KAIVALYADHAMA S.M.Y.M. SAMITI, GORDHANDAS SEKSARIA COLLEGE OF YOGA & CULTURAL SYNTHESIS (Recognized by the Ministry of Education , Government of India As an All India Institute of Higher Education (Since 1962) Grant in Aid by Ministry of HRD, Government of India and Department of Higher & Technical Education Govt. of Maharashtra) (SYLLABUS-PROSPECTUS-2015) Swami Kuvalayananda Marg, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla. Dist.-Pune- 410403, Email- info@kdham.com, Pls. log on to www.kdham.com Phone- 02114-273001, 273039, Fax No. 02114-271983 DIPLOMA IN YOGA EDUCATION (D.Y.Ed) I PAPER: PATANJALA YOGA SUTRA(PYS) 62 Lectures UNIT SUB-UNIT TOPICS Concept of Yoga Darshan Introduction Sankhya Relation Patanjala Yoga Sutra Concept of Chitta Concept of Ishvara Chittavikshepas ( antarayas) Concept of Samadhi Dip. I Conceptual Understanding of Sadhanapada Concept & Practice of Eight-Fold Path Kriyayoga Kleshas Chaturvyuha Yoga-anga-abhyasa Yoga-anga-anushthana Viveka-khyati Ritambhara-prajna Saptabhumi-prajna Yamas Niyama Asanas Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhi Samyama Patanjala Yoga Sadhana SUB-TOPICS Introduction of Yoga Meaning & Definition of Yoga Indian philosophy Orthodox and Heterodox Evolution theory of Sankhya Satkaryavada Sankhya & Patanjala Yoga Sutra Traditional commentaries Other related commentaries Structure of Chitta Chittabhumis Chittavrittis Nirodhopaya- Abhyasa Practice of Ishvarapranidhana Methods for Chittaprasadana Samprajnata, Asamprajnata Samapatti, Nirbija Samadhi Concept and practices of Kriya Yoga Concept of Kleshas and their remedy Heya ,Heyahetu ,Han and Hanaopay Concept and practice Concept and practice Concept and practice Concept and practice Concept and practice Concept and Practice Concept and Practice Concept and Practice Concept and Practice Concept and Practice Concept and Practice Concept and Practice Concept and Practice Concept and Practice Concept and Practice HRS. 11 Hrs. 16 Hrs. 15 Hrs. 20 Hrs. 62 Hrs II PAPER: YOGIC TEXTS (62 Lecture) UNIT SUB-UNIT TOPICS Concept of Yoga Introduction and Pre-requisites Important Hathayoga Texts & their salient features Concepts for Yoga Practitioners Sadhaka (Facilitating ) Badhaka ( Obstructing Factors) Dip. II Asana Asannas & Shodhan Kriyas in Yoga Cleansing processes Pranayama / Kumbhaka and Bandhas Pranayama SUB-TOPICS Definitions Schools of Yoga Hath Yoga 1.Tradition 2.Brief Introduction 3.Eminent Hathayogis of Nath Cult Siddha-siddhanta Paddhati Goraksha Shataka Shiva Samhita Hathapradipika Gheranda Samhita Ideal place, Ideal hut Types of Aspirants Concept of Mitahara Concept of Pathya Concept of Apathya Concept of Badhaka Factors Antiquity Definitions Classification Hathaapradipika Gheranda Samhita Importance Shuddhi kriya Pancha Karma Hathapradipika Gheranda Samhita Evolution Components Importance of three bandhas & Its appropriate applications. Yukta- Ayukta Concepts in Hathayoga 1.Kanda and Nadi 2.NadiShodhana Pranayama NadiShodhana Pranayama 1.Hathapradipika HRS. 4 Hrs. 2 Hrs. 4 Hrs. 2 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 4 Hrs. 5 Hrs. 17 Hrs. Eight Kumbhakas Kundalini & Mudra,Dharana/ Dhyana Nadanusandhana,Svarodaya-YOGA 2.Gheranda Samhita Hathaprdipika Gheranda Samhita Special studies 1.Suryabhedana 2.Ujjayi 3.Bhramari 4.Bhastrikaand 5.Keval / kevali Concept of Kundalini & Mudra Concept of kundalini and its arousal Importance and purpose of Mudras Mudras in Hathapradipika Mudras in Gherand Smhita Concept Dharana Dharana in hathayoga Five Dharanas Concept of Pratyahara Concept of Marmasthanas Dhyana with special reference to Gheranda Samhita Concept and technique of Samadhi in Gheranda Samhita Concept of Nadanusandhana stages of Nadanusandhana Importance of Svarodaya Jnana in with special reference to Shiva Svarodaya Relevance of svara jnana in health and disease. Concept Dhyana Nadanusandhana Shiva Svarodaya 7 Hrs. 4 Hrs. 10 Hrs. III PAPER: CULTURAL SYNTHESIS AND VALUE EDUCATION (62 Lecture) UNIT SUB-UNIT TOPICS Yoga and Culture Dip. III Yoga and Culture Yoga and Indian Culture Yoga and Philosophy Dip. III Yoga and Philosophy Yoga and Philosophy : Shad Darsahnas Yoga and Modern Indian Yogis- their contribution in the field of Yoga Religion Diversity in Religion Mysticism Dip. III Yoga and Value Education Yoga and Value Education SUB-TOPICS Various Definitions Understanding Civilization Relation: Culture and Civilization Yoga , Culture and Humanitarianism Culture- Indian and Western- a brief introduction Salient features of Indian Culture Indian Culture and Yoga Introduction to Philosophy-Indian and Western Characteristics Indian Philosophy Brief Introduction of Six Darsahnas HRS. 20 Hrs. Samkhya and Yoga- Concept of soul, bondage and Liberation. Role of Yoga in Indian Philosophy Sri Aurobindo- contribution in the field of Yoga. Swami Vivekananda-contribution in the field of Yoga. Swami Kuvalayananda-contribution in the field of Yoga. Concept of religion: meaning and Significance Yoga and Buddhism Yoga and Islam Yoga and Christianity Yoga & Mysticism Concept of Value- nature and role Classification of Values Indian traditional classification of Values- Purushartha and Panchakosha Values and Education Rationale of Value Education Meaning of Value Education Aims and Objectives of Value Education Content of Value Education Role of teacher in Value Education Methods of Value Education Yoga as a Method of Value EducationContribution of Ashtanga Yoga With reference to Yama and Niyama Contribution of Hathayoga with ref. to a few asanas Contribution of Kriyayoga- Tapa, Swadhyay, and Ishwerpranidhan towards Value Education 20 Hrs. 22 Hrs. IV PAPER: STRUCTURE & FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN BODY & EFFECTS OF YOGA PRACTICES ON IT (No. of Lecture:62) UNIT SUB-UNIT TOPICS SUB-TOPICS HRS. Meaning of the subject Introduction to Anatomy and physiology Meaning of the basic terms Importance of the subject Yoga in view of anatomy and physiology Anatomy of the digestive organs Physiology of digestion. Digestive system Factors affecting digestion 4 Hrs. Concept of yogic diet Comparison with modern science. Anatomy of the respiratory organs. Mechanism of ventilation. Respiratory system Regulation of respiration 6 Hrs. Lung capacity and related terms Importance of respiratory muscles. Anatomy of the heart and blood vessels DIP-IV Circulatory system Physiology of circulation. concept of blood pressure 3 Hrs. Factors affecting blood pressure. Functions and properties of muscles Types of muscles. Muscular system Types of stretching and contraction. 7 Hrs. Anatomy of regional muscles Types of movements. Functions, properties of bones Unit-2 Skeletal system Types of bones and joints Anatomy of Vertebral column 4 Hrs. Anatomy of thoracic cage and pelvis. Anatomy of urinary system Urogenital system Physiology of urine formation and excretion Anatomy of genital system. Physiology of menstruation 2 Hrs. Factors affecting menstruation. Anatomy of nervous system. Neuro-endocrine system Physiology of brain functioning. Anatomy of endocrine glands 2 Hrs. Neuroendocrine axis. Concept of yama Yama- Niyama-scientific view concept of niyama Cultivation of correct psychological attitude 1 Hrs. Psychophysical reconditioning. DIPIV Physiology of asana. Asana-scientific view Types of asana Explanation of fundamental asanas 10 Hrs. Precautions during asanas. Psychophysiological effect of pranayama. Unit-3 Pranayama-mudra- scientific view Types of pranayama Advancement in pranayama 8 Hrs. Importance of mudra. Importance of kriya. Kriya- scientific view Physiology of each kriya. Precautions during kriya. 5 Hrs. Researches in kaivalyadhama about kriya. Concept of pratyahara. Pratyahara and meditation- scientific view meaning of dharana-dhyana Research in meditation 2 Hrs. Techniques about meditation. Concept of nadi. Concept of chakras Nadi-chakra concept. Concept of prana. 2 Hrs. References about awakening-traditional Unit-4 Scientific interpretation and its limitations Cortico-limbic balance Samadhi and klesha (health and disease) Limbico-endocrine balance Endocrine-metabolic balance 1 Hrs. Intracellular balance Meaning of klesha and Antaraya. Meaning of yoga injury Causes of injuries Injuries due to faulty yogic practices. Some common injuries during asana 1 Hrs. Some common injuries during pranayama some common injuries in kriya Pathophysiology of stress. Psychosomatic complications about stress Yoga for stress management How to overcome acute stress 1 Hrs. Strategy to overcome chronic stress Yogic life to prevent complications. Obesity and its management Diabetes and its management. Yoga for metabolic disorder DIPIV Hypertension and its management 2 Hrs. IHd and its management. Yoga therapy for arthritis. Unit-5 To overcome musculoskeletal injuries in asana Yoga to cure postural deformity. Yoga therapy for musculoskeletal disorder Yoga to prevent joint degeneration 2 Hrs. Yoga to prevent osteoporosis Yoga to strengthen particular joints. Yoga during pregnancy. Yoga during menopause Yoga in various gynecological conditions Yoga to manage PCOD. 1 Hrs. Yoga to mange menstrual disturbances . Concept of Garbhasamskara. 62 Hrs. YOGA & MENTAL HEALTH (62 LECTURE) UNIT SUB-UNIT TOPICS Evolution of Psychology SUB-TOPICS HRS. A brief Introduction to Yoga Introduction to Psychology Similarities and dissimilarities between the 1.Science of Yoga & 2.Science of Psychology Psychology and Health in the context of yoga 17 Hrs. Psychological definition of Yoga Psychology & Yoga Its advantages and limitations Definition of Health: psychological & Yogic perspectives Definition of Mental Health & Mental Hygiene & Total Health Normality in Yoga and Psychology Theories and models in Psychology Psychosomatic abnormalities / disorders: i.Freudian approach Normality, Abnormality Personality Integration Concept of Normality ii. Tackling Abnormality through yoga as therapy ii. Patanjala Yoga Sutra approach Basic Principles of Yoga as therapy as per Patanjala Yoga Sutra Causes and r remedial measures on all existential Disorders :Patanjala Yoga Sutra Remedial measures on all existential Disorders 1.Laghu Yoga Vasishtha and Hathapradipika Personality Development and yoga Normality, Abnormality Personality Integration Personality Integration Modern theories of personality, nature & nurture Indian approach to personality and personality integration Dip.V 12 Hrs. 10 Hrs. Personal and interpersonal adjustment through yogic methods Psycho-Social Implications of yoga Adjustment Stress Stress Management 1.Niyamas & Yamas Attitude change towards yoga through individualized counseling, Psychological & yogic method Tackling ill effects of conflict and Frustration Yogic methods Yoga Psychology for Adjustment: Psychological, philosophical and yogic counseling. Synthesis between psychology and yoga towards a total Personality Development Concept of stress Modern Psychological A brief account of psycho-physiological and Attitude Forming 08 Hrs. 15 Hrs. Methods 1.Patanjala Yoga Sutra Stress Management Yogic Life Style & Prayer for a Total Self Development Yogic Life Style Prayer Self Development Prayer: a cross–cultural approach To mento-spiritual development Psychology of prayer Benefits of prayer 1.To the yoga Sadhaka 2.To the common man Total Lectures 62 Hrs. PRACTICAL YOGA and Practice Teaching (D.Y.Ed.) ( 700 Hrs.) Besides the above mentioned theory, subjects and practicals, students will also be taught the art of teaching Yoga. Since Yoga is a specialized field, the method of its teaching is also unique. Kalvalyadhama has evolved special methods of teaching yoga hence the subject. This has been further divided into Theroy and Practical Teaching. Unit 1 Introduction: need of practice teaching and its use in yogic practice. Yoga and Yogic practices. Unit 2 Meaning and Scope of Teaching Methods. Sources of Teaching Methods. Presentation techniques: its meaning and relevance in yoga education . Unit 3 Teaching aids: its meaning and need upto the modern time power point ! Class management: its meaning and need. Unit 4 Lesson plan: meaning and need. Preparation of lesson plan in yogic practice. Time allotment in different lesson plans& its importance. Lesson presentation. PRACTICAL YOGA Shavasana Shrishasana Crocodile Practices ( Four variations ) Pavanmuktasana Naukasana Viparitakarani Sarvangasana Matsyasana Halasana Karnapidasana Bhujangasana Shalabhasana Sarpasana Dhanurasana Vakrasana Ardha-Matsyendrasana Paschimatanasana Supta Vajrasana Yoga Mudra Simhasana Gomukhasana Matsyendrasana Mayurasana Kukkutasana Uttana Kurmasana Ushtrasana Gorakshasana Padma - Bakasana Baddha -padmasana Akarmadhanurasana Ugrasana Parvatasana Janushriasana Tolangulasana Muktasana Virasana Natarajasana Vatayanasana Garudasana Shirh-padangusthasana Vajrasana Padmasana Siddhasana Swastikasana Shavasana Makarasana Brahmamudra B.PRANAYAMA 1.Anuloma-viloma 2.Ujjayi 3.Shitali 4.Sitkari 5.Bhastrika 6.Bhramari 7.Suryabhedana 8.Chandrabhedana 9.Murccha (Theory only) 10.Plavini (Theory only) C.BANDHAS AND MUDRAS 1.Jalandhara Bandha 2.Uddiyana Bandha 3.Jicha Bandha 4.Mula Bandha D.KRIYAS 1.Jala Neti 2.Sutra Neti 3.Dhauti (Vamana,Danda,Vastra) 4.Nauli 5.Kapalabhati 6.Aganisara 7.Trataka 8.Shankhaprakachalana Guptasana Sankatasana Uttanamandukasana Vrishabhasana Padangusthasana Garbhasana Bhadrasana Kapotasana Ekpadaskandhasna Chakrasana (Sideward) Chakrasana (Backward) Virkshasana Tadasana Pada - hastasana Utkatasana E.RECITATIONS 1.Pranava Japa 2.Svasti Mantra 3.Rudropasana 4.Savitru Upasana 5.Mahapurushavidya 6.Om Stavana 7. 