143 Bailey St Grovedale 3216 www.grovedaleps.vic.edu.au Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 20th May 2015 PRINCIPAL’S NEWS EDUCATION WEEK: This week we celebrate Education Week. As mentioned in last weeks newsletter, we will be having Walk to School Day this Friday morning and then start the day with an Open Morning from 9:00am until 11:00am. This is a chance for parents, grandparents and community members to see our school operating . We invite all of you to take advantage of this opportunity of seeing your child and our school at work . We are very proud of our school and hope you are as well. I look forward to many of you here on Friday morning. TAKING ENROLMENTS FOR 2016: We are now taking enrolments for all year levels for 2016. If you know of any person that has not yet enrolled their child or are still looking, please encourage them to organise a tour of our school which I do every Friday morning from 9:30 to 11am. NEW SIGN: Have you noticed our new sign out the front of our school? If not, please make an effort to have a look at our fabulous new sign on the front brick wall at the front entrance. A huge thank to Waterjet in Bailey Street for making the sign and to Andrew Ball ( a parent of our school) for installing the sign and liaising with them. It really looks stunning and many of our students and parents have made comments on how good it looks. COME TO SCHOOL VISIT– SESSION 2: Our second session is coming up TOMORROW afternoon from 2:30 to 3:10pm. Our first visit was very successful with 15 students and their parents coming along to see what school is all about. We hope that more take this opportunity tomorrow. The more sessions that children are able to attend the better it is for the students in getting to know the school and feel safe and secure in the environment. It made a huge difference to the children this year and we hope it will make that same difference for next year. If you know of anyone that may not have attended last time, please make them aware that there is another TOMORROW. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR YEAR 3 & 5 STUDENTS: The majority of our Year 3 and 5 students took part in NAPLAN testing last week. It was great to see the students trying their very best. All teachers did their best in preparing the students for these tests. We look forward to finding out the children's results later in the year to see how individuals performed. Have a great Education Week everyone. Kathy Wesolowski Tel: 5243 3902 Fax: 5243 0823 grovedale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au COMING EVENTS May 2015 Thursday 21st Come To School Visit 2:30pm-3:10pm Thursday 21st Parents & Friends meeting 9.00 a.m. Friday 22nd Walk to School Day Friday 22nd OPEN MORNING 9 am to 11 am Monday 25th Gymnastics Program Grades Prep—2 Tuesday 26th Cross Country Championships Thursday 28th Athletic Sports Grades 3-6 Friday 29th JSC Pyjama or Onesie Day June 2015 Monday 1st Sub Committees and School Council Monday 1st First day to bring bikes for Bike Ed Tuesday 2nd Lightning Premiership Grade 5/6 Monday 8th Queens Birthday No School Tuesday 9th Come To School Visit 2:30pm-3:10pm Friday 26th Last Day Of School for Term 2 FORMS / PAYMENT DUE BACK IGA Dockets Anytime Cross Country Championships Book Club order Issue 4 $3.00 21st May 28th May Lightning Premiership Grade 5/6 $8.00 25th May UNIFORMS NEW UNIFORMS Deal directly with Coastal Uniforms. Phone: 5255 4897 Order forms may be picked up from the school office. KILTS—New supplier is Bellarine Uniforms, 162 Moorabool Street and the contact number is 5221 9199 SECOND HAND UNIFORMS Kilt for Sale—Size 14 $20 Call Sheryl Nott on 0401 070 884 Visit Sally & Kelli in the Sick Bay on Tuesday afternoons only from 3:00pm-3:20pm ‘A Path to Success’ STUDENT AWARDS! Ruby Williams Jason Watson Ryan Guy Nathan Harper Chaise Mayson Brianna Taylor Matilda Mahoney Alicia Berry Leanne Shrimpton Mason Van Dort Xavier Kelly Jamie Ryan Connor Marks Cooper Blackley Montana Wilson Lachlan Read Aidan Ware For being a kind and considerate class member. For using the correct ‘math’ language when ‘partitioning’ a number. For being a responsible and independent learner. For being a respectful and responsible group member. For working well with