Call for interest: Eating City Worldwide Summer Campus. August 12th - 22nd , 2015. Following the very exciting experience of last summer, we are pleased to announce the third "Eating City summer campus", inviting 50 young participants aged 22-28, working or studying any aspect related to food, from all continents to share this challenging adventure. What is "Eating City”? Eating City is a multi-year program of activities established by the Consortium Risteco and Terre Citoyenne, co-funded by the CLM foundation for Human Progress in Paris, and locally, for each of the different editions, by other public and private institutions. The aim of the program created in 2010, is to create opportunities of international meeting, worldwide, to elaborate several case studies and a series of publications with concrete proposals on the definition of urban food policies, useful for public and private decision makers working upstream and downstream of the food chain and also for food industry and food service operators and buyers. Eating City aims to give life to ideas, to stimulate intellectual dialogue and to foster long term vision of public and private decision makers on the future of sustainable urban food supply chains worldwide. Action-oriented, Eating city also evidences good practices and constructive propositions to shift the paradigm: the ideal place where Food, Health, Environment, Culture and Social Values meet Economy. Why a summer campus? Implementing food sustainability means a deep conversion of the whole food supply chain, largely based on replacing industrialized & standardized products by human know-how. Consequently, training is one of the main tools promoted by the participants of all Eating City workshops so far. Interestingly, many cooks working in public food service have the feeling that sustainability should be able to stimulate new professional vocations for what has been for too long a sidelined, second choice job. The same vision should apply to farmers as well, especially because development of local food supply chains cannot occur unless more young people decide to work as farmers. That's why the platform Eating City has launched the idea to organize summer campus open to youth working or studying any aspect related to food in order to increase their awareness and vision about sustainable food systems and also to create a new generation of future decision makers able to take into account social, cultural and environmental value and to place people at the center of economy. Eating City Summer Campus experience brings together young people, researchers, senior professionals working in public and private sectors, opinion and community leaders, to build participants' capacity for learning and leading in the 21st century. Eating City has decided to organize the third edition of the summer campus open to youths from all continents to look at the relationships between our food system and the four elements : water, fire earth and air and to write together a common declaration that will be handed in Milan EXPO to be presented and shared in front of a panel of experts. How will the campus be organized? This campus will take place in France, from August 12 th to 22nd 2015, in the inspiring location of "la Bergerie de Villarceaux” in the regional natural park of Vexin, at 70 km de Paris, a 600 ha rural property, fully dedicated to sustainable development. ( Partners: The Foundation Charles Leopold Mayer, Eating City supporter and partner since the very beginning, has given rise to "La Bergerie" where several partners working together create the ideal conditions to welcome and enrich the Eating city campus. The association "Ecosite de Villarceaux" manages hosting facilities and organizes group animations in relation with the site; the "EARL du chemin neuf" runs a 300ha organic integrated crop-livestock farm, thus providing food for the restaurant; the Association of eco-development of Villarceaux develops sustainability thinking with regard to rural development. The program will include seminars, work-in-group sessions as well as recreational/cultural activities and free time in order to stimulate dialogue and thinking among the participants and the speakers, all along the week. Lectures as well as skype Q & A sessions will be given by international professionals working in universities, companies, local authorities and also belonging to the civil society, all related to Eating city network. Activities will start from August 12 th (late evening) with the welcome of participants until August 22th morning, day of leaving. The program of this year will include a large range of food systems issues and thematic including sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, environmental impacts, commons, governance and public policies, all being addressed through the four founding elements: Water, Fire, Earth and Air. As during the previous editions, participants will be asked to write all together a Common Declaration that outlines their vision on Sustainable Food Systems accordingly to the main thematic of the campus. This process, will be supported during the different working group sessions taking place everyday, alternatively with plenary sessions. During this campus will also be launched the network "Youth in Action" to foster and extend the commitments of all participants. How to participate ? Applicants, aged 22-28, must be interested in promoting sustainable food. They can be chefs, farmers, retailers, wholesalers, urban planner, students and people from civil society working to encourage the use of organic and local food. They must speak fluent english. Accommodation and travel are free of charge. To participate you need to fill up the Candidature Form (including the motivation letter) as well as a CV (not mandatory) at the following address : From April 20th it will be also possible to apply directly in the new Eating City website Applications must be sent no later than May 20 th 2015. As places are limited do not wait to submit your application ! A look at the past editions: 2013 Summer Campus: EC Summer campus was a fascinating experience for me because I was accompanied with professionals and scientists from the field of sustainable food management for the first time in my life. What I perceive as most valuable is meeting in person experts who deal in the field of sustainability, food production, food consumption and urban architecture in private and public sectors. The participants were engaged in the topics and willing to add their opinions to the final output of the EC Summer Campus that was signed by all the EU representatives at La Bergerie de Villarceaux, therefore named "Villarceaux Declaration". ….. (Judita Peterlin from Slovenia, participants at EC SC 2013). Partners: 2014 Summer Campus: "Eating City Platform is a place where we share our Experience and think about our Alimentation now and for the future. Every day we Talk to each other and challenge our Intellectual skills in order to review our Needs to have a Good food system. We initiate here our future Cooperation to bring Innovation in our daily life, but in the same time to maintain our Tradition because it’s the duty of Youth generation." Look at EC 2013 and 2014 Summer campus videos on United 4 Food fire, air, water and earth. Join the 2015 Eating City Summer Campus : Together to share a new vision of the agri-food supply chain worldwide In the Frame of : Partners:
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