January 2015 GRC Meeting Minutes

5:30 PM
TUESDAY, January 27, 2015
ST 147
Sarah Akierman, President
Cari Gulbrandsen, VP Academic
Mike Webster, VP Finance and Services
Danica MacDonald, VP Student Life
Chris Carlile, VP External
Adam Mitter, Speaker
Veronika Kiryanova, Clerk
Jeremy Hexham, CRO
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology DGA
Biological Sciences Graduate Students' Association
Biomedical Engineering GSA
Biomedical Technology Graduate Students Association
Cardiovascular Respiratory Students Association
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Graduate Students'
Chemistry Graduate Student Association
Civil Engineering Graduate Society
Communication & Culture Graduate Student Association
Community Health Sciences Student Executive
Computer Science Graduate Society
Council of Foothills
Economics Graduate Association
Electrical and Computer Engineering GSA
English Graduate Student Association
Environmental Design Student Association
Gastrointestinal Sciences Graduate Program
Geography Graduate Students' Association
Corey Arnold
Sean Booth
Mat Frankel
Karri Bertram
Mohit Sethi
Asma Amir Ali
Amanda Cheug
Nadia Maarouf
Alvaro Recio Delgado
Andrea Scott
Kamila Bladek
Ofer Berenstein
Jennifer Caswell
Anuya Pai
Ibrahim Karakira
Sara Turner
Sisi Fu
Alaz Munzur
Yasaman Amanejad
Bridget Monynihan
Jessica Nicol
Liam Cummings
Stephen Yu
Natalie Ronaghan
Elizabeth Morgan
Aida Nciri
Victoria Lukasik
Geomatics Graduate Group
German Studies Graduate Student Association
Graduate Association of Energy and Environment Specialization
Graduate Association of Geoscience Students
Graduate Engineering Students Consortium
Graduate Music Society
Graduate Programs in Education Students Association
Graduate University of Calgary Mathematics Society
Haskayne PhD Student Group
History Graduate Students Union
Immunology Graduate Association
Kinesiology Graduate Students Association
Law Graduate Students Association
Libation Bearers, The
Linguistics Graduate Students' Association
MBA Society
Mechanical Engineering Graduate Students' Association
Medical Science Graduate Student Association
Microbiology & Infections Diseases GSA
Neuroscience Hotchkiss Brain Institute Trainee Organization
Nursing GSA
Philosophy GSA
Physics & Astronomy Grad Students' Association
Political Science Graduate Student Association
Psychology Graduate Students Association
Religious Studies Graduate Association (SPIRAL)
School of Public Policy Student Association
Sociology Graduate Students' Caucus
Strategic Studies and Security Graduate Association
Sustainable Energy Development Society
Veterinary Medicine Grad Students Association
Vox Condiscipulum (French, Italian, Spanish)
1. Approval of Agenda (For approval)
2. November 25, 2014 (For approval)
3. GSA Elections
4. University Budget & Tuition
Jesse Fraser
Shaohua Chen
Hongzhou Yang
Martin Lisanik
Aida Nciri
Jessica Guselle
Yasaman Amanejad
Ilkim Tongur
Maisha Syeda
Brianna Hilman
Mark Girard
Mohana Gowri
Chris Morin
Connor Sweazy
Chris Hyland
Keir Pittman
Maurice Mohr
Megan Falconer
Una Chow
Saurabh Gupta
Mauren Wierenga
Aralia Leon Coria
Megan Lewis
Stephanie Reyes
Marcelo Wu
Elizabeth Watt
Rob Currie-Wood
Jill Johnson
Campbell Peat
Erica McLachlan
Came Rose
Kristen Chaisson
Stefan Lewis
Riley Collins
Timothy Choi
Gustavo Mesa Lenis
Isabella Tarasco
Arashdeep Singh
Victor Bedoya Ponte
5. 3 year strategic plan process (For approval)
6. Break out Session: 3 year strategic plan process
7. President Report
8. Vice-President (External) Report
9. Vice-President (Academic) Report
10. Vice-President (Student Life) Report
11. Vice-President (Finance & Services) Report
12. Question period
13. DGA Period
14. Other Business
Adjournment of Open session
Meeting Began
Roll Call
1. Approval of Agenda
2. November 25, 2014 Minutes
3. GSA Elections (Jeremy Hexham, CRO)
The GSA is holding elections and all graduate students are encouraged to apply. If you
are interested in a position talk to the Chief Returning Officer and any of the executives.
Nomination forms are available online February 2nd.
