RIDE YOUR DREAM www.boom-trikes.eu BOOM TRIKES Sales concept for spezialized dealers 2013 Version 04/13 1 Interested in a trike dealership ? ...then this guide will try to answer as many of your questions as possible about a business which will be new and possibly quite different to anything you know. BOOM TRIKES, founded in 1990, works with dealers and rental services all over the world for more than 20 years. The expert knowledge that we have acquired over the years in co-operation with our dealers is something we now would like to share with you. If you still have questions after reading this guide, then simply call us at +49 (0) 7325 96 11 0 or send an e-mail to Wolfgang.Merkle@boom-trikes.eu or Thomas.Stubenvoll@boom-trikes.eu. It would be nice to welcome you as future business partner! Yours sincerely Wolfgang Merkle Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Managing Director 2 BOOM TRIKES Our marketing marketing concept concept Growth market „Trike“ While BOOM TRIKES Fahrzeugbau GmbH was able to continuously increase its turnover within the last 15 years, the motorbike market went down considerably. The 2 wheels sector runs out of young drivers and many of the older bikers stop to drive. Advantage trike: The trike sector becomes more and more interesting also for young customers and the older ones drive until they have reached an advanced age. Compared to bikes, trikes are non-tilting, have a reverse gear, can be driven with a car license and dispose of a trunk respectively of a big impoundment volume. The co-driver is integrated in the vehicle and seated in an extremely comfortable and protected way. To ride a trike is not only pure freedom, but it is also a good investment with high fun factor. The value of a handmade BOOM trike is much higher than a serial made motorbike and of course, it´s more exclusive. These are just some of the advantages compared to motorbikes and the reasons why beginners as well as long experienced bikers decide to buy a trike. Turnover development of BOOM TRIKES Fahrzeugbau GmbH 8.000.000 6.000.000 hin er wit v Turno 5.000.000 st 14 the la years 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 4.000.000 1999 Turnover in € 7.000.000 Year 3 General information about the trike business In addition to the sale of new vehicles, the trike business consists of repairs, customer service, selling accessories and spare parts as well as of trike rentals. Rentals are an essential part of the business. In general, future owners first rent a vehicle and buy it later on (an opportunity to earn money with your demonstration vehicles). For a good start, you will get a 1-day introductory stage at our company in Sontheim. The stage includes all business and technical information you may need. Every year, this information will be updated by a gratis one or two-day stage at our company. Besides requiring that sales partners have a reputable appearance, BOOM TRIKES also attaches high importance to good trained dealers. Our hotline is there to provide our partners quickly and reliably with any information they may need. Comparison of manufacturers A representative survey (Comparison of the biggest trike manufacturers in Europe) of the „Trike-Magazin“ confirms our good work: BOOM TRIKES Quality: BOOM TRIKES Design: BOOM TRIKES Resale value: 1st place 1st place 1st place Source: TRIKE Magazin Market leadership Thanks to your expertise and your exclusive sales area, the necessary margins and our support, our wide product range and our market leadership, both sides of the partnership will be able to realize good turnovers and benefits. Manufacturer Market share (%) BOOM TRIKES 35,75 Rewaco21,90 WK7,76 TWA5,76 Fecht4,04 BOOM CCS3,17 Easy Trike 2,88 Devil2,31 Rassler1,75 Cosmopolitan1,15 A + M 1,15 Triketec0,30 Source: TRIKE Magazin 4 BOOM TRIKES marketing concept The concept of BOOM TRIKES Trike sales and rentals Minimum vehicle purchase For persons or companies running a vehicle business or renting out vehicles. You should be able to do the after sales service and reparations on your own or you should at least dispose of a mechanic or a garage near your place. 