15th Chapter of shrimad Bagwat Gita F.OTHER PRACTICES 1.Meditation Techniques 2.Suryanamaskar 3.Sukshma Vyayama 4.Kriya Yoga Session-consisting of Pranayama,Mantra,Yoga,Sutra etc. P.G.DIPLOMA IN YOGA THERAPY (P.G.D.Y.T) PAPER I : FOUNDATION OF YOGA- SURVERY (No. of Lectures-50) UNIT SUB-UNIT Yoga TOPICS SUB-TOPICS Historical aspects Origin of yoga Concept of Yoga Development HRS. 7 Hrs. Meaning & Definitions in the light of Upanishads, PYS, Gita,HP, Gh.S. Vedas Upanishads Tradition of Yoga Brief survey DYT I Buddhism 9 Hrs. Jainism Puranas Gita Brief introduction of Gita PYS Brief introduction of PYS Summary of the 18 chapters Summary of 4 chapters 15 Hrs. 16 Hrs. (Conceptual & Practical) Yoga Vasishta(YY) ShivaSvarodaya(SS) Brief introduction of YY Brief introduction of SS Summary of its 6 Prakarana Importance of Science of 8 Hrs. Swara, prana, nadi, & Tattva etc. 55 Hrs. PAPER II : FOUNDATION OF YOGA- SURVERY ( No. of 55 Lectures) UNIT SUB-UNIT DYT II TOPICS Siddh- siddhant paddhati Brief introduction to hath yogic texts Goraksha shatak shiv samhita Hathapradipika Intoduction and prerequisites Gherand samhita Asana Asannas & Shodhan Kriyas in Yoga Cleansing processes Pranayama / Kumbhaka and Bandhas Pranayama Pranayama / Kumbhaka and Bandhas Eight Kumbhakas SUB-TOPICS 1. structure 2 profile and content 3 Importance 1. structure 2 profile and content 3 Importance 1. structure 2 profile and content 3 Importance 1. structure 2 profile and content 3 Importance 1. structure 2 profile and content 3 Importance 1 Antiquity 2 Definitions 3 Classification Hathaapradipika 5 Gheranda Samhita 1Importance 2 Shuddhi kriya 3 Pancha Karma 4 Hathapradipika 2.B.5 Gheranda Samhita 1 Evolution 2 Components 3 Importance of three bandhas & Its appropriate applications. 4 Yukta 5 Ayukta 6 Concepts in Hathayoga 1.Kanda and Nadi 2.NadiShodhana Pranayama 7 NadiShodhana Pranayama 1.Hathapradipika 2.Gheranda Samhita 1 Hathaprdipika,Gheranda Samhita,Special studies 1.Suryabhedana 2.Ujjayi HRS. 6 Hrs. 4 Hrs. 6 Hrs. 9 Hrs. 2 Hrs. 3.Bhramari 4.Bhastrikaand 5.Keval / kevali Concept of Kundalini & Mudra Gheranda samhita Five Dharanas Concept of Pratyahara Concept of Marmasthanas Dhyana with special reference to Gheranda Samhita Concept and technique of Samadhi in Gheranda Samhita Concept of nadanusandhana stages of nadanusandhana Importance of Svarodaya Jnana in with special reference to Shiva Svarodaya relevance of svara jnana in health and disease. Introduction to Indian Philosophical Literature Role / Place of Bhagwat Gita in Indian Philosophical / Spiritual Literature Yoga in Bhagwat Gita Various forms of Yoga in Bhagwat Gita Concept of Health in General Concept of Health in Bhagwat Gita Health and Healing in Bhagwat Gita Therapeutic significance of Bhagwat Gita Introduction to Patanjala Yoga Sutra Philosophy of Life in Patanjala Yoga Sutra Nature of Yoga in Patanjala Yoga sutra With reference to Ashanga Yoga With reference to Kriya Yoga Concept of Health and Healing in Patanjala Yoga Sutra Introduction to Hatha Yogic Texts Concept of Health in Hathapradipika Therapeutical Significance of Hathapradipika Chapter V Therapeutical Significance with reference to Cleansing process Therapeutical Significance with reference to Asanas Therapeutical Significance with reference to Dharana and Dhyana Shiva Samhita Therapeutically Significance of Concept of Vighnas Health, Healing and Chakradhyana in Shiva Samhita Concept Dharana Kundalini & Mudra Nadanusandhana Svarodaya-YOGA Mudra Concept Dhyana Nadanusandhana Shiva Svarodaya Therapeutic references from Bhagwat Gita Bhagwat Gita Therapeutic references from PYS Patanjala Yoga Sutra Therapeutic references from Hatayogic Texts Hathapradipika Therapeutic references from Hatayogic Texts: Gheranda samhita Therapeutic references from Concept of kundalini and its arousal Importance and purpose of Mudras Mudras in Hathapradipika Mudras in Gherand Smhita 7 Hrs. 4 Hrs. 4 Hrs. 2 Hrs. 2 Hrs. 2 Hrs. Conducive and non-conducive factors towards health The Philosophical base – Idealistic / non-dualistic Concept of health in Yoga Vasistha Therapeutical implications of Seven Bhumis (stages) Introduction to Shiva Svarodaya Concept of Health in Shiva Svaroday Breath control as a Means of achieving wellbeing Reflections on knowledge of Death in Shiva Svarodaya Hatayogic Texts : Shiva Samhita Therapeutic references from Yoga Vasistha Yoga Vasistha Therapeutic references from Shiva Svarodaya Shiva Svarodaya 3 Hrs. 4 Hrs. 55 a Yoga Therapy-I ( No. of Lecture-55) Semester Unit Topics Introduction to Anatomy and physiology Digestive system SEMI-I Respiratory system Circulatory system Unit-2 Muscular system Subtopics Meaning of the subject Meaning of the basic terms Importance of the subject Yoga in view of anatomy and physiology Anatomy of the digestive organs Physiology of digestion. Factors affecting digestion Concept of yogic diet Comparison with modern science. Anatomy of the respiratory organs. Mechanism of ventilation. Regulation of respiration Lung capacity and related terms importance of respiratory muscles. Anatomy of the heart and blood vessels Physiology of circulation. concept of blod pressure Factors affecting blood pressure. Functions and properties of muscles Types of muscles. Types of stretching and contraction. Anatomy of regional muscles Lecture 1 Hr. 3Hrs 8 Hrs. 2Hrs 8Hrs Skeletal system Urogenital system Unit-2 Neuro-endocrine system Unit-3 Yama- Niyama-scientific view Asana-scientific view Pranayama-mudra- scientific view Kriya- scientific view Pratyahara and meditation- scientific view Types of movements. Functions, properties of bones Types of bones and joints Anatomy of Vertebral column Anatomy of thoracic cage and pelvis. Anatomy of urinary system Physiology of urin formation and excretion Anatomy of genital system. Physiology of menstruation Factors affecting menstruation. Anatomy of nervous system. Physiology of brain functioning. Anatomy of endocrine glands Neuroendocrine axis. Concept of yama concept of niyama Cultivation of correct psychological attitude Psychophysical reconditioning. Physiology of asana. Types of asana Explanation of fundamental asanas Precautions during asanas. Psychophysiological effect of pranayama. Types of pranayama Advancement in pranayama Importance of mudra. Importance of kriya. Physiology of each kriya. Precautions during kriya. Researches in kaivalyadhama about kriya. Concept of pratyahara. meaning of dharana-dhyana Research in meditation Techniques about meditation. Concept of nadi, chakras 5Hrs 2Hrs 2 Hrs. 2 Hrs. 10Hrs. 5Hrs 4Hrs 2Hrs 1Hr SEMI-II Unit-4 Concept of chakras Concept of prana, References about awakening-traditional Scientific interpretation and its limitations Nadi-chakra concept. 55Hrs. * Yoga Therapy-II ( 55 Lecture) Semester Unit Topics Subtopics Hrs. 1.Definition by WHO 2. Psychophysical view Concept of Health 3. Yogic view 1 Hrs. 4. Ayurvedic view. 5. Co-relation in between them. 1. Modern view Concept of Disease Unit-1 2.Ayurvedic view 3. Yogic view 1 Hrs. 4. Scientific co-relation. 1.Definition -of therapy- modern view 2. Definition of therapy- Ayurvedic view Concept of Yoga Therapy 3.Meaning of Yoga- as a therapy 1 Hrs. 4.Meaning of Yoga- is a therapy. SEMI-I 5. Significance and limitations. 1. Cultivation of- Yogic Attitude Swami Kuvalayananda,s approach to Therapy . 2. Psychophysical reconditioning 1 Hrs. 3.Explanation of above in detail. 1.Definition of stress- modern view Acute stress 2. Symptoms of acute stress 3.Yogic definition 1 Hrs. 4. Signs described in Yoga-Sutras. Unit-2 1.Study of OM. 2. Breathing techniques. Yogic management of Acute stress 3. Chittaprasadana 4. Relaxative asanas 5. Other yogic practices. 2 Hrs. 1.Insomnia 2. Irritable bowel syndrome Complications of chronic stress 3.Constipation 4 Hrs. 4.Migraine 5.Muscular pains. 1. Relaxation techniques Yogic management of chronic stress symptoms 2. Study of skillful asanas 3.Realization-Self analysis 1 Hrs. 4. Rehabilitation. 1.Definition of depression 2.Symptoms and signs Management of Depression 3. Bipolar mechanism 1 Hrs. 4. Psychotherapy. 5. Yogic management. 1.Physiology and psychology 2. Mood disturbances Psychological problems of school childrens 3. Phobic mechanism 1 Hrs. 4. Antisocial mechanism Unit-3 5. Yogic management. 1. Definition and characterstics. Adolscent psychological problems 2. Psychophysiological aspect. 3. Stress in Adoloscent students. 1 Hrs. 4. Yogic management. 1. Definition. 2. Signs and symptoms Schezophrenia 3. Complications 1 Hrs. 4. Psychotherapy 5. Yogic management. 1. Causes of obesity 2. Signs and symptoms Unit-4 Obesity Management 3. Complications 4. Diet management. 5. Yogic practices. 2 Hrs 1. Causes. 2. Pathogenesis Hypertension management 3. Signs , symptoms and complications 2 Hrs. 4.Diet and exercise-management 5. Yogic practices to manage the HTN. 1. Causes 2.Pathogenesis Diabetes management 3. Signs, symptoms and complications. 3 Hrs 4.Diet and exercise-management 5.Yogic practices for DM. 1. Gout Gout and other arthritis 2. Rheumatoid arthritis 3. Osteoarthritis 1Hrs 4. Ankolysing spondylitis 1. Anatomy and physiology in detail. Liver problems and management 2. Causes of Hepatitis 3. Drug toxicity 1Hrs 4. Chirhosis 1. Muscular back pain. 2. Acute disc injury Management of low back pain. 3. Spondylosis 3 Hrs 4. Surgical complications 5. Sciatica syndrome Unit-5 1. Anatomy in detail 2. Ligament injuries Management of knee injuries 3. Cartilage degenerations 2 Hrs 4.Osteoarthritis 5. Knee rehabilitation program. 1.Pelvic and thigh muscle spasm. Management of hip injuries 2. Arthritis 3. Ligamental injuries 1Hrs 4. Old age complications Unit-6 Management of Shoulder injuries 1. Rotator cuff injury 2 Hrs 2. Supraspinatus injuries 3. Shoulder dislocations 4.Frozen shoulder 5. Injuries during "shoulder lift" asanas 1. Muscle strain- sprain 2. Acute disc injury Management of cervical pain 3. Chronic multiple disc injuries 2 Hrs 4.Spondylosis 5.Complications and its management. 1. Indigestion and its complications 2. Hyperacidity and ulcers Management of digestive problems 3.Piles and fissures 2 Hrs 4. Chronic pancreatitis 5.Chronic constipation. 1. Chronic sinusitis 2. Allergic Asthama Management of Respiratory problems 3. Bronchitis. 2 Hrs 4.COPD 5. Lung Fibrosis 1. Causes of IHD 2. Pathogenesis Management of Heart disease 3. Signs, symptoms and complications 2 Hrs 4. investigations 5. Yogic management. 1. Menstrual irregularities Unit-7 2. Polycystic ovarian disease Management of female conditions 3. Pregnancy and lactation. 2 Hrs 4.Mewnopause 5. Uterine prolepsis 1. Epilepsy Management of Nervous system diseases 2. Parkinsonism 3.Dementia 4. Post stroke complications 2 Hrs 5, CVS Anamoly. 1. Allergy mechanism Management of immunological diseases 2. Mechanism of Autoimmunity 1 Hrs 3 Yogic approach.. 1. Skin allergies 2. Acne vulgaris Management of skin diseases 3. Eczema 4.Psoriasis 5. Fungal infections 2 Hrs 1. Definition of the term. 2.Causes of injuries Yoga injuries- concept 3 traditional references about injuries. 