Feb. 2nd - Announcement of Election
Feb. 2nd – Nominations Open (9:30 AM)
Feb. 17th – Nominations Close (4:30 PM)
Feb. 18th – Nominees are Notified
Feb. 18th – Campaigning Begin (1 PM)
Feb. 23rd – Nominee platforms sent to CRO (12 PM)
Feb. 24th – Election Forum at GRC (5-6pm)
Mar. 8th – Campaigning Ends (Midnight)
March 9th & 10th – Voting Days
March 11th – Election announcement (LDL)
4. 3 year strategic plan process (Sarah Akierman; President)
To help future executives we came up with a 3 year strategic plan.
In the next month we plan to:
Analyze survey/student feedback (on-going)
Meet w/ external stakeholders (on-going)
Tie student feedback back to GSA mandate (Feb 2015)
Identify/prioritize areas of opportunity/goals (March/April 2015)
GRC input on action item prioritization (April GRC)
This plan will be brought back to the GRC in May
That the Graduate Representative Council (GRC) on the recommendation of the Graduate
Students’ Association’s (GSA) president, on behalf of the GSA Board of Directors,
endorse the 3 Year Strategic Plan Process proposed by the GSA 2014-15 Executives,
effective January 28th, 2015
5. Break out Session: 3 year strategic plan
2013-2014 Survey results:
Some of the key topics from the survey (note: 75% of respondents were international
What does the GSA do? How is it different from FGS?
What can the GSA do to better support student groups?
o International students
o Distance students
o Foothills Campus
How can the GSA promote more interdisciplinary collaboration?
What can the GSA do to promote/provide mentorship/internship/volunteer opportunities
for students?
How can the GSA promote better student/supervisor communication?
Can the GSA make applying for funding and TAships easier?
The major categories of concern for graduate students:
§ Mentorship Opportunities
§ Supervisor/Student Communication
§ GSA/University Communications (number of emails in particular)
§ Funding opportunities
§ Interdisciplinary Collaboration
§ Fees
Council broke into break-out groups and highlighted the following comments:
Group 1:
Funding. Communication and availability, making sure funding is being utilized
Interdisciplinary research. How do we do it? GSA could provide or encourage:
Conferences, Networking opportunities and events, provide funding packages that will be
used to establish networks, encourage intra-departmental mixed classes, how to submit
interdisciplinary grant applications (SSHRC/NSERC), supervisory support
Group 2:
Big picture: Quality of student life
Concern #1: Funding. More DGA funding (scalable by student #s?)
Concern #2: Facilities. Need healthy environments – windows, protected ‘spaced’ (i.e
grad student offices)
Concern #3. Networking opportunities in departments and outside (to improve student’s
chances to find a job after graduation)
Concern #4. Interdpartmental connections
Concern #5. DGA s sharing information about what works (i.e events; financials; student
Group 3:
Priority 1: Funding. Funding makes a difference for all students’ quality of live. We need
the GSA to advocate for increase in funding. Enrolment is increasing, but are we seeing
financial increases to match?
Believe there are fewer opportunities for master students vs PhD; concerns about time
limits on scholarships.
o Don’t feel well notified about scholarships – some departments are good with
deadlines while others less so. An idea: centralize out of GSA? The GSA could
become more visible about their funding
Priority #2: Resources. Software is an important student concern. Staff have access to a
lot of programs, but graduate students (who play a staff role) do not have the same
Priority #3: Resources. Office space are student concerns (mattering program), facilities,
software packages (already available for staff)
Priority #4: Jobs. Concerned about job opportunities. Understanding what graduate
students can do with our degree?
Group 4:
Priority #1: What does the GSA do? Get out to students what GSA does. Some don’t
even know it exists. We need liaisons.
Priority #2: What can the GSA do better to support student groups? Supporting student
groups: better student-supervisor communication for international students.
Priority #3: What can the GSA do to promote/provide mentorships/internship/volunteer
opportunities, etc.
Priority #4: How can GSA promote better student/supervisor communication?
Priority #5: Interdisciplinary
Priority #6: Funding TAships *course-based funding
6. President Report (Sarah Akierman)
Executive Director search: • Creating a search committee for the next GSA Executive Director, which ideally be done in March: • The committee consists of: 2 executives, 2 staff from the GSA,1 GRC member
will be elected today at GRC.
• Chair called for nominations from the floor. Elected by acclamation as GRC representative: Liam Cummings
Year-end goals:
Executive retreat taking place this weekend to finalize end of year goals.
• Develop 3 year strategic plan
• GSA Elections (March 11th/12th)
• Hire next GSA Executive Director
• GSA 2015 Survey (Feb/March) ß Volunteer opportunity
7. Vice-President (External) Report (Chris Carlile)
GPAC Status Update:
o Referendum passed. 97% Yes, 16% turnout
o Finalizing Societies Application
o Meeting in Calgary February 28
• Advocacy Timeline
• Staff Member
• Transition
• Alberta Election 2015 (our message during these elections)
o Focus on process for future years
8. Vice-President (Academic) Report (Cari Gulbrandsen)
• GSA Excellence Awards: A Mentorship Excellence Award has been added to the
GSA Excellence Awards for 2014-2015. Other awards include the Teaching
Excellence Award, the Supervisory Excellence Award and the Administrative
Excellence Award. The deadline for nominations is March 16, 2015.
