March 2015 On Point Newsletter - Gulf Coast German Shorthair

On Point
Photography: Chris Hearne
March 2015
Gulf Coast GSPC Code of Ethics
This code is established as a guideline to protect and advance the interests of the German Shorthaired Pointer by maintaining high breeding standards and encouraging sportsmanlike competition at all dog events. Members are strongly urged to adhere to the following guidelines:
Breed only healthy adults of good temperament and qualities in relation to the AKC approved
standard for the G.S.P.
Breed only AKC registered G.S.P.s to AKC registered G.S.P.s and keep accurate records of matings and puppies in accordance with AKC rules.
Breed only O.F.A. certified adults.
Breed only C.E.R.F. certified stock with certification being done not more than twelve months
prior to breeding.
As a breeder, assume the responsibility for the welfare of any puppy you produce including a
willingness to take a puppy back or assist in placing the dog in a new home.
The best possible standards of canine health, cleanliness and veterinary care, including socialization with people and exposure to the outside world shall be maintained.
Puppies or adults shall not be consigned or sold to pet shops or commercial dealers.
Purchasers should be urged to spay/neuter pets that are not to be used for breeding.
Furnish buyers with a pedigree, AKC registration application, medical and immunization records, a feeding schedule, general care instructions and information about their local GSP club.
Members shall always conduct themselves in a manner which will reflect credit upon themselves,
their German Shorthaired Pointers, and the sport of purebred dogs, regardless of the location or
2014-2015 Officers
President, Gene Moseley; 31326 Knebel, Waller, Texas 77484
1st V. P., Nancy Ward, 17611 Wells Dr, Pearland, TX 77584
2nd V. P., James Messer; 17030 Dusty Mill Dr. E, Sugarland, TX
Secretary, Tracy Black, 1610 Chantilly, Houston, TX 77018
Treasurer, Charlie Clock, 4319 Baneway Dr, Houston, TX 77072
Directors at Large: Kirk Bomer and Chuck Duran
*New* Editor
Alex Spear
10439 Mossy Brook Ln
Cypress, TX 77433
I will be working towards fully bringing back the
On Point newsletter previously done by Molly
Howard, please excuse the transition period. I
will be looking for cover dogs, and feel free to
send in pictures from training, field trials, hunt
tests, etc to be published throughout the newsletter.
Meeting Notice
The next meeting will be at Sosa Community Center
at the corner of Wirt & Westheimer at 7:30 pm on
Thursday March 26, 2015
Field Trial and Hunt Test results
Ellis McKanna
Agility, Show, Obedience
Jeanine Wright
Titles finished
Carolyn Ramsay
New Newsletter Editor
Alex Spear
You are invited to the
2015 Gulf Coast GSP
Annual Awards Banquet
April 11, 2015
SaltGrass Steakhouse
(in the Banquet Room)
1803 Shepherd Drive
Houston, Texas 77007
(713) 869-7074
6:30 Cocktails
7:15 Dinner
Awards to Follow Dinner
And Lots of Door Prizes to be claimed!
Members: $21.00
Guest: $26.00
Please send check and RSVP to:
Sarah K Messer
10315 Beard Rd
Needville, Texas 77461
Dogs of the Year
Show Dog of the year:
GCH Am Nat’l CH NEWPoint Indian
Summer BN, PCD, RE, TD, CGC
Breeder/Owner-Nancy Ward
Obedience Dog of the year:
CH Newpoint Extreme Heat BN RN
Bred by: Nancy Ward
Owned by: Irene Zagorski/N Ward
Agility Dog of the year:
NEWPoint Classic Rock BN RE CD
Bred by: Nancy Ward
Owned by: Irene Zagorski & Nancy
Hunting Dog of the year:
CH Southwind’s Somewhere in Time
Bred by: Pat Dunn
Owned by: Pat Dunn
Field Trial Dog of the year:
FC/AFC Uodibar’s Angelina
Bred by: Herb Booth
Owned by: Hayley & David Killam
Puppy Derby Dog of the year:
HK’s Little Topcat Kitty
Bred by: Harvey Franco
HK’s Mighty Mo Mable
Bred by: Chad Inderman
Owned by: Hayley & David Killam
Dual Dog of the year:
CH Up N Adam’s Madrone London
Bred by: Molly & Mark Howard
Owned by: Molly & Mark Howard
Congrats to all!