2 vehicles at the initial purchase. In the following years subject to individual agreement. Requirements Initial investment Beginning from 40.000 Euro. A copy of your business registration. Gratis stages (technical training, sales, operational particularities). Protected area of sales Yes, on individual agreement, depending on regional requirements, population density, local buying power and your annual number of purchased vehicles. Brand restrictions Exclusive BOOM dealers (A-dealers) with an exclusive sales area are restricted to sales of BOOM trikes only. Dealers of several brands (B and C-dealers) don´t have anybrand commitment. 5 Dealer support We offer you: n If an accident occurs during the trike rental peak- season, the vehicle will be replaced as soon as possible n Printed neutral advertising material (reproductions) for publication in magazines etc. n Other advertising material such as t-shirts, flags, caps, badges, key rings etc. n Gratis loan of trade fair stand BOOM with 8 m back wall, counter, roll-up display, beach flag and barriers n Via our hotline, our trained personnel is available to give help, sales advice and technical assistance n A large and complete product range 6 n Spare parts delivery within 2 working days n Regular publication of newsletters every 4 weeks with technical information and other important news etc. n 7 points to increase the sales n Fair margins within an exclusive sales area n Sales support n Gratis technical and commercial stages / further training at our company in Sontheim. n Gratis promotion material, flyers; posters Commercial support Before starting your business, you or your colleagues won´t only get a technical, but also a commercial training at our company in Sontheim. The stage includes: 7 points to increase the sales Discount system 2013 10 Punkte Verkaufsförderprogramm 2013 Rabattsystem 2013 für Fahrzeuge, Zubehör und Teile BOOM Verkaufsförderprogramm 1.Top Aktion für Ihre Kunden Ab sofort gültig: Frühjahr- / Sommeraktion 2013 (vom 21.03. bis 21.09.2013) Händlereinkaufsrabatt vom Aktionspreis, somit volle Marge für Sie und Top Preise für Ihre Kunden. 2. Finanzierungsprogramm für Ihre Endkunden mit subventionierten 3,99% effektivem Jahreszins auf günstigen Aktionspreis. 3. Händlereinkaufsaktionen 2 x pro Jahr Aktion: 1 x im September auf der Hausmesse (attraktivste Aktion) 1x im laufenden Jahr z.B.: auf Händlerschulung RabattGruppe Vorjahresumsatz Neufahrzeuge Trikes Ausstattungsvariante Basic Trikes Ausstattungsvariante Thunderbird Trikes Ausstattungsvariante Ultimate A ab 5 % % % B 3-4 % % C 0-2 % % Zulassung als Vermietfahrzeug (nicht gültig bei Händler Aktions EK oder Sondernettopreisen) Voraussetzung mindestens 2 Monate zugelassen 4. Rabatte abhängig vom Vorjahresumsatz mit der Möglichkeit der Rabatterhöhung durch Umsatzsteigerung im laufenden Jahr. 5. Kostenlose Beigaben (siehe 4. Rabatte) 6. Vermietfahrzeugzuschuss Modelle: (siehe 4. Rabatte) Basic: + 1 % Rabatt Thunderbird: + 2 % Rabatt Ultimate: + 3 % Rabatt (Voraussetzung: Zulassung als Vermietfahrzeug für 2 Monate). 