• The GSA Awards Gala will take place on April 16, 2015. The event will honour
Excellence Award winners and nominees and graduate student award recipients.
• Would like to recognize Danica MacDonald and Joey Windsor for their hard work
on the Awards committee
2014-2016 Collective Agreement:
The GSA continues to work with the University/Joint Committee to monitor the
implementation of the 2014-2016 Collective Agreement.
The next round of collective bargaining with the University will commence in late
2015/early 2016. The Academic Standing Committee will be discussing
recommendations and considerations to inform the next round of bargaining.
Please contact Cari Gulbrandsen, VP Academic if you would like to join the
discussion email; vpa@gsa.ucalgary.ca
We welcome feedback, formal invitation to participate in the discussion will be
put out shortly
9. Vice-President (Student Life) Report (Danica MacDonald)
Wellness Centre mental health competition
§ What is it?
§ A challenge to propose and implement project ideas which contribute to a
healthier campus community
§ Open to Graduate and Undergraduate Students on campus
§ Deadline: Feb. 28th
§ 5 prizes of $5,000 to implement your idea
§ We would love to see proposals from Graduate Student groups
§ E.g. Education, curriculum, peer supports, awareness campaigns etc
Other announcements:
Graduate Research Networks (GRN):
§ There has been a lot of interest lately in GRNs
§ If you are interested in forming one or would like more information on the
GRNs, please let me know
§ Food Drive
We collected over 3,000 items and $650! Thank you to everyone who participated
§ 1st place: Philosophy, 2nd place: Linguistics, 3rd place: Sociology
§ [GSA]2 – Graduate Student Association Gay-Straight Alliance
LDL mixer on Feb. 9th starting at 6:30: free food and drinks!
10. Vice-President (Finance & Services) Report
Quality Money.
Third intake deadline is 4:30pm Friday, February 27, 2015
Open to All Graduate Students and other campus units
Quality Money provides seed funds for initiatives designed to enhance the student
experience. Projects are evaluated based on four criteria:
§ Fiscal feasibility
§ Whether they meet the objectives of the Eyes High strategy
§ How well they fit within the GSA’s strategic plan
§ The overall impact and the impact on grad students
An updated version of the handbook and application form will be on the GSA
website in the next few days
Coming next Month…
The Chair of the Finance Standing Committee will be presenting a mid-year report at
the February GRC
Also at the February GRC, the VPFS will be presenting two important financial
Proposed fees for 2015-16 (for vote)
Preliminary 2015-16 budget
11. Question period
Q: Provincial budgets. Any idea what’s going on?
A: We do not know what is happening with the budget. Monthly meetings of their
staff are on hold. March 19 the Provincial Budget will come out and we will find
Q: Mentorship excellence award is new this year?
A: Yes, TOR is online. We do take feedback on these awards.
12. DGA Period
• Sociology. Symposium Mar 5, 6. Presenters from different departments and
outside of UofC. Free admissions and a banquet. 9am-3.30pm in MacHall
Cassio A and B.
• Mar 5 Keynote speaker Druh Farrell 9am- 9:30am.
• Deadline for abstracts passed but applications will be considered.
• Please see Sociology Website
• English. Conference. Mar 6 afternoon -­‐ Mar 7. Creative writing night in Loft. Facebook. Free exchange
13. Other Business
Please advertise GSA2 to your DGAs
Starting a trivia night for gsasesc@ucalgary.ca (groups of 4)
We have tickets for several events (advertised in News & Veiws), you could
organize your DGA around it
Philosophy and Religious studies department starting Feminism in the Arts
initiative. Ideas? Suggestions? Please talk to us: Erica McLachlan
We [two graduate students] are Grad Ambassadors for My Gradskills.
