Nbre Nom de l'entreprise ATIMA-TPIM Forme E MAIL juridiqu participants e mission S.A. 1 S.A. 2 COCKERILL MAINTENANCE & INGENIERIE - SECTEUR ENERGY( B.U.E. HRS) 3 GILLAM - F.E.I. 4 GRAUX S.A. S.A. thierry.vande rveck@tpim. be Qui vient ? Site internet Thierry Vanderveck www.atima-tpim.be Sales and Technical Manager - Division Plastics & Composites melissa.fortu nato@cmigro upe.com; aldo.gressani @cmigroupe. com; celine.nysse n@cmigroup e.com Aldo Gressani Technical Director jmerlo@gilla m-fei.be; tcasul@gilla m-fei.be (Mr Merlo vient finalement seul) Jean Merlo Business Development Manager j.chanteux@ graux.be; Julien Chanteux Directeur Prénom Directeur Nom Directeur E-mail Directeur Arcelor-Mittal, AEG, Schneider, Airbus, etc… Serge de Radiguès www.cmigroupe.co m Aldo GRESSANI www.gillam-fei.be J.P. CHISOGNE dleonard@gilla m-fei.be; jpchisogne@gill am-fei.be www.graux.be Marc Relevant client references et/ou remarques aldo.gressani@ EDF, Electrabel, Siemens, GE, Westinghouse, cmigroupe.com etc… Relevant client references for the product "ATE": Some examples of realizations: ATE LCV L-Band Frequency Converter, ATE MFGU Master Frequency Generation Unit, ATE DRO/CRO (Dielectric & Coaxial Resonator Oscillators, 50GHz), etc Also Launcher simulator unit equipment, Test benches for aircraft countermeasure system, etc Rlevant client references for Automate RTU Equipments : ERDF, Sibelga Belgium, Brussels National Airport Belgium, Tecteo Belgium, etc.... CHANTEUX m.chanteux@gr Safran, Dassault, Saint-Gobain, Arcelor, IBA, aux.be AGC, …. Numéro Profiles and/or Description of products/services/expertise on offer d'immatricul for the CERN ation de voiture Description of products/services/expertise on offer for the CERN: We produce technical pieces from plastics, composites or heatresisting materials according to customer’s specifications and/or drawings. The applications are mainly wear parts, electric and/or thermal insulation parts, arc-resisting parts, etc. Voici aussi le lien d’une vidéo de notre société : http://www.atima-tpim.be/EN/Atima_En.mp4 Concurrent de Resarm Engineering Plastic S.A. Atima-TPIM se démarque avec des produits exclusifs dans le domaine d'isolation thermique et résistance à l'arc électrique. Une de nos forces est d'usiner le Graphique. Description of products/services/expertise on offer for the CERN: CMI – Cockerill Maintenance & Engineering. a Growing International Group” Expertise in Maintenance & Engineering. In France, the nuclear operator EDF has launched replacement campaigns of CRGTs (Control Rod Guide Tubes – RPV upper internal parts). CMI designs and supplies the containers for 1 or 33 CRGTs (depicted here: the 33 tubes version). The CRGTs are activated and need some packaging for storage at site, transport, that can act as a biological protection as the containers are handled outside the controlled areas. Technical challenge: design drying system of the containers (as CRGTs are retrieved and placed in the containers underwater). "Nous avons aussi répondu à des solicitations dans le cadre du projet ITER dans les domaines qui nous correspondent, gestions, assemblage et travaux sur site de composants tels que le cryostat, les lignes de cryogénie, d'autes systèmes de tuyauteries." Description of products/services/expertise on offer for the CERN: ATE Automated Test System Equipments: Please refer to the datasheet and the power point presentation. 