Bioswale Design and Maintenance with Native Plants

Bioswale Design
and Maintenance
with Native Plants­
A Native Plant and Water
Management Workshop
For Municipalities, Engineers,
Architects and Designers,
Friday, May 29, 2015
George Owens Nature Center
416 West Maple
Independence, MO 64050
Friday, May 29, 2015, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. Registration, Coffee, Light Breakfast Items, Visit Exhibitors
9:00 a.m.
Welcome & Introductions
9:15 a.m.
Stormwater Management with Green Infrastructure
Laura Adams, Water Resources Engineer, Black and Veatch, Kansas City
Introduction to site selection, soils, local regulations, designs, and plant selection for rain gardens. We’ll discuss trends in green infrastructure and introduce the Sustainable Sites Initiative and Envision rating tools.
10:30 a.m.
Break, Visit Exhibitors
10:45 a.m.
Getting Your Project Built: A Landscape Architect’s Perspective
Carrie Coyne, SWT Design, St. Louis
Insights on the importance of thorough documentation for the
successful execution of bio-retention systems; including RFQ (Request for Qualification) Documents, Bid Documentation, Specifications,
Construction Observation and Maintenance Management.
11:30 a.m. Managing Water, Creating Aesthetics, Reconnecting with Nature:
Native Plant Raingardens
Matt Bunch, Horticulturist, The Giving Grove
Gray infrastructure has its limitations; more gray equals more
stormwater, more stormwater equals more flood damage not only to
our human infrastructure but our surrounding ecosystems. Green infrastructure solutions can ameliorate some of these problems. This asks
our plants, our landscapes and the professionals who install and care for
them to work differently. Fortunately we have a broad and beautiful
palette of native Missouri plants suited to handle not only the
stormwater challenge but also the aesthetic challenge.
12:30 p.m.
Lunch, Visit Exhibitors (Travel to Center for Afternoon Session)
1:45 p.m.
On-Site Tour of Bioswale with Project Designer
Sue Bartelette, Designer, Flower and Garden Design, Jamestown
Visit the park’s newly constructed bioswale for a tour with the project designer and park staff. See the site conditions and learn about design
choices for native plants, soils, pathways, installation, erosion netting,
mulch and ongoing maintenance considerations.
3:00 p.m.
Workshop Concludes
Grow Native! is a program of the Missouri Prairie Foundation
During this workshop
you will learn:
• detailed information
for managing water to
reduce runoff
• considerations for
working with green
infrastructure rating
• best practices
for project
• design approaches for
ongoing maintenance
• how to move beyond
gray infrastructure
with native plants and
water management
• resources to ensure
successful project
Continuing Education:
Bioswale Design
and Maintenance
with Native Plants
A Native Plant and Water
Management Workshop
For Municipalities, Engineers,
Architects and Designers,
Friday, May 29, 2015
George Owens Nature Center
416 West Maple
Independence, MO 64050
Registration Form
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Company: ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________
Phone: __________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________
Payment enclosed: $___________ or _____ paying with credit card on-line.
Both meat and vegetarian options will be available for lunch.
Directions: From the intersection of I-70 and Noland Rd., take Noland north to Truman Rd. Turn left (west) on Truman
and follow it to Pleasant St. Parking is at the SW corner of Truman and Pleasant. The Truman Memorial Building is a red
brick building immediately south of the parking lot. Use the Pleasant St. entrance. Parking is at southwest corner of
Truman Road and Pleasant St.
Registration Fee
Includes workshop, snacks, lunch & handouts.
Fee: $40 per person for members of the
Missouri Prairie Foundation/Grow Native!;
$50 for nonmembers.
*Continuing Education Credit Available
Up to 3.5 CEU for licensed professionals
You must request Record of Attendance from GN!
To register, submit one registration form
and payment for each attendee. Make checks
payable to Missouri Prairie Foundation and
mail by May 18, 2015 to:
Grow Native! / MPF
c/o Josi Nielsen
210 N 17th St. # 1109
St. Louis, MO 63103
Or make a secure credit card payment at and scroll down
to choose the May 29 workshop option.
This Grow Native! workshop is sponsored by the
Missouri Prairie Foundation, which operates the Grow Native!
program, and also by George Owens Nature Center. For more
information about this workshop, the Grow Native! program,
or the Missouri Prairie Foundation, call 888-843-6739 or send
a message to