5 Trikes Jahresumsatz in 2013 buchbar % - Rabatte werden nicht nach Status, sondern nach Vorjahresumsatz festgelegt: 0-2 Neufahrzeuge => Rabattgruppe C 3-4 Neufahrzeuge => Rabattgruppe B ab 5 Neufahrzeuge => Rabattgruppe A 3 Trikes Jahresumsatz in 2013 buchbar 7 Trikes Jahresumsatz in 2013 buchbar % Es wird unterschieden in Status: Vermietung oder Handel oder Handel + Vermietung (Handel oder Handel + Vermietung ist Voraussetzung mindestens 3 Neufahrzeuge im Vorjahr, sonst nur Vermietung möglich) 10. Test Ride Andalusien auf der BOOM TRIKES Finca für: 1 Person ab 2 Trikes Jahresumsatz in 2013 buchbar 3 Personen ab pe Gültig für alle Modelle (New Highway, Mustang, Mustang Family, Low Rider Muscle, Fighter 2.0 A, Hayabusa) Werbematerial, BOOM Werbetafel, 2 Fahnen pro Jahr, Poster kostenlos. Beach Flag, Roll Up, BOOM Theke und vieles mehr zum Hammer EK. 4 Personen ab im % Rabatte sind: 8. Unterstützung bei Hausmessen, Tag der offenen Tür, Messen usw. in Form von zur Verfügungstellung von 1 bis max. 2 Vorführfahrzeugen (wenn Lagerfahrzeuge im Werk vorhanden). 2 Personen ab en t % he lic n rsö tell es org hv Bemerkungen / Erläuterungen: 7. Messekosten Zuschuss 50 % der Standmiete (ohne Nebenkosten oder Aufwand) nach vorheriger Absprache bzw. Beantragung. 9. a) b) % rd We % % rä%c sp e nG Zubehör u. Teile d. h. dass ein reiner Vermieter mit z. B. 7 im Vorjahr bei BOOM gekauften Neufahrzeugen im Folgejahr in Rabattgruppe A und ein Handel- u. Vermietbetrieb mit nur 2 im Vorjahr gekauften Fahrzeugen im Folgejahr in Gruppe C fällt Rabatte können im laufenden Jahr durch entsprechende Umsätze auch wieder steigen Bsp.: 2012: 1 Fahrzeug ist Gruppe „C“ in 2013. Ab dem 3. Fahrzeug in 2013 Aufstieg in „B“ usw. Rabatte werden immer vom günstigeren Aktionspreis aus berechnet Rabatte für Motoren und Lackierungen werden nicht wie Zubehör u. Teile, sondern wie Fahrzeuge verrechnet 12 16 Exclusive for BOOM dealers Sales training BOOM Top Aktionen BOOM Test Ride 2013 Exklusiv für BOOM Händler 1. Top Aktion für Ihre Kunden FrühjAhr -/ SommerAKTion 2013 (gültig vom 21.03.2013 bis 21.09.2013, alle Preise in euro inkl. 19% mwSt., ab Werk Sontheim) Modell Ausstattungsvariante Listenpreis *1 Basic 1,1 RIDE YOUR DREAM Aktionspreis *2 20.400,- 20.900,- New Highway Thunderbird 1,1 Basic 1,1 Mustang Thunderbird 1,1 Ultimate 1,1 44.030,- 36.900,- Basic 1,1 22.900,- 21.900,- Ultimate 1,1 Mustang Family Thunderbird 1,1 29.400,- 25.400,- 43.030,- 36.400,- 21.900,- 20.900,- 30.400,- 25.900,- 45.030,- Basic 1,6 24.900,- Thunderbird 1,6 Fighter X11-2,0 A 26.900,- 31.400,- Ultimate 1,1 Low Rider Muscle Vorjahresumsatz Neufahrzeuge Trikes Ausstattungsvariante Basic Trikes Ausstattungsvariante Thunderbird Trikes Ausstattungsvariante Ultimate Zubehör u. Teile A ab 5 % % % % 3-4 % % % % C B 0-2 % % % % Zulassung als Vermietfahrzeug (nicht gültig bei Händler Aktions EK oder Sondernettopreisen) Voraussetzung mindestens 2 Monate zugelassen % % % - 37.900,23.900,27.900,- 32.720,- Ultimate 1,6 45.320,- 37.900,- Basic 2,0A 29.900,- 28.900,- Thunderbird 2,0A 37.400,- 33.900,- Ultimate 2,0A 49.210,- 41.900,- Basic 1,3 32.900,- 31.900,- Thunderbird 1,3 47.940,- 40.900,- Ultimate 1,3 60.130,- 51.900,- Ultimate Kompressor 1,3 75.330,- Hayabusa RabattGruppe 63.900,- Aufpreise Motoren (New Highway, Mustang, Mustang Family) Motor 1,5 l 110 PS (81 kW) 2.000,- Motor 1,6 l VCT 125 PS (92 kW) BOOM Test-Ride Finca in Andalusien (Frigiliana) 4.900,- Finanzierung Wir haben folgende Modelle zu Testfahrten für Sie vorrätig: Top Finanzierungsangebote mit nur 3,99% effektivem Jahreszins auf den Aktionspreis wählbar zu unten stehenden Terminen (max. 16 Personen / Woche): Gruppe 1 12.10.2013 – 19.10.2013 