Workshops are very useful for your career. (eg networking workshops,
scholarship information workshop, etc). Please sigh up online
International committee announcements:
o Snowshoeing Hikes for International Students. Sat, Feb 14. Family
friendly event. Chester Lake. Beginner and Intermediate. 45$/ person,
transportation included
Curling 101, Monday Feb. 16 (Family Day) Events Page: http://gsa.ucalgary.ca/events Graduate Students’ Association of the University of Calgary Election of GRC representative on Executive Director Hiring Committee 2015 As per GSA bylaws, a search committee must be struck to find the GSAs next Executive Director. The search committee includes a representative of the Graduate Representative Council (GRC), elected by GRC. The process of electing the above positions is as follows: • The Speaker shall call for nominations from the floor. No Graduate Representative may nominate more than one Active Member. An Active Member may nominate their selves. • A nominee shall be considered elected by acclamation if no other nominations are made for that position • Voting shall be conducted using separate preferential ballots for each contested position Position Description: • Be the representative of GRC on the hiring committee • Requirements: be an Active Member of the Association • Length: until the new Executive Director is hired (likely March 2015) For more information (attachments): 1. Executive Director Hiring Process 2. Executive Director Job Description Graduate Students’ Association of the University of Calgary Executive Director Hiring Process 2015 Hiring new Executive Director: Currently: The GSA is in the process of searching for a new Executive Director (ED). According to our bylaws a search committee will be formed lead by the President of the GSA. Goal: New ED start mid-­‐March 2015 Process: 1. Finalize ED hiring process (January 2015) a. Committee: 2 executives; 2 staff members (1 LDL staff; 1 GSA staff); 1 GRC representative elected by GRC b. Meet with GSA staff and external stakeholder who work with ED to receive feedback c. Finalize ED job description (completed) 2. Implement plan (January-­‐March 2015) a. Post ED Job posting (completed) b. Interviewing candidates (February 2015) 3. Hiring committee makes recommendations to the GSA Executive Board 4. GSA Executive makes final approval of ED hire (February/March 2015) Graduate Students’ Association of the University of Calgary Call for future Executive Director 2015 Call for Future GSA Executive Director: The Graduate Students’ Association of the University of Calgary seeks dynamic leader as its next Executive Director The Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) of the University of Calgary is currently seeking an effective and organized individual for the position of Executive Director. Reporting to the President, the Executive Director is responsible for the day-­‐to-­‐day business activities of the Association, including oversight of the Association owned campus pub, the Last Defense Lounge. The Organization The Graduate Students’ Association represents the needs and aspirations of the approximately 6000 Master’s and Doctoral students at the University of Calgary’s four campuses. The Association advocates on behalf of students to the University and the civic, provincial, and national governments. The Association also provides Health and Dental coverage for students, along with other services. The Association is led by a Board of Directors comprised of five student representatives (the President and four Vice-­‐Presidents) and the Executive Director. The Position Reporting to the President and overseeing 8 staff members, the Executive Director is responsible for the day-­‐to-­‐day operations of the Association. In this role, he or she is expected to: •
Provide direction and support to the Board of Directors with respect to its fiduciary obligations and governance responsibilities Support the Board of Directors in strategic planning and lead the implementation of those plans Oversee all day-­‐to-­‐day operations of the GSA , and the Last Defense Lounge, including: o Human Resources o Policy and Procedures •
o Compliance with all applicable regulations and guidelines (i.e. Lobbyist Registry, AGLC, PSLA, AHS, CRA, Societies Act) o All financials, with assistance from the Associations’ accountant o GSA services (i.e. Health and Dental, Mentorship, Professional Development Workshops, Awards) o The Last Defense Lounge, with the assistance of the restaurant manager, including profitability and effective management Interact with the University and external stakeholders concerning GSA and Lounge operations Seek professional development opportunities where appropriate Carry out other duties as assigned The Candidate The ideal candidate for this challenging and rewarding position will possess: •
At least 5 years senior management experience Approximately 5 years of combined experience in both the profit and not-­‐for-­‐profit sectors Demonstrated experience in HR, Governance, Strategic Planning, Budget Development (specifically, a familiarity with IFRG standards), Contract Development, Fund Development, and Change Management A graduate degree Leadership training Evidence of successful policy and proposal development Public Relations and marketing skills A strong financial background and knowledge Knowledge of PIPPA/FOIP If you think you would enjoy the challenge of leading such a dynamic and vital organization and you meet these criteria, please apply today by submitting a resume and cover letter (please send documents in PDF or Word formats) with the subject line “Executive Director Search” to careers@gsa.ucalgary.ca. Graduate Students’ Association of the University of Calgary 3 Year Strategic Plan Process 2015 Action: That the Graduate Representative Council supports the process for developing a 3 year strategic plan proposed by the GSA 2014-­‐15 Executives. Goal: Implement a 3-­‐year strategic plan by June 1st, 2015. Background: The GSA is developing a strategic plan to help focus the GSA for the next three years. Student input throughout the process will be vital for the plan to reach its greatest potential. GRC Governance Committee has played an integral role in developing the proposed 3 year strategic plan process for the GSA. As we wait for GRC support for the process, the executives and Governance Committee have been analyzing the GSA survey/student feedback. Receiving feedback on student issues will continue to be on going throughout this process. Goals of the GSA will be prioritized utilizing student feedback. GRC will play an integral role in the development and finalization of the strategic plan. Process: 1. Finalize strategic plan process (January 2015) 2. Implement plan (February 2015) a. Analyze survey/student feedback (on-­‐going) b. Meet with external stakeholders (on-­‐going) c. GRC ratifies process (January 2015) d. Tie student feedback back to GSA mandate (February 2015) e. Identify areas of opportunity f. Prioritize goals (March/April 2015) g. Identify action items to reach goals h. GRC input on action item prioritization (April 2015) i. GRC approves 3 year strategic plan (May 2015) The U of C Graduate Students’ Association is dedicated to enhancing the experience of all graduate students.
