4TH ANNUAL ALBANY SENATE DOUBLES TOURNAMENT APRIL/MAY 2015 DOUBLES SINGLES SCRATCH (optional) (optional) First Place Prize Fund: $2,000 $500 $500 Doubles prize fund Guaranteed Handicap prize fund is based on 200 entries. Scratch prize fund based on 200 entries PRIZES Each Weekend Magic Doubles Brackets Scratch/Handicap JACKPOTS 2 WEEKENDS Saturday - April 25, May 2 Sunday – April 26, May 3 Squad Times: 11:30PM, 1:00PM, 3:00PM, 5:00PM ************************************************************ East Greenbush Bowl $$$$$$$$$$ BOWLING BALL RAFFLES 570 Columbia Tpke East Greenbush, NY 06118 (518) 477-9306 Entry Fee - $50.00 per Team 50/50 GIVEAWAYS Optional Singles - $10.00 per person Optional Scratch - $10.00 per person Special st 1 Weekend Only Bowl three squads get the fourth squad free. Can use the free entry either weekend but three squads must be bowled first weekend. BOWLERS MUST BE CERTIFIED BY TNBA AND USBC GO TO WWW.TNBAINC.ORG FOR INFO ABOUT US Cards may be purchased at tournament site FOR MORE INFORMATION & ENTRY FORMS CONTACT: LANE SPONSOR Natalie Samuel, Tournament Director 18 Joanne Ct, Albany, NY 12209 (518) 364-0080 - email: nmontagu@nycap.com $100.00 Robert Danzy, Senate President (518) 507-2218 – email: danzyrob@aol.com Banner will be placed above lane you sponsor. FAILURE TO READ IS NO EXCUSE!! Hotel Info Fairfield Inn by Marriott Albany - East Greenbush 124 Troy Road East Greenbush, NY 12061 Phone: 518-477-7984 www.marriott.com/ALBEG $99.99 plus tax per night FAILURE TO READ IS NO EXCUSE!! Tournament Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. This tournament shall be USBC and TNBA certified, is open to all sanctioned members of the USBC and shall operate under the Rules of the USBC and TNBA Non-USBC bowlers may enter by paying a membership fee of $21.00 and TNBA membership of $25.00. The tournament shall commence on Saturday April 26th 2014 and run for two (2) consecutive weekends ending on Sunday May 3rd 2015. 2 bowler teams will consist of men, women or mixed. Entering Averages: A. Highest 2013/2014 USBC league average of 21 games or more. B. If no average for 2013/2014, use the highest USBC for 2014/2015 for 21 games of more. C. Bowlers with neither of the above averages must bowl scratch with an average of 220. Summer averages will not be accepted. D. Bowler’s whose highest league average for 21 games or more is from a USBC Certified Sport League will be Automatically be re-rated. E. TEN PIN RULE: If average for 2014/2015 for 21 games more is higher by 10 pins or more than the 2013/2014 average, the average for 2014/2015 must be used (USBC Rule 319a-2). It shall be each bowler’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of his/her average, whether submitted by the bowler, his/her partner or others. Failure to use the correct average or make corrections prior to the completion of the series will result in disqualification (USBC Rue 319a-3). There are no return entry fees on disqualifications. The Tournament Director reserves the right to re-rate any bowler prior to bowling. If the bowler does not accept the Re-rate average, the entry fee shall be returned (USBC Rule 319c). Team handicap will be based on 80% of the difference between the team average and 440. Singles handicap will be based on 80% of the difference between the bowler’s average and 220. All averages over 220 must bowl scratch. All teams will bowl three (3) games on the same pair of lanes with highest total pins plus handicap deciding the Tournament winner. Re-Entries are permitted in the Doubles and Singles events. Bowlers can cash multiple times in the Doubles event, but only once with the same partner and can cash only once in the Singles event. Teams/Bowlers scoring a 1350/ 700 or better scratch series must complete an average verification sheet. All entrants who have qualified for a single prize of $700 or more in any tournament within the last year must report the Name and Date of the Tournament, scores, position and the amount won to the tournament director for possible re-rating (USBC Rule 319d, 319e). Failure to do so will result in disqualification. Prize fund is 100% returned. All decisions of the tournament directors are final on any and all disputes unless an appeal is made in writing within 72 hours to the tournament Director. Make certified checks or money orders payable to Albany Senate (no DOUBLES Prize Fund $ 30.00 Bowling & Expense Fee $ 20.00 Team Entry $ 50.00 1. OPTIONAL HCP SINGLES Prize Fund $ 8.00 Expense Fee $ 2.00 Singles Entry $10.00 personal checks) OPTIONAL SCRATCH SINGLES Prize Fund $ 8.00 Expense Fee $ 2.00 Scratch Entry $10.00 End. Avg. (13-14) End. Average (14-15) Name (Print) No Nicknames M/F Street Address USBC # TNBA # City, State, Zip Singles HDCP Entry # ______ Single Scratch Entry # _____ E-Mail Address: YES Telephone Number: Name (Print) No Nicknames M/F Street Address USBC # TNBA # City, State, Zip Singles HDCP Entry # ______ Single Scratch Entry# _____ E-Mail Address: YES Telephone Number: 2. NO End. Avg. (13-14) NO YES NO End. Average (14-15) YES NO
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