Viva Energy response - Greenwich Community Association

Greenwich Community Association
Mr. Tom Gervay
PO Box 5057
Greenwich NSW 2065
By Email:
May 29, 2015
Dear Mr. Gervay
I refer to your letter dated 1 May 2015 to Mr L A Pfeiffer who has requested that I respond on his
Project Update
As you may already be aware following our Community Information Evening on Wednesday (May
27), Viva Energy Australia (“Viva Energy”) has decided not to progress with some of the major
development work proposed for Gore Bay, in particular converting tanks for Jet Fuel storage. As a
result, we will not be continuing any longer with the State Significant Development (SSD) application
During the past two years, the Terminal has already implemented a number of projects and changed
a variety of operational procedures to improve environmental and operational efficiency.
We are proud of our environmental, operational and safety record at Gore Bay Terminal and these
enhancements will support Viva Energy continuing to safely and reliably service the fuel
requirements of NSW now, and into the future.
We will continue to comply with our license requirements and work with the community and
regulators to inform them of proposed future works. Viva Energy will continue with plans to replace its
electrical substation to further improve operational reliability. We will submit the necessary
development applications for these works in due course.
We will consider in the future whether we will demolish redundant storage tanks to reduce the overall
footprint of the facility.
Community Information
As you are aware, during the consultation with the community into forming the draft Environment
Impact Statement (EIS), the community expressed a particular interest in emissions.
Due to this interest, the draft Air Quality Impact Assessment (AQIA) report which was developed for
the purpose of the EIS has been made available on Viva Energy’s website for a fixed period at .
Viva Energy Australia Ltd – ABN 46 004 610 459
720 Bourke Street, Docklands, Melbourne, VIC 3008
As we have done for many decades, we are continuing to engage with our fence-line neighbours and
held our refreshed Community Information Evening on Wednesday (May 27) to share the
aforementioned updates with them as well as a general operational update. I am pleased to advise
that feedback from the night was very positive.
Our newsletters will continue to supplement the Community Information Evenings with key
information relating to our operations at Gore Bay. Our newsletters are circulated to approximately
22,000 households and businesses.
Community members who are unable attend our Community Information Evenings and wish to raise
questions or have any concerns in relation to Gore Bay Terminal can continue to do so through our
Community Relations Officer, our website or alternatively through our 24 hour complaints line.
Based on the information we have provided in this letter, we do not consider that a meeting with Viva
Energy senior management is necessary. However, local Terminal management is happy to meet
with a Greenwich Community Association representative and this can be arranged via our
Community Relations Officer. We also request that if you intend to put information in your newsletter
about our business, or our operations, we request an opportunity to review it to ensure it is factually
Yours sincerely,
Nick Adams
Regional Operations Manager (South)
Viva Energy Australia Ltd – ABN 46 004 610 459
720 Bourke Street, Docklands, Melbourne, VIC 3008