Graduate Students’ Association of the University of Calgary Breakout Session: Mental Health 2015 January Table of Contents 1.
Objective Preamble Process Results Next Steps 1. Objective: To understand the graduate student perspective on mental health. The GSA Board wanted to have more engaging discussions with the Graduate Representative Council (GRC). This year the GSA is trying a new GRC format by adding a break out session where student representatives discuss specific topics. Focus groups took place on Nov. 28th 2014. 2. Preamble: Little published research has looked into the stressors of graduate students at the University of Calgary or at Canadian post-­‐secondary institutions. In 1997, Toes et al. analyzed stress in science graduate science students at 4 Canadian universities, including the University of Calgary, and found science graduate student reported the highest levels of stress in comparison to medical students and residents (1). Although there is little published research (2), mental health and the stressors of students (both undergraduate and graduate) continue to be a hot topics in main stream media (for example click here) as well around Canadian campus’ (for examples click here or here). So what’s happening at the University of Calgary? There are numerous events and discussions happening around campus; some conversations have been in progress for several years. This includes but is not limited to the Annual Mental Heath Awareness Week, student-­‐led Meet Your Monkey, and provincial-­‐wide mental health strategies. Currently at the University of Calgary, the Faculty of Graduate Studies has formed a committee (along with student leaders) that is looking at graduate student mental health. As well, the university has just implemented the University of Calgary steering committee, which will focus on the University of Calgary’s mental health strategy. The U of C Graduate Students’ Association is dedicated to enhancing the experience of all graduate students.
1 To support these conversations, GRC (Nov. 28th 2014) discussed UCalgary graduate student results from the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) (3) and the resources available on campus (i.e Student Success Centre, MyGradSkills, etc.). From this [NCHA] study, academic, career, and financial stressors were at the forefront for graduate students. For some, these stressors (like finances) are believed to be impacting the students’ academic performance. Stress and anxiety were students top concerns affecting their academic performance. After discussing the NCHA results, GRC broke into focus groups to discuss graduate student mental health. 3. Process: •
(10 minutes) Presentation from SU Wellness Centre •
(10 minutes) Explain the process •
(15 minutes) Break out into groups to discuss break out session questions •
(5 minutes) Come back together as a group to highlight discussion and answer e-­‐
poll question 4 Break out session questions: Question 1: What does mental health look like to graduate students? What are the stressors for graduate students? Question 2: As an instructor/teaching assistant, what do you need to support mental health for you and your students? What’s missing? Question 3: What role should the GSA play in developing/supporting a mental health strategy? E-­‐poll Question 4: What would you change to improve mental health for graduate students at our university? 4. Results: Graduate student’s participation: 67 Departments represented: 41 Question 1: What does mental health look like to graduate students? What are the stressors for graduate students? The U of C Graduate Students’ Association is dedicated to enhancing the experience of all graduate students.
2 Time Imposter syndrome Funding Graduate Student Stressors Future Career Inadequate learning environment People/
Relationships Isolation Figure 1. Graduate student perspective on the main stressors of graduate students at the University of Calgary. Graduate students were asked what are the main stressors for graduate students at the University of Calgary. Although the focus groups likely did not cover all stressors of graduate students, the primary stressors can be seen in Figure 1. Time. Graduate students have multiple, and often conflicting demands. Once one deadline has passed, there is always the next deadline/talk/committee that must be dealt with. Some students described graduate school as if it is a work-­‐treadmill with no end in sight; a cycle of burn-­‐out; while others talked about the need to “publish or perish”1. Isolation. Graduate school can be a uniquely isolating experience. While graduate school environments can be social, they can also be personality-­‐boiling pots. Some student described it as a place you live with a very small group of people; feeling disengaged from the other aspects of your life. Inadequate environment. Effective learning environments are integral for graduate student success. For some, inadequate environments play a role in their stress, such as 1
It should be noted that according to the University of Calgary calendar, a graduate student does not need to publish in order to successfully graduate. The U of C Graduate Students’ Association is dedicated to enhancing the experience of all graduate students.
