Church Bulletin for Sunday 2015-04-01

Overseer C. Mark Avery
Pastor .
“Greater works shall you do.”
John 14:12
April 2015
Ministry Theme ~ Celebration
Contact Information
553 Rosedale Road
PO Box 319
Kennett Square, PA 19348
610-444-1592 (fax)
email -
Schedule of Services
Sunday, 10:45 am ~ Morning Worship
Sunday, 4:00 pm ~ Afternoon Fellowship (as announced)
Tuesday, 6:30 pm ~ Time of Intercession
Tuesday, 7:30 pm ~ Discipleship Training
Wednesday, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm ~
GWM Fast Day
Wednesday, 7:30 pm ~
Bible Enrichment
Dial-in Number: 712-432-1212
Meeting ID: 318 492 992
Vision Statement
A kingdom centered ministry that
transforms lives.
Friday, April 3
Good Friday
Sunday, April 5
Resurrection Sunday
Sunday, April 12, 4:00 pm
Pastoral Anniversary Celebration
Pastor Leonard Briddell, Jr. & the Saints of Abundant
Life Apostolic Church, Wilmington DE will join us for
an afternoon fellowship to help us show our love &
support for Pastor Avery’s 22 years of devotion.
Wednesday, April 15
Midnight April 15 is the dead line for filing your 2014
Income Tax Returns.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide an atmosphere where God is glorified, members
are edified, and our community is ministered to spiritually and educationally
and enriched through the experience of
abundant life
Friday, April 17
22 years ago on Saturday April 17, 1993, C. Mark Avery
was installed as the Shepherd of Greater Works Ministries.
Sunday, April 19, 10:45 am
Elder Stephen Flemming will join us for our Morning
Worship Service.
In case of inclement weather, call the
church 610-444-5581. Once the recording comes on, press 3 to listen for any
cancellations and updates.
Sunday, April 26
Pastoral Anniversary Celebration
District Elder Gary Shackelford & the Saints of Shekinah Glory Apostolic Church will join us for an afternoon fellowship to help us show our love & appreciation for Pastor Avery in a tangible way
An affiliate of World Assemblies of Restoraon
Greater Works Ministries
We wish a very Happy Birthday to...
Upcoming Events
April 15 - Tacie Himelright
April 19 - Marlene Tinnin
April 20 - Deacon Melvin Bank
April 28 - Perry Price
Sunday, May 3, 3:30 pm
Overseer Avery and GWM will fellowship with
Bishop Jerry Eldridge and Temple of Praise, 89
Christiana Road, Newcastle, DE
Sunday, May 10
Mother’s Day
Tuesday, May 12
Last day to apply for an absentee ballot for the primary election.
Sunday, May 17, 10:45 am
Evangelist Charlene Henneghan will join us for
our Morning Worship Service.
Sunday, May 17, 4:00 pm
Women's Day
Reverend. Jennean M. Gantt & Acts of the Apostles, Philadelphia, PA will join us for our Women’s Day Service.
The GWM Families
Frank Tinnin, Sr.
Frank Tinnin, Jr.
Brother Richard Davis
Sister Catherine Warren
Sister Sarah Bryson
Sister Emily Jones
Brother Earl Nelson
Judy Boddy
Deacon Everett Butcher
Roscoe Roberts
Sister Dessie McKee
Eugene Butcher
The Gomez Family
Bishop William Cramer
Judy Carraghan
Bishop Robert and Lady Diana Etheridge
Sheldon Green
Ervin Warren
Intercessory Prayer
Deacon David Denny
Bible Enrichment
If you are unable to join us for Tuesday night class,
please join us by way of our Wednesday night conference call session. Each class will begin promptly at 7:30 pm. You can login to the session up to 5
minutes before the start time. Simply follow the
following instructions to join:
1. Call - 712-432-1212
2. Enter Meeting ID: 318 492 992 (no spaces)
3. State your name .
If you would not be able to join us, each session is
recorded and can be reviewed at your leisure.
Sunday, May 24, 4:00 pm
Pastor Avery and GWM will be worshipping at
Greater New Life Ministries, 5420 Woodland
Ave., Philadelphia, PA (215) 727-8898
Monday May, 25
Memorial Day. Most governments and many businesses will be closed. Please call before you go.
Sunday May 31
Pentecost Sunday. More information to follow.
Shepherd’s Care Reminder
Please remember that your $25 Shepherd’s Care Love
Offering is due on the Fourth Sunday of
each month. This money enables us to continue to help hold Pastor Avery up in a tangible way. If you have any questions or
concerns please see Sister Chanté Harrison. Thank you in advance.
Brain Teasers
How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two
feet by three feet by four feet?
What word in the English Language is always spelled
If you were running a race, and you passed the person
in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?
There is no dirt in a hole./Incorrectly/You would be in 2nd. You passed the person in second place, not first.
Please Remember in Prayer....
Tuesday, May 19
Primary Election Day! Polls are open from 7:00 am
to 8:00 pm.
Please email to (or give Sister Tacie) your bulletin, special event or life event
announcements for the monthly bulletins. Please
have these to Sister Tacie no later than 3:30 pm on
the 15th of the month. If you have any questions or
concerns, please ask.
553 Rosedale Road, Kenne Square, PA 19348 ~ 610-444-5581 ~ 610-444-1592 (fax) ~ hp://