Gruppe 2 19.10.2013 – 26.10.2013 Gruppe 3 26.10.2013 – 02.11.2013 Gruppe 4 02.11.2013 – 09.11.2013 Gruppe 5 09.11.2013 – 16.11.2013 Gruppe 6 16.11.2013 – 23.11.2013 Gruppe 7 23.11.2013 – 30.11.2013 Gruppe 8 30.11.2013 – 07.12.2013 Gruppe 9 07.12.2013 – 14.12.2013 *1 Die Listenpreise der Ausstattungsvarianten Thunderbird und Ultimate setzen sich aus dem Basic-Preis des modells zuzüglich dem Preis für die beinhalteten extras zusammen. *2 Die Aktionspreise der Ausstattungsvarianten Thunderbird und Ultimate gewähren einen durchschnittlichen nachlass von ca. 15 % auf die kalkulierten Listenpreise und gleichzeitig bis zu 50 % rabatt auf die beinhalteten extras. Bitte wenden Ersparnis für Ihre Kunden bei Thunderbird und Ultimate ca. 15% und gleichzeitig ca. 50% Rabatt auf die beinhalteten Extras. Vorteil für Ihre Kunden sind Ihre Argumente 1. Kunde spart 15% (oder z.B. 4.500,- €) bei aktueller Aktion 2. Zusätzlich subventionierte Finanzierung mit nur 3,99% effektivem Jahreszins auf günstigen Aktionspreis 3. Hauspreis? 4. Service: 1. Kundendienst frei? New Highway Mustang Mustang Family Low Rider Muscle Fighter X11-2,0 A Hayabusa Voraussetzung: Für: 1 Person ab: 2 Personen ab: 3 Personen ab: 4 Personen ab: 2 Trikes Jahresumsatz in 2013 3 Trikes Jahresumsatz in 2013 5 Trikes Jahresumsatz in 2013 7 Trikes Jahresumsatz in 2013 Für Sie frei sind: • 7 Übernachtungen auf der Test-Ride Finca im Doppelzimmer mit eigenem Bad (soweit verfügbar) • Transfer vom Flughafen Malaga zur Finca und zurück • 1 Test-Trike nach Wunsch für 6-7 Tage für 2 Personen, wobei jeder jeden Typ einen Tag lang fahren sollte • Speisen und Getränke in der Finca Für Sie zu bezahlen sind: • Hin- und Rückflug (von Ihrem nächstem Flughafen, Kosten ca. 150 - 300 €) • Benzinkosten während Ihrer Ausflüge • Verpflegung während der Ausflüge Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen! Melden Sie sich rechtzeitig an, damit Sie einen günstigen Flug bekommen und auch einen Termin in Ihrer Wunschwoche. 13 17 Catalogue 2013 Customer campaigns FrühjAhr -/ SommerAKTion 2013 (gültig vom 21.03.2013 bis 21.09.2013, alle Preise in euro inkl. 19% mwSt., ab Werk Sontheim) Ausstattungsvariante Listenpreis *1 RIDE YOUR DREAM Aktionspreis *2 20.900,- RIDE YOUR DREAM Ultimate 1,1 29.400,- 25.400,- 43.030,- 36.400,- Basic 1,1 21.900,- 20.900,- Mustang Thunderbird 1,1 30.400,- 25.900,- Ultimate 1,1 44.030,- 36.900,- Mustang Family Thunderbird 1,1 Thunderbird 1,1 Basic 1,1 Low Rider Muscle Hayabusa 22.900,- 21.900,- 31.400,- 26.900,- Ultimate 1,1 45.030,- 37.900,- Basic 1,6 24.900,- 23.900,- Thunderbird 1,6 32.720,- Ultimate 1,6 45.320,- 37.900,- 29.900,- 28.900,- 37.400,- 33.900,- Ihr BOOM Partner: Basic 2,0A Fighter X11-2,0 A Thunderbird 2,0A 27.900,- 41.900,- Ultimate 2,0A 49.210,- Basic 1,3 32.900,- 31.900,- Thunderbird 1,3 47.940,- 40.900,- 60.130,- 51.900,- Ultimate 1,3 Ultimate Kompressor 1,3 75.330,- RIDE YOUR DREAM 20.400,- Basic 1,1 New Highway BOOM TRIKES Modelle 2013 Modell 63.900,- Aufpreise Motoren (New Highway, Mustang, Mustang Family) Motor 1,5 l 110 PS (81 kW) Motor 1,6 l VCT 125 PS (92 kW) Finanzierung BOOM TRIKES Fahrzeugbau GmbH Baechinger Str. 7 D-89567 Sontheim OT Brenz www.boom-trikes.eu Top Finanzierungsangebote Diese Broschüre BOOM TRIKES 2013 ist gültig ab 15.02.2013. Die Schutzgebühr beträgt € 3,00. Technische Änderungen und 2.000,4.900,mit nur 3,99% effektivem Jahreszins auf den Aktionspreis *1 Die Listenpreise der Ausstattungsvarianten Thunderbird und Ultimate setzen sich aus dem Basic-Preis des modells zuzüglich dem Preis für die beinhalteten extras zusammen. Farbänderungen vorbehalten. Keine Haftung für Druckfehler. *2 