1Hrs 4. Modern references about injuries 5. Complications of yoga injuries Unit-8 1. Precaution during asana 2. Precaution during pranayama Prevention and management-Yoga injuries 3 Precaution during kriya. 2Hrs. 4. Precaution during bandha- mudra 5.To manage yoga and exercise schedule 1.Yoga - Anusasanam for brain-body 2. Modifications in brain by Yoga. Life style education- Yoga is a therapy 3.Yama- niyama- yogic life style 5 Hrs 4.Emotional education 5. Spiritual education. Total- 55 Hrs. Yoga Research ( No. of Levcture-55) Semester Unit Topics History - Swami Kuvalayananda,s contribution Subtopics Foundation of Kaivalyadhama. Yoga-Mimansa Lecture 2 Hrs. About kriya Fundamental research upto 1966. About Asana 8 Hrs. About pranayama and meditation. Unit-1 About kriya Fundamental research after 1966 About Asana 6 Hrs. About pranayama and Meditation. By Swami kuvalayananda. Philosophicoliteraray research( Kaivalyadhama) By Swami Digamberji 5 Hrs. Others. SEMI-II Psychological research in Kaivalyadhama. Unit-2 Therapeutic research in Kaivalyadhama Unit-3 Outside researches. Therapeutic researches- (outside) Unit-4 Research methodology and Statistics. Before 1966. After1966 Before 1966. After 1966. About kriya About Asana About pranayama and meditation. Psychosomatic disorders Metabolic disorders Musculoskeletal and nervous system diseases. Research Methods & Statistics 5 Hrs. 5 Hrs. 6 Hrs. 6 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 55 Hrs. PSYCHOLOGY AND HEALTH (55 Lecture) UNIT DYT I SUB-UNIT Darshanik bases of yoga therapy: Psychological perspectives TOPICS psychological understanding of Samkhya, Patanjala Yoga and Panchkosha from the therapeutic view point psychological view of normality and yoga therapy DYT I Darsanik bases of yoga thearapy: psychological perspectives Development of yoga as therapy Stress, Anxiety & Functional Disorders in the Context of Patanjala Yoga Sutra & Hathapradipika DYT II Role of Mental dynamics & counselling in yoga therapy DYT II Functional & Emotional SUB-TOPICS HRS. Psychology: Introduction, history. Concept of consciousness and self in psychology. Psychology as a "mental care system". Psychology understanding of Yoga darshana from the view point of Shad darshana. In-depth psychological understanding of Yoga in the Context of Samkhya darshana. In-depth psychological understanding of Yoga in the Context of Taittiriya Aranyaka. In-depth psychological understanding of Yoga in the context of - Models of Normality forwarded by Eminent psychologists. Introduction to the concept of therapy in general and Yoga therapy in particular. Development of therapeutic aspect in Psychology. Development of therapeutic approach in Yoga. Need of yoga a therapy. Mechanism of yoga a therapy. Concept of stress: Psychological understanding. Medical Model of Stress: Modern Theories. Stress, Emotional & Functional Disorders (Medical Perspectives). Anxiety: Psychological Understanding. Relevance of Patanjala Yoga Sutra to Cause of Stress. Relevance of Patanjala Yoga Sutra to Remedies of Stress Hatha Yoga perspectives of "Vyuthitta Citta". Mental dynamics involved in existential disorders as per 5th chapter of Hathapradipika case histories. 7 Hrs. 4 Hrs. 4 Hrs. 5 Hrs. 4 Hrs. Disorders In the Context of Psychology, Yogic Texts, Counseling & Personality Possible "collaborative synthesis" between yoga and Psychotherapy in the treatment of existential disorders. Stress management strategies in psychology. Stress management strategies as inferred from PYS Personality dynamics & physiological make-up in the context of Yoga Therapy. Functional & Emotional Disorders In the Context of Psychology, Yogic Texts, Counseling & Personality DYT III Physiological mechanism- Underlying StressResponse, Oxidative stress. Personality: Concept, Origin, History of Its 4 Hrs. Development. Psychology in the context of Yoga Darshana. Concept of Personality as inferred from "Pancha Kosha" & its therapeutic implications. Approach to Personality & Experiential Phenomena in the Context of Yoga Therapy Concept of Personality as inferred from "Samkhya" & its therapeutic implications. Concept of Personality as inferred from "Patanjala Yoga Sutra" & its therapeutic implications. Experiential Phenomena in Yoga: Concept & Scriptural root. 6 Hrs. Psycho-physiological implications. Implications for Psychosomatic (functional) disorders. Experiential Phenomena in Yoga: Implications for a better yoga pursuit. Experiential Phenomena in Bhagwad Gita: Implications for better Emotional & Spiritual Health. Personality Dynamics & Experiential Phenomena in Yoga Therapy as per Yogic Texts. Abnormal Psychology in the context of Abnormal Psychology: As a Science of Abnormal 4 Hrs. Yoga Therapy. Behaviour & its Remedies. III.B.2 Old & Modern taxonomy of Abnormal Behaviour Pattern. Understanding of Psycho-neuroticism, Psychoticism, Socially aberrant behaviour, Organic deficiency in aberrant behaviour. In-Depth understanding of psycho-neuroticism & the role of remedial methods in psychology. In-Depth understanding of Psychoticism & the role of remedial methods in psychology. In-Depth understanding of Socially Aberrant behaviour as in Psychopaths & Sociopaths & remedial methods in Psychology. DYT III Personality Dynamics & Experiential Phenomena in Yoga Therapy as per Yogic Texts. DYT IV Recommended Yogic Remedial measures for Psychoneurotic behaviour. Socially Aberrant Behaviour & Medical Implications of Neurotic Behaviour in the Context of Yoga Therapy. Research based practical yoga techniques for Stress, Anxiety & Emotional Disorders. Medical Implications of Abnormal Behaviour & Effect of Yogic Techniques, 3 Hrs. Recommended Yogic Remedial measures for Socially Aberrant Behavior Psycho neuroticism having medical symptoms on the somatic level (case histories) & the recommended Psychological interventions. 2 Hrs. Psycho neuroticism having medical symptoms on the somatic level (case histories) & the recommended yogic interventions. Practical methods in yoga to tackle stress, anxiety & emotional disorders. Role of Omkar & its implications in yoga therapy as Indicated in Srimat Bhagwat Mahapuran. Research based indications about therapeutic Importance of Omkar. Role of Patanjala Kriya Yoga & its implications to Yoga Therapy as inferred from Patanjala Yoga Sutra. 5 Hrs. Abnormality. Therapeutic Implications of Shavasana & Meditation. Yogic health through Patanjala Yoga & Prayer. DYT IV Prayer IYogic health through Patanjala Yoga & Prayer. Clinical evidences of therapeutic role of Kriya Yoga in Yoga therapy. Therapeutic effect of Shavasana & Yoga Meditation. Yoga Meditation as mentioned in Siva Samhita (V:71,72) & its implication to Yoga Therapy. Concept of Total Health in Yoga in the context Patanjala Yoga Sutra. Psychology of Prayer in the context of Iswara Pranidhana in Yoga. Historical roots of evolution of the concept of prayer & its benefits to human well being. Prayer: Objective need of prayer for Yoga Therapy: Scientific Research & Clinical Observations. of Patanjala Yoga Sutra. Total * 7 Hrs. 55 Hrs. Semester Unit Topics Yoga and Alliede sciences ( No. Lecture: 50 Hrs.) Subtopics Basics of Ayurveda-1 Concept of Prakruti Swastha vritta Concept of Aahar Unit-2 Concept of Vikruthi Medicines in Ayurveda Unit-2 Concept of chiktsa Unit-3 Yoga and Ayurveda Basics of Naturopathy-1 Treatments in Naturopathy-1 History of Ayurveda Introduction to philosophy of Ayurveda Dosha- vata pitta kapha Dathu -mala Agni-ahhar ras-poshan Concept of prakriti Types of prakriti Tnalysing of prakriti Swastha -introduction Dina charya Rithu charya Saddh vritha General concept Rasa importance Aahar -dravya Dosha vriddi-kshya Shat kriya kala Nidan panchak Vyadi prakar-marg Dravya guna vighyana Common used herbs Rasa shashtra Various therapies Panchakarma panchakarma and shatkarma dosha and asana history of naturopathy Basic principles of naturopathy Concept of panchamahabhuth Hydro theraphy Massage theraphy Lecture 4Hrs 4Hrs 4Hrs 4Hrs 4Hrs 5hrs 4 Hrs. 3Hrs 4Hrs 4Hrs Concept of diet Yoga and Naturopathy Unit-4 Physiotherapy and yoga Mud therapy Fasting as therapy Raw food. Juice therapy Types of diet Therapeutic plans of diet Meeting points Application. Principles of physiotherapy Methods. Co-relation with Yoga. 4Hrs 2Hrs 4Hrs 50Hrs * Practical Professional Understanding ( No. of Lecture:50) UNIT SUB-UNIT TOPICS Vertebral Column Important joints Unit-1 SEMI-I Joint movements Muscles involved Unit-2 Postural Analysis SUB-TOPICS 1. Basic six movements 2. Intervertebral muscles 3. paraspinal muscles 4.Abdominal muscles 5. neck and pelvic muscles 1. Shoulder joint 2. Elbow joint 3. Hip joint 4. knee joint 5. Ankle joint. 1. Mechanism of flexion. 2. Mechanism of extension 3. Mechanism of Adduction- Abduction 4.Mechanism- Pronation-supination 5.Mechanism of Rotations 1. About Shoulder. 2. About elbow 3. About Knee 4. About Hip 5. About ankle. 1.Introduction 2.Practical demonstration HRS. 1Hr 1hr 1Hr 1Hr 4 Hrs Stretching-1 Stretching-2 Joint exercise joint exercise Forward bending asanas Unit-3 SEMI-I Back bending asanas Twisting asanas Unit-4 Lateral bending asanas Mixed asana-1 3.Evaluation of postural analysis 4.Individual practice. 1. Facial muscles 2. Neck muscles 3. Shoulder and scapular muscles 4.Arm and forearm muscles 5.Chest muscles 6. Abdominal muscles. 7.Back muscles. 8. pelvic muscles 9.Thigh muscles 10-Calf muscles 1. Carpels. 2. metacarpals 3. Wrists 4. Elbows 5. Shoulder- scapulae 6.Neck exercise 7. Tarsals and metatarsals 8. Ankle and knee. 9. Hip 10. Spine 1.Halasana 2. Paschimottanasana 3.Padhastasana 4.Pavanmuktasana 5.Naukasana 1.Setubandhasana 2.Bhujangasana- variations. 3. Dhanurasana- Naukasana (prone) 4. Ushtrasana 5. Ardha-chandrasana. 1. Katichakrasana 2. Vakrasana 3. Ardhamatsyendrasana 4. Merudandabhyasa-1to 8 5.Marjarasana- variations 1.Side bending chakrasana 2. Konasana 3. Parshvakonasana 1. Triconasana 1Hr 1Hr 1Hr 1Hr 1Hr 1Hr 1Hr 2Hrs Mixed asana-2 Basics of Therapy Teachings Unit-5 Educating patients and students-1 Educating patients and students Group teaching- principles and skills. Principles about personal teaching. Unit-6 Pathological understandings Psychological understandings 2.Janusirasana 3.Akarna dhanurasana 4.Ugrasana 5. Mayurasana 6. kukutasana 7. Garbhasana 8. Vruschikasana 9. Badhhapadmasana. 10. Vatayanasana 11.Natarajasana 12.Vrukshana 13.matsyasana 14. Viparit karni- sarvangasana 1.Concept of Yoga therapy 2.Need of scientific view in yoga therapy 3.Yoga injuries 4.Evaluation of traditional texts 5.Evaluation of modern yogic schools. 1. Precautions during asanas 2. Precautions during kriyas 3.Precautions during pranayama 4. Precautions during bandha 5. Precautions during mudra. 1.Anatomico-physiological principles 2.Psychological principles 3.Educational principles 4.Discipline- for patients/diseases. 1.Class arrangement 2.Sitting arrangement 3.Other precautions. 1. Methods of clinical examination 2.Recording of the findings 3.Medical aspect 4. Communication with doctor 1. Blood examination. 2. X-ray reports. 3. MRI scanning. 4.Regarding heart and cerebral diseases 5.Other investigations 1. Sleep status 2. Dfaily routine . 3 Hrs 2Hrs 3Hrs 3Hrs 1Hr. 2Hrs 2Hrs 2Hrs 3. Traditional parameters 4. Modern testings 5. Ouestionaries about the same. 1. Testing through simple movements 2.Testing through simple asanas How to check musculoskeletal status How to check Respiratory status Unit-7 Therapeutic lesson plan. Counselling- principles Group Counselling Family - marital counselling Unit-8 Yogic counselling Medico-legal aspect Ideal Yoga Therapist. 3. Other methods 1. Clinical exam of chest. 2. Lung capacity testings. 3.Spirometry 1. Need 2. Guideline for preparation of plan 3. Model lesson plan. 1. Scientific definition. 2. Importance of trust 3. how to rapport 4. Contents of counselling 5,. Precautions during counselling 1. Group psychology 2. How to communicate 3. Proper explanation skills 1. Problem of children’s in family 2. How to communicate with family 3. Guidelines 1. Importance of life style. 