GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION BIG SKY REGION I - IDAHO DISTRICT CHAPTER ID-B APRIL 2015 Chapter Newsletter GWRRA DEPUTY DIRECTORS ASST DEPUTY DIRECTORS BIG SKY (I) REGION DIRECTORS REGION I WEB SITE ID DISTRICT DIRECTORS ID DISTRICT WEB SITE REGION & ID WEB MASTER USA & CANADA Anita & JR Alkire Mike & Lynn Briggs Terry & Cheri Huffman Don & Sharon Weber Mark Bridge 800-843-9460 619-741-8893 360-791-0859 503-648-0343 208-660-7836 541-571-3880 QUAD CITIES CHAPTER ID-B DIRECTORS Jack & Gayle Turner 509-843-2393 ASSISTANT DIRECTORS Rockey & Shirley Davis 208-413-6253 NEWSLETTER Laurie Stemmene 509-758-7654 TREASURER Debra Mitchell 509-432-3371 COUPLE OF THE YEAR Rockey & Shirley Davis 208-413-6253 RIDER ED/SAFETY COORDINATOR Bob & Karen Cooper 208-816-3168 ID-B Web Site GWRRA ID-B Facebook Join the GWRRA family. Membership Information: CALENDAR OF GWRRA EVENTS & ACTIVITIES: MAY-JUNE 05/05 GWRRA ID-B Gathering – 6:30 p.m. 05/15-05/18 BC-G Victoria Days Rally 2015, Victoria Days Info 05/20 Orofino park 05/21-05/24 ID-B Evening Ride – Depart 6:00 p.m. from Steelhead park boat ramp (north Lewiston by Sinclair station). Bring dinner. Region F Rally 2015, Region F Rally Info 05/22-05/25 WA-L Desert Spring Fling 2015, Spring Fling Info Kennewick, WA 06/02 GWRRA ID-B Gathering – 6:30 p.m. 06/05-06/07 WA-R Blue Mountain Rendezvous 2015 Jollymore’s, 1516 Main St, Lewiston, ID Milton-Freewater, OR 06/13 Montesano, WA 06/15 WA-D Duck Hunt 2015, Ride to Work 2015, 06/17 ID-B Evening Ride – Depart 6:00 p.m. TBD 06/18-06/20 Reno Rendezvous 2015, Reno, NV 07/02-07/04 ID District Rally 2015, ID- District Rally Information Kamiah, ID 1 Jollymore’s, 1516 Main St, Lewiston, ID Salmon Arm, BC Tucson, AZ BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES MAY 4 6 25 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Jay Jones Shirley Davis John Henry 3 24 Happy Anniversary Happy Birthday Bob & Karen Cooper Dave Erwin JUNE CHAPTER NEWS, DISCUSSIONS, RIDE REPORTS, AND OTHER BUSINESS: Wow, here it is May already. What a great time to explore new areas of our beautiful country! We (mostly Gayle) thinks flower festivals will be good destinations this riding season. But it will most likely be in the Taurus instead of aboard the Wing. Having marked the Tulip Festival off her bucket list, she is hooked. We are in Oregon and the Iris Festival is the next "must see" destination. Jack continues to "keep on truckin" in Oregon for his son David while he continues to mend. He will hang in there until probably October. We are hoping for a prognosis by then. Jack is coming home with Gayle on the 22nd and returning with the Gold Wing. OR-G encourages him to attend their breakfast meetings the third Sat. of the month and some Saturday rides as well. Many of their members are headed to Reno. Maybe Jay and the Davis's will meet up with some of them. We have been promised the Wing World will reflect the updated Potato Tour information in the June issue. Keep your fingers crossed. We are just beginning to receive inquiries now that riding season is getting underway. We have certainly missed our meetings and rides with ID-B and all our riding friends. Our goal of visiting as many chapters in Idaho and Washington is at a temporary stall but we will get it done. And we WILL be in Kamiah at the Convention. God Bless all of you. Have fun, stay safe, and remember...IDAHO ROCKS! Jack and Gayle Turner The May gathering was held on May 5th at Jollymore’s in downtown Lewiston. Thirteen members were present. We acknowledged birthdays and anniversaries, discussed old and new business. Butch & Jim won the 50/50 (2nd month in a row). Monthly Rides. May 30– Rockey & Shirley Davis – Depart Steelhead park boat ramp at 9 am. Elk City. June 5-7 – Lance & Debra Mitchell – Blue Mountain Rendezvous July – Erwin’s August – Stark’s September – Turner’s October – 2 April 18 – The April ride was a success. Approximately 260 miles. Five bikes. Nice weather, good roads, good food, fun ride with friends. Steelhead