3 cramped office spaces and/or lack of natural lights/windows in their work environments. Relationships. Relationships, especially with graduate student program peers and supervisors can be main stressors for graduate students. Graduate students described supervisor relationships being stressful when there are high expectations or when their supervisor is ‘frequently absent’. Some students described peer support in their department being important for their success, and conflict with peers can be a stressor. For example when there is a feeling of competition amongst a graduate student and their peers. Imposter Syndrome. Graduate students discussed the feeling of being an “imposter” while in graduate school. Students question their ability to be in the program, and that at some point they would be ‘found out’ for not being good enough or not working hard enough. Confidence and anxiety can play a role in graduate student stress. Careers. Students described the stressors while being in their program but also looked ahead at their career potential and identified this as a stressor. Some students described mental health as being closely tied to their job prospects after graduation. Less prospects; more stress. Funding. Lack of funding was identified as a stressor. Inadequate resources. Some students described the options for counseling can be frustrating or limiting due to an unsafe environment. While the Wellness Centre may have multiple reasons why you maybe in the waiting area, graduate students spoke about the unease of having other graduate students as counselors, and waiting in a public area/location for appointments. The U of C Graduate Students’ Association is dedicated to enhancing the experience of all graduate students.
4 Question 2: As an instructor/teaching assistant, what do you need to support mental health for you and your students? What’s missing? Graduate students are not only researchers and learners, but they are also often instructors and/or teaching assistants. Students discussed their needs when playing a leadership role in the classroom. Needs of Graduate student Needs of your student Clarity around job description/
expectations Clarity around what to expect from TAs Training Understand emotional rights Social get-­‐togethers Supportive environment Figure 2. Graduate students perspective on what is needed to maintain a positive mental health in the classroom. Graduate students discussed maintaining mental health for themselves as TAs/instructors and of their students in the classroom (summarized in Figure 2). What was clear is graduate students needed clarity of their job descriptions to be able to do this. This includes more detailed TA contracts, time-­‐frames for work, clarity of expectations so they are not caught off guard on the job, and how they are expected to support students outside the classroom (graduate students are not trained counselors and nor should they act as if they are). Students were interested in what their responsibilities are to identify student wellness concerns. The need for training was a hot topic. Students expressed the lack of training for them as instructors and TA’s. Graduate students want the ability to identify mental health concerns; how to approach their students; who to contact; and what resources should they be aware of. Some would like clarity about mental health and understanding. The U of C Graduate Students’ Association is dedicated to enhancing the experience of all graduate students.
5 Some suggested some training should be mandatory for TAs/instructors, but don’t think they should be made liable to identify mental health concerns. Some students suggested that mental health recognition could be added into their office hours (i.e cookies; reminding students about resources). Some described the need for graduate students come together in a social atmosphere to support one another. To enhance the mental health of their students in the classroom graduate students want to cultivate a supportive environment. This can be done by teachers having contact with the students (students know how to contact graduate student, social events occur for the students to meet one another outside of the classroom, and peer-­‐
mentorship. Students need to understand their emotional rights and where help is available to them. They also need to know what to expect form the TAs/instructors. Question 3: What role should the GSA play in developing/supporting a mental health strategy? It is important for the GSA to have feedback in the ways we should be developing and supporting a mental health strategy. Below are some examples that give us a taste of how graduate students suggest the GSA could play a role in a mental health strategy. Host workshops. Some examples that came out of the discussion are the following: cooking for yourself classes, puppies (similar to the SU initiative), yoga, 5 days of fitness, GSA supported “Vent my woes” at the LDL, and Intramural sports teams. Develop modules. Graduate students would like to see the development of self-­‐help modules for busy students (i.e cognitive behavioral therapy apps). Advocacy. The GSA can play a role in advocating for student’s mental health in the following ways: advocate for increased graduate student access to faculty and staff; speak about the culture of weeding people out and burnout of graduate students – enforce rules like we do in TA contracts; Increased access to SU Wellness Centre (increase number of sessions and hours); advocate for specific programs tailored for students around mental health. Funding. The GSA can be a source or promote a source of funding for mental health leave of absences. Question 4: What would you change to improve mental health for graduate students at our university? All graduate students of the representative council were asked what they would change to improve the mental health for graduate students at our university. There were many ideas, which likely speak to the multiple strategies that need to be implemented when looking at graduate student mental health. The U of C Graduate Students’ Association is dedicated to enhancing the experience of all graduate students.
