2nd annual Short Course in Medical Virology of the GVN July 5 to 11, 2015; Baltimore, Maryland What: A one-week intensive course on basic, translational, and clinical aspects of viruses of great importance to human health. Lecturers will be leading medical virologists drawn from the ranks of GVN Centers of Excellence globally. All didactic courses will be on state-of-the-art aspects of research on specific viruses. Hands-on laboratory and clinical experiences will be integrated into the course. Significant time for discussion and interaction with medical virology leaders will be a hallmark as well as opportunities to meet with policymakers and program officials from funding agencies in Washington DC. Why: There is a critical need for highly-skilled, broadly-educated medical virologists worldwide. This course meets one of GVN’s core goals: to ensure emerging leaders in medical virology receive top flight training and have opportunities to engage with partners globally. It supplements skills already gained and provides new knowledge and avenues for broadening expertise and collaborations. Who: Approximately 30 participants will be selected to participate in this pilot course. This course will benefit early- and mid-career scientists and physicians wishing to broaden their skills in medical virology. A 50/50 split between those coming from within and outside of the GVN would be ideal. When: Arrival in Baltimore on Sunday afternoon, July 5th for course opening reception on Sunday evening. Course conclusion will be on Saturday morning, July 11 th, 2015. Where: Lodging will be provided at a hotel within walking distance to lecture sites, tentatively the Hilton Baltimore. Shuttles will be available as needed for off-site visits. Several sites in Baltimore will be used for lectures and discussions: The University of Maryland BioPark, Institute of Human Virology, and Johns Hopkins Medical Campus. Cost: Participants will arrange their own travel to/from Baltimore. Six nights lodging, tuition, meals and transport during the meeting will be included in the course fee of $2,000 and $1,500 (for non-shared and shared rooms, respectively). Tuition for locals excluding the hotel is $ 750. Scholarships may be available. Faculty: Leading medical virologists from across the GVN will lecture and participate in this course. Confirmed speakers: Drs. Robert C. Gallo, Diane Griffin, Robert Redfield, Konstantin Chumakov, Yutaka Tagaya, Peter Palese, Ab Osterhaus, Kottilil Shyamasundaran, and Ken Olson. 2nd Annual Short Course in Medical Virology of the GVN Tentative Program Baltimore, MD July 5- 11, 2015 * confirmed speakers IHV DC JHU Biopark SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 5-Jul 6-Jul 7-Jul 8-Jul 9-Jul 10-Jul 11-Jul @ IHV @ JHU @ BioPark @ DC biop/ IHV 9:00 AM 9:00-9:30: Intro 9:3010:00*Gallo: HIV *Griffin: Measles Ha l l : HTLV White House: Visit to the Office of Science and Technology Policy *Kottilil: Hepatitis 10:00 AM TBD Hopki ns : *Tagaya: HTLVTBD 1 *Hopkins Insectary Tour TBD Lunch Lunch JHU Lunch 1:00 PM * Jacques initative *Palese: Influenza * Olson: Arbovirus 2:00 PM Ba rtl ett: Cl i ni ca l *Kramer: Influenza *Translational Research: Path Sensors Bl a ttner: 11:00 AM Epidemiology 12:00PM 3:00 PM Hi l ton *Redfield: Clinical Ta l wa ni : Anti vi ra l s *Chumakov: Polio Lunch NIH Lunch *Schmaljohn: Hantavirus Vi s i t NIAID a nd Foga rty Int. Center. NIH: programs in infectious disease research funding. *Translational Research: *Osterhaus: MedImmune MERS Wentworth: Vi rus Genomi cs Group Activity, Review and Evaluation Hotel 4:00 PM Check-i n La bora tory Exerci s e TBD 5:00 PM Tra ns l a ti ona l Res ea rch: CTD Hol di ngs Gallo/Hrynkow: Closing Comments Di s cus s i on Bio Park Reception 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Openi ng recepti on 8:00 PM Cours e overvi ew Di nner TBD Di nner TBD Ba l ti more Di nner TBD Cl os i ng Di nner TBD Hi l ton Check-out 2nd Annual Short Course in Medical Virology of the GVN July 5-11, 2015 – Baltimore, Maryland Application Form Enrollment is limited. Applications will be accepted beginning March 15 with no prioritization by date of receipt. Final deadline for applications is April 30, 2015. Places will be awarded on a competitive basis by May 15, 2015. Total tuition for the 2015 course is $2,000 and $1,500 (depending on the hotel room). Tuition for locals (excluding the hotel) is $ 750. Tuition must be received by May 30, 2015 in order to reserve your space in the course. Once paid, the tuition balance will be forfeited if the participant cancels, unless a last minute replacement can be found. Candidates should be Post-Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates or Assistant Professors and key criteria for selection include the likelihood of future work in medical virology or contributions in the field of virology, as well as previous professional and academic accomplishments. A panel of leading GVN scientists will review all applications. Send no fees with this application. This form and items 1-3 listed below should be sent by email to: Dr. Natalia Mercer, Program Director Global Virus Network 801 W. Baltimore Street, Suite 519 Baltimore, MD 21201-1193 E-mail: nmercer@gvn.org 1. Curriculum vitae - which should include a list of all professional positions currently held and a brief description of responsibilities. Also include education, post-graduate training, training courses attended, and professional positions previously held. 2. Career Goals - using no more than one paragraph, describe your career plans for the next five to ten years. Include details of positions to be taken up where a commitment on the part of the employer or institution already exists. Also, using no more than one paragraph, relate how the training you receive in the GVN Short Course will be important in meeting your career goals. 3. Letter of Reference - one brief letter of reference from persons familiar with your professional work. Letters should corroborate your interest in and commitment to medical virology. First and Name: Degree(s): Specialty (if applicable): Address: City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country: Work Phone: Home Phone: Mobile: Primary Email: Secondary Email: Sex: Citizenship: Current Primary Employer: Current Job Title:
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