Die Aktionspreise der Ausstattungsvarianten Thunderbird und Ultimate gewähren einen durchschnittlichen nachlass von ca. 15 % auf die kalkulierten Listenpreise und gleichzeitig bis zu 50 % rabatt auf die beinhalteten extras. Bitte wenden boom_gesamtkatalog_2013_einleger_d.indd 1 Modelle 2013 25.02.13 08:07 7 Rabattsystem 2009 POSSIBLE SALES AND MARKETING ACTIVITIES BOOM sales and marketing A) Classic advertising: n Daily or weekly newspapers nFlyers n Cinema commercials nTrikemagazin n Trike und Quad n Other magazines B) Promotions: n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Mails to customers and other interested persons Triker Round table Trike clubs Commun tours, excursions Organized trike tours Trike meetings Open door days Exhibitions, car expositions Folk festivals Trike as decoration in window shops during the winter Sales of gift bonus The good action, e.g. gratis excursion for handicaped kids Phone call or birthday card for customers and interested persons Trike advertising used by other companies Info evenings Driving stages Bus commercials Radio commercials TV commercials Club card for adults or kids C) Advertising products: n Lighters, sugar sachets etc. D) Internet / Facebook E) Company presentation: n n n n n n n n Location map Illuminated advertising BOOM logo Flags (clean) Location and presentation trikes Wearing jackets or T-Shirts with BOOM logo Company car advertising Business cards Exhibition rooms F) Service We will show and explain you the most effective and cheapest marketing possibilities during a personal meeting. 8 BOOM exhibition support Items for your professional presentation at exhibitions Back board “Fahraufnahme” Beach flag Rollup „Fahrbild“ BOOM counter BOOM counter from behind Barrier Back board „Fahraufnahme“ Back board from behind Rollup „Modelle“ Back board “Modelle” 9 Our advices for trike rentals Why having a trike renting? 10 nRenting trikes is an obligatory part of the trike business. Without a trike renting, you cannot realize a long-term good turnover. A large number of buying customers first rent their „favorite“ to test it during one or several days. How do I rent out correctly? nLet you show the driving license and compare it with the identity card. Write down both numbers. The renter should have a valid driving license for at least 1 year. We recommend you to not accept renters under the age of 21 years. n Use a form rental contract. Make a copy for the renter. Imperatively ask for a deposit of at least 400,- €. Together with the customer, check before and after the trip if the vehicle has damages and write down eventual damages in the contract (before the trip). n Always deliver clean trikes with filled tank.The trike must be returned with a filled tank as well, otherwise charge the difference. n Before the first trip, make a technical training on the vehicle (operational elements, technical basics etc.). After the technical training, always go on an extensive test ride with the renter. Only deliver him the trike when you have the impression that the renter will be able to handle the vehicle. A good and complete training needs about 15 min. for a new customer. Attention! If you notice bigger problems during the trip, don´t rent out the trike. Always inform the driver about the risks of driving a trike (obligation to wear a helmet, enormous vehicle width behind etc.) n Make sure yourself before every trip that the vehicle is in a technical perfect condition. Let the renter sign a confirmation after the test ride. n Helmets and waterproof clothes are part of the service for each trike. n Take out an insurance policy. For