Gwinn UMC Messenger J U N E GWINN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PO Box 354 251 Jasper Street Gwinn, MI 49841 (906) 346-6314 Rev. Ron Fike, Pastor 734-277-1855 Tena Bender, Family Ministry Coordinator Marlene Deatrick, Secretary INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Lay Leader Lines/ Scripture readings 2 Volunteer schedule 3 Radical Hospitality 4 Special Study Opportunities 5 UM Women News/ Ron’s Reflection 6 Youth Group/VBS 7 GBS 8 New Members 9 Cub Scouts 11 Family Fun Day 12 Camp Michigamme 13 Calendar 14 Prayer Power 15 2 0 1 5 Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling, Calling for you and for me; See on the shoreline he’s waiting and watching, Watching for you and for me. To Camp, to Camp…you are invited to camp. Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling all children to camp. +++++ Why stay indoors when Jesus is pleading, Pleading for you and for me? Leave that com-pu-ter; get out in God’s sunshine! There’s so much beauty to see! To Camp, to Camp…you are invited to camp. Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling all children to camp. +++++ Childhood is fleeting the moments are passing, Passing from you and from me. Summer is short and the winters are lasting Let’s go outside and be free! To Camp, to Camp…you are invited to camp. Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling all children to camp. +++++++ O for the wonderful time we have waiting, Waiting for you and for me. Kayaks and volleyball, fish hooks for baiting, Baiting for you and for me! To Camp, to Camp…you are invited to camp. Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling all children to camp. -Alternate Lyrics, 2015, Rev. R.A. Fike The liberal person shall be enriched, and he who waters shall himself be watered. Proverbs 11: 25 PAGE 2 Month of June Danielle Clement Janna Clement Faye Fallon Mary Jo Dollar Paula Czapiga Sharon Couture Shirley Hansen Jean Erickson Ben Hansen Levi Lauren Tim Wakkuri 1-Jun 1-Jun 6-Jun 7-Jun 14-Jun 14-Jun 14-Jun 16-Jun 27-Jun 27-Jun 30-Jun Lay Leader Lines— As Spring rapidly turns to Summer, we transition to our summer lives. We travel, have family-get-togethers and changes to our summer church schedule. Our Church will be very busy with the Gwinn Annual Rummage sale on the 6th of June from 9 AM - 3 PM. As I said, it will be busy but fun. God bless you all and have a great summer. Love and Blessings, Scripture Readings for June Sunday, June 7 1 Sam. 8:4-20 (11:14-15) Psalm 138 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35 Sunday, June 14 1 Sam. 15:34-16:13 Psalm 20 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Mark 4:26-34 Sunday, June 21 1 Sam. 17:32-49 Psalm 9:9-20 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41 Jim & Kathy Sunday, June 28 2 Sam. 1:1-17-27 Psalm 130 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Mark 5:21-43 GWINN UMC MESSENGER PAGE Attitude of Gratitude Sunday School Teachers: Liturgists: June 7 14 21 28 Bev Braden Brenda Veale Catherine Stephenson Jim Morris Summer Off until September 13th— God’s Bible Squad ( Weekly on Thursdays) is an opportunity for children to receive summer instruction. See page 8 for more info. —————————————————— Sound System: —————————————————— Hospitality: June 7 14 21 28 Julie Johnson Pat Johnson Julie Johnson Pat Johnson June 7 14 21 28 Brad Veale Bill Nemacheck Cesar Guevara Chuck Ryall/Kip Dollar ————————————————————- Contact Group: —————————————————— Ushers: June 7 14 21 28 Jim King & Jackie Almy Sandra Kronner & Friend Jim & Kathy Morris Mike & Marlene Deatrick June 8-14 15-21 22-28 ——————————————————— Counters: June 7 Kathy Morris & Bonnie Verwey 14 Patty Nemacheck & Shirley Rice (Cesar & Beth Guevara Training) 21 Judy Watson-Olson & Joedy Marjomaki 28 Vicki Arkens & Kathy Morris 1-7 July Jim Morris 346-4886 360-0323 Gloria Gurlea 346-5540 Bonnie Verwey 346-4260 Kathy Morris 346-4886 29– 7/5 Penny Hewitt 346-3258 ————————— Key Person: June—Kurt Hedstrom 3 Radical Hospitality This summer there will be two (2) “Worship