Freer Trial
Gulf Coast German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Houston
February 7 & 8, 2015 Field Trial
Killam Ranch
Freer, Texas
The Gulf Coast GSP has a weekend trial just before the start of Region VII, this trial is preceded by a 3
day AKC trail hosted by the San Antonio GSP. In one trip you can run in two AKC trials and a NGSPA Regional
Championship. The grounds have vastly improved over the last 10 years and the wild birds are plentiful. The
Gulf Coast trial is a Purina Points trial, with the Open & Amateur Gun Dog placing dog’s handler receiving
either Open or Amateur points towards Handler of The Year. This was a dual sanctioned trial so winners of the
broke dog stake qualified to run at Booneville and the first three places in the Derby qualified for life to run in
American Field trials, other that Nationals.
The Open All Age had 14 dogs that competed. The Judges were David Dowing and Mike Patrick. The
winner was FC Cuttin Wild’s Lil Angel (Angel) owned and handled by Mike Patrick. Second Place was Ravenwood’s Witchey Woman owned and handled by Mike Mullineaux. Third Place was Free Flights Firefly (Fly)
owned by Georgia Brown and handled by Bill Rhodes. Fourth Place was Uodibar’s Against All Odds owned and
handled by John Rabidou.
The Amateur Gun dog was a retrieving stake and had 13 dogs that competed. The judges were Mike
Patrick and Dickie Sorrell. The winner was Quijano’s Queen Isabella owned by Carla & David Quijano, handled
by Carla, scouted by David. The second place dog was Sundance Kids Gun Sling 45 (Colt) owned/handled and
trained by Andy Gerdes. The third place dog was MV Countdown Cael McFarlane (Cael) owned/handler by
Nancy Grams. Fourth place was withheld.
The Open Puppy had 15 dogs that competed. The judges were Mike Patrick and James Messer. The
winner was HK’s Sea Cat (Sea Cat) t, owned by Hayley & David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo. The second
place dog was HK’s Selma (Selma), owned by Hayley & David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo. The third place
dog was Uodibar’s Shiloh (Shiloh) handled by John Rabidou. The fourth place dog was HK’s Chrome Chrome),
owned by Hayley & David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo.
The Open Derby had 22 dogs competing. The judges were David Downing and James Messer. The
winner was HK’s Mighty Mo Mabel (Mabel), owned by Hayley & David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo. The
second place dog was Cuttin Wild Hot Chic (June), owned/handled by Mike Patrick. The third place dog was
HK’s Lunatic Chic (Chic), owned by Hayley & David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo. The fourth placed dog was
HK’s Top Notch (Cinch), owned by Hayley & David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo.
The Open Gun Dog had 20 dogs competing. The judges were Mike Patrick and David Downing. The
winner was HK’s Trilogy (Trio), owned by Hayley & David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo. The second place
dog was Commander Jack (Jack), owned by Doug & Susan Bineham, handled by John Rabidou. The third place
dog was HK’s Cohiba (Stogie), owned by Hayley & David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo. The fourth place dog
was Quijano’s Queen Isabella owned by Carla & David Quijano, handled by Carla, scouted by David.
Region VII
NGSPA Region VII Championship
Duval County Ranch, Texas
The Region VII Championship has improved each year that we have run at the Duval County Ranch.
This was our 10th year at these grounds. Our sponsors at Region VII are Purina, Ford, SportDog, Lyssy &
Eckel and Southern Distributing. Several of our sponsors have supported Region VII for more than 10 years.
