GRADU ATE ST U D E N T SE N A T E TRAV EL AW A R D IN S T R U C T I O N S T H I S A P P L I C A T I O N A N D A L L S U P P L E M E N T A R Y M A T E R I A L S M U S T B E T Y P E D A N D S T A P L E D P L E A S E R E A D A L L I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S B E F O R E S U B M I T T I N G IMPORTANT DATES Academic Semester: Dates of Travel: Deadline for College of Arts & Sciences and College of Education, Health & Human Sciences: Deadline for All Other Colleges: Fall September 1, 2014 through January 12, 2015 August 18, 2014 by 5 p.m. August 25, 2014 by 5 p.m. Spring January 13, 2015 through April 30, 2015 December 15, 2014 by 5 p.m. December 29, 2014 by 5 p.m. Summer May 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015 April 13, 2015 by 5 p.m. April 28, 2015 by 5 p.m. Deliver Application To: Applicants in the College of Arts and Sciences: Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences, 312 Ayres Hall Applicants in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences: Office of the Dean of EHHS, 337 Claxton Complex All other students: Office of the Dean of Students, 413 Student Services Building It is the Applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the application materials are signed and delivered by the appropriate deadline above, even when classes are not in session. Applications that must first be delivered to the College of Arts and Science or the College of Education, Health, and Human Science will later be delivered to the Office of the Dean of Students by those Colleges. Applicants in all other colleges should contact the college regarding if the Applicant or the college will deliver the application to the Office of the Dean of Students. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Graduate Student Senate Travel Awards are announced three times per year, roughly coinciding with the major academic terms. The pur-‐ pose of these awards is to promote the University of Tennessee by exposing the broader academic community to the quality of students and research conducted at the University. A committee of graduate students and/or university administrators will review all applications and make final award determinations. The following criteria must be met for Award consideration: ¨ The Applicant must be an enrolled graduate student (master’s, specialist’s, professional, or doctoral) in good academic standing to be eligible. ¨ The Applicant must not have received previous Travel Award funding during the current academic year (September 1-‐August 31). ¨ The Applicant’s travel must be for the documented purpose of delivering a research presentation or participating in comparable activity (e.g. presenting original art, performance pieces, etc.) at a professional meeting, with preference being given to those presenting at na-‐ tional and international meetings. ¨ The Applicant should only submit an application for the next upcoming travel period, i.e., if the Applicant is applying for the Fall travel period, then the Applicant should only submit an application after the Summer application deadline. Please note: graduate students may apply for travel funds each semester, but may receive funding only once per academic year (September 1-‐August 31). The following items must be submitted for Award consideration: ¨ The applications must be completely filled out and received by the deadline for consideration. Applications submitted after the deadline will be rejected. ¨ The application must bear the signatures of the Applicant, the Applicant’s advisor, the head of the Applicant’s department, and the dean of the Applicant’s college. Applications missing any of these signatures will be rejected. ¨ An abstract (no more than 250 words) describing the research project, performance, etc. ¨ A copy of a letter of acceptance or of the conference program with the presentation highlighted. If the Applicant has not been notified of their acceptance prior to the application deadline, please attach a note explaining that the Applicant is awaiting acceptance. This will not affect eligibility, though the Applicant should notify the Graduate Student Senate immediately if their conference proposal has been declined so that their application may be retracted from consideration. AWARD NOTIFICATION Regrettably, the GSS Travel Awards Committee is unable to fully fund all applications in a given cycle, but every effort is made to award those Applicants for whom these funds can make a determining difference in the cost of travel. The allocation of an Award is in no way a comment on the merit of the pool of Applicants’ research. Awards must exceed $99, and priority is given to those Applicants who demonstrable a fi-‐ 2014 -‐ 2015 1 nancial need in order to engage in a significant academic activity. If an award from the GSS will not decisively affect the Applicant’s ability to attend the targeted conference, the Applicant should refrain from applying. After the application deadline has passed and all applicants’ eligibility has been checked by the Office of the Dean of Students, the GSS Travel Awards Committee will meet to determine which applications will be funded. After all funding decisions have been made and reviewed by the Dean of Students, the Applicant will receive notification of his/her award status. If the Applicant will receive an award, a letter explaing how to accept the award will be sent by US Mail to the mailing address provided by the Applicant. If the Applicant will not received an award, an Email will be sent to the Email address provided by the Applicant. Award decisions are typically provided within three weeks after the application deadline. By applying for the GSS Travel Award, the Applicant authorizes the Office of the Dean of Students to release any and all academic and disci-‐ plinary records to the membership of the GSS Travel Awards Committee for purposes limited to review of the application. Further, the Ap-‐ plicant certifies that the information provided on this application form is true and accurate to the best of the Applicant’s knowledge. PROOF OF ATTENDANCE The Award will be distributed in the form of a reimbursement. Applicant’s who receive a travel award must provide proof of attendance at the conference or meeting prior to receiving a reimbursement. Acceptable proof of attendance includes: travel ticket(s) (airline or other transportation), the conference agenda or registration confirmation, acceptable travel receipts (i.e., hotel, gas, and parking receipts). GENERAL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS • All fields on the form must be typed with the exception Additional Funding Information. Because the form can be filled