Gujarat Technological University G T U I NVI T ED TO J OI N T H E A SI A P ROF E S S I O NA L E D U C A T I O N N ET WOR K ( A P E N ) B OA R D A S T H E D I R EC TO R F O R I ND I A Gujarat Technological University (GTU), one of the largest Technological University of India has been trying through a number of innovative programs and initiatives, to significantly improve the quality of graduates/diploma holders that it offers to the industry and society. GTU is working towards providing all necessary exposure to our students which can make them industry ready. Considering its initiatives and achievements and based on the meeting of Prof Hidetoshi Nishimura1 with Shri Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Minister of India, GTU is invited to represent India in APEN. Asia Professional Education Network (APEN) has been founded on July 6th 2011 and it is the first education network in Asia, which specially aims at producing professionals, who can solve the many issues that industry confronts today and in the future. Gujarat Technological University was invited from India to represent India in APEN Network. Left to Rigth: Dr. G. P. Vadodaria, I/C Registrar-GTU, Mr. Keyur Darji, RA-GTU, Dr. Akshai Aggarwal, Vice Chancellor—GTU, Prof. Mitsuhiro MAEDA, ED—APEN Japan, Ms. Anita Prakash, Director-ERIA Indonesia, Mr. Naresh Jadeja, Dy. Director-GTU during signing ceremony. On behalf of Gujarat Technological University Honorable Vice Chancellor of GTU Dr. Akshai Aggarwal signed the participation document of APEN at Gujarat Technological University on July 16, 2014. A representative of Gujarat Technological University will serve as a Director of Indian Chapter of APEN. Currently, APEN has 13 members from 13 countries , and the Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (AIIT, Japan) plays the role of secretariat. Other members of APEN are Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), Pohang University of Science and Technology( South Korea), Vietnam National University (Vietnam), Institute of Cambodia (Cambodia), Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), Thammasat University (Thailand), University Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia), National University of Laos(Laos), Nanyang Technological University( Singapore), De La Salle University (Philippines), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei), Yangon Technological University (Myanmar). Contact: Naresh Jadeja, Deputy Director, GTU at Fax: +91(79) 2326 7564; Telephone: +91 (79) 2326 7527 1 APEN’s main areas of work includes Development and spread of Project Based Learning (PBL), Promotion of the multiversity vision and Research and Development of the credibility index for SME to build Industrial Networks. GTU will be taking lead in India for APEN’s initiatives and will form India Chapter of APEN. GTU has been working with SMEs since August 2, 2010, when it invited the leaders of industrial associations to join the Sankul Committees, as Co-Chairs (industry) and as Directors in all the 25 GTU Innovation Sankuls. Since 2012, GTU has started working on a new syllabi for Bachelor of Engineering programs. The new syllabi use Design-oriented and Project-based learning. The new syllabi are being implemented progressively for the cohorts of students, admitted after July 2013. Design – Oriented and Project – based Learning at GTU The degree engineering syllabi, being progressively implemented since August 2013, are based on the work done by Faculty Members since 2012: (Reports and results of all of the following activities are available on the web-site under different tabs.) 1. The Vice-Chancellor discussed about the issue of Design-based and Project-based learning for the new syllabi at the Syllabi Committee in August 2012. 2. GTU took some baby steps in the syllabi of the 1st sem syllabi, designed by the Syllabi committee chaired by Prof Nilesh Bhatt and implemented in Aug 2013. 3. GTU created the document of Open Design School. 4. GTU took the help of Rohit Swarup, for a few workshops on Design. ( circulars/13Jul/3072013.pdf) 5. GTU planned the Design Sessions in Nov 2013 and organised them as a part of the 2-day Seminar on 8-9 Jan 2014. Prof C. Amarnath–IIT Bombay along with Prof. C. Amarnath, Prof. Amresh Chakrabarty, Prof. Manohar Swami visited GTU and helped understand his ideas of Design 6. Prof Nilesh Bhatt's Committee designed the syllabi for the 2nd Year. 7. Prof C Amarnath gave sample problems on 9th February, 2014. 8. GTU organized workshop on “Chanding Characteristic of Engineering Education”. Prof P.V.M. Rao (of IIT Delhi) delivered a workshop – (Report on circulars/14SEP/25092014Workshop%20on%20bridge%20by%20pvm%20rao%20august% 202014.pdf) 9. GIC worked on canvases at S4 and the idea turned out to be something which engaged the students' and Faculty Members' interest. 10. It turned out that ideas of empathy, Ideation and product development led naturally to design thinking. Then to add Business Model to this development created additional value and a continuum with the Final Year project. 11. GTU hit the bull's eye by integrating the whole of the process by bringing canvases to design. 41 Faculty Members from various branches worked in seven sessions. (Report on circulars/14SEP/25092014_01.pdf More information about GTU’s initiative for Design Oriented and Project Based Learning can be found on GTU has signed MOUs with many Universities and it has been sending about 200 students during summer for studies of about 8 weeks to foreign universities. 192 doctoral students of GTU have a foreign professor as a Co-Supervisor, in addition to the local Supervisor. (The foreign Co-Supervisors are considered as the Adjunct Professors of GTU.) Since 2012, GTU has been studying various countries of the world through a 2-semeser study at the MBA program. In this Global Country Study program, GTU’s students are studying 114 countries, with a focus on Afro-Asian countries. Since 2013, GTU has been conducting annual Seminar on Afro-Asian studies. GTU’s MBA program has completed two research project jointly with a foreign university. A third multi -University research project, wherein the effort is to involve one University from each country, has been initiated in February 2014. Another research project on social marketing, initiated by Professor Philip Contact: Naresh Jadeja, Deputy Director, GTU at Fax: +91(79) 2326 7564; Telephone: +91 (79) 2326 7527 2 Kotler is being conducted at GTU for the last three years. The project is titled as the Kotler’s Incubator for Ayurvedic Medicines (K-I AM). Thus GTU has been working towards the three objectives of APEN. Therefore, it is very appropriate that GTU should be taking lead in India for APEN’s initiatives and will form the India Chapter of APEN. At , GTU logo has been shown as one of the 14 Directors. Appendix 1 shows the news-item about GTU’s participation in APEN, as reported at the web-site of APEN. References: and Research Center for Global Studies for GTU’s 1 Prof Hidetoshi Nishimura, Executive Director, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Appendix 1: Extract from Contact: Naresh Jadeja, Deputy Director, GTU at Fax: +91(79) 2326 7564; Telephone: +91 (79) 2326 7527 3
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