We really appreciate all the support in making this event a great time socially and well as a good place to run
and find wild birds. The trial was well attended and the competition was of national caliber. Many of the dogs
competing ran at the NGSPA Championship at Bonneville the following week, with several of the dogs taking
placements at Booneville. The trial is a dual sanctioned trial with AKC, with the broke dog stakes being Grand
Limited Stakes. The Derby Classic winner is also awarded AKC points.
The Running
The first stake to run was the NGSPA Region VII Amateur Shooting Dog. Our Judges were Dr. Robert
Reynolds from Ohio and Wayne Yamashita from Oregon. Thanks to these gentlemen we had great judges in
the saddle. We had 26 dogs that ran. The marshals for this stake were Eldon and Terry Hongo. We really appreciate the contribution of their time and effort in making this stake such a success. Congratulations to all the
placed dogs and competitors for making this Championship a great annual event.
Fourth place was Sundance Kids Gun Sling 45 (Colt) owned and handled by Andy Gerdes. Colt is a
past NGSPA Futurity placed dog. He displayed a powerful forward race with good range. He had two finds
with good manners. This dog’s placement was especially commendable by the fact that he was also trained by
his owner, Andy Gerdes.
Bray’s Henna (Henna) handled and owned by Jeremy Cabrera was placed third. Henna had a snappy
aggressive race with five finds and a stop to flush. Good manners throughout. Henna, being a prior NGSPA
Futurity winner displayed her capabilities and was rewarded with the fourth place in this field of premier shooting dogs.
Our Runner-up Champion was MSR’s Motorrollin (Moto), also trained and handled by her owner James
Messer. She displayed a snappy consistent aggressive attack that was exemplary of a National caliber shooting
dog. She had two finds with good manners. This young dog showed her attributes from being the 2014 NGSPA Futurity winner.
The Champion of the Region 7 ASD was BDK’s All That Jazz (Jazz) owned and handled by Terry
Bomer. Jazz was enormous throughout the entire hour. She was consistent and thrilling to watch. She had one
find with impeccable style and manners. This victory was especially gratifying considering there were several
national champions competing in this stellar field.
The next stake to run was the NGSPA Region VII All Age. Our judges for the All Age were Dr. Robert
Reynolds from Ohio and Wayne Yamashita from Oregon. We would like to thank them for sitting in the saddle
for several days and watching all the dogs with great attention. The Marshalls for this stake were James Messer
and David O’Brien.
Brace 1 - Cuttin Wild’s Lil Angel( Angel) owned by Mike Patrick, handled by Chad Inderman and
Uodibar’s Party Punch (Spike) owned by Hayley and David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo. Angel was last
seen at breakaway, handler pulled tracker at 21. Spike also had a strong break away to the front, he was seen
moving forward at the lake at 14, at 22 he was at the North East corner of the course moving to the front., at 33
judges had him, moving strongly to the front, unfortunately at 48 he was seen under birds.
Brace 2 - Franco’s Freebird (Fly) owned by Harvey Franco, handled by James Messer and Uodibar’s
Sidewinder, (Lea), owned by Hayley and David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo. Fly was last seen moving to
front in the first field, tracker pulled at 21. Lea had a strong forward breakaway handling well for Eldon. Scout
found Lea on point at 40, 46 (NP) & 57, all manners in place, earning a third place.
Brace 3 - Ravenwood’s Witchey Woman (Raven) owned and handled by Mike Mullineaux, and HK’s
Passing Lane (Laney) owned by Hayley and David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo. Raven had a strong
break away handling well with a good race, but unfortunately had a breach of manners on a find at 41. Laney
had nice forward breakaway, gathered up at pond, sent forward and at 30 point was called, unfortunately this
very nice young dog moved on the flush.
Brace 4 - Quijano’s Little Buddy, (Chacho), owned by David and Carla Quijano, handled by David
Quijano and Uodibar’s Against All Odds (Blue) owned by Susan and John Rabidou, handled by John Rabidou.
Both Chacho and Blue had a strong forward breakaways, but unfortunately were not seen again, both handlers
pulled the tracker at 41.