2.Materialize the practices in daily routine 3. Self evaluation 4.Mind building techniques 1.Introduction 2. Some examples about yoga injuries 3. Medical advice 4. legal precautions 1.Properties of therapist 2. Parameters to check the properties 3. Traditional references Total- 1Hr 1Hr 1Hr 1Hr 1Hr. 2Hrs 3 Hrs 3Hrs 2Hrs 50 Hrs. PRACTICLAL YOGA Asanas Shavasana Shirshasana Ardha Halasana ( one leg/ both legs) Uttana Padasana Viparitakarani Sarvangasana Matsyasana Halasana Bhujangasana Ardha Shalabhasana Shalabhasna Dhanurasana Makarasana Vakrasana Ardha Matsyendra Matsyendrasana Janushirasana Paschimottanasana Vajrasana Supta Vajrasana Yoga Mudra Ushtrasana Gomukhasana Mandukasana Uttana Mandukasana Kurmasana Uttana Kurmasana Kukkutasana Bhadrasana Mayurasana Chakrasana ( Lateral) Naukasana ( Prone) Sarpasana Niralambasana Co-ordination Movement ( Prone) Marjari Asana Parvatasana Shoulder & Neck Movement Akarna Dhanurasana Tolangulasana Trikonasana Natrajasana Chakrasana ( Back Ward ) Meditative Asanas Padmasana Siddhasana Swastikasana Samasana Drishti Bhru Madhya Nasagra Pranayama Anuloma- Vilom Ujjayi Surya Bhedana Chandra Bhedana Shitali Sitkari Bhastrika Bhramari Mudra & Bandha Simha Mudra Jivha Bandha Vrikshasana Tadasana Garudasana Utkatasana Padhastasana Mantra Recitation Pranava Japa Swasti Mantra Savitru Upasana Om Stavan Other Asanas Crocodile Practices Pawan Muktasana ( Ardha / Purna) Naukasana ( Supine) Setu Bandhasana Brahma Mudra Mula Bandha Jalandhara Bandha Uddiyana Bandha Kriyas Kapala Bhati Uddiyana Nauli Agnisara (Agnisara) Jala Neti Rubber Neti Vaman Dhauti Danda Dhauti Vastra Dhauti Shankha prakshalana (Varisara) Trataka CERTIFICATE COURSE IN YOGA (C.C.Y.) I PAPER: TRADITIONAL YOGA ( No. of Lecture: 12) UNIT SUB-UNIT TOPICS Yogic Texts HRS. Yama Niyama Patanjala Yoga Sutra, Hathapradipika, Gheranda Samhta, Vasishtha Samhita. Meaning /Definition/Forms of Yoga Brief introduction about the relation between Samkhya and Yoga Concept & practice of Yamas Concept & practice of Niyamas Asana Concept & practice of Asana Prana/Nadi /Chakra Satkriyas Mudras and Bandha Nada And Kundalini Pranayama Kumbhaka Dhrana ,Dhyana & Samadhi Concept,types and Location of Prana/Nadi /Chakra Introduction of Yogic Texts CCY.I SUB-TOPICS 12 Hrs. Technique and benefit Technique &Benefit Concept of Nada as C.D.& Understanding of Kundalini Technique &Benefit Concept & Practices of Dhrana ,Dhyana & Samadhi TOTAL LECTURES 12 Hrs. * PAPER II : YOGA & MENTAL HEALTH (No. of Lectures:12) UNIT SUB -UNIT Role of Yoga & Psychology in Mental Health Normal Behavior and CCY-II its Restoration Restoration of Emotional Balance Towards Total Health through Yoga & Prayer TOPICS SUB-TOPICS HRS. Health, Mental Health: Define health , Mental health :Medical & Yogic perspectives Yogic and Medical perspectives Yoga & Modern Psychology: A synthetic approach Similarities & Differences between both the sciences for existential disorders. Synthesis of Yoga & Modern Psychology for Mental Health Concept of Normality: Psychological and Psychological Normality Yogic approaches Yogic Normality Functional Disorders : Causes, Effects and Psychological Normality remedies in PYS Yogic cause of and remedies on functional disorders. Conflict, Frustration: Yogic Remedies. 12 Hrs. Cause & remedies in the context of Conflict Cause & remedies relating frustration Personal interpersonal adjustment through Psychological methods for Adjustment Yoga. Prayer its significance in Yogic Practices Yogic Methods for Adjustment. Prayer : Psychological perspectives Prayer : Yogic perspectives TOTAL LECTURES 12 Hrs. III PAPER: STRUCTURE & FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN BODY & EFFECTS OF YOGA PRACTICES ON IT ( No. of Lecture: 12) UNIT SUB-UNIT TOPICS SUB-TOPICS Introduction and Aim Definition of Anatomy and PhysiologyMeaning of the basic terms- System, Organ, Tissue, Cell, Elementary composition. Living activities- External- posture, movements/Internalrespiration, digestion, Circulation, Metabolism. Control on living activities./health. Yoga- scientific meaning./ How yoga helps for health Need of scientific study in yogic field. Digestive system and yoga Anatomy of Alimentary canal and Digestive glands. Physiology of Digestion, absorption and defecation. Factors influencing digestion. Indigestion and its complications. Principles of diet- Modern, Ayurvedic and Yogic views. Yogic practices for the health of digestive system. CCY.III Respiratory system and Yoga Pranayama scientific basis Musculoskeletal system Anatomy of the respiratory track and associated muscles and bones. Mechanism of ventilation. Factors influencing respiration. Lung capacities and the yogic practices to improve the efficiency of respiratory system Definition. Psycho- physiological effect. Therapeutic application. Types and practical hints for pranayama. Concept of advance pranayama. Muscles- functions and types of muscles. Properties, of muscles. Types of contraction and stretching. Bones- Functions and types of bones. Joints- Structure and Types. Movements- Types of movements /Agonist and Antagonist muscles. HRS. Asana- scientific base Kriya- scientific basisMechanism, benefits, limitations Meditation- scientific basis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Definition. Psycho physiological effect. Types of Asana. Advancement in asana. Practical Hints for the correct performance of the asana. Explanations about some traditional asanas. 1. View of Hathapradipika and Gheranda. 2. Dhauti,Neti,Basti, nauli, agnisar, shankhaprakshalana 3. Kapalbhati and Trataka. 1. Concept of Dharana, Dhyana, swamadhi. 2. Nadanusandhanam,- Hathapradipika. 3. Various techniques about concentration TOTAL LECTURES 12 Hrs. * Yoga, Health & Education ( No. of Lectures 12) UNIT SUB-UNIT Yoga and Value Education TOPICS Value Education CCY Concept Yoga and Physical Education SUB-TOPICS Concept of Value- nature, role and Classification. Indian traditional classification of Values- Purushartha and Panchakosha Rationale of Value Education Aims and Objectives of Value Eduation Content of Value Education Yoga as a Method of Value EducationYama and Niyama, Asana and Kriya Yoga. Aim and objectives Misconception about Yoga, Source of Misconception Role of Various Yogic Practices for Physical education and sports. HRS. 6 Hrs. 6 Hrs. 12 Hrs * CERTIFICATE COURSE IN YOGA (C.C.Y.) Asanas Shavasana Ardhahalasana (one leg/ both leg) Uttana padasana Pawana muktasana (ardha /purn ) Naukasana (supine/prone ) Viparitakarani Sarvangasana Matsyasana Halasana Bhujangasana Ardha salabhasna Shalabhasana Dhanurasana Makarasana Vakrasana Janushirasana Vajrasana Ustrasana Yoga mudra Parvatasana Akarna dhanurasana Chakrasana (lateral) Vrikshasana Tadasana Meditative pose Ardha padmasana Padmasana Swastikasana Other practices Simha asana Brahma Mudra Uddiyana Bandha Pranayama Anuloma Viloma Ujjayi Kriyas Kapalabhati Jala Neti Rubber Neti Vamana Dhauti Mantra recitation Pranava japa Swasti mantra Om stavan Adv. Teacher Training Course in Yoga TEXTUAL UNDERSTANDING OF YOGA (PATANJALA YOGA SUTRA) No. of LECTURES:9 UNIT-I SUB-UNIT TOPICS Conceptutal understanding Basic concepts Bahirangayoga Antarangayoga Abhyasa & Vairagya Kriyayoga Chitaprasadana Concept & practice Concept & practice SUB-TOPICS Chitta, Chittabhumis & Vrittis Vikshepa/Antaraya Klesha & Vitarka Concept and practice Concept and practice Concept and practice Yama, Niyama. Asana,Pranayama & Pratyahara Dharana,Dhyana & Samadhi. Total Lectures HRS. 9 Hrs. 9 Hrs. * UNIT-I SUB-UNIT I. Hathayoga Add.T.T.C. VII TEXTUAL UNDERSTANDING OF YOGA No. of LECTURES: 9 TOPICS SUB-TOPICS School of Yoga Importance of Hathayoga Representative Texts of Hathayoga Concept of Hatha in Yoga Concept of Hatha and it applied value Asana antiquity , definition Asana classification of Asana Introduction of various cleansing processes Cleanising processes Satkarma in Gherenda Samhita Kumbhaka II.Yogic practices Mudra Introduction of Yogic Anatomy Introduction of Dhyana Importance of Kumbhaka & Bandhas purpose of Kumbhaka & Bandhas Status Mudra in Hathayoga Defination, purpose and kids of Mudra Cakra, Vayu and Nadi Granthi, Tattva, Vital Points, Adharas etc. Introduction of Dhyana in Gheranda Samhita. HRS. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 2 Hr. 1 Hr. 9 Hrs. STRUCTURE & FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN BODY & EFFECTS OF YOGA PRACTICES ON IT ( No. of lecture:9) UNIT-I Add.T.T.C. VII SUB-UNIT TOPICS Modifications in functioning of nervous System through Yogic Practices: SUB-TOPICS Concept of evolution of Brain. Anatomy of brain – 3 levels- cortical /Limbic/autonomous Three levels of consciousness lower brain /cortical & supra cortical. Cortical & Limbic parameters of brain development: researches Neuro-endocrine & autonomic balance: (researches) -concept of reconditioning of psycho-physiological mechanism. Concept of cultivation of correct psychological attitude (as per Swami Kuvalayananda’s reference). Functioning of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system Anatomy of medulla oblongata, Pons, cerebellum, Spinal cord and Effect of Yoga on Neuro gladular associated ganglions. & Neuro muscular mechanism Anatomy & Physiology of endocrine and exocrine glands and their nervous control. Anatomy & Physiology of neuro muscular junction. Temporary & sustained modifications in both mechanism through regular yogic practices- according to researches. Effect of Yogic Practices on Digestion & Metabolism & concept of Diet. Anatomy of Digestive System. Process of digestion of Protein /fat/sugar Factors affecting digestion. Indigestion & its acute and chronic symptoms. Concept of metabolism /anabolism /catabolism . Metabolic rate / Metabolic need -conceptual understanding. Influence of both process on each other. Modification in both processes through Yogic Practices (Temporary & long standing- according to researches). Concept & Principles of diet: Yogic, Ayurvedic & Modern ViewComparative Study. HRS. Pranayama: Part – I Pranayama Part –II Asana: part – I Asana – Part II Relation in detail: breath, mind & Metabolism Mechanism of breathing and factors influence the breathing. Anatomical consideration of respiratory track and associated musculo- skeletal structures. Definition of Pranayama- Traditional and Scientific. Psycho- Physiological effects of Pranayama: Temporarily & sustained… on each system, Cell. (Researches about this.) Neuro-physiological alterations through Pranayama. Variety of breathing techniques and their therapeutic importance- 8 types of Pranayamas. Hints ( considering anatomy and physiology) for proper practice of all techniques. Concept of advancement in Pranayam : extension ,sustaining, rhythm/ Bandha/ Keval Kumbhaka. Vital energy its channelization through pranayama spiritual concept of Pranayama / Spiritual aspect of Pranayama. Scientific analysis of effect of Pranayama as per traditional references Hathayoga/Upanishda Pranayama & meditation Scientific basis of concept of Asana Definition of Asana- Scintifically & also view of Hatha & Patanjali Asana and Physical exercise Diffrence in detail both. Physiological effects of asanas on each sytem/Organ/ Cell Psychological effects of Asana. Spiritual Views : About channelization of energy & Alertness. Development stage in Asana: effort and effortlessness comparative study. Concept of Yoga injury regarding the misuse of Asana. Types of Asanas – Meditative/ Relative / Cultural Practical hints about Asanas. To avoid injury and how to develop for the advancement. Therapeutic application of Asana. Researches about asana: In Kaivalyadhama and outside ( Fundamental & Therapeutic). Asana and Their Scientific evaluations. (Described in Hatha & Gheranda Samihita) Asana for awareness. Kriya : (Cleansing Process) Yogic Practices according to different Age & Conditions: Need of cleansing – according to various Conditions (Psychophysiological) with traditional references View of Hathapradeipika & Gheranda: Explanation within scientific parameters . Neti/Dahuti.Basti Kapalbahti/Nauli / Trataka : mechanism importance & Limitation Agnisara/varisara: mechanism importance & Limitation Researches about Kriyas in Kaivalyadhama & outside. Therapeutic application of various Kriyas. Shatkarmas & Panchkarma ( Comparative Study) Kriya Yoga Patanjali’s view explanation within scientific parameters. Yoga for School Children Yoga in teen age ; Male / Female Yoga in pregnancy/ lactation Yoga in middle age Yoga in metabolic disorders. Obesity/Hypertension/Diabetes. Yoga after menopause Yoga in old age 9 Hrs. PSYCHOLOGICAL BASES OF YOGA ( No. of Lecture:09) UNIT-I Add. T.T.C. I SUB-UNIT Psychophysiology of Traditional Yoga Etiology of Existential Disorders. Remedies on Existentionl Disorders. Traditional Yoga for Self Development. Yoga for Adjustments TOPICS Psychology of Yoga Darshana Normality in the Yogic cantext Existential disorders, Modern and P.Y.S. approach Experiential Yoga in the context of therapy. Adjustment & Yoga Personality Development Personality Development Prayer for mental health. Psychology of Prayer in the Yogic context SUB-TOPICS Psychology of Samkhya & Taittiriya Aranyaka Psychological Normality Yogic Normality. Medical etiology Genesis in Patanjala Yoga sutra Experiential Yoga in the context of therapy. Adjustment & Yoga Psychological theories Yogic approach Psychology of Prayer Types & benefits of Prayer. HRS. 2 Hrs. