THE GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG ASSOCIATION OF WA (INC) GSDA of WA Headquarters, Passmore Street, Southern River th 27 State Breed Exhibition 9:00am 18 t h & 19 t h April 2015 CLOSING DATES FOR ENTRIES 23rd March 2015 As per CAWA Regulation B19, entries post-marked after closing date will not be accepted. rd Senior Obedience 23 March 2015 Obedience Trial entries post-marked after closing date will not be accepted (Trials Classes) (CAWA Reg B19). th Junior Obedience 30 March 2015 Late Junior Obedience entries will not (Training Classes) be eligible for any awards and will be listed separately. Entries: GSDA of WA HQ Club House, Passmore Street on Sundays. The Entry Box is available in the Dog Shop until 12 noon. or Post to J Boekelman 5 Shepherd Court, Harrisdale 6112, WA (08) 9398 6439 Conformation (Show Classes) CHIEF STEWARD: John Glenny CAWA No: 6007163380 JUDGES Long Stock Coat and Stock Coat Classes Baby, Junior Open – Bitches (LSC & SC) Intermediate – Dogs & Bitches (LSC & SC) Minor & Puppy - Dogs & Bitches (LSC & SC) Mrs Honey Gross-Richardson Baby, Junior & Open – Dogs & Bitches (LSC & SC) Sires and Dams Progeny Groups and Breeders Groups will be judged by the WA Panel of Breed Surveyors / Specialist Conformation Judges. CONFORMATION: Bruce Knight Robyn Knuckey Natalie Humphries OBEDIENCE Junior: (Training Classes) Pre-Kindy Advanced Pre-Kindy Kindy Class One Karen Westmacott Diane Webb Jean McCowan Kym Glenny OBEDIENCE Senior: Dr Amanda Bowen (Trial Classes) CCD/Novice/Open/Utility/Utility Excellent *Double Handling of German Shepherd Dogs is permitted at this Show * (ANKC Ltd REG5_shows_14.2) Youth Showmanship Classes: LADY OBEDIENCE HANDLER: To be announced Dr Amanda Bowen The GSDA of WA (Inc) reserves the right to reallocate a named judge for any reason where necessary, as per CAWA regulation B16.6. CONFORMATION AND OBEDIENCE CLASSES (Competitive) CLASSES FOR CONFORMATION Long Stock Coats and Stock Coat Classes: Baby Puppy dog and bitch under 6 calendar months Minor Puppy dog and bitch 6 and under 9 calendar months Puppy dog and bitch 9 and under 12 calendar months Junior dog and bitch 12 and under 18 calendar months Intermediate dog and bitch 18 and under 24 calendar months Open dog and bitch 2 years and over CLASSES FOR OBEDIENCE: Junior: - Pre-Kindy, Advanced Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Class One. Senior: - CCD, Novice, Open, Utility and UDX SPECIAL CLASSES (Competitive) TOP SHOW & OBEDIENCE TROPHIES CLASSES (see catalogue for full details): Junior – For all animals in Training (Graduation) Classes, i.e. Pre-Kindy to Class One and of any age in any Baby to Open Conformation Classes. Senior – For all animals in Trials (Obedience) Classes, i.e. CCD upwards and over 6 months of age in the Minor to Open Conformation Classes. LADY OBEDIENCE HANDLER CLASS (Entry into this class is free): Dianne Roberts Memorial Competition. Handler will be judged on handling ability only at Novice standard. JUNIOR HANDLERS IN OBEDIENCE: Children between the ages of 7 and 17 years, inclusive, are eligible for this class. It is on a points system on animals entered in the Graduation. Entry into this class is free. JUNIOR HANDLERS IN CONFORMATION (Entry into this class is free): Children between the ages of 7 and 17 years, inclusive, are able to compete in their own conformation class (7 to under 10 years, or 10 to under 13 years, or 13 to under 18 years). They must not take Bitches in season into the competition. They will be judged commensurate with ANKC Junior Handlers and GSDCA Junior Showmanship levels. SIRES’ PROGENY PARADE (Automatic entry - please see Catalogue): Judged by a Panel of Breed Surveyors / Specialist Conformation Judges. DAMS’ PROGENY PARADE (Automatic entry - please see Catalogue): Judged by a Panel of Breed Surveyors / Specialist Conformation Judges. BREEDERS GROUPS (Entry into this class is free – please see Catalogue) : Minimum of 3 progeny from at least 1 dam and 2 different sires, all with same prefix. Judged by a Panel of Breed Surveyors / Specialist Conformation Judges. SPECIAL CLASSES (Non competitive) VETERANS PARADE: For Animals over 7 years of age. Exhibits in the Veteran Class must be entered by close of entries. Please include a resume of the dog’s sire and dam, titles, qualifications and past achievements. Entry