Brace 5 - West Wind’s Sky Rocket (Sky), owned by Mary Durham of Virginia, handled by Mike Mullineaux and Llano’s Hot Tamale (Molly), owned & handled by Chad Inderman. Sky had her first find at less
than a minute pointing a covey on the south fence line at 1, another find at 12, at 20 handler elected to pick up.
Molly had NP with relocation at 2, found on point at 15, but unable to produce birds, handler elected to pick up.
Brace 6 - Uodibar’s Tomcat (Tiger), owned by Hayley and David Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo and
MSR’s Opalescence (Opal), owned by James & Sarah Messer, handled by James Messer. This brace produced
our NGSPA Region VII Champion and RU. Both dogs are natural All Age dogs with both running hard and
to the front. Tiger broke away strong and stayed to the front throughout the brace. He produced covey finds at
25 and 37 & 47, all birds were successfully handled. Tiger finished strong and his efforts were rewarded with
Runner-Up Champion. Opal had a nice forward race showing to the front with good application to the cover,
finishing the hour with power and style. Opal had covey finds evenly spaced at 19, 29, 38 and 52 to be named
Region VII Champion.
Brace 7 - MSR’s Crystal Blue Persuasion (Crystal) owned by James & Sarah Messer handled by James
Messer. Crystal had strong forward race, but handler elected to pick up at 20.
The next stake to run was the NGSPA Region Derby Classic. The judges in the saddle for this stake
were Andy Gerdes and Dickie Sorrell both from Texas. Their job was not made easy as the dogs competing
all put down strong races with the bird work being plentiful. We appreciate the hard riding to judge all these
young dogs.
The fourth placed dog was HK’s Scary Harry (Harry), owned by Hayley & David Killam, handled by
Eldon Hongo. Nice strong dog with lots a style.
The third place dog was Uodibar’s Dark Horse Dugi (Dugi), owned by John & Susan Rabidou, handled
by John Rabidou. Nice application to the cover, forward and style to burn.
The runner up was HK’s Lean Louis (Louis), owned by Hayley & David Killam, handled by Eldon
Hongo. Strong forward, reaching to edge of each objective with nice bird work and style to make you sit up in
the saddle.
The Champion of the Derby Classic was a very young dog, Uodibar’s No Joke (Ruby), owned by John
& Susan Rabidou, handled by John Rabidou. Very nice shooting dog application with multiple very stylish
Our next stake was the NGSPA Region VII Open Shooting Dog. This stake was judged by Andy
Gerdes and Dickie Sorrell both from Texas. Again we had Championship caliber judges in the saddle. The
marshalls for the stake were Hayley Killam and Terry Bomer. The weather was a mild, birds were again plentiful, including multiple coveys finds of wild birds every day. If you we unable to attend this you missed a great
time, both the quality of the trial and the hospitality. We had 22 dogs that ran in the Open Shooting Dog this
Brace 1- Uodibar’s Bold Cab (Cab), handled by John Rabidou and Texas Wonder Girl (G), handled by
Terry Bomer. Nice forward breakaway with both dogs, with Cab having 4 finds and 2 stop to flushes. Nice
young dog with good application, but unable to finish the hour strong. G ran a moderate race with 1 find.
Brace 2- MSR’s Crystal Blue Persuasion (Crystal), handled by James Messer and Llano’s Big Bad Betty (Betty), handled by Chad Inderman. Brace 2 was away with enthusiasm with both dogs hunting the country, unfortunately Crystal had a little too much enthusiasm and ran over a bird at 3. Betty had finds at 3, 23, &
33, but had a second non-productive at 50 to be placed 3rd.
Brace 3- MSR’s Motorrollin (Moto), handled by James Messer and Uodibar’s Texas Shadywood
(Gena), handled by Eldon Hongo. Moto had a nice forward race, but the local wildlife was a little too tempting. Gena had 7 finds of which 3 were wild coveys with 1 non-productive. Had a nice race but unable to really
establish a strong race with all the bird work.
