Report from January 2015 WG meeting - IEEE-SA

 IEEE P2413 -­‐ Standard for an Architectural Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT) Meeting report – January 2015 The January 2015 meeting of the IEEE P2413 Working Group was held on 22-­‐23 January in Taipei Taiwan hosted by Institute for Information Industry (III). For more information on III, please visit 19 representatives from 13 companies attended the meeting. The Group reviewed reports from the Sub-­‐Working Groups (SWGs) • The Scope of Applicability SWG had a number of fruitful discussions. including a review of the models proposed by Cisco at the IoT World Forum (presented by CISCO during the SWG teleconference on December 15, 2014) , and the Purdue model presented in this session by Cliff Whitehead (Rockwell Automation). • The Networking SWG proposed the definition of the scope of work for SWG efforts that was later updated and approved by the WG: o Approach: § Take the major standards/fora/industry body of work identified in the Standardization Landscape SWG, and extract any identified networking information, e.g. • network topologies • protocols • security • performance (parametric) • Application aware routing and media selection • Application aware power management and profiling/shaping • Application aware resource constraints/implementation § Collate information by IoT domain and assemble a key metrics/parameters matrix, e.g. • messaging requirements (frequency, size, duplex, encryption etc.) • performance (latency, jitter, determinism) • availability (redundancy, resilience, recovery) • connectivity (wired/wireless, range, LoS etc.) • constraints (power, memory, CPU etc.) • To accelerate the development process, the Group launched a new Reference Model Sub-­‐Working Group, with the following scope of work: o Analyse input from other groups that have worked on reference models (ITU-­‐T, ISO/IEC, IoT-­‐A, etc.) o Benchmark reference models against the goals of this standard o Analyse proposals generated by P2413 members o Devise process for sorting, mapping, clustering, tracing and unifying the above proposals. The Group accepted the following as an issue “how resource-­‐oriented profiles and architectures can be realized with IEEE P2413 using a service oriented approach”. The Group will be reviewing submissions that attempt to solve this issue. The Group reviewed and updated the project plan with estimated dates: • Collection and Unification of Requirements (currently in progress) • Drafting of Reference Model (estimated completion by October 2015) • Drafting of Reference Architecture and Systems Model (estimated completion by the end of 2015) • Sponsor Ballot process on draft standard (estimated to begin in mid-­‐2016.) The Group proposed exploring the possibility of an advisory group under the IEEE-­‐
SA Industry Connections activity ( that could potentially be done in collaboration with the IEEE IoT Initiative ( The goal would be to provide a mechanism for gathering requirements and use cases from academia and other organizations. The Group adopted the following definitions and approaches: 1) The definition of the “Thing” Apps & Services
The “Thing”
Information Exchange
Notes: • Things, Apps, and Services can be integrated into what would be abstracted as a “Thing” Information exchange could be “horizontal” (subscribe/publish as an example) or vertical, or both Properties could be real or virtual •
2) An approach to the aggregation of things: IEEE P2413 Application Framework
Applications and Services
Abstract Layer
Universal Thing Description
Washing machine
Coffee maker
Lighting system
Pressure transmitter
Universal Thing Description
• Who am I?
• Who makes me?
• What can I do?
• What language do I talk?
• Where do you go to get
more information?
• Who is asking?
The following Working Meeting dates are currently planned: • 27-­‐28 April 2015 in Grenoble France • 27-­‐30 July 2015 in Hollywood Beach Florida USA • first week of November 2015 in Asia. For more information on future meetings, please visit­‐information.html