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hrs. 2 Hrs. 1 Hr. 9 Hr. * Yoga, Health & Education ( No. of Lectures 8) UNIT SUB-UNIT Yoga and Value Education TOPICS A.Value Education Adv.TTC SUB-TOPICS Concept of Value- nature, role and Classfication. Indian traditional classification of Values- Purushartha and Panchakosha Rationale of Value Education Aims and Objectives of Value Eduation Content of Value Education Yoga as a Method of Value EducationYama and Niyama, Asana and Kriya Yoga. HRS. 4 Hrs. Factors of Health and Fitness Health and Fitness B.Health and Fitness Research work done on Health oriented fitness through Yoga 4 Hrs Practical Yoga Asanas Shavasana Shirshasana Uttan padasana Pawan Muktasana Vipritakarani Sarvangasana Matsyasana Halasana Bhujangasana Shalbhasna Dhanurasana Makarasana Ardhamatsydrasana Paschimottanasana Vajarasana Supta Vajrasana Yoga Mudra Ushtrasana Gomukhasana Bhadrasana Mayurasana Chakrasana(Lateral) Vrikshasana Garudasana Utkatasana Padhastasana Other Asana Naukasana(Supine) Karna Pidasana Naukasana(Prone) Sarpasana Akarna Dhanurasana Meditative Pose Padmasana Siddhasana Swstikasana Samasana Muktasana Virasana Yogasana Drishti Bhru Madhya Nasagra Pranayama Anulom-Viloma Ujjayi Surya Bhedana Chandra Bhedhana Shitali Sitkari Bhastrika Bhramari Mudra & Bandha Simha Mudra Mahabandha Jiva Bandha Brahama mudra Mula Bhandha Jalandhar Bandha Uddiyanana Bandha Kriyas Kapalabhati Uddiyana Nauli Ugrasana Trikonasana Chakrasana(Backward) Mantra Recitation Pranva Japa Swsti Mantra Rudropasana Savitru Upasana Om Stavan Agnisara(Agnisara) Jala Neti Rubber Neti Vamana Dhuti Danda Dhuti Vastra Dhuti Shankha Prakshalana(Varisara) Trataka 21-DAYS YOGA & AYURVEDA (No. of Lecture-11) UNIT SUB-UNIT TOPICS SUB-TOPICS Introduction to PatanjalaYoga Sutra: Contribution of Patanjali Basic Concept: Chitta, Chittabhumis, Vrittis Darshanik aspect of yoga through PYS of yoga through PYS Y&AUR I Darshanik & Essence of PYS therapeutic Basic Concept: Vikshepa/Antaraya Basic Concept: Klesha & Vitarka Nirodhopaya: What & Why(Abhyasa & Vairagya) Kriya yoga: What & Why Kriyayoga Ishvarapranidhana: What & Why Chitaprasadana: Methods of Chitaprasadana Chaturvyaha: Heya, heyahetu,hana hanopaya Bahirangayoga: Concept & practice of Yama & Niyama Asana,Pranayama, Pratyahara Therapeutic references of Hatha Yoga. Therapeutic references Therapeutic application Asanas , Pranaya Bandhas , Mudra Therapeutic application of Shuddhi Kriya and Meditation UNIT I, TOTAL LECTURES: ( 11 Hrs.) Ayurveda: Concept, origin, historical development as a health Care System Concept of Dosha-Dhatu-Mala, Prakriti Parikshana, Concept of Concept of diet (Ahara) in Ayurveda. Concept of social behavior ( Achara) in Ayurveda Y&AUR II Ayurveda Concept 2.A.1 Swasthavrtta Upadhatu,Srotas,Indriyas,Common disorders Agni,Vayu,Prakriti,Manas,common disorders Upadhatu,Srotas,Indriyas remedies in Ayurveda Agni,Vayu,Prakriti,Manasremedies in Ayurveda Swasthavrtta for promotion of Health. Sadvritta, din charya for promotion of Health. 2.B.2.Treatment Ritucharya, Achara & Ahara for promotion of Health. Art of history taking and interactive strategies for assessment of status of Health HRS. Remarks The prognosis and plausible lines of treatment Yoga & Ayurveda: A comparative study. UNIT I, TOTAL LECTURES: ( 11 Hrs.) Concept of Health:An objective understanding. Modern perspectives, Yogic and Ayurvedic stand points Yogic concept of Pancha Kleshas Concept of Pancha Kosha Concept of Pancha Prana and Pancha Up-Pranas Y&AUR III Concept of Health 1.C. Shat Kriyas of Yoga and Panchakarma Of Ayurveda A brief understanding of Nervous system A brief understanding of Digestive system A brief understanding of Cardio- Vascular system A brief understanding of Respiratory system 1A brief understanding of Endocrine system Synthetic approach to Yoga and Ayurveda for therapeutic purposes FOUNDATION COURSE IN YOGA & AYURVEDA (F.C.Y.A.) Asanas Other Asanas Shavasana Utkatasana Ardha Halasana ( one leg/ both legs) Crocodile Practices Uttana Padasana Pawan Muktasana ( Ardha / Purna) Viparitkarni Naukasana ( Supine &Prone) Sarvangasana Niralambasana Matsyasana Meditative Asanas Halasana Padmasana Bhujangasana Swastikasana Ardha Shalabhasana Pranayama Shalabhasna Anuloma- Vilom Dhanurasana Ujjayi Makarasana Mudra & Bandha Vakrasana Simha Mudra Janushirasana Brahma Mudra Vajrasana Uddiyana Bandha Yoga Mudra Kriyas Ushtrasana Kapala Bhati Bhadrasana Jala Neti Chakrasana ( Lateral) Rubber Neti Vrikshasana Vaman Dhauti Tadasana 21-DAYS TRADITIONAL TEXTS UNIT SUB-UNIT TOPICS SUB-TOPICS HRS. UNIT I, TOTAL LECTURES: ( 15 Hrs.) 2 hrs. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1.A.1 Introduction to Sankhya: Evolution & Satkariyavada 1.A.2 Introduction to PatanjalaYoga Sutra: Contribution of Patanjali 1.A.3 Concept of Yoga: Meaning &Definitions 1.A.4 Basic Concept: Chitta, Chittabhumis, Vrittis 1.A.5 Basic Concept: Vikshepa/Antaraya 1.A.6 Basic Concept: Klesha & Vitarka Tra.Texts I PYS 1.A Darshanik Aspect of Yoga through PYS 1 Hr. 1.A.7 Nirodhopaya: What & Why(Abhyasa & Vairagya) 1.A.8 Kriya yoga: What & Why Kriyayoga 1.A.9 Ishvarapranidhana: What & Why 1.A.10Chitaprasadana: Methods of Chitaprasadana 1.A.11Chaturvyaha: Heya, heyahetu,hana hanopaya 1.A.12Bahirangayoga: Concept & practice of Yama & Niyama 1.A.13Bahirangayoga:Asana,Pranayama, Pratyahara 1.A.14Antaranga: Concept & practice of Dharana,Dhyana &Samadhi 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. UNIT I, TOTAL LECTURES: ( 15 Hrs.) 1.B.1.Definitions Tra.Texts II 1.B.2.Schools of Yoga 1.B.3.Bhavana Yoga 1.Jnana 2 Hrs. 2.Karma 3.Bhakti Hatha yogic texts 1.B.4.Prana Samyama Yoga 4.Rajayoga 2 Hrs. 1 Hrs. 1 Hrs. 1 Hrs. 1.Tradition 1 Hr. 1.Mantra 2.Htha 3.Laya 1.B. Introduction and Pre-requisites 1.B.5.Hath Yoga Remarks 2.Brief Introduction 3.Eminent Hathayogis of Nath Cult 1.B.5. Concept of Asana: Classification & Importance 1.B.6. Concept of Pranayama: Classification & Importance 1.B.7. Kumbhakas in Gheranda and Hathapradipika 1.B.8. Application of Bandhas in Kumbhaka 1.B.9. Shodhana Kriya specially from Gheranda Samhita 1.B.10 Concept of Mudra 1.B.11 Concept of Nadanusandhana UNIT I, TOTAL LECTURES: ( 15 Hrs.) 1.C.1. Concept of Sharir/ Deha (Sthula-Sukhsma Sharir) Tra.Texts III 1.C.2. Concept of Kosha 1. Yogic Anatomy and Physiology 1.C.1 Yogic Anatomy 1.C.3. Concept of Chakra-Nadi-Prana-Adhar-Grathi 1.C.4. Concept of Prakruti and Vikruti (Antaraya) 1.C.5. Therapy view in traditional text 1.C.6. Kriya Yoga- psychophysiological aspect 1.C.7 Scientific survey about yogic practices. 1 Hrs. 1 Hrs. 1 Hrs. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 3 Hrs 2 Hrs. 3 Hrs 2 Hrs. 1 Hrs. 2 Hrs. 2 Hrs. FOUNDATION COURSE IN YOGA & TRADITIONAL TEXT (F.C.Y.T.T.) MEDITATIVE ASANA Ardha Padmasana ( Virasana-HP) Padmasana (GS) (HP) Gorakshasana (GS) Yogasana (GS) Virasana (GS) Vajrasana (GS) Svastikasana(GS) (HP) Siddhasana (GS) (HP) Muktasana (GS) Guptasana(GS) Samasana Bhadrasana(GS) (HP) Gorakshasana(HP) RELAXATIVE ASANA Shavasana/ Mrtasana (HP) (GS) Makarasana CULTURATIVE ASANA Supine- Matsyasana (GS) Prone-Bhujangasana (GS) Shalabhasana(GS) Dhanurasana)(HP) Ushtrasana (GS) Sitting-Simhasana(GS)(HP) Gomukhasana (GS)(HP) Bakasana Mandukasana + Uttana Mandukasana (GS) Kurmasana + Uttana Kurmasana(GS)(HP) Paschimottnaasana(HP) Ugrasana Kukkutasana (GS)(HP) Matsyendrasana(GS)(HP) Mayurasana (GS)(HP) Standing- OTHER ASANA Uttanapadasana Pavanamuktasana Parvatasana Vakrasana Yoga Mudra Tolangulasana Aakarna Dhanurasana Tadasana MUDRA Viparitakarni (GS)(HP) Sarvangasana Ashvini Mudra (GS) Brahma Mudra Simha Mudra Sirshasana BANDHA Uddiyana (GS)(HP) Mula (GS) (HP) Jalandhara (GS)(HP) SHUDDHI KRIYA Dhauti (GS)- Vahnisara-Danda-Vaman-Vastra Basti (GS)(HP) Neti (GS)(HP)- Jala-Sutra neti Trataka(GS) (HP) Nauli (GS)(HP)- Lauliki Kapalabhati(GS)- Vyutkarma-Sitkarma (GS)(HP) PRANAYAMA Anuloma-Viloma Suryabhedan Ujjayi (GS)(HP)- Utkatasana(GS) Vrikshasana(GS) Garudasana(GS) Sankatasana(GS) Sitkari (HP)Shitali Bhastrika (GS)(HP)Bhramari (GS)(HP)- Master Class for Yoga Teachers The course emphasizes integration of the classical yogic texts with the practice of teaching 8 limbs of Yoga. Participants will gain deeper understanding of impact of yogic practices on anatomy and physiology of human body. Students will participate in discussions, lectures and hands on training to gain new insights on what it means to be a yoga teacher and to enhance their teaching abilities. We will examine how we teach while exploring the art and science of teaching methodology from a multidisciplinary yogic perspective. Application of Yogic Concepts in Traditional Yogic Texts (12 hrs) This section aims at providing an in-depth understanding of application of Yogic concepts to human life on the basis of Traditional Texts. A. Patanjala Yoga Sutras (8 hrs) Yogic understanding of Chitta (Human psyche): Its structure and functions Applied aspect of Abhyasa (practice) & Vairagya (detachment) Applied aspect of Chittaprasadana - Yogic ways to manage the mind, emotions and thought processes. Applied aspect of Kriyayoga –to refine the basic potential of human being. Yogic understanding of Kleshas ( afflictions) /Antarayas (obstacles) , Vitarkas (negative thoughts) and the ways to overcome. Rationale and application of Ashtangayoga (eightfold path of Yoga) B. Yoga in Bhagavadgita (2 hrs) Yoga Psychology in Bhagavad Gita Concept of Jnana, Bhakti and Karma Yoga and their synthesis. C. Psychological Concepts (2 hrs) Person-perception and social intelligence Harmonious adjustments in group setting Attitude change and attitude formation Styles of attitudes and Making learning process more meaningful. Yogic Anatomy and Physiology (10 hrs) Brain and Yoga Anatomy of brain Functions of various parts of brain Sympathetic and parasympathetic mechanism Limbic and cortical mechanism Neuro-endocrine axis Role of neurotransmitters and the electrical phenomenon of brain Brain plasticity - modifying in brainwork through yoga Modern research on brain activities and yoga practices Concept of Meditation Concept of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi, (Patanjali’s view) Concept of samapatti Samadhi- Savikalpa- Nirvikalpa- with scientific interpretation Nirbeeja Samadhi Mechanism of altered brain function (scientific research study on brain) Tantra- 11 types Hatha Yoga- nadanusandhanam, prandharana Pranayama - Scientific Concept and Effect on Body Patanjali Yoga Sutras and Hathayoga Pradipika Scientific definition Effect on brain and metabolism- neurotransmitters and brain wave functions during pranayama./Effect on cellular enzymes. Effect on respiratory system. CO2 consumption and effect of CO2 during kumbhaka. Blood study - hormone levels, blood cells, waste materials Effect on other systems and organs. Psychological effect. Pranayama - Types According to Gheranda Samhita and Hathapradipika Anulom –vilom, Ujjayi, Bhramari, Suryabhedana, chandrabhedana, Bhastrica, Sitali, Sitkari, Advancement in pranayama Bandha-mudra Keval kumbhaka. Pranayama - Therapeutic effect Traditional references and scientific research Acute stress Various psychosomatic disorders - insomnia, migraine, hyperacidity, constipation, menstrual