Brace 4- Bucket’s Tiny Heidi (Heidi), handled by David O’Brien and Llano’s Hot Tamale (Molly),
handled by Chad Inderman. Heidi and Molly were hard going at the breakaway with Heidi having a find at 9,
unfortunately a small breach of manners was observed and the dog was picked up. Molly was not seen and
handler pulled tracker at 14.
Brace 5- Commander Jack (Jack), handled by John Rabidou and HK’s Trilogy (Trio), handled by Eldon
Hongo. Jack was found standing at 5, divided find at 35 with birds flushing in the both dogs faces, a non-productive at 41 with a moderate race. Trio had a divided find at 41 with one other find scored with a nice forward
Brace 6: Uodibar’s Rachel Alexandra (Rachel), handled by Eldon Hongo and Cuttin Wild’s Lil Angel
(Angel), handled by Chad Inderman. Both dogs had a strong forward breakaway with Rachel having a wild
covey at 10, find at 21 and another wild covey find at 48 with a rabbit flushing the covey, a stop to flush at 56
with a nice forward race. Angel had a find at 6, followed by 2 non-productives and handled elected to pick up.
Brace 7- Uodibar’s Chocolate Wonder (Hank), handled by Eldon Hongo and Uodibar’s Morass (Morass), handled by John Rabidou. Hank had a very strong shooting dog race but unfortunately bumped a bird at
35. Morass had a find right off the breakaway at 2 with a NP at 45, with movement before handler released for
Brace 8- Uodibar’s Texas Moon AKA Pete (Pete), handled by David O’Brien and Uodibar’s Angelina
(Angie), handled by Eldon Hongo. Pete and David were having a very nice race with multiple finds at 8, 26
and 30 with a very nice buried up find at 35. Pete was a little too enthusiastic on the flush. Angie had a very
nice limb find and on second find she pinned birds after 3 relocations, but also had one NP (with bird flushing
after Eldon collared the dog) and a second NP just before time. Angie was placed 4th.
Brace 9- HK’s Prime Cut (Henry), handled by Eldon Hongo, and BDK’s All That Jazz (Jazz), handled
by Terry Bomer. Henry had three finds, one divided find, one wild covey and 1 find after a lengthy relocation.
Henry had a strong shooting dog race with forward movement, found hunting the county at time. Jazz had one
divided find, with a nice forward big shooting dog race with a big finish. This was the brace to watch as Henry owned by David & Hayley Killam, handled by Eldon Hongo was named Region VII Open Shooting Dog
Champion and Jazz owned by Kirk & Terry Bomer, handled by Terry Bomer was named Runner-up Champion
Brace 10- HK’s Cohiba (Stogie), handled by Eldon Hongo and Texas Hoosier Girl (Indy), handled by
Terry Bomer. Stogie had a STF at 20, with all manners in place. Handler then elected to pick up. Indy had 3
nice finds, with one being a wild covey. Nice consistent flowing race.
Brace 11: HK’s Mirenda (Ren), handled by Eldon Hongo and Dress Blues (Buddy), handled by John
Rabidou. Ren had a nice shooting dog race, but no birds and handler elected to pick up at 40. Buddy had a
strong forward breakaway but forgot to make the turn to stay on course. Handler pulled tracker at 25.
And a big thank you to the following for their help...
February 7 & 8 Trial
February 9th / 15th Trial
Kirk BomerKirk Bomer
Terry BomerTerry Bomer
Sarah MesserSarah Messer
James MesserJames Messer
Jeff YunaDavid O’Brien
Alex SpearHayley Killam
Chris Hearne
David O’Brien
Hayley Killam
Intake for February: 15 GSP, 8 Pointers
Adoptions for February: 8 GSP, 12 Pointers
Two Shorthairs looking for a home:
Both around 8 months old, one male, one female,
current on shots & heartworm prevention
Contact Casey Stunkard for more information
Cell: 281-216-2489