LEED uses a points-based system to guide design and measure performance. The higher the number of points awarded to a building or community, the higher its assessed sustainability. Not only is this expected to increase asset value and reduce operating costs, in many cities, LEED ratings qualify for tax rebates, zoning allowances and other incentives. Using GreenBlue StrataCell® Modules can help clients earn additional points in the categories of: creating sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, material and resources, indoor environmental quality, neighbourhood pattern and design and green infrastructure and buildings. If your building project is a candidate for LEED credits, review our LEED Rating System Checklist. Your project is a viable candidate for certification if it meets all prerequisites and can achieve the minimum number of points necessary to earn the credits. 22 www.greenblue.com | GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions ArborSystem The definitive urban tree pit package The GreenBlue ArborSystem brings together the key elements of successful tree pit design and simplifies the design and installation process for specifiers and installers. By utilizing our ArborSystem CAD library (within the resource section of the GreenBlue website), landscape professionals can combine root management, structural soil components, aeration, and irrigation - in a single package – and then choose an appropriate above ground surface grille and vertical guard to match their project. Since its inception and development over recent years, the ArborSystem integrated tree pit product package has proved itself in many demanding locations. For many landscape specifiers, ArborSystem has become the system of choice for integrating trees into the urban environment. By utilizing ArborSystem, landscape designers can: • Ensure product compatibility • Drastically reduce time spent on specifying, quoting and ordering • Adapt a system to suit differing location and budget constraints • Demonstrate to clients a professional long term approach to tree planning and management issues • Benefit from our onsite support service for peace of mind. Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems Booklet 4: Aeration, Deep Watering & Tree Guying Systems www.citygreen.com | CityGreen® 23 greenblue.com Global Offices Also Represented in Head Office - North America GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions 71 Bysham Park Drive Woodstock, ON N4T 1P1 Sales & Service: 1 866 282 2743 greenblue.com United Kingdom Australia Germany Ireland France Spain Poland New Zealand Scandinavia ©Copyright 2015 GreenBlue Infrastructure Solutions, All rights reserved.
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