COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY 27 APRIL 2015 AT MACKELLAR MOTEL: 5:30PM The meeting commenced at 5:32pm Committee: Ann Luke, Peter Jones, Wendy Marsh, Sarah Ranclaud, Jim Farquhar, Andrew Baker, Jodi Dolbel, David Isbester, Mike Broekman, Lyn Gurney, Nicolette Bronkhorst, Jamie Chaffey Present: Ann Luke chair), Lyn Gurney, Wendy Marsh, Andrew Baker, Jodi Dolbel, Peter Jones, Sarah Ranclaud, Kelly Donnelly (minutes) 1. Apologies: Mike Broekman, Jim Farquhar, Jamie Chaffey, David Isbester, Nicolette Bronkhorst Motion: that the apologies be accepted… (Marsh, Gurney) CARRIED 2. Minutes: For previous meeting held 16 March 2015 Motion: that the minutes of the meeting held 16 March be accepted. (Baker, Jones) CARRIED 3. Business Arising: Andrew attended the Over Rail Bridge (commencement of construction) meeting where he announced that the Gunnedah Chamber support the bridge construction. 4. Correspondence: a.) Invitation to Mayoral Breakfast, 15 April • Attended by Ann, Wendy and Sarah. • General consensus that the meeting was interesting, but it was not Chamber related. b.) Small Business Friendly Council - Initiative of NSW Small Business Commissioner (Forward by Joe Townsend NSW Business Chamber holding a networking event in Tamworth (hosted by Tamworth Regional Council) on Tuesday 5 May from 5.30-6.30pm, the Chamber can nominate up to 5 reps to attend c.) Various re China Visit • At Jamie’s suggestion we requested inclusion on itinerary for business related visits, which has been done. d.) GSC re business partner programme advising no to both our applications, mostly on basis of sustainability. General discussion including possibility of sponsorship for Service Awards e.) NSW and its outback NSW destination management working group invitation to attend “destination 2020”. Invitation has been circulated to Chamber committee via email f.) Market access grants (via Mike Silver) - distributed by email Food & Agribusiness Growth Initiative (federal), invitation for stakeholders (invitation circulated to committee via email) 5. Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Sarah Ranclaud Ann requested reimbursement for annual subscription to Survey Monkey Motion: that the treasurer’s report be accepted and the accounts paid with the addition of a 1 year subscription to Survey Monkey (Baker, Ranclaud) CARRIED 6. Reports and Meetings SUSTAINABILITY SUBCOMMITTEE (JAMIE CHAFFEY) • New member Jarad Ewing to fill the position of Brendon MacKellar • Jamie seeking approval for allocated funds for design/admin for document formatting of final report $200 max Motion: that the notes from the last meeting, new member Jarad Ewing and funds of up to $200 for design/admin of final report be accepted (Jones, Ranclaud) CARRIED BUSINESS SERVICE AWARDS (PETER JONES) • Entries limited so far, the committee need to work to increase these • A company has approached Peter, wanting to sponsor a disabled award... possibly something we could consider next year? • Comments made that 2MO are doing a great job with advertising. “They are talking about it all the time”. The newspaper have been running advertisements. • Suggestions that an editorial and photo on nominees may be a good way to get the word out. • Award nominator will remain anonymous on the night, unless otherwise specified (to avoid issues between business houses). • 2 names have been given to Peter for judges to date... needing more • Trophy ideas: etched glass trophies in 3 different sizes. Glass is cheaper than acrylic ($25 compared to $60). General discussion on pros and cons of trophies/frames. Peter’s committee to decide on what will be used on the night. • General consensus that more nominations are needed to make the night worthwhile. • Gala event should be self funding, although we may need to look at people sponsoring a trophy. GUNNEDAH GIFT CARD (ANN LUKE) • Ashleigh form WLT still cannot find anyone at Suncorp who would discuss the ‘watch out for fraud’ with them. • Need to push gift card for mothers day • Sales still continue although there has been no promotion • Jody had a single sale worth $1000 • Need to ensure that businesses are handing out lists with the gift card, as people are getting confused as to what business are involved. • General discussion of pros and cons of card and issues with Suncorp. MEETING WITH COUNCIL (PETER JONES) • Meeting notes circulated, no further information received from council on rainwater tank requirement and Quia Road sewerage/water extension etc. PRESIDENT’S REPORT (ANN LUKE) • Less activity this month • Must follow through with membership packages eg stickers and framed membership certificates • Sarah nearly finalised review for changes to banking arrangements which include taking Credit cards 7. Events NETWORKING • Karen Serviced Apartments: unfortunately attendance was poor • Lakeford Real Estate will hold the May networking • k&k will hold the June networking • Northern Inland Credit Union (new member) in July. FOOTPATH MEETING • General consensus that the meeting was overall a win for most who attended. • Miscommunication between Mike Silver and Stockholm Florist, Jack and Jill’s and First National BEST DRESSED WINDOW COMP • 9 people participated in the competition and 1st prize was awarded to ‘Just Country’ • General consensus that the competition was a success. 8. General Business PROFILE OF GUNNEDAH BUSINESSES FOR SISTER CITY VISIT • • • • • Ann would like to invite members to submit their business profile (logo, profile picture, services, contact details) for a compiled listing of Gunnedah businesses to distribute to interested contacts. E.g. Chamber of Commerce on the China Visit. General discussion on idea. Andrew: would we be replicating Council’s business directory? (Feels it may be more work than envisaged) Suggestions that a pro forma could be on website for members/businesses to fill out. Developed by k&k Ann to work out pricing OPEN GENERAL MEETING AND BREAKFAST MEETING • Ann would like to see an Ordinary General meeting in May in lieu of committee meeting. This would be a good way to make it easier for people to be involved. • Peter: could we organise a guest speaker for breakfast meeting in June? SURVEY MONKEY REPORT • • • • • • Already reported in the paper Report read to committee briefly by Ann 130 responses to survey 60 members of Chamber completed the survey General consensus that everyone is happy to pay the annual bill although suggestions were made to use the program more (at least 4 times a year) to make the cost worthwhile. Need to follow through those expressing an interest in joining WEEK OF SPEED (WENDY MARSH) • The event was very successful, with a lot of positive feedback from members and general public (Motorcycle club had their best meeting they have ever had, hill climb was the best yet, great to have it still set up for the Saturday night). • Wendy was asked how the chamber felt about the week of speed, Peter: a lot of people came to town, everything was busy for 3 weekends straight. Ann possible idea for inclusion in next survey? • People had commented that show could be seen from outside the venue and therefore was a free show for some 9. Membership Motion: that the businesses below be accepted as members (Dolbel, Ranclaud) CARRIED • Reasy Design • Ryco Gunnedah • Northern Inland Credit Union New members to be divvied up between chamber committee members to visit and present certificates etc • Peter Jones: Ryco Gunnedah • Sarah Ranclaud: Reasy Design • Jody Dolbel: Northern Inland Credit Union All members to date: 120 10. Next Meetings: • • • Monday 18 May (now OGM). 5pm Breakfast meeting (June) to be advised July committee meeting: Monday 13th July • Date rescheduled for AGM: Wednesday 5th August Meeting closed: 7:15pm
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