Summary of Nevada Tax Proposals April 21, 2015 Introduction The Nevada Legislature is considering three major tax proposals: SB 252 (Business License Fee), SB 378 (Supplemental Revenue Fee), and AB 464 (Hybrid Tax).1 Key components of each tax are summarized below. Governor’s Business License Fee Proposal (SB 252) Basis for tax o Gross receipts, taxed using a restructured Business License Fee. Small businesses o Businesses will pay $400 if they have annual gross receipts up to $125,000. Tax rate for each industry o Rates for each industry are based on effective industry tax rates that occurred after implementation of the Texas Franchise Tax (margin tax). o Rates take into account deductions for cost of goods sold, compensation, or 30 percent of revenue, based on the experience in Texas. o Rates are not correlated to profit margins for each industry, nor do rates take into account differences in labor costs between Texas and Nevada. Amount paid depends on gross receipts o The tax rate will not be applied to actual gross receipts. o Businesses will use a table with gross receipts ranges to find the amount of the tax. o Each range is 15 percent higher than the previous range. o The amount of tax for each range is based on the midpoint of the range multiplied by the tax rate. Non-employee businesses o Pay $400, regardless of gross receipts. Modified Business Tax (MBT) o Continue the MBT at current rates of 2 percent for financial institutions and 1.17 percent for other businesses. o Increase the MBT rate for mining to 2 percent (Governor’s proposal in SB 483). Supplemental Revenue Fee (SB 378) Basis for tax o Gross receipts, taxed using a new Supplemental Revenue Fee. Small businesses o All businesses will receive a deduction for the first $100,000 in annual gross receipts. One tax rate for all industries o The tax rate is 0.465 percent + $200 for annual revenue over $100,000. Modified Business Tax (MBT) o Repeal the MBT for all businesses except--maintain the 2 percent tax rate on financial institutions and increase the tax rate for mining from 1.17 percent to 2 percent. Business License Fee o Continue the existing $200 annual Business License Fee. 1 Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1 (and the deadline of April 10, 2015), there will be no further action allowed on SB 378. 1 Summary of Nevada Tax Proposals Hybrid Tax Proposal (AB 464) Basis for tax o Payroll, taxed using a restructured Modified Business Tax. Small businesses o Change the MBT deduction from $85,000 per quarter to $50,000 per quarter. One tax rate for all industries o Increase the MBT tax rate from 1.17 percent to 1.56 percent. o Reduce the MBT tax rate for financial institutions from 2 percent to 1.56 percent. o Remove the deduction for health benefit expenses. Business License Fee o Non-corporations will pay a $300 annual Business License Fee. o Corporations will pay a $500 annual Business License Fee. Comparison of Effective Tax Rates under Three tax proposals (SB 252, SB 378, and AB 464) Revenue (US$) Governor Examples A. Cons tructi on B. Fi na nci a l Acti vi ti es C. Hea l th Servi ces D. Reta i l Tra de Business Examples 1. Cons tructi on Subcontra ctor 2. Commerci a l Ins ura nce Broker 3. Sma l l Medi ca l Pra cti ti oner 4. Automoti ve a nd Acces s ori es Reta i l Sa l es 5. Rea l Es ta te Broker 6. Tel ecommuni ca ti ons Bus i nes s 7. Avera ge La rge La s Vega s Stri p Ca s i no 8. Res ta ura nt wi th 15 Sl ots 9. Gol d Mi ne 2,000,000 5,500,000 27,000,000 17,000,000 Business License Fee + MBT (SB252) 0.216% 0.213% 0.381% 0.161% Supplemental Assembly Margin Tax Modified Revenue Fee Hybrid Tax 2014 Business Tax + MBT+BLF (AB 464) + MBT (Current Rate) (SB378) 0.462% 0.339% 1.400% 0.129% 0.548% 0.024% 1.400% 0.084% 0.465% 0.257% 1.400% 0.172% 0.465% 0.066% 1.400% 0.034% 1,476,000 1,834,000 3,790,000 0.380% 0.405% 0.607% 0.461% 0.461% 0.463% 0.701% 0.604% 0.599% 0.686% 1.043% 1.143% 0.291% 0.278% 0.396% 31,137,000 15,186,000 23,114,000 0.251% 0.630% 0.499% 0.465% 0.465% 0.465% 0.207% 0.550% 0.245% 0.740% 1.272% 1.400% 0.129% 0.351% 0.162% 654,772,409 1,300,000 100,000,000 0.355% 0.211% 0.133% 0.295% 0.460% 0.337% 0.309% 0.146% 0.186% 0.887% 0.646% 1.400% 0.207% 0.000% 0.115% See full report: Comparison of 2015 Nevada Tax Proposals: Kenny C. Guinn Center for Policy Priorities: Contact Information Kenny C. Guinn Center for Policy Priorities Email: c/o InNEVation Center Website: 6795 Edmond Street, Suite 300 Dr. Nancy E. Brune, Executive Director Las Vegas, NV, 89118 Email: Phone: (702) 522-2178 Victoria Carreón, Director of Education Policy Email: 2
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