in the Park” opportunities…. July 12th August 9th Worship with our Baptist Friends United Methodist Worship 10:30 a.m. @ Peter Nordeen Park. Each service is followed by a hot dog luncheon. Please bring your own table service and a dish to pass. 2 n d W e d n e s d ay PLEASE DONATE A SALAD June 10th @ 5:30-6:15 p.m. Seeking salads to be donated Menu: for the June 10th Chicken Salad, assorted salads, desserts, juice, milk & coffee community meal. Come enjoy a delightful meal with your friends and neighbors Please call Pat Johnson @ 346-6397 to see how you can help! GWINN UMC MESSENGER Please coordinate with Pat Johnson before June 7th at 346-6397 as to what you can bring! PAGE 4 Four Week Summer Study: Again this summer, we are offering a short, four-week spiritual growth study. We plan to meet four mornings in July for 1 ½ to 2 hours. Books are currently available. Contact Shirley Rice ( 346-3276) if you are interested. Created For Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God “People want to be happy. Nothing could be more obvious, and yet this common goal seems impossible to obtain.” Together, “we will explore our yearning to be happy and what our culture and ultimately God has to say about happiness. The early Methodist tradition used the language of happiness often. Not only did John Wesley preach and teach about happiness, but his brother, Charles also wrote hymns about happiness that the early Methodists sang. The happiness they sought was happiness in God.” Please consider joining us during the month of July as we “examine the understanding of happiness and how to live the life that God created us to live.” Watch the bulletin and next month’s newsletter for dates and times. United Methodist Women…. Human Trafficking is a big problem around the world. PAGE 6 Methodist Women are taking a stand in the United States against human trafficking. The Gwinn UMW is sponsoring an afternoon program featuring State Trooper Stacey Rasanen and an employee from the Women's Center in Marquette. We invite you to come hear what these ladies have to say on: June 8th., 2:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Refreshments will be served. This invitation is being extended to the Gwinn community. Ron’ Reflection for June, 2015—(To all of our young and young at heart) Luke 8:25- He said to his disciples, “Where is your faith?” Do you know that you are only as strong as the foundation you stand on? As you grow older, what is YOUR foundation? What will help you to get through many of the troubles and problems of life? Where is YOUR faith? This is the purpose for Sunday Schools and youth groups; to help our young people learn that there is a loving God who cares deeply for them, and will help them get through any situation. It will help you build a strong foundation for the future. With that in mind, here are the plans for the youth group this summer… June 5 and 6---Youth Rummage Sale—let Pastor know when you can come and help, you can work either day, or both days. You can help with setting up, greeting, or some other activity. Mission participants are expected to help out! Parents, we need you too! July 5-11---At Camp Michigamme for the “Mission Experience.” We will join with other youth groups in ministry and mission. Aug 7-8---Mackinac Island Trip. We will travel to St. Ignace, and meet with the UMC youth group there, have a meal and fun together, and spend the night in their church! The next day we will have breakfast, and then head over to the Island and enjoy all of the fun available there! We will return home in the evening on the 8th. You will need a sleeping bag, a pillow, a change of clothes, and approximately 25$ for the boat ticket, and whatever spending money on foods and so forth you get on the Island. Parents are encouraged and welcome to come! Let’s have a great summer together! God loves you and so do I! Blessings, Pastor Ron GWINN UMC MESSENGER Please help us as you do your spring cleaning, by saving your stuff for the Town Wide Rummage Sale June 6th! This was a