renting, a comprehensive coverage is advisable. nLet the renter sign the rental contract before the test ride. Example of a renting price list Tariff / renting period On workdays Monday-Friday Weekend Saturday / Sunday Long weekend Friday/Saturday/ Sunday OR Saturday/ Sunday/Monday Holiday trip 1 week (7 days) 2 weeks (14 days) Unit New Highway Mustang / Low Rider Muscle Mustang Family Fighter X11 - 2.0 A per day € 100,00 € 110,00 € 120,00 € 150,00 complete € 230,00 € 250,00 € 280,00 € 330,00 complete € 300,00 € 350,00 € 380,00 € 450,00 complete complete € 550,00 € 990,00 € 620,00 € 1.100,00 € 700,00 € 1.200,00 € 850,00 € 1.500,00 Please pay attention to the following points: n Pick-up of the vehicle at 7pm the day before the renting. n Return of the vehicle at the latest at 6 pm of the last renting day accordingly to our terms and conditions or on special agreement. nSpecial price for more than 14 days on agreement. nSubject to modifications. nAll prices VAT included. nHelmets and rainwear are included in the renting price. We offer you technically and optically irreproachable new vehicles! You will get more detailed information during a personal conversation. Call us or just stop by or visit our homepage www.xxxtrikes.xx. 11 7 points to increase the sales volume in 2013 BOOM sales promotion 1. A year-around campaign for your customers Valid up from now: Spring / summer campaign 2013 (from 21.03. to 21.09.2013) Dealer purchase prices based on campaign prices, therefore full margin for you and top prices for your customers. 12 2. Special dealer campaigns 2 campaigns per year: 1x in September at our in-house exhibition (this will be the most attractive campaign) 1x during the current year at the dealer trainings. 3. Discounts depend on the turnover of the preceding year and can increase during the current year accordingly to the number of purchased trikes. 4. Gratis options (see point 4. discounts) 5. Support/assistance for your in-house exhibitions, open doors, exhibitions etc. by putting 1-2 (max.) demonstration trikes at your disposal (on condition that we have vehicles on stock). 6. a) Advertising material, BOOM board, 2 flags per year, gratis posters b)Beach flag, roll up, BOOM counter and much more at super purchase prices 7. Test rides in Andalusia at the BOOM TRIKES finca Bookable for: 1 person up from 2 purchased trikes in 2013 2 persons up from 3 purchased trikes in 2013 3 persons up from 5 purchased trikes in 2013 4 persons up from 7 purchased trikes in 2013 BOOM top campaigns 1. Top campaign for your customers RIDE YOUR DREAM SPRING / SUMMER COMPAIGN 2013 (Valid from 21.03.2013 until 21.09.2013, all prices in Euro, excl. VAT, ex works Sontheim) Model New Highway Mustang Mustang Family Low Rider Muscle Fighter X11-2,0 A Hayabusa Version List price Basic 1,1 17.563,- Promotion price 17.143,- Thunderbird 1,1 24.706,- 21.345,- Ultimate 1,1 36.160,- 30.588,- Basic 1,1 18.403,- 17.563,- Thunderbird 1,1 25.546,- 21.765,- Ultimate 1,1 37.000,- 31.008,- Basic 1,1 19.244,- 18.403,- Thunderbird 1,1 26.387,- 22.605,- Ultimate 1,1 37.840,- 31.849,- Basic 1,6 20.924,- 20.084,- Thunderbird 1,6 27.496,- 23.445,- Ultimate 1,6 38.084,- 31.849,- Basic 2,0A 25.126,- 24.286,- Thunderbird 2,0A 31.429,- 28.487,- Ultimate 2,0A 41.353,- 35.210,- Basic 1,3 27.647,- 26.807,- Thunderbird 1,3 40.286,- 34.370,- Ultimate 1,3 50.529,- 43.613,- Ultimate Compressor 1,3 63.303,- 53.697,- Additional prices for engines (New Highway, Mustang, Mustang Family) Engine 1,5 l 110 HP (81 kW) 1.681,- Engine 1,6 l VCT 125 HP (92 kW) 4.118,- Your customers are saving about 15 % on the Thunderbird and Ultimate versions