irregularities, skin allergies Metabolic disorders - hypertension, diabetes, ischemic heart disease Geriatric problems Respiratory disorders Pregnancy, lactation, menopause Digestion-Metabolism and yogic practices Anatomy of digestive system Physiology of digestion- digestion of protein, fat and carbohydrates Metabolism- definition Anabolism and catabolism Factors affecting digestion and metabolism Indigestion and it’s complications Concept of yogic diet (in comparison with Ayurveda and modern science.) Asana – definition, types, effects on the body According to Patanjali Yoga Sutras According to Hathayoga Pradipika Scientific meaning and mechanism Asana and physical exercise Effect on various systems-organs Psychological and spiritual effect of asana Types of asanas Precautions during the practice of asana Meditative and Relaxing Asanas - anatomy and physiology Anatomy of spine and pelvis Para-spinal, inter-vertebral and pelvic muscles Chest and abdominal muscles Spine, pelvis, chest, abdomen in meditative asana Padmhasana, Siddhasana Vajrasana Shavasana. Cultural Asanas - anatomy and physiology Forward bending (Paschimottanasana, Yogamudra,Padhastasana) Back bending (Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana.Ushtrasana) Twisting (Vakrasana, Matsyendrasana) Inverted asanas (Viparit karni, Sarvangasana, Shirsasana) Shoulder lift (Kukkutasana, Bakasana, Mayurasana) Lying supine (Halasana) Lying prone (Shalabhasana) Standing asanas (Vrukshasana, Virabhadrasana) Kriya - scientific concept and practices Importance of cleansing View of Hathapradipika View of Gheranda Samhita Relation between digestion, metabolism and nervous system Nadishuddhi and its scientific interpretation Dhauti- mechanism, effect, precautions Neti-mechanism, effect, precautions Shankhaprakshalana- mechanism, effect, precautions Basic Concepts of Yoga Therapy Traditional references Yoga and Ayurveda Health and its scientific Interpretation Reconditioning of psychophysical mechanism through yoga Scientific approach to yoga therapy Yoga Therapy for Specific Conditions Stress management Muscle-skeletal diseases Metabolic diseases Female conditions Digestive disorders Respiratory Disorders Teaching Methodology (10 hrs) This section aims at providing lectures and hands-on training to gain new insights on what it means to be a yoga teacher and to enhance students’ practical teaching abilities and skills. Teaching Methodology (10 hrs) Adult learning theory How to create an effective lesson plan Effective use of teaching aids Communication Skills Practical knowledge of effective verbal and non verbal communication Learn effects of subtle communication Questioning and constructive feedback skills Learn effective presentation techniques Communication in cultural diversity Yogic Ethics and Guidelines Understanding the relationship between teacher and student Applied teacher’s code of conduct Respecting cultural diversity Yoga as Self Development Tool Teacher’s self practice and its influence on ability to teach yoga Evaluation of students using self assessment tool and setting individual goals that lead them in development, based on their abilities and needs Content of Practical Classes Kriyas: Jalaneti Rubber neti Vaman Dhoti Kapalbhati Tratak Asanas: Meditative: Padmasana Siddhasan Swastikasana Samasana Relaxation asana: Shavasana Makarasana Cultural asanas: Forward bending Pascchimottasana Yoga Mudra Padastasana Back bending asanas: Bhujangasana Dhanurasana Chakrasana Ustrasana Twisting asanas: Vakrasana Adrda Matsyendrasana Inverted asanas: Vipriti Karni Sarvangasana Shirsasana Lying supine: Halasana Karnapibasana Matsyasana Lying Prone: Shalabasana Standing asana: Vriksasana Utkatasana Sidebending Chakrasana Bandha and Mudras Uddyana bandha Jivabandha Jalandharbandha Moolabandha Simha Mudra Brahma Mudra Pranayama: Anuloma Viloma Ujjayi Sitali/Shitkari Bhastrika Bhramari Mantras: Gayatri Maha Mrytynjaya Omkar dSoY;/kke ,l-,e-ok;-,e- lfefr] yks.kkoyk KAIVALYADHAMA S.M.Y.M.SAMITI, LONAVLA In joint auspicious of dfodqyxq#&dkfynkl&laLd`r&fo'ofo|ky;% Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University University estabshed by State Government of Maharashtra and UGC Recognized u/s 2f and 12B The Syllabus of B. A. (Yoga Shastra) Swami Kuvalayananda Marg, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla. Dist.-Pune- 410403, Emailinfo@kdham.com, Pls. log on to www.kdham.com Phone- 02114-273001, 273039, Fax No. 02114-271983 B.A. (YOGA SHASTRA) Eligibility: H.S.C...or Its Equivalent OR 10+ two years Govt. recognized full time course OR 11(old SSC) + 1 year Govt. recognized full time course With working knowledge of Hindi/English, Age: 17 to 60 Years (Physically fit) Note: The students should produce Medical Fitness Certificate at the time of admission. Medium: Marathi, Sanskrit, Hindi, English Duration: Three academic Years (June to March every year) six semesters Numbers of COURSEs: - 5+ Practical COURSE each semester Total Marks: -3600 Internal Theory (Pr/Desr /Viva/Oral/ Test/Sessional etc.) Paper Code B A Paper Tital Max Passing Other Max C Passing Max Passing Subject Total (in case of joint passing) A+B+C Max No. Credits (if Credit System is applicable) Passing Semester I MAY1-I-01 MAY1-I-02 MAY1-I-03 MAY1-I-04 laLd`r 40 14 60 21 4 40 14 60 21 4 40 14 60 21 4 Educational Principles& Practices of Yoga. ;ksxk/;kiui)r;% 40 14 60 21 4 English & Political Science (Optional) 40 14 60 21 4 SANSKRIT (FOUNDATION)- History and Philosophy of Yogashastra ;ksx'kkL=ksfrgkl% rÙoKku Schools of Yoga. ;ksxlaiznk;k% MAY1-I-05 vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p MAY1-I-06 Yoga Practical ;ksxizkR;f{kd Grade 200 Semester I-Total Marks 70 300 105 500 175 40 Semester II MAY1-II-01 MAY1-II -02 SANSKRIT (FOUNDATION)History and Yogashastra laLd`r Philosophy of ;ksx'kkL=ksfrgkl% 40 14 60 21 4 40 14 60 21 4 rÙoKku×p MAY1-II -03 Schools of Yoga. ;ksxlaiznk;k% 40 14 60 21 4 MAY1-II -04 Educational Principles& Practices of Yoga. ;ksxk/;kiui)r;% 40 14 60 21 4 MAY1-II -05 English & Political Science (Optional) 40 14 60 21 4 vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p MAY1-II -06 Yoga Practical ;ksxizkR;f{kd Semester II-Total Marks Grade 200 70 300 105 500 175 40 Semester III MAY2-III-01 Sanskirt II laLd`rHkk"kk& II 40 14 60 21 4 MAY2-III-02 Philosophy of Yogashastra 40 14 60 21 4 Yoga Therapy ;ksxksipkj&i)fr% Anatomy and Physiology 40 40 14 14 60 60 21 21 4 4 English & Political Science (Optional) vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ 40 14 60 21 4 200 70 300 105 ;ksxrÙoKkue~ MAY2-III-03 MAY2-III-04 'kjhjjpuk&dk;Z'kkL=ke~ MAY2-III-05 p MAY2-III-06 Yoga Practical ;ksxizkR;f{kde~ Semester III-Total Marks 500 175 Grade 40 Semester IV MAY2-III-01 MAY2-III-02 Sanskirt II laLd`rHkk"kk& II Philosophy of yogashastra 40 40 14 14 60 60 21 21 4 4 Yoga Therapy ;ksxksipkj&i)fr% Anatomy and Physiology 40 40 14 14 60 60 21 21 4 4 English & Political Science (Optional) vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p Yoga Practical ;ksxizkR;f{kde~ 40 14 60 21 4 200 70 300 105 ;ksxrRoKkue~ MAY2-III-03 MAY2-III-04 'kjhjjpuk&dk;Z'kkL=e~ MAY2-III-05 MAY2-III-06 Semester IV-Total Marks 500 175 Grade 40 Semester V MAY2-III-01 Sanskrit III laLd`rHkk"kk& 40 14 60 21 4 MAY2-III-02 Philosophy of Yogashastra ;ksxrÙoKkue~& I 40 14 60 21 4 MAY2-III-03 Applied Yoga;ksxiz;ksxk% 40 14 60 21 4 MAY2-III-04 Yoga and Positive Health 40 14 60 21 4 English & Political Science (Optional)vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p Yoga Practical ;ksxizkR;f{kde~ 40 14 60 21 4 ;ksx%rFkk vuqdwy&LokLF;e MAY2-III-05 MAY2-III-06 Semester V-Total Marks 200 70 300 105 500 175 Grade 40 Semester VI Sanskrit III laLd`rHkk"kk& III Philosophy of Yogashastra ;ksxrÙoKkue~& I Applied Yoga ;ksxiz;ksxk% Yoga and Positive Health 40 40 14 14 60 60 21 21 4 4 40 40 14 14 60 60 21 21 4 4 English & Political Science (Optional) vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p Yoga Practical ;ksxizkR;f{kde~ 40 14 60 21 4 Semester VI-Total Marks 200 70 300 105 500 175 Grade 40 Total Marks 1200 420 1800 630 3000 1050 120 MAY2-III-01 MAY2-III-02 MAY2-III-03 MAY2-III-04 ;ksx%rFkk vuqdwy&LokLF;e MAY2-III-05 MAY2-III-06 Year Sem I & II Sem III & IV Sem V & VI Final Total Year Sem I & II Sem III & IV Sem V & VI Final Total Internal Max Passing Theory Max Passing 400 400 400 140 140 140 600 600 600 210 210 210 1000 350 1000 350 1000 350 40 40 40 1200 420 1800 630 3000 1050 120 Internal Max Passing Theory Max Passing Other Max Passing Total Max Passing 400 140 600 210 0 0 1000 350 40 400 140 600 210 0 0 1000 350 40 400 140 600 210 1000 350 40 1200 420 1800 630 3000 1050 120 Max Other Passing Total Max Credits Remarks Passing Credits Remarks -- -0 0 SEMESTER I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Theory :(Each COURSE carries 100 Marks) COURSE I - Sanskrit (Foundation.) I laLd`rHkk"kk I COURSE II - History and Philosophy of Yogashastra ;ksx'kkL=ksfrgkl% rÙoKku×p COURSE III -Schools of Yoga. ;ksxlaiznk;k% COURSE IV -Educational Principles& Practices of Yoga. ;ksxk/;kiui)r;% COURSE V - English & Political Science (Optional) vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p COURSE VI- Yoga Practical ;ksxizkR;f{kde~ SEMESTER II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Theory :(Each COURSE carries 100 Marks) COURSE I - Sanskrit (Foundation.) I laLd`rHkk"kk I COURSE II - History and Philosophy of Yogashastra ;ksx'kkL=ksfrgkl% rÙoKku×p COURSE III -Schools of Yoga. ;ksxlaiznk;k% COURSE IV -Educational Principles& Practices of Yoga. ;ksxk/;kiui)r;% COURSE V - English & Political Science (Optional) vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p COURSE VI- Yoga Practical ;ksxizkR;f{kde~ SEMESTER III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. COURSE I - Sanskrit II COURSE II - Philosophy of Yogashastra COURSE III -Yoga Therapy COURSE IV -Anatomy and Physiology COURSE V - English & Political Science (Optional) COURSE VI- Yoga Practical laLd`rHkk"kk II ;ksxrÙoKkue~ ;ksxksipkj&i)fr% 'kjhjjpuk&dk;Z'kkL=e~ vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p ;ksxizkR;f{kde~ SEMESTER IV 1. 2. 3. 4. COURSE I - Sanskrit II COURSE II - Philosophy of Yogashastra COURSE III -Yoga Therapy COURSE IV -Anatomy and Physiology laLd`rHkk"kk II ;ksxrÙoKkue~ ;ksxksipkj&i)fr% 'kjhjjpuk&dk;Z'kkL=e~ 5. 6. COURSE V - English & Political Science (Optional) COURSE VI- Yoga Practical 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. COURSE I - Sanskrit III COURSE II - Philosophy of Yogashastra-I COURSE III -Applied Yoga COURSE IV -Yoga and Positive Health COURSE V - English & Political Science (Optional) COURSE VI- Yoga Practical vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p ;ksxizkR;f{kde~ SEMESTER V laLd`rHkk"kk III ;ksxrÙoKkue~ I ;ksxiz;ksxk% ;ksx%rFkk vuqdwy&LokLF;e~ vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p ;ksxizkR;f{kde~ SEMESTER VI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. COURSE I - Sanskrit III COURSE II - Philosophy of Yogashastra-I COURSE III -Applied Yoga COURSE IV -Yoga and Positive Health COURSE V - English & Political Science (Optional) COURSE VI- Yoga Practical laLd`rHkk"kk& III ;ksxrÙoKkue~& I ;ksxiz;ksxk% ;ksx%rFkk vuqdwy&LokLF;e~ vkaXyHkk"kk jktuhfr'kkL=e~ p ;ksxizkR;f{kde~ SEMESTER – I COURSE – I SANSKRIT (FOUNDATION)-I laLd`rHkk"kk& I 100 MARKS Theory - Sanskrit text prepared by KKSU 60 Marks Internal Assessment - 40 marks Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendance – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks COURSE – II HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF YOGASHASTRA 100 MARKS ;ksx'kkL=ksfrgkl% rÙoKku×p Module-I Definition of Yoga Misconceptions about Yoga History of Yoga Tradition Module-II AshtangaYogaYama(2-29) Niyamas(2-30)-ethical/moral dimension, Asanas(2-31&46),Pranayama(2-49),Pratyahara(2-54),Dharana(3-01), Dhyana(3- 02), Samadhi(3-03). Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference Books: 1. ;ksxizfØ;kaps ekxZn'kZu 2 34- 30 Marks 40 marks & & & & ikraty ;ksxlw= ;ksx LokLF; dqath Hkkjrh; ekul'kkL= vkf.k ;ksx'kkL= 30 Marks MkW-,e-,y ?kjksVs MkW- uk-fo-djacsGdj Jh-g-O;k-iz-eaMG]vejkorh MkW- v#.k [kksMldj]c`gu egkjk"Vª ;ksx ifj"kn] vejkorh Jh-dksYgVdj] izlkn izdk'ku] iq.ks COURSE – III SCHOOLS OF YOGA 100 MARKS ;ksxlaiznk;k% Module-I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Comparative Study of following Schools of Yoga: Bhakti Yoga Karma Yoga Jnana Yoga Raja Yoga Hatha Yoga - 50 Marks with reference to Narada Bhakti Sutra with reference to Bhagvad Geeta with reference to Upanishads with reference to Patanjali Yoga Sutra with reference to Hatha Yoga Pradipika Module-II Integral Yoga of Aurobindo Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks 10 Marks 40 marks Reference Books : 1. ;ksxk ds fl/nkar ,oa vH;kl 2. HkfDr;ksx 3. deZ;ksx 5. Kku;ksx 6. ;ksx] LokjLF; dqath & & & & & MkW-dkfynkl tks'kh] MkW-x.ks'k 'akdj lkxj -fo|kihB] lkxj ¼e-iz-½ Lokeh foosdkuan] jkeÑ".k eB] /karksyh] ukxiwj jkeÑ".k eB] /karksyh] ukxiwj jkeÑ".k eB] /karksyh] ukxiwj Jh v:.k [kksMLdj] vejkorh COURSE – IV EDUCATIONAL PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF YOGA 100 MARKS ;ksxk/;kiui)r;% 1. 2. Lesson Planning and Class Management Handling of Classes, direction, guidance, suggestions, counselling Method of introducing and correcting Yoga Practices Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendance – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference Book; 1. Teaching Methods in Yoga Kaivalyadham, Lonavala. COURSE – V 30 Marks 30Marks 40 marks Dr. M.L. Gharote & Dr. S.K. Ganguli, ENGLISH vkaXyHkk"kk 100 MARKS (Theory 60 Marks) Text book prescribed by the RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur for Degree First year. Text Book: 1. Ideas and Images & B.V. Moharil B.A. I - Ideas and Images Prose i. Message for the world religions conference at Japan. ii. At the High School. vii. Sweets for Angels. viii. ix. On Shaking Hands. x. Maintaining Democracy. Poetry i. Where the Mind is without fear. ii. The Seven Ages of Man. iv. The Village School Master. vii. Richard Cory viii. Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks My Financial Career. Eyes Immortal. 40 marks COURSE – VI YOGA PRACTICALS 100 MARKS Practicals Viva 40 Marks 20 Marks Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendance – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks 40 marks The following practices will be taught:1. Sukshma Vyayama 1. Kapola Shakti Vikasaka 2. 3. Greeva Shakti Vikasaka 4. 5. Manibandha Shakti Vikasaka 6. 7. Vakshasthala- Shakti Vikasaka 8. 2. Loosening Exercises 1. Twisting 2. 3. Forward-backward bending 4. 3. Breathing Exercises 1. Hands in and out breathing 2. 3. Rabbit-breathing 4. 5. Shashankasana-shwasana 4. Asanas ( Cultural Asanas) A. Standing:1. Ardha-katichakrasana 2. 3. Ardha-chakrasana 4. 5. Parivrutta-Trikonasana B. Sitting-Position:1. Paschimottanasana 2. 3. Vakrasana 4. 5. Shashankasana 6. C. Relaxative Asanas :1. Shavasana 2. D. Meditative Asanas :1. Padmasana 2. Vajrasana 4. Siddhasana 5. Sukhasana Karna Shakti Vardhaka Karatala Shakti Vikasaka Purna Bhuja Shakti Vikasaka Jangha-shakti vikasaka Side Bending Twisting and bending Tadasan-shavasan Shwan-shwasana Padahastasana Trikonasanaa Ushtrassana Ardhamatsyendrasana Suptavajrasana Makarasana 3. Swastikasana Reference Books 1. Encyclopaedia of Yoga (No. 410) - 2. Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy - 3. Yoga explained (No. 435) - 4. Yoga Philosophy in relation to other Systems of Indian Thought (No. 447) ****** - Dr. Ramkumar Rai Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.C. Vasu Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi Bengal Lancer Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.N. Dasgupta Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi SEMESTER II COURSE – I SANSKRIT (FOUNDATION)-I laLd`rHkk"kk& I 100 MARKS Theory - Sanskrit text prepared by KKSU Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendance – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks 60 Marks 40 marks COURSE – II 100 MARKS HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF YOGASHASTRA ;ksx'kkL=ksfrgkl% rÙoKku×p Module-I Yoga as a Darshana, its place and status among other Darshanas Patanjali as a 'Sutrakara' Patanjali's time Nature and structure of Patanjal Yoga. Module-II Samkhya metaphysics as the basis of Yoga Sutras. Nirishwara Samkhya and its Dualism, Concept of Ishwara in Yoga Sutras. Pranava and its Significance Cittavrttis and Cittavikshepas,Citta prasadana. 20 Marks Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks, Attendace – 05 Marks, 40 marks Reference Books : 1. ;ksxizfØ;kaps ekxZn'kZu 2 34- Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks & & & & ikraty ;ksxlw= ;ksx LokLF; dqath Hkkjrh; ekul'kkL= vkf.k ;ksx'kkL= COURSE – III 40 Marks MkW-,e-,y ?kjksVs MkW- uk-fo-djacsGdj Jh-g-O;k-iz-eaMG]vejkorh MkW- v#.k [kksMldj]c`gu egkjk"Vª ;ksx ifj"kn] vejkorh Jh-dksYgVdj] izlkn izdk'ku] iq.ks SCHOOLS OF YOGA ;ksxlaiznk;k% 100 MARKS Module-I Other Schools of Yoga 30 Marks Prana-samyama Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Shaktipata Yoga. Module-II Study of different meditative techniques with reference to their Metaphysical foundations. 30 Marks Internal Assessment 40 marks Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference Books : 1. Yoga Techniques 2. ;ksx ds fl/nkar ,oa vH;kl 3. HkfDr;ksx 4. deZ;ksx Lokeh foosdkuan 5. Kku;ksx 6. ;ksx] LokjLF; dqath -& & & & & Dr. M.L. Gharote, Lonavala. MkW-dkfynkl tks'kh] MkW-x.ks'k 'akdj lkxj -fo|kihB] lkxj ¼e-iz-½ jkeÑ".k eB] /karksyh] ukxiwj jkeÑ".k eB] /karksyh] ukxiwj jkeÑ".k eB] /karksyh] ukxiwj iaMhr gjhÑ".k 'kkL=kh nkrkj fdrhZ lkSjHk izdk'ku djsUV cqd ,tUlh] okjk.klh &5 COURSE – IV EDUCATIONAL PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF YOGA 100 MARKS ;ksxk/;kiui)r;% 1. 2. Method of teaching Yoga to different age groups 30 Marks 30 Marks Classification and importance of Methods, Teaching aids Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendance – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks 40 marks Reference Book; 1. Teaching Methods in Yoga COURSE – V MARKS Dr. M.L. Gharote & Dr. S.K. Ganguli,Kaivalyadham, Lonavala. POLITICAL SCIENCE 100 (Theory 60 Marks) Text book prescribed by the RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur for Degree First year. Internal Assessment 40 marks Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks COURSE – VI MARKS YOGA PRACTICALS Practicals Viva 40 Marks 20 Marks 100 Internal Assessment 40 marks Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks The following practices will be taught:1. Suryanamaskara – 1. Should be practised as Physiological, Psychological and Spiritual practice. 2. 12 repetitions with the chanting of mantras. 2. Asanas ( Cultural Asanas) A. Prone on position:1. Bhujangasana 4. Dhanurasana B. Supine position :1. Viparitakarani 2. 4. Halasana 5. Shirshasana 3. PRANAYAMA :- 2. Ardhshalabhasana Sarvangasana 3. Shalabhasan 3. Matsyasana 1. Sectional Breathing : 2. 3. Chandrabhedan Pranayam 5. Shitali Pranayam 7. Bhramari Pranayam 4. KRIYAS :1. Kapalabhati 4. Vamandhauti Suryabhedan Pranyam 4. Nadishodhan Pranayam 6. Sitkari Pranayam 8. Bhastrika Pranayama 2. Jalaneti 3.Sutraneti 5. Dandaneti 6. Trataka 5. MEDITATION :- (Different techniques such as ) 1. Omkar Japa 2. Sakshibhava 3. Breath- Awareness Reference Books 1. Encyclopaedia of Yoga (No. 410) - 2. Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy - 3. Yoga explained (No. 435) 4. Yoga Philosophy in relation to other Systems of Indian Thought (No. 447) Dr. Ramkumar Rai Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.C. Vasu Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi Bengal Lancer Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.N. Dasgupta Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi SEMESTER – III SANSKRIT – II laLd`rHkk"kk& II COURSE – I Sanskrit Text prepared by KKSU Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks COURSE – II 100 MARKS 60marks 40 marks PHILOSOPHY OF YOGASHASTRA ;ksxrÙoKkue~ 100Marks Module-I Six Systems of Indian Philosophy25 Marks (Three Astika Darshan - Samkhya, Yoga and Poorvameemaamsaa) Module-II Patanjala Yoga Sutras (Samadhipada first 25 sutra) 15 Marks Module-III Hatha Yoga Pradipika (First Chapter) 20 Marks Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks 40 marks Reference Books 1. 2. Bharatiya tattwajnan Encyclopaedia of Yoga (No. 410) 3. Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy 4. Yoga explained(No. 435) 5. Yoga Philosophy in relation to other Systems of Indian Thought (No. 447) Hathayoga Pradipika Hathayoga Pradipika 6. 7. Shri.Srinivasa Dikshit, Any Popular Book Stall Dr. Ramkumar Rai Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.C. Vasu Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi Bengal Lancer Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.N. Dasgupta Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi Kaivalyadham, Lonavla Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi COURSE – III ;ksxksipkj&i)fr% YOGA THERAPY 100 MARKS Module – I Principles of Yoga Therapy: Meaning, Tools and Principles of Yoga therapy Module – II Diseases related to Nervous system and Yoga treatment for them Module – III Stress and its Management by Yoga Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendance – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 40 marks Reference Books 1. Physiology and Anatomy of Yogic Practices 2. Yogic Therapy 3. Structure and function of human body 4. 'kjhj foKku vkSj ;ksxkH;kl ¼fgUnh &ejkBh½ 5- 'kkjhfjd jksxkaP;k fuokj.kklkBh ;ksx COURSE – IV – & & Dr.M.M. Gore, Lonavala. Kuvalyananda and Dr. Vinekar Dr. Shrikrishna, Kaivalyadham, Lonawala. MkW-e-e-xksjs] yksuoyk dSoY;/kke] yksukoyk]iq.ks INRODUCTION OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 'kjhjjpuk&dk;Z'kkL=k&ifjp;%~ Module-I Basic Knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology (Cells, Tissues, Organs, Systems) Module-II Anatomy and Physiology of following Systems) 1.Skeletal system 2.Mascular system 3.Respiratory system 4.Circulatory system 5.Digestive system Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks, Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference books: 1. Anatomy and Physiology in health and illness 2- Ik`Fkd'kkjhje~ & 3- n`"VkFkZ 'kjhje~ & 4- 'kjhj fØ;k & 5. Anatomy, Physiology of Yoga practices 100 MARKS 20 Marks 40 Marks 40 marks -Ross and Wilson MkW- la;qDrk xks[kys Ik-x-vkBoys Ik-x-vkBoys 6. Structure and function of human body -- 7. 8. Yogic Therapy -- -Dr. Gore, Kaivalyadham, Lonawala. Dr. Shrikrishna, Kaivalyadham, Lonawala. Kuvalyananda and Dr. Vinekar 'kjhj foKku vkSj ;ksxkH;kl ¼fgUnh &ejkBh½ & MkW-e-e-xksjs] yksukoyk COURSE – V ENGLISH vkaXyHkk"kk 100 MARKS Text Book: 1. Winged thoughts (Theory 60 Marks) Text book prescribed by the RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur for Degree Second year. Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks COURSE VI YOGA PRACTICALS, LESSON AND ASSIGNMENT Practical (Demonstration and Viva-voce) Followiing Practices :Asanas: Pranayama Bandhas Mudras Meditation Practice of Yoga-Nidra : : : : 40 marks 40 marks 100 MARKS 60 Marks Vrischikasana, Chakrasana, Mayurasana, Matsyendrasana Bhastrika Jalandhar Banda, Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha Pranayama Mudras Mahamudra, Viparita Karani Mudra Pranav Sadhana, Nadanu Sadhana, Sakshibhava, Japa D Internal Assessment 40 marks Assignment – 20 Marks, Attendace – 05 Marks, Reference Books : 1. Hatha Yogapradipika (No. 465) 2. Gheranda Samhita (No.415) Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks - 3. Hathapradipika - 4. Ghaeranda Samhita - Choukhamba Sanskrit Series, Po. Box 1008, Varanasi 221001 Ajay Kumar Gupta,Choukhamba Sanskrit Series Po. Box 1008, Varanasi 221001 Kaivalyadham, lonavala,Mumbai, Choukhamba Sanskrit Series Po. Box 1008, Varanasi 221001 Kaivalyadham, lonavala,Mumbai, Choukhamba Sanskrit Series Po. Box 1008, Varanasi 221001 --------------- SEMESTER IV SANSKRIT – II laLd`rHkk"kk& II COURSE – I 100 MARKS Sanskrit Text book by KKSU Internal Assessment Assignment – 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks 60 marks 40 marks Reference Book: Sanskrit book prepared by KKSU COURSE – II PHILOSOPHY OF YOGASHASTRA ;ksxrÙoKkue~ 100 Marks Module-I Six Systems of Indian Philosophy(Three Astika Darshan – Nyaya, Vaisheshika and Vedaanta) Module-II Patanjala Yoga Sutras (Samadhipada) (from sutra 26 to the end of the first paada) Module-III Hatha Yoga Pradipika (Second Chapter) 25 Marks Internal Assessment Assignment – Attendace – 40 marks 20 Marks, 05 Marks, 15 Marks 20 Marks Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference Books 1. 