GOA STATE INFRSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. Construction Of 500 Bedded District Hospital At Margao, Goa – Phase I – Civil, Plumbing, Electrical, Firefighting, HVAC, Lift & Other Works Tender Notice No.: GSIDC/ENGG./NIT-157/2014-2015 DATED 20TH MARCH 2015 CORRIGENDUM -I Date : 24th March 2015 SR. NO. VOL NO. PAGE NO. (1) I 5 of 99 (2) I 6 of 99 CHAPTE R/ CLAUSE NO. 2.1 NIT 2.1 N.I.T. And Schedule E PRESENT CLAUSE / CONDITION i) Estimated Cost:Rs.83,87,31,469.00 MODIFIED CLAUSE / CONDITION (i) Estimated Cost: Rs.83,49,75,943.00. FINANCIAL CRITERIA : a. The bidder should have an average FINANCIAL CRITERIA : a. The bidder should have an average annual turnover of atleast Rs.25.50 annual turnover of atleast Rs.25.00 Crore in the last 3 consecutive Crore in the last 3 consecutive financial years. The attested copies financial years. The attested copies of original Audited Profit & Loss of original Audited Profit & Loss account and original Balance Sheet account and original Balance Sheet statement statement for the last three for last three consecutive financial years should consecutive financial years should be be scanned (PDF format) and scanned (PDF format) and submitted submitted online along with the bid. online along with the bid. b. The bidder should have a solvency b. The bidder should have a solvency of of not less than Rs.34.00 Crore not less than Rs.34.00 Crore from a from a Nationalised/ Scheduled Nationalised/ Scheduled bank valid bank valid on date of opening, as on date of opening, as specified in specified in the certificate failing the certificate failing which it shall be which it shall be reckoned as valid reckoned as valid for a period of one for a period of one year from the year from the date of issue of date Solvency Certificate. of issue Certificate. of Solvency The attested The attested copy of copy of original solvency certificate original solvency certificate as as specified should be scanned (PDF specified should be scanned (PDF format) and submitted online along format) and submitted online along with the bid. with the bid. NOTE : All the documents should be NOTE : All the documents should be attested by Government Gazetted Officer attested or duly notarized. by Government Gazetted Officer or duly notarized. CONTRACTOR the Page 1 of 3 EMPLOYER SR. NO. VOL NO. PAGE NO. (3) I 6 of 99 and 13 of 99 CHAPTE PRESENT CLAUSE / CONDITION R/ CLAUSE NO. 2.1 NIT MODE OF SUBMISSION OF and 4.2.1 E.M.D. WITH THE e-TENDER Mode of DOCUMENTS: Submission 1. The bidders can deposit the full EMD (Rs.93,87,400.00) MODE OF SUBMISSION OF E.M.D. WITH THE e-TENDER DOCUMENTS: 1. The bidders can deposit the full EMD or (Rs.93,49,800.00) on or before the before the closing date and time of closing date and time of submission of submission tenders of tenders on MODIFIED CLAUSE / CONDITION through through online NEFT/RTGS/OTC facility NEFT/RTGS/OTC facility with pre- with pre-printed challans available printed challans available on e- on e-Tendering website of GSIDC Tendering website of GSIDC and and directly credit the amount to directly credit the amount to GSIDC GSIDC account No. as generated account No. as generated by challan by challan and upload the scanned and upload the scanned copy of copy of NEFT/RTGS/OTC challan NEFT/RTGS/OTC challan along with along with the bid. the bid. OR CONTRACTOR online OR 2. Of the total value of E.M.D., the 2. Of the total value of E.M.D., the bidder can also deposit an amount bidder can also deposit an amount of of Rs.46,93,700.00 through online Rs.46,74,900.00 NEFT/RTGS/OTC with NEFT/RTGS/OTC facility with pre- pre-printed challans available on e- printed challans available on e- Tendering website of GSIDC and Tendering website of GSIDC and directly to directly credit the amount to GSIDC GSIDC account no. as generated account no. as generated by challan by challan and upload the scanned and upload the scanned copy of copy of NEFT/RTGS/OTC challan NEFT/RTGS/OTC challan along with along with the bid. The balance the bid. The balance E.M.D. of E.M.D. of Rs.46,93,700.00 can be Rs.46,74,900.00 can be deposited in deposited in the form of Deposit at the form of Deposit at call receipt call receipt (DCR) of a Scheduled (DCR) Bank guaranteed by R.B.I. or Fixed guaranteed by R.B.I. or Fixed Deposit Deposit a Receipt (FDR) of a Scheduled Bank Scheduled Bank valid for a period valid for a period of minimum six of minimum six months after the months after the closing date of closing date of submission of submission of tenders and pledged in tenders and pledged in favour of favour of Managing Director, GSIDC, credit Receipt Page 2 of 3 facility the amount (FDR) of of a EMPLOYER through Scheduled online Bank SR. NO. VOL NO. PAGE NO. CHAPTE R/ CLAUSE NO. PRESENT CLAUSE / CONDITION MODIFIED CLAUSE / CONDITION Managing Director, GSIDC, Panaji Panaji or Demand Draft / Banker’s or Banker’s Cheque of a Scheduled Bank issued in Cheque of a Scheduled Bank issued favour of GSIDC, payable at Panaji in favour of GSIDC, payable at or in form of Bank Guarantee in Panaji or in form of Bank prescribed format of GSIDC issued by Guarantee in prescribed format of a Scheduled Bank guaranteed by GSIDC issued by a Scheduled Bank R.B.I. which shall be valid for a guaranteed by R.B.I. which shall be period of minimum six months after valid for a period of minimum six closing date of submission of tenders. months of The scanned copies (PDF format) of submission of tenders. The scanned DCR or FDR or DD / BC and Bank copies (PDF format) of DCR or Guarantee shall be submitted online FDR or DD / BC and Bank along with the bid. Demand Draft after / closing date Guarantee shall be submitted online along with the bid. (4) I 10 of 99 3.5 The last date for submission of pre-bid The last date for submission of pre-bid queries is 13th April 2015. queries is 20th April 2015. (5) I 75 of 99 Contract Data GCC 50 Liquidated damages for delayed Liquidated completion: damages for delayed completion: Compensation at Rs. 4,19,400.00 Compensation at Rs.4,17,500.00 (Rupees (Rupees Four Lakh Nineteen Thousand Four Lakh Seventeen Thousand Five Four Hundred Only) per day of delay Hundred Only) per day of delay for for carrying out the works beyond the carrying out the works beyond the time time period specified for the total period specified for the total completion completion and shall be limited to a and shall be limited to a maximum of maximum of 10% of the original 10% of the original contract price. contract price. (6) I 75 of 99 Contract Data GCC 58 Minimum amount Running Account Bill: of Interim / Minimum amount of Interim / Running Account Bill: Rs.3.90cr (Rupees Three crore and Rs.3.70cr (Rupees Three crore and Ninety Lakhs Only) CONTRACTOR Page 3 of 3 Ninety Lakhs Only) EMPLOYER
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