others and showing respect. For great work on Mathletics. For putting spaces between your words when writing about your toy. For her hard work in numeracy with compatible numbers. For her fantastic explanation piece of writing “How to brush your teeth”. For using the magic counting on strategy in maths. For working hard to achieve his learning goals. For his improved understandings in calculating the mean, mode and median score of a set of numbers. For his hard work to improve his spelling. Well done. For being an enthusiastic and reliable JSC leader. For trying really hard with her vertical subtraction. For creating a fantastic descriptive language piece. For great participation during class activities. OPEN MORNING FOR EDUCATION WEEK Next week is EDUCATION WEEK and Grovedale PS will be having an Open Morning on Friday 22nd May from 9am11am for parents and community members to come and view our wonderful school operating as usual. This is the same morning as ‘Walk to School’ Day so parents and carers are most welcome to walk their children to school and then stay for a while and watch their students in a regular morning program. You are most welcome to pop in at any time during the first two hours to share in your child’s learning and see what happens in our classrooms each day. We are proud of our school at Grovedale PS! GRADE 3/4 CAMP Forward Notice The Grade 3/4 Camp for 2015 will be the YMCA Camp Wyuna in term 3 on Monday & Tuesday September 14th & 15th. At this stage the cost of the camp will be approximately $140. Please mark this on your calendars. More information and a request for a deposit will be sent home later this term. SCHOOL KILT’S Our new Kilt supplier is Bellarine Uniforms at 162 Moorabool Street—just above Ryrie Street in the old Fletcher Jones building. Phone 5221 9199 Limited stock currently available however they are happy to take orders but this will mean a delay with delivery time. SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB Book order forms for Issue 4 were sent home with all children last week. Please return orders with payment by no later than Thursday May 28th. EXTEND OSHC AT GROVEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL Watch this space throughout the term for regular updates from our Extend team! PARENT PORTAL: extend.com.au Recap Last week we made mini pizzas for afternoon tea. The kids enjoyed putting their own toppings on & then devouring them once they were cooked. We did lots of Arts and Crafts because the weather kept us inside. We drew chalk bubbles, decorated fruit with tissue paper, made flower pot prints out of recycled toilet rolls, and designed a season tree for our OSHC wall. HOLIDAY PROGRAM BOOKINGS ARE OPEN AT A SCHOOL NEAR YOU! Book by Friday 12 June to avoid a late fee. Our holiday program bookings are open and there’s a local one near you – all Extend’s holiday programs are open to primary school aged boys and girls. And the great news is, if you’re already enrolled with us for After School Care you won’t need to enrol again to access our Holiday Programs. To check out what’s on and where your local program is, visit our website at extend.com.au and book via the Parent Portal. -- Hannah Our Extend Superstar is….Seth for being a great friend & playing with others nicely. Next week’s activities Monday : Science- Balloon Rocket Tuesday : Art & craft- Ring Toss Wednesday : Art & Craft- Butterfly Windows Thursday : Science- Frozen dinosaurs Friday : Art & Craft- Mini Golf Construction Watch this space throughout the term for regular updates from our Extend team! PARENTS AND FRIENDS Mothers Day Gifts and Movie Night Thanks to everyone who came along to our pizza and movie night for Mother’s Day. We had a great evening watching the Lego Movie. Thanks to the Little family for providing the popcorn machine and supplies. Hop all the GPS mum’s had a great Mother’s Day. Next Meeting Thursday 21 May at 9am We need to allocate some fair activities and jobs for people to oversee. If you can help with co-ordinating a stall for the fair, please let me know by this date. Thanks Twilight Fair Save the date—Friday 6 November between 4-8pm Gab Lewis CLASSROOM HELPERS: A big thank you to all the parents who came along to the Classroom Helpers Program that we