2. Bharatiya tattwajnan Encyclopaedia of Yoga (No. 410) 3. Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy 4. Yoga explained(No. 435) 5. Yoga Philosophy in relation to other Systems of Indian Thought (No. 447) Hathayoga Pradipika Hathayoga Pradipika 6. 7. Shri.Srinivasa Dikshit, Any Popular Book Stall Dr. Ramkumar Rai Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.C. Vasu Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi Bengal Lancer Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.N. Dasgupta Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi Kaivalyadham, Lonavla Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan COURSE – III ;ksxksipkj&i)fr% YOGA THERAPY 100 MARKS 1) Study of following psychosomatic ailments. 60 Marks Cardio Vascular ailments (Hyper-tension) Respiratory ailments (Asthma, Nasal Allergy) Diabetes, Obesity, Gastro intestinal disorders, Migraine, Headaches, Arthritis, Women's problems , Children Mental Health Internal Assessment 40 marks Assignment – 20 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks, Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference Books 1. Anatomy &Physiology of Yogic Practices 2. Yogic Therapy 3. Structure and function of human body 4. 'kjhj foKku vkSj ;ksxkH;kl ¼fgUnh &ejkBh½ 5. 'kkjhfjd jksxkaP;k fuokj.kklkBh ;ksx COURSE – IV – & & Dr.M.M. Gore, Lonavala. Kuvalyananda and Dr. Vinekar Dr. Shrikrishna, Kaivalyadham, Lonawala. MkW-e-e-xksjs] yksukoyk dSoY;/kke] yksukoyk]iq.ks INTRODUCTION OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 'kjhjjpuk&dk;Z'kkL=kifjp;%~ 100 MARKS Module-I Anatomy and Physiology of following systems) 25 Marks 1.Excretary system 2.Nervous system 3.Endocrine system 4.Reproductive system Module-II Shatkarma (Introduction and physiological significance) 20 Marks Module-III Nadivijnana, Panchaprana, Panchakosha, 15 marks Internal Assessment 40 marks Assignment – 20 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks, Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference books: 1. Anatomy and Physiology in health and illness -Ross and Wilson 2- Ik`Fkd'kkjhje~ & MkW- la;qDrk xks[kys 3- n`"VkFkZ 'kjhje~ & Ik-x-vkBoys 4- 'kjhj fØ;k & Ik-x-vkBoys 5. Anatomy, Physiology of Yoga practices -Dr. Gore, Kaivalyadham, Lonawala. 6. Structure and function of human body -- Dr. Shrikrishna, Kaivalyadham, Lonawala. 7. 8. Yogic Therapy 'kjhj foKku vkSj ;ksxkH;kl ¼fgUnh &ejkBh½ -& Kuvalyananda and Dr. Vinekar MkW-e-e-xksjs] yksuoyk COURSE – V POLITICAL SCIENCE 100 MARKS (Theory 60 Marks) Text book prescribed by the RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur for Degree Srcond year. Internal Assessment Assignment – Attendace – COURSE VI A) B) C) 40 marks 20 Marks, 05 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks YOGA PRACTICALS, LESSON AND ASSIGNMENT 100 MARKS Practical (Demonstration and Viva-voce) 60 Marks Kriyas : Nauli, Basti, Danda Dhauti, Vastra-Dhauti, Shankha Prkshalana. 20 Marks Five Lesson Plans 20 Marks Course Report (Report of the Yoga Course conducted by the student) 20 Marks Internal Assessment Assignment – Attendace – 40 marks 20 Marks, 05 Marks, Reference Books : 1. Hatha Yogapradipika (No. 465) 2. Gheranda Samhita (No.415) - 3. - Hathapradipika Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks Choukhamba Sanskrit Series, Po. Box 1008, Varanasi 221001 Ajay Kumar Gupta,Choukhamba Sanskrit Series Po. Box 1008, Varanasi 221001 Kaivalyadham, lonavala,Mumbai, Choukhamba Sanskrit Series Po. Box 1008, Varanasi 221001 SEMESTER V COURSE – I laLd`rHkk"kk& III SANSKRIT - III 100 MARKS Sankrit Text by KKSU 60 Marks Refernce Book KKSU Text book Internal Assessment 40 marks Assignment – 20 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks, Class Interaction – 05 Marks COURSE – II PHILOSOPHY OF YOGASHASTRA-I 100 MARKS ;ksx'kkL=ksfrgkl% rÙoKku×p& I Module-I Three Systems of Indian Philosophy- (Nastika Darshan Charvaka &Bauddha)30 Marks Module-II Gheranda Samhita 30 Marks Internal Assessment Assignment – Attendace – 40 marks 20 Marks, 05 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference Books 1. 2. Bharatiya tattwajnan . Encyclopaedia of Yoga (No. 410) 3. Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy 4. Yoga explained(No. 435) 5. Yoga Philosophy in relation to other Systems of Indian Thought (No. 447) 6. 7. Hathayoga Pradipika Hathayoga Pradipika COURSE – III A) Shri.Srinivasa Dikshit, Any Popular Book Stall Dr. Ramkumar Rai Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.C. Vasu Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi Bengal Lancer Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.N. Dasgupta Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi Kaivalyadham, Lonavla Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi APPLIED YOGA ;ksxiz;ksx% 100 MARKS Planning and conducting at least month long Yoga Courses for Students: 60 Marks a. Health Courses b. Personality development courses c. Yoga for memory and concentration d. Yoga for eyesight improvement e. Yogic games f. Yoga for value based education Yoga course for Patients (with the help of doctors only) Yoga therapy for: Hyper-tension, diabetes, Asthma, Anxiety, neurosis, Head ache, migraine, Acidity and ulcers, Insomnia, joint pains, women's problems. Discussions with patients, counseling, precautions, motivation. Internal Assessment Assignment – Attendace – 1. 2. 3. 40 marks 20 Marks, 05 Marks, Reference Books : Applied Yoga Perspective in Yoga Yoga Dipika Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks - COURSE – IV Dr. M.L. Gharote, Kaivalyadham, Lonavala. A.K. Sinha, Bharat Manisha, Varanasi. B.K.S. Ayyangar, Orient Lormen Pvt. Ltd.,New Delhi YOGA AND POSITIVE HEALTH 100 MARKS ;ksx% rFkk vuqdwy&LokLF;e~ Module 1. Concept of Holistic Health and WHO Concept of Adhi, Vyadhi and Panchakosh Module 2. Basic Theories of Psychology. (Psycho analysis, Individuation theory, Psychosynthesis, Gestalt psychology) Module 3. Oriental and occidental concept of mind, and mental states. Internal Assessment 15 Marks 30 Marks 15 Marks 40 marks Assignment – 20 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks, Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference Books: 1 ;ksx ls eufÜpfdRlk & MkW ch-ds-ckUnzs] 76 /kkjdksBh dkWyuh] banksj2. jksx eukpk 'kks/k eukpk & JhÑ".k O;okgkjs] ?kaVkGh dkWyuh] Bk.ks ¼ifÜpe½ 3. Yoga Practices for Anxiety Dr.R.Nagarthnam, Dr.H.R.Nagendra and Depression Vivekanand Kendra, Banglore. 4. Yoga Techniques 5. ikraty ;ksxlw= Hkk"; COURSE – V - & Dr. M.L. Gharote Gulmohar Apartment, Bhangarwadi, Lonavala. MkW-,u~ Ogh- djacsGdj] guqeku O;k;e izlkjd eaMG]vejkorh ENGLISH vkaXyHkk"kk 100 MARKS (Theory 70 Marks and Viva 30 Marks) Text book prescribed by the RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur for Degree Third year. Text Book: 1. Vision. Internal Assessment 40 marks Assignment – Attendace – 20 Marks, 05 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks COURSE – VI YOGA PRACTICAL ;ksxizkR;f{kde Demonstration (50) & Viva (10) - 100 MARKS 60 Marks, Internal Assessment 40 marks Assignment – 20 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Attendace – 05 Marks, Class Interaction – 05 MarksMarks The following practices will be taught:1. Suryanamaskara – 1. Should be practised as Physiological, Psychological and Spiritual practice. 2. 12 repetitions with the chanting of mantras. 2. Asanas ( Cultural Asanas) A. Standing:1. Ardha-katichakrasana 2. Padahastasana 3. Ardha-chakrasana 4. Trikonasanaa 5. Parivrutta-Trikonasana B. Sitting-Position:1. Paschimottanasana 2. Ushtrassana 3. Vakrasana 4. Ardhamatsyendrasana 5. Shashankasana 6. Suptavajrasana C. Prone on position:1. Bhujangasana 2. Ardhshalabhasana 3. Shalabhasan 4. Dhanurasana D. Supine position :1. Viparitakarani 2. Sarvangasana 3. Matsyasana 4. Halasana 5. Shirshasana E. Relaxative Asanas :1. Shavasana 2. Makarasana F. Meditative Asanas :1. Padmasana 2. Vajrasana 3. Swastikasana 4. Siddhasana 5. Sukhasana Mayurasan, Vrishchikasan, Chakrasa and Matsyendrasan ___________ SEMESTER VI COURSE – I SANSKRIT - III KKSU Sanskrit book laLd`rHkk"kk& III 100 MARKS 60 Marks Internal Assessment 40 marks Assignment – Attendance – COURSE – II 20 Marks, 05 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks PHILOSOPHY OF YOGASHASTRA-I ;ksx'kkL=ksfrgkl% rÙoKku p& I 100 MARKS Module-I Systems of Indian Philosophy- (Jain Darshan) 20 Marks Module-II 40 Marks Hatha Yoga Pradipika (Chapters-Three, four and five) Internal Assessment Assignment – Attendace – 40 marks 20 Marks, 05 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference Books 1. 2. Bharatiya tattwajnan Encyclopaedia of Yoga (No. 410) 3. Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy 4. Yoga explained(No. 435) 5. Yoga Philosophy in relation to other Systems of Indian Thought (No. 447) 6. 7. Hathayoga Pradipika Hathayoga Pradipika COURSE – III A) Shri.Srinivasa Dikshit, Any Popular Book Stall Dr. Ramkumar Rai Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.C. Vasu Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi Bengal Lancer Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi S.N. Dasgupta Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi Kaivalyadham, Lonavla Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan P.O.No: 1008, Varanasi APPLIED YOGA ;ksxiz;ksx% 100 MARKS Application of Yoga Concepts and Practices in Allied Sciences: 30 Marks Ayurveda Naturopathy Psychology (Psychiatry) Physical Education C) Internship: 30 Marks Organizing at least 3 Yoga courses – each of one month duration with minimum 50 participants. Collecting the required data and submitting a report. Internal Assessment Assignment – Attendace – 40 marks 20 Marks, 05 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks 1. 2. 3. Reference Books: Applied Yoga Perspective in Yoga Yoga Dipika COURSE – IV Module 1. - Dr. M.L. Gharote, Kaivalyadham, Lonavala. A.K. Sinha, Bharat Manisha, Varanasi. B.K.S. Ayyangar, Orient Lormen Pvt. Ltd.,New Delhi YOGA AND POSITIVE HEALTH ;ksx% rFkk vuqdwy&LokLF;e 100 MARKS Mental Wellness, Mental disorders (Causes, symptoms and Cure): 40 Marks frustration, depression, conflict, Obsession, anxiety. Module 2. Yoga and Mental health.Role of Yoga in curing mental disorders. 20 Marks Internal Assessment Assignment – Attendace – 40 marks 20 Marks, 05 Marks, Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks Reference Books: 1 2. 3. ;ksx ls eufÜpfdRlk & MkW ch-ds-ckUnzs] 76 /kkjdksBh dkWyuh] banksj- jksx eukpk 'kks/k eukpk Yoga Practices for Anxiety & - JhÑ".k O;okgkjs] ?kaVkGh dkWyuh] Bk.ks ¼ifÜpe½ Dr.R.Nagarthnam, Dr.H.R.Nagendra and Depression Vivekanand Kendra, Banglore. 4. Yoga Techniques - Dr. M.L. Gharote Gulmohar Apartment, Bhangarwadi, Lonavala. 5. ikraty ;ksxlw=k Hkk"; & MkW-,u~ Ogh- djacsGdj] guqeku O;k;e izlkjd eaMG] vejkorh COURSE – V POLITICAL SIENCE 100 MARKS (Theory 60 Marks) Text book prescribed by the RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur for Degree Third year. Internal Assessment Assignment – Attendace – COURSE – VI 20 Marks, 05 Marks, 40 marks Library Work – 10 Marks Class Interaction – 05 Marks YOGA PRACTICAL ;ksxizkR;f{kde 100 MARKS Demonstration (30) & Viva (10) - 40 Marks, 1. Suryanamaskara – 1. Should be practised as Physiological, Psychological and Spiritual practice. 2. 12 repetitions with the chanting of mantras. 2. PRANAYAMA :1. Sectional Breathing 2. Suryabhedan Pranyam 3. Chandrabhedan Pranayam 4. Nadishodhan Pranayam 5. Shitali Pranayam 6. Sitkari Pranayam 7. Bhramari Pranayam 8. Bhastrika Pranayama 3. KRIYAS :1. Kapalabhati 2. Jalaneti 3. Sutraneti 4. Vamandhauti 5. Dandaneti 6. Trataka 4. MEDITATION :- (Different techniques such as ) 1. Omkar Japa 2. Sakshibhava 3. Breath- Awareness 5. MUDRA 6. Organising at least three Yoga demonstrations ( Asanas, Kriya etc.) at school/ college and Public ( Supervised Activity) IV Visits to at least one recognized Yoga institute and submitting the report. ___________ 10 Marks 10 Marks
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