Kloofzicht Lodge Fly fishing Competition Registration April 2015

Annual Winter Fly fishing Competition
Sunday, 12th July 2015
Name……………………… .. Surname…………………………………………………………... Date……………………..
ID Number .............................................
Cell nr.....................................................
Number of years fly-fishing .........
Level of experience ----- Beginner / Intermediate / Experienced /Guide
Category ......Adult men...../Adult ladies..../ Junior boys...../Junior girls.........
Dietary requirements ...................................................................................
Signature ……………………………….. Signed in acceptance of Rules, regulations and indemnity stated
below. Custodian must sign if entrant is a minor (under 18yrs old)
Entry Rules
This is an open competition for individual anglers.
Fishing will be lake-style with Rules and flies to create a fair and level 'playing field'.
There is no need to belong to any recognised club or association.
There is a maximum of 60 entries
There is no age restriction. Juniors must be 14 years or younger.
The competition will be held at Kloofzicht Lodge & Spa on Sunday, 12th July 2015
Entries will be accepted with on a first come first served basis.
The Entry Fee is R395 per adult & R265 per child u/14 and R 175 lunch only. These fees are
not refundable under any circumstances.
Entry fee includes coffee, tea and rusks on arrival plus buffet lunch. Guests are required to
pay for any additional drinks, meals, accommodation etc
Registration will commence at 6:30am and beats will be allocated by means of drawing
All correspondence and enquiries about the competition should be made to Wayne Sinclair
Sundowner Adventures. Tel: 0113154503 Cell: 0834140391
E-mail: sundowncorporate@gmail.com
Advance payment is required
Please email completed entry form to info@sundowner.co.za or fax to 0866710935
Fishing Rules
The Competition will be fished from the side of the fly fishing dams, adhering to regulations
and respecting the spirit and tradition of game angling. There may be occasions when the
organisers will need to amend the rules for some reason, or local fishery regulations may
have to be imposed or the match postponed to a later date; whatever the reason, the match
organiser’s decision will be final and binding.
A beat system will be organised by Sundowner Adventure staff and the allocation of beats
will be made by means of a random draw.
Two rod’s, not exceeding 9 feet in length, may be used by each competitor.
Fishing shall be with de-barbed artificial fly only. Tandem flies are allowed. No more than
two flies may be mounted on a cast.
Fly Size
The overall length of a fly, including dressing when wet, shall measure no more than 6cm’s (including
setae, wing, hackle and tail). Attractor chemicals and the use of light emitters to flies are debarred.
Only single hooks permitted on a fly..
Non-compressible beads or sequins are not permitted in fly dressings, whether they are constructed
from metal or plastic.
Strike indicators are allowed. Buoyant flies e.g. "Boobies","Bungs", "Sedgehogs", "Floating Fry" etc,
may be used in conjuction with non-buoyant flies.
Fly lines, leaders & retrieves
Lines, casts and leaders shall not be additionally weighted. Braided leaders, PolyTips and Poly
Leaders are allowed, so long as they do not include any metal content.
A competitor’s rod when working flies or retrieving casts, must be above water level.
Proximity of anglers
Please adhere to the distance applicable to each beat category. No competitor may fish within the
specified distance of another fisher unless express permission is given.
Other match rules and determination of results
Competitors shall not fish before the start of the match and shall fish from the bank during the
competition. Competitors must not fish during the pre-determined “Time-out’s”. These will be
discussed on the day. Any person fishing before the competition commences or during “Time-out’s”
will be disqualified.
Accidentally foul hooked fish will count toward the total bag weight.
The results are based on
The Individual placing will be decided by:
1) Total weight of trout in each category; the higher weight taking the higher placing. In the
event of equality of weight, the greater overall weight of trout will take precedence. In the
event of equality of weight and number of fish, the heaviest individual fish will take
2) The largest trout of the day in each category
3) The greatest nr of species in each category
Categories comprise of Men, Ladies, Junior’s (under 14 yrs). No sponsors or employees of sponsors
will be permitted to compete in the competition.
There may be an element of "Catch and Release" employed.
Fish will be weighed by an official and returned to the water. Species and weight will be marked on
the anglers score card (worn by angler) + bailiffs record sheet and returned to the water.
Safety and disputes
Competitors should alert a Competition Official should assistance be required.
Officials should be around the dams during the Competition to investigate any incident without
delay. Any dispute or complaint must be reported to a Match Official as soon as possible, but not
later than after completion of the competition. The March Organiser will investigate all reported
incidents and adjudicate thereon and his decision will be final.
In the event of dangerous weather conditions, or any other circumstances, the Match Organiser may
alter the start time and change the hours of fishing to whatever he or the Fishery Management feel
is in the best interests of the competitors. This might mean that the match will be postponed and
held at a later date.
If a match date has to be changed for any reason, those competitors will be offered an alternative
date. Entry fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
Kloofzicht lodge and Sundowner Adventures are indemnified and may not be held responsible for
any theft, damage or injury whatsoever. Use of all facilities and fishing gear are at guests own risk.
Right of admission is reserved. Staff of Kloofzicht lodge as well as Sundowner Adventures hold the
right to enforce these rules..