1220 Valley Forge Road, Suite 4 Phoenixville, PA 19460 www.aegroup-llc.com 441 Friendship Road Harrisburg, PA 17111 www.gtstech.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE American Engineer Group, LLC and GTS Technologies, Inc. Announce Merger (Phoenixville and Harrisburg, PA) American Engineers Group, LLC (AEG), a consulting engineering/surveying firm and certified MBE/DBE company specializing in civil and structural engineering, design/build projects and inspection services and GTS Technologies, Inc. (GTS), a full service engineering firm specializing in geotechnical/civil engineering, environmental, water resources, and surveying services have merged. AEG, based in Phoenixville, PA will assume the majority ownership in the merger with GTS operating as a division of AEG. Current staff contacts and telephone numbers are unchanged. Vijay Gupta, Ph.D., P.E., AEG President and Chief Executive Officer, is leading the combined company with Brent Basom, P.E. of GTS as Executive Vice President. The merger strategically creates a comprehensive certified MBE/DBE organization able to provide a full range of consulting engineering services including, civil, structural, geotechnical, environmental, water resources, surveying, planning, and construction management/inspection poised to strategically expand throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. “GTS provides the perfect fit for our growing company enabling us to dramatically expand capabilities,” says Vijay Gupta, Ph.D., P.E. “With the addition of GTS, which is a well-established engineering firm with a solid reputation working with federal, state, and local governments, the military, industry, contractors, utilities and other consulting firms, we can offer more value and convenience to our clients throughout the region.” “This merger combines and maximizes the significant strengths of two outstanding companies which will be an immense benefit to our customers,” says Brent Basom, P.E., President of GTS. “With AEG we will be able to reach a much larger market with our comprehensive, high quality services.” About GTS: Founded in 1959, GTS Technologies, Inc. provides civil and geotechnical engineering, environmental, water resources, civil engineering and surveying services to clients in the public and private sectors. The staff of approximately 30 includes engineers, geologists, hydrologists, environmental specialists, soils engineers, geophysicists, surveyors, and GIS specialists and provides an in-house AMRL and Corps of Engineers certified soil/rock and material testing laboratory. About AEG: American Engineers Group, LLC (AEG) is a certified MBE/DBE firm that provides civil engineering related design, surveying, structural engineering and inspection services. The services include, structural engineering, bridge design, roadway engineering, traffic engineering, facilities design, landscape architecture, planning, inspections, conditions evaluation, construction inspection, and management including design/build projects with contractors. Media Contact: Vijay Gupta, Ph.D, P.E. President and Chief Executive Officer vgupta@aegroup-llc.com (484) 971-6895 Brent Basom, P.E. Executive Vice President bbasom@gtstech.com (717) 920-7040
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