CA Frost Water Event Flyer

Our 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Students Present:
C.A. Frost Environmental Science Academy
April 23, 2015 | 5 - 7:30 PM
Let our students teach you about:
The basics of watershed protection.
Ways to reduce rainwater runoff from your property.
Using rain barrels, rain gardens and native plants.
How to get rid of invasive plants.
Enjoy a delicious dinner for under $10 and find out
the amount of water it took to make your meal!
Sign up for a FREE property site assessment completed by our 8th
grade students in conjunction with local land and water management
experts. We will use the results to help you make changes to your
property so only clean water will be entering the Brandywine Creek.
Help reduce runoff by changing how you manage your property.
1460 Laughlin Dr. NW, 49504
If you can’t make it to Water Night but would love a FREE site assessment,
please email Mary Lewandoski to sign up!