fantastic fundraiser last year! This year, it will be held in Fellowship Hall, with donations being accepted for drop off June 3rd – 5th mornings 8:30 to 12:30. If you need to drop off at other times, or you want to help us sort it, please call Pastor Ron @ 734-277-1855. —————————————————————————————————————- This Youth Mission is such an exciting venture, and we are looking forward to helping our neighbors right here in the UP!! This camp is actually open to all grades 6th through adult, so if you have time and want to come join us in helping someone in need, join us ‘round the campfire July 5th – 11th!! Vacation Bible School – AUGUST 24th – 28th Summer flies by so quick in the UP! This year, we are trying something new and having VBS at the end of the summer, during the day. Like GBS, we will be partnering with the Gwinn Schools with them providing the lunch, which will greatly cut the costs! The snacks are very cool and are a part of the lesson, so I will still need a few bakers to help out when the time comes! More details to follow! Please be in prayer about God’s Bible Squad, VBS, and the Youth Group and think about how you might be able to help in this mission of the church. Please remember, the children we teach today are our future leaders of the church!! PAGE 7 PAGE 8 GBS—God’s Bible Squad The children who have been attending GBS seem to be having a great time, learning about Jesus and all of his friends! We have also been learning about doing for others and showing others that we care for them. This program is full of fun! We have had lessons where we re-in-act the story, like having the children put precious lotion on the others feet or carry them on a board, like the paralytic’s friends did in order to get Jesus to see him. This summer we have great things planned! First, we’ll still meet on THURSDAY’s (NEW DAY—Beginning June 18th), but we are meeting during the day so that families have their precious summer evenings to themselves! This will also allow us to partner with the Gwinn Schools as they will supply, deliver, and serve the lunch for school aged children as part of their summer lunch program! We are going to break the children into age groups, which will allow everyone to learn more on their own level!! It will be a long day for me, but I have faith that God is preparing the right helpers to come and enjoy the children with me! I am thinking the day will look something like this: 10:00 – 11:00 Pre-School children and parents with a short lesson, and lots of laughter and social time getting young children & families comfortable in church 12:00 – 1:00 Kindergarten – 3rd grade will meet and have a lesson and craft or games 1:00 – 2:00 Lunch served to all school age students and play / game time 2:00 – 3:00 4th through 7th grade meet for a lesson and craft or games It’s my hope that parents will join with us, whenever they are available, as I fully believe children are looking to us parents to see where and what we spend our time doing, to figure out what is important in life! It would be awesome to have several generations at this fun program! Tena Bender, Family Ministry Coordinator GWINN UMC MESSENGER Threasa Hruska and James King Freiberg Family Shane Bailey, Theresa Hruska, John, Sara, Chase, Aili, Suzanne Jill Paris, James King was enjoyed by all in the Fellowship Hall after worship as a way to Welcome the new members into The family of Bob and Emma Beams invite you to help them celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 7, 2015. A reception is being held at the Lost Creek Activity Center from Noon - 3 on Sunday, June 7 We request only your presence not presents. Just having you share this very special event with them is the best gift they could be given. Should you be unable to attend, cards or notes may be sent to: Bob and Emma Beams, 316 Lost Creek Dr., Marquette, MI 49855. PAGE 11 Webelos scouts waiting to cross bridge to Boy Scouts Father and Son Tiger Scouts graduated to Wolf Scouts Cake that snagged $100 GWINN UMC MESSENGER Elmer Aho, Auctioneer Cordially