GPS Safety Summary Acetone cyanohydrin

Technical information
GPS Safety Summary
Acetone cyanohydrin
Substance name
Acetone cyanohydrin
General statement
Acetone cyanohydrin is an intermediate and used as a building block for
chemical synthesis.
Consumer risk and exposure is very unlikely as this substance is
manufactured and handled in industrial settings.
The environmental effects, ecotoxicology and toxicology information
available for this chemical is provided based on studies and/or a reliable
evaluation of its hazardous properties. See Health and Environmental Effects.
This chemical should not enter surface water, groundwater water and soil.
See Risk Management Recommendations.
Chemical identity
Acetone cyanohydrin
Brand names
Chemical name (IUPAC)
CAS number
EC number
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Industries AG | GPS Safety Summary Acetone cyanohydrin | December 2011 |
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Uses and application
Acetone cyanohydrin is used primarily as an intermediate component in the
manufacture of other chemicals.
Physical/chemical properies
Acetone cyanohydrin is a clear to yellow, pungent liquid. The liquid density is
0.93 g/cm3 which is lower than that of water and a vapor pressure at <0.3
hPa. Based on the boiling point and the flash point, Acetone cyanohydrin is
not classified as flammable.
Molecular weight
85.11 g/mol
Water solubility
Miscible in water
0.93 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Vapor pressure
< 0.3 hPa (20 °C)
Explosive Properties
Explosion limits 2.2 % (V) and 12 % (V)
Melting / Boiling point
-19 °C / 120 °C (1013 hPa)
Self-ignition temperature
540 °C
75 °C
Health and environmental effects
Consumer risk and exposure is very unlikely as this substance is
manufactured and handled in industrial settings.
Based on available data, Acetone cyanohydrin is fatal if swallowed, inhaled or
absorbed through the skin. Standard tests show no evidence that Acetone
cyanohydrin is mutagenic or genotoxic. Data shows no evidence that Acetone
cyanohydrin is a reproductive or developmental toxin.
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Industries AG | GPS Safety Summary Acetone cyanohydrin | December 2011 |
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Health effects
Effect Assessment
Acute toxicity (oral, dermal
Fatal if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed
and inhalation)
through the skin. Affects the Central
Nervous System.
Eye / Skin irritation
No data available. Avoid contact with
the substance.
No data available. Avoid contact with
the substance.
Toxicity after repeated
No evidence of toxicity upon repeated
Genotoxicity / Mutagenicity
No evidence of mutagenic / genotoxic
No data available.
Toxicity for reproduction
No evidence of reproductive or
developmental effects.
Environmental effects
Based on available data, Acetone cyanohydrin is very toxic to aquatic life with
long lasting effects. It is readily biodegradable. However, in waste water
treatment plants toxic concentrations have to be avoided in order to ensure
the proper function of the plant. There is no evidence that the substance
would bioaccumulate.
Environmental effects
Effect Assessment
Aquatic toxicity
Very toxic to water organisms with long
lasting effects.
Fate and Behavior
Readily biodegradable
Bioaccumulation potential
No potential for bioaccumulation
PBT / vPvB conclusion
Not considered to be either PBT or vPvB
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Acetone cyanohydrin | December 2011 |
Human health
Consumers will not come in contact with this chemical as it is manufactured
in a closed process which also minimizes employee exposure potential.
Personnel exposure to this chemical in the manufacturing facilities is low
because the process, storage and handling operations are enclosed. Normal
industrial practices assure limited workplace exposures. These practices
include handling with good ventilation. When containers and tanks are
cleaned, residues are captured and treated. All workers are trained in the
properties and safe practices of using chemicals including using personal
protective clothing.
Direct use by consumers is not intended since there are no known consumer
uses for this chemical. The manufacture is a closed and automated process
and no exposure to the environment are intended. Any exposures will
generally be lower than concern levels. Any waste containing residual ACH
has to be disposed in accordance with local, state and federal laws.
Risk management recommendations
Human health
When using chemicals make sure that there is adequate ventilation. Always
use appropriate chemical resistant gloves to protect your hands and skin and
always wear eye protection such as chemical goggles. Exposure to the
chemical demands a special treatment (appropriate antidotes, e.g.
polyethylene glycol-400) by doctor on call without delay (hydrogen cyanide
poisoning). Do not eat, drink and smoke where chemicals are handled,
processed or stored.
All releases that may include the substance must be directed to a wastewater
treatment plant that removes the substance from the final releases to the
receiving water. Releases to air are not expected and therefore no specific
recommendations are required. Waste containing hazardous levels of the
substance must be disposed of in accordance with the regulations after
consultation of the competent local authorities and the disposal company in
a suitable and licensed facility.
Regulatory information/classification and labeling
ACH is listed in various national chemical inventories as an existing
substance. As it is a high production volume chemical (HPV) it occurs on
many national regulatory programs including the OECD (Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development) Screening Inventory Dataset (SIDS)
and has been recently registered under the EU REACH program. ACH is not a
Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC).
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ACH is classified as follows:
Statutory basis
Acetone cyanohydrin
UN-GHS Ver. 4 (2011)
Acute toxicity (oral)
Hazard category 2
Acute toxicity (dermal)
Hazard category 1
Acute toxicity (inhalation)
Hazard category 1
Specific Target Organ Toxicity
Hazard category 1
- Single exposure (neurotoxic
Hazardous to the aquatic
Hazard category 1
environment – Acute Hazard
Chronic water hazard
Hazard category 1
ACH is labeled as follows:
Statutory basis
Acetone cyanohydrin
UN-GHS Ver. 4 (2011)
Signal word
Hazard statement
H300: Fatal if swallowed.
H310: Fatal in contact with skin.
H330: Fatal if inhaled.
H370: Causes damage to organs.
H410: Very toxic to aquatic life with
long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements:
Precautionary statements and more
information about ACH can be found on
the Safety Data Sheet.
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Acetone cyanohydrin | December 2011 |
This GPS Safety Summary is based on Evonik´s present knowledge and experience as of the date of issue. However, it implies no
liability or other legal responsibility on the part of Evonik, including with regards to existing third party intellectual property rights,
especially patent rights. In no event shall Evonik be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or
reliance upon the information herein or the chemical to which that information refers. In particular, no warranty, whether express or
implied, or guarantee in the legal sense is intended or implied by Evonik.
This GPS Safety Summary is only intended to provide general information about the chemical referred to herein but not any in-depth
health and safety information. The information in this GPS Safety Summary is supplied on the condition that the persons receiving the
same will make their own determination as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use. This GPS Safety Summary does not
supersede or replace required regulatory and/or legal communication documents.
Performance of the chemical described herein should be verified by testing which should be carried out only by qualified experts.
Evonik reserves the right to make any changes to this GPS Safety Summary in accordance with technological progress or further
developments. Reference to trade names used by other companies is neither a recommendation, nor does it imply, that similar
products could not be used.
December 2011
Acute toxicity
harmful effects after a single exposure
breakdown of materials by a physiological environment
accumulation of substances in the environment
effects causing cancer
Chronic toxicity
harmful effects after repeated exposures
Global Harmonized System on Classification and Labelling
effects that change genes
combining teratogenicity, embryotoxicity and harmful effects on
effects on fetal morphology
Contact information within company
Email address EU
Email address USA