6 Space. Graduate students came back to the idea that having a space on campus specifically for graduate students to relax with one another would improve mental health.. Whether this was a napping facility or a quiet room, graduate students were interested in a space that was theirs. Other graduate students spoke about the need to just have an office in general, which can prove difficult because office space varies across campus. Other graduate students said that just having a window in their office would improve their mental health – as many graduate students work long hours in spaces that have no natural light all day. Training. There needs to be an increased awareness of mental health and mental illness on campus throughout all communities (faculty, staff, students…). Raising supervisor awareness of mental health/illness, an essential relationship for most programs, would improve the mental health of graduate students. Graduate students talked about the importance of supervisory training to recognize when students are having mental health difficulties. Resource Accessibility. There was an expressed concern about the accessibility to resources that could potentially improve mental health. As there are multiple campuses it was suggested that any resource, event, workshop etc. should be available to all campuses whether it is on location or online. For example, a confidential phone line where students can call that is affiliated with the university. Resources that promote mental health should be more effectively advertised. For example, self-­‐help modules for busy graduate students who may not have time to get to a counsellor. Time. Graduate students expressed that a healthy balance of their time was difficult to achieve and contributed to their stress. Some suggestions that arose were a better laid out time-­‐line and time commitment expectations in regards to TA responsibilities. A full week reading break in Fall for graduate students, and more time off campus. A larger breadth of social events was also thought of as a way to reduce the stress of students. 5. Next Steps: The results of the focus groups will be shared back to the Graduate Representative Council for follow-­‐up discussion at the next GRC meeting (Jan. 27th 2015). The results will then be shared with the Faculty of Graduate Studies Mental Health Working Group, as well as the University of Calgary Mental Health Strategic planning Committee. The results will also be fed into the development of the GSA 3-­‐year strategic plan (2015-­‐
2018). Want to give more feedback? Please feel free to email Danica MacDonald, VP Student Life, vpsl@gsa.ucalgary.ca. The U of C Graduate Students’ Association is dedicated to enhancing the experience of all graduate students.
7 LITERATURE CITED 1. Toews JA, Lockyer JM, Dobson DJ, Simpson E, Brownell AK, Brenneis F, et al. Analysis of stress levels among medical students, residents, and graduate students at four Canadian schools of medicine. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 1997;72(11):997-­‐1002. 2. Garcia-­‐Williams AG, Moffitt L, Kaslow NJ. Mental health and suicidal behavior among graduate students. Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry. 2014;38(5):554-­‐60. 3. Hanover M. American College Health Association -­‐ National College Helath Assessment II: University of Clagary institutional Data Report. Report. American College Health Association, 2013 Spring 2013. Report No. The U of C Graduate Students’ Association is dedicated to enhancing the experience of all graduate students.
8 1
Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! GSA 2015 - 2016 ELECTION PROCESS:
Feb. 2nd - Announcement of Election
Feb. 2nd – Nominations Open (9:30 AM)
Feb. 17th – Nominations Close (4:30 PM)
Feb. 18th – Nominees are Notified
Feb. 18th – Campaigning Begin (1 PM)
Feb. 23rd – Nominee platforms sent to CRO (12 PM)
Feb. 24th – Election Forum at GRC (5-6pm)
Mar. 8th – Campaigning Ends (Midnight)
March 9th & 10th – Voting Days
March 11th – Election announcement (LDL)
Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! 3 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN PROCESS
Finalize strategic plan
process (Jan 2015)
• GRC ratify
process (Jan
Implement plan (Feb
• Analyze survey/student
feedback (on-going)
• Meet w/ external
stakeholders (on-going)
• Tie student feedback
back to GSA mandate
(Feb 2015)
• Identify/prioritize areas
of opportunity/goals
(March/April 2015)
Approval of strategic
• GRC approves
strategic plan
(May GRC)
• GRC input on action
item prioritization
(April GRC)
That the Graduate Representative Council (GRC) on the
recommendation of the Graduate Students’
Association’s (GSA) president, on behalf of the GSA
Board of Directors, endorse the 3 Year Strategic Plan
Process proposed by the GSA 2014-15 Executives,
effective January 28th, 2015.
Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! pres@gsa.ucalgary.ca
2013-14 SURVEY
§  Some of the key topics from the survey
§ What does the GSA do? How is it different from FGS?
§ What can the GSA do to better support student groups?
§  International students
§  Distance students
§  Foothills Campus
§ How can the GSA promote more interdisciplinary collaboration?
§ What can the GSA do to promote/provide mentorship/internship/
volunteer opportunities for students?
§ How can the GSA promote better student/supervisor
§ Can the GSA make applying for funding and TAships easier?