invites you and your family to our 8 th Annual Family Fun Day Saturday, June 13th … 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. GREAT ACTIVITIES INCLUDING: BOUNCE HOUSE AND BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS! * 10:30 AM DEDICATION OF NEW SIGN – MEMORIAL GIFT IN HONOR OF DICK HENDRA * WORSHIP TIME – 11 A.M. AT HAMPTON CHAPEL FOLLOWED BY BLESSING OF OUR NEW DECK AT GRACE HALL AND THEN A DELICIOUS BUFFET STYLE CAMP LUNCHEON WILL BE SERVED! * GAMES AND CAMP CRAFTS! * SINGING AND FACE PAINTING! * AUCTION FUN! * WATERFRONT ACTIVITIES (WEATHER PERMITTING) 2110 US 41 Hwy W Box 1125 Michigamme, MI (906) 323-6521 Spring 2015 Happenings! NEW AND IMPROVED ON-LINE REGISTRATION! This year we are excited to announce that we are collaborating with the Detroit Conference of the UMC Board of Outdoor and Retreat Ministries to improve our on-line registration process. This will allow Camp Michigamme families to use a registration process that was designed specifically for camps by Camp Brain for their camper registrations and improve flexibility when registering online for more than one child or one session with its ease of use and memory system. We expect our on-line registration numbers to increase dramatically as folks find out how user-friendly it is – you will get a user name and password so that you won’t have to re-enter the same information over and over! Please visit and see for yourself, then tell your friends and family members and share the good news CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS! 2015 Work-Bees for Friends and Families June 5-7 Meredith Cabin Focus: Gordon Kendall along with his family and camp alum friends from the western end of the U.P. and Wisconsin are forming a work crew and coming to adopt and update Meredith Cabin. They plan to bring and install a new door, electrical updates and heater – maybe your family or group would like to pick out or sponsor your own special project! ALL ARE WELCOME – Overnight accommodations and meals provided, just let Renée know at 906-373-9707 or! “But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:7-10 ESV June 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 WEDNESDAY 2 THURSDAY 3 6:30 pm OA 7 pm NA 1-3 pm Pantry 5-6:30 pm GBS 5:30 pm Community Meal @ Grace Lutheran Janna Clement Lydia Anderson Accepting 7 8 GIFT CARD ORDERS 6:30 pm OA –Collected 7 pm NA 9 11:30 am Good News Luncheon at Grace UMC, MQT 9:30 Hospitality 10:00 Worship FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 5 6 8:00 am—3:00 pm Community Wide Rummage Sale Rummage Sale Donations— 10 11 Cindy Roberts 12 5:30 pm Community Meal @ Gwinn UMC 13 Camp Michigamme Day! 1-3 pm Pantry 5-6:30 pm GBS 14 15 GIFT CARD ORDERS 6:30 pm OA 7 pm NA –Delivered Elizabeth Lizotte Taylor Jancsi Kenneth Hewitt 16 1-3 pm Pantry 17 5:30 pm Community Meal @ First Baptist Church 9:30 Hospitality 10:00 Worship 18 19 NEW DAY & TIME: 10 am—3pm GBS NOISY OFFERING— Community Meal Sue Wakkuri Julia Wakkuri Martin Strohm Carolyn Olson 21 22 9:30 Hospitality 10:00 Worship August Newsletter Articles DUE Father’s Day! 6:30 OA 7:00 pm NA Laura Nelson Gordon Rice 28 23 1-3 pm Pantry 6:30 OA 7:00 pm NA Jennifer Erickson Sally Strohm Amanda Jisa 24 10 am Gwinn Quilters 25 26 27 9 am Newsletter mailing prepared NEW DAY & TIME: 10 am—3pm GBS Marti Obmann 29 9:30 Hospitality 10:00 Worship 20 30 1-3 pm Pantry Caleb York June 6th— Community Rummage Sale Antiques, furniture, kids stuff, misc. items, hamburgers & popcorn Proceeds benefit the KIDS Mission Trip and Knudson Camp/VBS Funds Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD. LORD, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications! Psalm 130:1-2 Peter Dani By: Tony & Judy Voegtline Earl Diekmann By: Mark & Marlene Breit John & Pam Fallon By: Faye Fallon Victor Gurlea By: Gloria Gurlea Raymond Havnen By: Ken & Judy Courtright Jeff and Fay Heimerl By: Anonymous Joseph Kodanko By: Diana Englund Loved Ones: By: Jill and Bruce Paris Al & MaryAnn Sanderson Alice Vallier John Meni By: Rick Dwight