have been running over the last four weeks. There has been lots of talking and sharing ideas on how children learn and how we can support them along the way. Your commitment each week has demonstrated what can be achieved when we form a partnership together and now all that is left is to go in the classrooms and have some fun with your children. BIKE EDUCATION PROGRAM—HELP WANTED Bike Education is beginning in 1 weeks time for Year 4 students. Parents are encouraged and welcome to join in one or all of the practical bike riding sessions. Bike Ed will take place on TUESDAY’S and THURSDAY’S after recess. The first Bike Ed session was to be held on Thursday May 28. However, as this clashes with the Athletics Day, we will fit this in on another day. This first day is a theory only session and bikes are not required on this day. Sonya Brough FREE FAMILY FUN AT FIGMENT ARTS FREE FOR ALL—Get out of the house and participate in interactive arts projects, catered to young, old and everyone in between at Geelong’s iconic Little Malop Street on Saturday 30 May From 10am-6pm. There will be free parking, free entry and free your creative side. The first day that bikes will be required at school will be on MONDAY JUNE 1 Please see Kate Wojcik in Room 8 if you are interested in helping. Term 2 JSC Fundraiser On Friday 29th of May the JSC will be having a = Pyjama or Onesie Day = For a gold coin please come in your PJ's or a Onesie to help raise money for GAWS ( Geelong Animal Welfare Society ) Help keep homeless animals in Geelong warm and fed over the cold Autumn and Winter months. Be a Sugar Detective The average Australian eats about 22 teaspoons of added sugar every day. The result on our bodies is less than sweet: unhealthy weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. The World Health Organisation has made the following recommendations about sugar limits: Children = Limit to 3-4 added teaspoons per day (includes sugar added to cereals, sauces, drinks, flavoured yoghurts, and so on). Teenage/Adult women = Limit to 5 teaspoons per day. Teenage /Adult men = Limit to 6 teaspoons per day. So even one glass of soft drink, sport drink or fruit juice - is more than a child should have in a whole day! Spy on sugar Investigate the sugar content in your family’s food. When you know the facts, you can make better choices. Uncover how much sugar sneaks into your food. Read the food label for the sugar content (usually in grams) Change the grams into teaspoons: 4 grams = 1 teaspoon, so divide the number of sugar grams by 4 and you have the number of teaspoons. _____ grams divided by 4 = _____ teaspoons (Example: 20 grams of sugar divided by 4 = 5 teaspoons) Here are some other clues to spot sugar: If you see sugar in the first 3 ingredients on a food label, it’s probably high in sugar. If you see something labeled ‘low fat’ it often has added sugar! Here’s a list of sugar’s code names, so you can find it even if it’s in disguise: SUGAR’S CODE NAMES: Honey Fructose Dextrose Glucose Sucrose Corn syrup Syrup Fruit juice concentrate I have found two in this label – can you find the other GROVEDALE COMMUNITY HUB, HEYERS ROAD—LAUNCH & FESTIVAL SATURDAY 23 MAY 10am-2pm You are invited to attend the Grovedale Community Hub official opening at 10am (by Minister Jenny Mikakos MP) and join in the free activities afterwards. There will be skate ramps, crafts, Wii, football, Xbox and table tennis at the Youth Drop In Centre; an animal nursery, story time, The Mik Maks for the little ones; coffee van and Blend Smoothies, free BBQ. Please keep in mind there is limited parking available. WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY – FRIDAY 22nd MAY This Friday 22nd May is ‘Walk Safely to School Day” and we are encouraging all students to walk to school. Teachers will be meeting students at three different locations from 8:30 to walk – (the corner of Reserve Rd and Bailey St,, the corner of Marshalltown Rd and Barwarre Rd., and the corner of Grove Rd and Bailey St.) Students can be dropped off at any of these locations to participate if the distance they travel is too far. (This event is subject to weather permitting- if it is raining we do not expect students to be walking).
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