and profit of about 50 % discount on the included extras. The advantages for your customers are your arguments: 1. The customer saves 15 % or 4.500,- € during the current campaign 2. Discounted price for larger fork 3. After sales service: first service for free 13 DISCOUNT SYSTEM 2013 FOR VEHICULES, EXTRAS AND SPARE PARTS Discount level Last year‘s turnover new vehicles Trikes equipment version Basic Trikes equipment version Thunderbird Trikes equipment version Ultimate A up from 7 % % % B 4-6 % % o pers % C 0-3 % To % % be d e fined ga durin Extras and spare parts % ting ee nal m % % Remarks / explanation: Discounts are: Valid for all models: (New Highway, Mustang, Mustang Family, Low Rider Muscle, Fighter X11 - 2.0 A, Hayabusa) From now on, the discounts will vary in the status: Renting or Commerce or Commerce + Renting (Commerce or commerce + renting: provided that at least 3 new vehicles have been purchased the last year, otherwise only the status of a renting is possible). Discounts however won´t be fixed accordingly to the status, but to the last year´s turnover: 0-3 new vehicles => Discount level C 4-6 new vehicles => Discount level B up from 7 new vehicles => Discount level A This means for example that a mere rental station with 7 purchased new trikes during the last year will be classified into the discount level A for the following year and a commercial and rental station with only 2 purchased trikes the year before will be classified into the discount level C for the following year. D iscounts can increase during the current year by corresponding turnovers Example: 1 purchased vehicle in 2012 = level „C“ in 2013. Up from the 3rd vehicle in 2013, you change into level „B“ and so on. Discounts are always calculated on the basis of the favorable campaign price D iscounts for engines and paintings Will no longer be calculated with the discount level of extras or spare parts, but with the discount level of vehicles. (discounts depending on classification from 11 % - 20 %). 14 BOOM Test Ride 2013 Exclusively for BOOM dealers BOOM Test-Ride Finca in Andalusia (Frigiliana) Disposable at the following dates: (max. 16 persons/week): Group 1 12.10.2013 – 19.10.2013 Group 2 19.10.2013 – 26.10.2013 Group 3 26.10.2013 – 02.11.2013 Group 4 02.11.2013 – 09.11.2013 Group 5 09.11.2013 – 16.11.2013 Group 6 16.11.2013 – 23.11.2013 Group 7 23.11.2013 – 30.11.2013 Group 8 30.11.2013 – 07.12.2013 Group 9 07.12.2013 – 14.12.2013 We will have the following test trikes for you: New Highway Mustang Mustang Family Low Rider Muscle Fighter X11-2,0 A Hayabusa Conditions: For: 1 person up from: 2 persons up from: 3 persons up from: 4 persons up from: 2 sold trikes in 2013 3 sold trikes in 2013 5 sold trikes in 2013 7 sold trikes in 2013 Gratis for you: • 7 overnight stays at our Test-Ride Finca in a double room with own bath room (according to availability) • Transfer from and to the airport of Málaga • 1 test trike on request for 6-7 days, under condition that every trike will be driven by everyone for 1 day • Meals and drinks at the Finca To pay for you: • Outgoing and return flight(from your next airport, costs about 150,00 – 300,00,- €) • Fuel during your excursions • Meals and drinks during the excursions We are looking forward to seeing you there. Please inscribe yourself on time, so that you can get a cheap flight at the requested date. 15 BOOM TRIKES Fahrzeugbau GmbH Baechinger Straße 7 89567 Sontheim Ortsteil Brenz Telephone +49 (0) 73 25 / 96 11 - 0 Telefax +49 (0) 73 25 / 96 11 - 44 16 email Internet info@boom-trikes.eu www.boom-trikes.eu
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