Kathy Meni Tom Meni By: Kathy Meni In Honor of: Emma Negrienilli By: Barbara Trombly John, Lawrence and Elma Roberto By: Theresa Hruska Alden Trombly By: Barbara Trombly Marian Sehl By: Tony & Judy Voegtline Tom & Lorraine Kevern Thorval & Shirley Hansen Barbara Trombly Paul & Phyllis Thurston Faye Fallon Gloria Gurlea Jim & Kathy Morris Bethel Nyquist Mark & Marlene Breit Barbara Trombly Mike & Marlene Deatrick Tim & Jane Bennett Kathryn & Cheryl Paris Ken & Judy Courtright Sharon Couture Allan Wakkuri By: Alice Wakkuri Corinne Westman By: Phyllis and Paul Thurston Sharon Couture Paula Martonen Thorval & Shirley Hansen For all the love given so freely to me and my family as we grieve the loss of my mother – Your expressions of sympathy have overwhelmed me – especially when I recognize the real blessing as being included as part of your church family! Marlene MEDICAL CONCERNS: Prayers for Alora Elizabeth Boivin (Elizabeth Lizotte’s Granddaughter ) who is back in the NICU with breathing issues. Prayers for Gene Wakkuri (son of Alice) having back surgery in Virginia. Kevin Kelly recovering from a stay in the hospital. Medical concerns for Toni Verwey and John Burges. Prayers for a grieving mother whose 20 year old son took his own life recently at Sawyer. Healing prayers for Jose Mares who has prostate cancer. Prayers for Scott Berg who is on a list for a kidney transplant and is having dialysis. From Judy Anderson: Please pray for my brother in law, Gail Bailey who is scheduled for an ultrasound, and probable surgery. For Joy who is no longer in remission for an autoimmune problem, and for great niece Maddie who is being bullied for being a Christian. Please pray for John and Juliana Maki. Juliana has a very aggressive cancer which has metastasized. Prayers for dear Kathy Fallon who is recovering from a broken hip. Prayers for Shirley Drewek’s grandson (age 26) who has re-occurring cancer. Prayers for Lauren Hintsala who was recently diagnosed with gestational diabetes and may have to take the baby early. Prayers are needed for Bill Yoder who will be going in for a port and chemo treatments soon. Please keep his faithful caregiver Suzie lifted up in prayer also. THOSE LISTED BELOW FOR WHOM WE HAVE BEEN PRAYING: Dan Bugge, John O’Berg, Linda Walimaki, Carrie Fleming, Karen Nelson, LIFE CHALLENGES: Folks needing rental/utility assistance. Disability claims. COMMUNITY & WORLD: Prayers for the Christians who are suffering at the hands of ISIS. PRAYERS FOR PEACE & THOSE INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO ARE IN HARM’S WAY: Nepal, as they deal with the after effects of the 7.8 magnitude earth quake that killed more than 3200 people. All who serve, including: 2nd Lieutenant - Janna Clement and Senara Dollar. PRAYERS FOR THESE FAMILIES & FRIENDS AS THEY GRIEVE THE DEATH OF LOVED ONES: Prayers for the family of LaVonne Schumacher who has recently passed away. The family Tyler Radtke who walked into eternal life recently. The family of Jim Jungles who recently passed away. Prayers for the family of Mike Beauchamp who has gone to be with the Lord. Prayers for the family of Marian Sehl (Marlene’s mom, John and Jacob’s Grandmother) who has passed away. Prayers for the family of Sandy Erickson. Prayers for the family of Duncan Ryan-Ross who has gone to be with our Lord. PRAISE: Joy! Bonnie and Rick celebrated 47th Wedding Anniversary! Dr. Mary-Tobin Anderson who ran her first marathon! Gwinn United Methodist Church 251 Jasper Street, PO Box 354 Gwinn, MI 49841-0655 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #12 GWINN, MICHIGAN Sunday SUMMER Worship Schedule New Times…. Hospitality Time Worship 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Rev. Ron Fike, Pastor Cell – (734) 277-1855 Parsonage – 346-3441 346-6314 Family Ministry Coordinator-Tena Bender Tuesday 10:30—6:30 pm 346-6314—Please leave a message Church Secretary, Marlene Deatrick Monday—Thursday 8:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. 346-6314
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