1/ 2/ Automate RTU Equipments: Please refer to the datasheets Description of products/services/expertise on offer for the CERN: Thanks to strong qualified welders (ongoing ISO3834 certification) and a recent machining workshop with a wide range of capabilities, GRAUX is able to manufacture turnkey machines or mechanical assemblies that are designed by an engineering department of its customer or by a partner. Specialized for prototyping or one-piece-machine, GRAUX realizes special machines or special assemblies for all kind of industry: medical, aeronautics, chemistry, environment, glass industry, metallurgy. Carbon steels, Stainless steels, non-ferrous metals, duplex, Inconel or other metals are worked out by GRAUX. Following its moto “Cooperate to last”, GRAUX is a real partner which aims to exchange its know-how with its customers in order to optimize each concept and make it real with the best cost-quality ratio. 5 MAYEKAWA Division EUROPE S.A./N.V toshio- yagitani@may ekawa.co.jp paul.janssens @mayekawa. eu bert.meyncke ns@mayekaw a.eu Toshio Yagitani CEO Paul Janssens Manager Process Division Bert Meynckens Manager Service Division www.mayekawa.eu Eric DELFORGE eric.delforge@m CERN,Max Planck, CEA, Iter, JT60, etc… (notre ayekawa.eu contact : Sales Engineer) Bien que la Société soit fortement importante, nous avons reçu un bref "Company Profile" de leurs produits/concepts/expertises exprimant ceci : Helium compression units : design, production, commissioning, service. Vous trouverez donc plus de détails sur leur site internet très complet : www.mayekawa.eu 6 POLMANS S.A. sa.polmans@ Daniel Polmans - www.polmans.be Administrateur polmans.be; Délégué et dpolmans@p Emmanuel Polmans olmans.be; cmarechal@ Responsable Atelier polmans.be; S.A. 7 RESARM ENGINEERING PLASTICS josette.deson niaux@resar m.com; info@resarm. com 8 SCALCO MECANIQUE PRODUCTION S.P.R.L. smp@smp- 9 TECHNORD S.A. scalco.be Daniel POLMANS dpolmans@pol mans.be René GAILLARD rene.gaillard@re Attention : Concurrent de ATIMA-TPIM, société où Description of products/services/expertise on offer for the CERN: sarm.com Monsieur Gaillard travaillait avant Resarm Manufacturing and machining of every composites and industrial Engineering thermoplastics. Specific applications in the fields of electrical, thermal and cryogenic insulation but also in the mechanical industry, in anticorrosion … Créée en 1971, RESARM Engineering Plastics S.A., filiale d'un groupe franco-allemand, a su, au cours des années, gravir les échelons de l'expérience dans l'usinage et la fabrication de pièces en plastiques techniques et en matériaux composites. Ayant pris son indépendance en 2003 et développé encore plus son savoir faire, RESARM Engineering Plastics S.A., est donc un important fabricant de toutes pièces de hautes technologies dans ces matériaux spécifiques. Resarm Engineering Plastics is a vibrant manufacturer of parts and assemblies in thermoplastics, stratified, composite and high technology materials. These are machined in our state-of-the-art workshops to customers' drawings within very strict tolerances. We also provide semi-finished products such as plates, blocks, tubes, bars and profiles. smp@smpAMOS; TECHSPACE; SONACA; ENERCON; Description des produits et des activités: scalco.be HANSEN TRANSMISSIONS MANUFACTURING OF PROTOTYPES AND SMALL SERIES OF PARTS, IN THE GENERAL ACTIVITIES OF MECHANICS OF PRECISION, SHOOTING,REAMING 5 AXES, RECTIFICATION, ELECTON DISCHARGE MACHINING, MECHANIC-WELD AND ASSEMBLY ON CONSTRUCTION SITE OF THE REALIZED SETS. René Gaillard Administrateur Délégué - CEO www.resarm.com André Scalco Gérant www.smp-scalco.be André www.technord.com sdo@technor Jean Philippe d.com; Vermeulen jpv@technor Ingénieur de Vente et d.com; Rémy Sagot Responsable rsa@technor