into this Class is free. CRITIQUE ONLY CLASS: A critique of your dog by a Breed Specialist Judge(s) will be made available. The assessment is not open to dogs being exhibited in a Conformation Class or have been Breed Surveyed. Please provide a five (5) generation pedigree, if available. ENTRY & FACILITY FEES – All prices are GST inclusive CONFORMATION ENTRY FEES LSC & SC (Per Entry): OPEN DOGS AND BITCHES MINOR PUPPY TO INTERMEDIATE BABY PUPPY DOGS AND BITCHES $22.00 $13.00 $ 7.00 OBEDIENCE & AGILITY ENTRY FEES (Per Entry): JUNIOR OBEDIENCE CLASSES: OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES: CRITIQUE ONLY CLASS: $6.00 (includes Obedience Catalogue) $9.00 (includes Obedience Catalogue) $5.00 (includes Certificate) COMPLETE SBE 2015 CATALOGUE Show/Obedience/Agility Catalogue is ordered and paid for with entries - $5.00 ADVERTISING and DONATIONS Cost of colour advertising in the Catalogue is $50.00 per page. Any Show or Obedience Class may be sponsored at a cost of $50 per Class. All donors will be acknowledged in the Catalogue. Contact Show: Robyn Knuckey 0435 789 442 or email Contact Obedience: Carol-Anne Davies or 9397 0168 PLEASE REMEMBER * If you require a Show Critique Certificate, please indicate on the entry form. * ** All entries must be on an official CAWA (DogsWest) entry form, which are available from our Dog Shop at HQ and at our Otago Park Training Venue. ** IMPORTANT NOTES The GSDA of WA (Inc) reserves the right to realloc ate a named judge for any reason where necessary, as per CAWA regulation B16.6. The State Breed Exhibition will be a BYO event. No bar facilities available. For all entries (show, agility & obedience), only the Canine Association of WA (Dogswest)’s “Official Show Entry Form” is to be used. The State Breed Exhibition Committee will make available spare copies in the “dog shop” at the GSDA of WA HQ (club house) and Otago Park on Sunday mornings. A copy of your dog’s five (5) generation pedigree is required for all Junior, Intermediate and Open classes in Conformation (Show) section of the SBE. Excellent Gradings (Conformation): To be eligible for the Excellent grading, all dogs and bitches must be successfully Breed Surveyed, with A & Z stamp, and entered in the Open Class. All animals in the Open Classes will be gun tested and are required to gait off lead. Excellent Medallions in Trial Classes require a 190, or more, points score. Critique Certificates, if pre-requested, will only be issued after the event. Trophies are awarded for: Top Show and Obedience (Junior & Senior), Top Obedience (Junior & Senior), and Triple Crown. CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 1 The State Breed Exhibition is for members of the GSDA of WA (Inc) and members of the German Shepherd Dog Clubs affiliated with The German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia. 2 A separate form is required for each Class entered, i.e. if a dog is entered in both obedience and show, a separate entry form is required for each Class. 3 Exhibitors are requested to show their dog’s titles, Breed Survey classification, HD and Elbow classification and H-neg where applicable for males, on the entry form so that they can be included in the catalogue. 4 A five (5) generation pedigree must be included with all Junior, Intermediate and Open entries for classes in conformation. Please show Sire and Dam on entries. If you do not know the Sire and Dam or have a five (5) generation pedigree please contact the dog’s breeder for this information. 5 All animals will automatically be catalogued in Sires’ and Dams’ Progeny Parade Classes and are expected to attend (refer to the catalogue). 6 The Ring Steward shall mark absent any exhibit, which is not present when the class enters the ring. As per CAWA regulation B23.3.5. 7 Bitches in oestrum (season) may be shown in their Conformation Class(s), but may not participate in Obedience. 8 Withers (shoulder) height must be given on entry form for Open, Utility and UDX Obedience exhibits. 9 The GSDA of WA (Inc) reserves the right to appoint a substitute/reserve judge, should the named Judge be unavailable or for any necessary reason. 10 The GSDA of WA (Inc) does not accept responsibility for errors or omissions that may occur in the published critiques.
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