2013-14 SURVEY
Major Categories of Concern
§ Mentorship Opportunities
§ Supervisor/Student Communication
§ GSA Communications
§ Funding
§ Interdisciplinary Collaboration
§ Fees
•  Divide into four (4) groups
•  Discuss the questions or categories on the previous slides
•  Record any ideas you have as a group
•  Add categories as appropriate
•  Rank the categories in importance
•  We will reassemble to discuss—each group will present their
major discussion points to the larger group
Question: [Insert]
Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! gsapres@ucalgary.ca
Election Process:
•  The Speaker shall call for nominations from the floor
•  No Graduate Representative may nominate more than one
Active Member
•  You can nominate yourself
•  A nominee shall be considered elected by acclamation if no other
nominations are made for that position
•  Be the representative of GRC on the hiring committee
•  Length: ~6-10 meetings (2 hours each) (likely until March 2015)
Year End Priorities:
• Implement 3 year strategic plan
• Elections (March 11th/12th)
• Hire Executive Director
• GSA 2015 Survey (Feb/March) ß Volunteer
• Election
• Approve
• What to
expect in
GSA Budget
• Ratify
GSA Budget
• Ratify
• GSA Survey
• Executive
• Exec
• Welcome
Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! vpext@gsaucalgary.ca
§ Referendum passed. 97% Yes, 16% turnout
§ Finalizing Societies Application
§ Meeting in Calgary February 28
•  Advocacy Timeline
•  Staff Member
•  Transition
•  Election 2015
§ Focus on process for future years
Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! vpa@gsa.ucalgary.ca
•  A Mentorship Excellence Award has been added to
the GSA Excellence Awards for 2014-2015. Other
awards include the Teaching Excellence Award, the
Supervisory Excellence Award and the Administrative
Excellence Award. The deadline for nominations is
March 16, 2015.
•  The GSA Awards Gala will take place on April 16,
2015. The event will honour Excellence Award
winners and nominees and graduate student award
•  The GSA continues to work with the University/Joint
Committee to monitor the implementation of the
2014-2016 Collective Agreement.
•  The next round of collective bargaining with the
University will commence in late 2015/early 2016. The
Academic Standing Committee will be discussing
recommendations and considerations to inform the
next round of bargaining. Please contact Cari
Gulbrandsen, VP Academic if you would like to join the
Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! vpsl@gsa.ucalgary.ca
§  What is it?
§ A challenge to propose and implement project ideas which
contribute to a healthier campus community
§ Open to Graduate and Undergraduate Students on campus
§ Deadline: Feb. 28th
§ 5 prizes of $5,000 to implement your idea
§ We would love to see proposals from Graduate Student groups
§  Graduate Research Networks (GRN):
§  There has been a lot of interest lately in GRNs
§  If you are interested in forming one or would like more information on
the GRNs, please let me know
§  Food Drive
We collected over 3,000 items and $650! Thank you to everyone who
§  1st place: Philosophy, 2nd place: Linguistics, 3rd place: Sociology
§  [GSA]2 – Graduate Student Association Gay-Straight Alliance
LDL mixer on Feb. 9th starting at 6:30: free food and drinks!
Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! vpfs@gsa.ucalgary.ca
§ Third intake deadline is 4:30pm Friday, February 27, 2015
§ Open to All Graduate Students and other campus units
§ Quality Money provides seed funds for initiatives designed to
enhance the student experience. Projects are evaluated based on
four criteria:
§ Fiscal feasibility
§ Whether they meet the objectives of the Eyes High strategy
§ How well they fit within the GSA’s strategic plan
§ The overall impact and the impact on grad students
§ An updated version of the handbook and application form will be
on the GSA website in the next few days
§ The Chair of the Finance Standing Committee will be
presenting a mid-year report at the February GRC
§ Also at the February GRC, I will be presenting two important
financial items:
§  Proposed fees for 2015-16
§  Preliminary 2015-16 budget
Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome! Item Description Presenter Materials Time 1 Agenda (For Approval) Speaker: Adam Mitter In package 5:35pm 2 Nov 24th, 2014 Minutes (For approval) Speaker In package 5:37pm 3 GSA 2015-­‐16 Elec4on update Verbal 5:39pm 4 3 year strategic plan process (For
ratification) Break out session: 3 yr. strat. Plan Jeremy Hexham, Chief Returning Officer Sarah Akierman Verbal/In package 5:44pm Mike Webster Verbal/In package 5:54pm Sarah Akierman In package 6:24pm 7 President Report
-­‐ Vote GRC representa4ve for ED hiring commiPee Vice-President (External) Report Chris Carlile In package 6:32pm 8 Vice-President (Academic) Report Cari Gulbransen In package 6:37pm 9 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Danica MacDonald In package 6:42pm 10 Vice-President (Student Life) Report Mike Webster In package 6:47pm 11 Question Period
6:55pm 12 DGA Period
13 Other Business
14 Adjournment of Open Sessions
5 6 Please join us in the LDL aTer GRC! – all graduate students are welcome!