Commercial France et d.com Suisse Philippe SCALCO FOUCART CERN, IBA, AMOS, Techspace Aero, Spatiopôle Liège, Sonaca, Snecma Pharmaceutical Specialty Chem. : GlaxoSmithKline, Baxter, Pfizer, UCB, NextPharma, Fenwal, LFB, Chanel, IBA, Sanofi Aventis, Aseptic Technologies, Maco Pharma, BD, Sanofi Pasteur, Stallergenes, Arkopharma, Lilly, NnePharmaplan. Boccard, Novasep, Foster Wheeler, SNC Lavalin, Total, Bayer, Basf, Imperator, Syngenta, Solvay, Galactic, Johnson Matthey Food & Beverages : Groupe Lactalis, Nestlé, De Smet, Meura, Coca-Cola, Délifrance, Saint Louis Sucre, Menissez, Desobry, Moët & Chandon, Lustucru, Blédina, Danone Mining and Quarries : Holcim, CBR, CCB, Lhoist, Cimescaut, Ciments de Guinée SA, Magotteaux, Cemengal SA, Polysius, Fives, Sibline, Balthazard&Cotte, Siniat, Etex, Lafarge Glass industry : CNUD EFCO, AGC, Saint-Gobain, G, New Couquelet Engineering, AGC Asahi Glass, Schott, Iran Float Glass CO, GEA Environment Energy Telecom : ORES, Electrabel, VOO, Elia, IPALLE, W Scté Wallonne des eaux, Belgacom, Sibelga, IDeTA Agence Intercommunale de développement Others : SNCF, TEC, Caterpillar, Mactac, Vesuvius, Tel Sytral, Keolis, ArcelorMittal, Drever Intl, Alcan Packaging, Aerolia, Nexans Nous sommes spécialisés dans la mécanique de précision depuis plus de 40 ans. Notre activité s'étend dans des secteurs très divers comme le médical, le pharmaceutique, l'industrie navale, le spatial, l'armement, l'industrie, la réalisation de moule et l'injection plastique. Nous travaillons déjà pour le CERN depuis plusieurs années. Vous pouvez consulter notre site internet www.polmans.be voiture de Monsieur Scalco immatriculée en Belgique : 1JAV189 Certifications • ISO 9001:2000 • VCA Petrochimie Norm’s applications: GAMP S.A Vincent.bergh Vincent Berghmans - www.jema.be mans@jema. International Sales be Manager Jean CRAHAY jean.crahay@je Ion Beam Applications, CERN (Klystron ma.be Modulators for LINAC4), SHI Japan, Riken (RARE RI-Ring), GANIL, CNRS, CPO / institute CURIE, Arcelor Mittal, CEELEC, IMEC 11 KARL HUGO S.A frederic.desill e@karlhugo.c om Berd Hugo berd.hugo@karl Siemens, IBA, Miele, GSK, SCK-CEN, IRE-ELIT… Highly skilled workshop for mechanical & welded parts, subassemblies, hugo.com special machinery and production lines. In-house engineering department (2D & 3D design, risk analysis, CE documentation, material stress analysis…). On-site services (commissioning…). Thank you to look at their confidential presentation made for the CERN www.karlhugo.com voiture de Monsieur Gaillard immatriculée en Belgique : 1HEN894 Description of products/services/expertise on offer for the CERN: TECHNORD from electrical engineering to industrial computing ! Business areas: TECHNORD is an industrial integrator specialized in : • Industrial Electricity and electromechanical activities • Process Control, automation and networks • Industrial Data Computing • Optical fibres and networks infrastructures 10 JEMA Frédéric Desille Business Development Manager voiture de Monsieur Polmans immatriculée en Belgique : 1GHB074 High performance DC power supplies (HPPS), special AC waveforms PS, for particles accelerators (cyclotron, linear ) and beam lines applications. Performances till 1.4 MW, 30 KV (DC), 10.000 A (DC), stabilized to a variation of only a few parts per million of the nominal current. AC//DC modular convertors/ type CIME Module - MOSAIC System Manufacturing of Klystrons modulators Dry electrical transformers (taylor-made till 700 KVA) voiture de Monsieur Desille immatriculée en Belgique : 1-HFS-042
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