out electronically, no handwritten applications will be accepted. • After typing all information, print, sign, and date the form. Check to make sure that every field is filled out; incomplete applications will be rejected. • Submit the form for review and signature by your advisor, department head, and college dean in that order. Applications should then be delivered to the Office of the Dean of Students as stated above. SPECIFIC APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS The “Conference Application Procedure” refers to the submission and acceptance policy for the conference or meeting. The Applicant’s advi-‐ sor should use the following to select the appropriate procedure: • Invitation Only: Conferences with “Invitation Only” application procedures are most prestigious meetings of a governing body or mem-‐ bership of a discipline. Participants in these conferences are requested by invitation to present or participate, and are not required to submit proposals subject to peer review. • Peer Reviewed: Conferences with “Peer Reviewed” application procedures are meetings of a membership of a discipline. Participants in these conferences must submit abstract proposals of their research, which are subject to peer review prior to acceptance. • Open Call: Conferences with “Open Call” application procedures are informal meetings of the membership of a discipline. Participants in these conferences are not required to submit abstract proposals prior to the meeting or are guaranteed acceptance by submitting an ab-‐ stract. The “Student’s Role at the Conference” refers to the Applicant’s level of participation at the conference or meeting. The Applicant’s advisor should use the following to select the appropriate role: • Paper Presentation: A student in this category must present an oral commentary on a paper or other original research before a formally assembled audience at a scheduled event. • Poster Presentation: A student in this category must present a paper or research data in the form of a poster. • Panel Participant: A student in this category must serve as a recognized member of a discussion panel. These roles are typically defined as discussants, panel chairs, section chairs, commentators, etc. • Other: A student in this category must fill another acceptable role at the targeted meeting. These may include, but are not limited to: a presentation of original art, musical/theatrical performances, attending workshops, etc. A brief explanation of the role is required. 2014 -‐ 2015 2 GRADU ATE ST U D E N T SE N A T E TRAVEL AW A R D IN S T R U C T I O N S T H I S A P P L I C A T I O N A N D A L L S U P P L E M E N T A R Y M A T E R I A L S M U S T B E T Y P E D A N D S T A P L E P L E A S E R E A D A L L I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S B E F O R E S U B M I T T I N G APPLICANT INFORMATION Family or Last Name: Given or First Name: Mailing Address: Apt #: City: State: Zip: Phone: UTK E-‐mail Address: College: Department: CONFERENCE INFORMATION Conference Name: Dates Attending: Location: Are you the primary author of the work? ☐ Yes ☐ No Are you the primary presenter of the work? ☐ Yes ☐ No Has your role at the conference been confirmed? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, please attach documentation showing confirmation of your contribution at the conference. If no, please attach documentation showing that you have submitted an application to attend the conference. Title of Contributed Work: Co-‐authors, if applicable: ANTICIPATED EXPENSES Under the “Your Share of Costs” column, list the amounts for which you are personally responsible. For example, consider that the total cost to stay in a hotel while traveling to a conference $100. If you are personally responsible for paying the full cost of the hotel, record $100 for Lodging in the “Your Share of Costs” column. If you are share the hotel room with another person and you personally pay only $50, record $50 for Lodging in the “Your Share of Costs” column. If you are receiving additional funding from your department, college, or other external sources, please indicate these sources and amounts in the “Additional Funding Information” section on the next page. DO NOT deduct addi-‐ tional funding from the “Your Share of Costs” columns above, even if additional funding is meant to cover a particular portion of your anticipated expenses. Please round all expenses to the nearest US dollar. Be sure to correctly calculate and record “Total Expenses” in the final column to avoid rejection of your application. YOUR SHARE OF COSTS AIRLINE TRAIN, TAXI OR RENTAL VEHICLE FUEL FOR TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE PARKING CONFERENCE REGISTRATION LODGING TOTAL EXPENSES A P P L I C A N T ’ S C E R T I F I C A T I O N I, the Applicant, certify that I have read and understand the terms, conditions, and requirements of the Graduate Student Senate Travel Award Application. I understand that the total travel funding received from all university and/or other sources may not exceed my total ex-‐ penses for this travel event. I also understand that I must report all departmental, college, and/or external funding associated with this trav-‐ el to the Graduate Student Senate. I further understand that I am required to provide proof of attendance to the Graduate Student Senate before being reimbursed. Applicant Signature: 2014 -‐ 2015 Date: 3 GRADU ATE ST U D E N T SE N A T E TRAVEL AW A R D IN S T R U C T I O N S T H I S A P P L I C A T I O N A N D A L L S U P P L E M E N T A R Y M A T E R I A L S M U S T B E T Y P E D A N D S T A P L E D P L E A S E R E A D A L L I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S B E F O R E S U B M I T T I N G TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT’S ADVISOR ADVISOR INFORMATION Family or Last Name: Given or First Name: Phone: UTK E-‐mail Address: College: Department: Conference Application Procedure: ☐ Invitation-‐Only ☐ Peer Reviewed ☐ Open-‐Call Student’s Role at the Conference: ☐ Paper Presentation ☐ Poster Presentation ☐ Panel Participant ☐ Other If other, please explain. Advisor Signature: Date: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT’S ADVISOR, DEPARTMENT HEAD, AND COLLEGE DEAN ADDITIONAL FUNDING INFORMATION Department Funding Amount: Is this funding dependent upon receiving the GSS Travel Award? ☐ Yes ☐ No Department Head Signature: Date: College Funding Amount: Is this funding dependent upon receiving the GSS Travel Award? ☐ Yes ☐ No College Dean Signature: Date: Additional funding (source and amount): Is this funding dependent upon receiving the GSS Travel Award? ☐ Yes ☐ No 2014 -‐ 2015 4
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