park, Orofino, Ahsahka, Kendrick, Troy, Deary, Potlatch, Onaway, Palouse, Colfax, Wawawai, Lewiston. (Missed one ‘T’ for POTATO). May 7 - District Staff Meeting. Jim, and Laurie attended via video conferencing. Don & Sharon discussed the upcoming district Rally in Kamiah (July 2-4). ID-B is in charge of scenic ride routes. At the end of the newsletter is a registration form as well as the schedule. May 15-18 – Victoria Days, BC-G. Stemmene’s, Jones, and Blevins are going. Departing at 8 am on May 14th. May 22-25 – Desert Spring Fling, WA-L. Fun event and not far away. Rockey and Shirley are going and will depart May 22 at 10am. May 30 – May ride. Depart Steelhead park boat ramp at 9 am. No fancy back roads. Lunch in Elk City. Please RSVP to Rockey so he can call ahead to make sure the restaurant can handle the crowd. June 2 – ID-B chapter gathering, 6:30 p.m., at Jollymore’s, 1516 Main St, Lewiston. June 5-7 – June ride – Lance & Debra Mitchell – Blue Mountain Rendezvous, WA-R. FUN event and not far away. Debra has flyers. Don’t forget we need pictures of ID-B events, activities, rides, etc. We are putting together a slide show for the district rally in July. If you have pictures email them to Laurie ( Karen Cooper has volunteered to decorate our ‘wing’ – THANK YOU so much Karen!!! Also, be sure to order your District Rally t-shirts…. $15 short-sleeve, $17 long-sleeve July 2-4 - Idaho District Rally 2015, Kamiah, Lewis and Clark Resort. Make reservations for rooms, cabins and camping by calling 208-935-2556 (tent campers $12, RV’s $25, king room $65, 2 queen room $72, cabin $95). ID District Rally Registration Form For the rally we need Scenic ride routes Door prizes (up to a dozen) – bring to June gathering Slide show of our chapter events, activities, gatherings (Laurie working on) A decorated ‘Goldwing’ (Karen Cooper has volunteered to decorate our ‘wing’) Camp site decorations (for those of us camping) September 3-6 – Wing Ding. Region I will help with registration. If you are planning on attending Wing Ding and could help with registration, contact Terry Huffman, Region I Director at or 503-648-0343. 3 RIDERS EDUCATION: The Second Aspect of Motorcycle Safety – Survive the Crash Last month’s article stated that there were only two aspects to motorcycle safety – preventing the crash and surviving the crash. That article focused on ‘preventing the crash.’ As promised, this month’s article will address the second aspect of motorcycle safety – Surviving the Crash. There is probably no area of motorcycle riding or motorcycle safety that generates as much controversy as riding gear. People get wrapped around arguments of ‘there should be a helmet law,’ or ‘there shouldn’t be a helmet law.’ While this can be a very interesting (and passionate!) argument with valid points to consider on both sides – it’s not the point here. Here, we are talking about the choices you can make regarding gear (which includes, but is certainly not limited to, a helmet) to help you survive a crash. The point here is simple: Motorcycle crashes happen. Over 500 a year are reported in Idaho. Sometimes a driver or a rider (or both) make a mistake and there is a crash. Sometimes drivers don’t see us; sometimes there is an unexpected gravel spill. When you go out for a ride, you generally don’t think you are going to crash that day – neither did the 500+ people who crashed last year. While no protective gear guarantees 100% safety, good quality protective gear (helmet, jacket, riding pants, boots, gloves) will reduce and even prevent many injuries. When there is a crash, there is no way to predict what part of the rider will hit or slide on the ground – be prepared by protecting your head, body, arms, hands, legs, and feet. Riders lose. Seatbelts, crumple zones, air bags, and a reinforced steel cage all around you. On a bike you have none of these. All we have is what we are wearing. As a result, when we crash, we are more likely to lose. Have you ever heard a rider say ‘Yeah, I crashed, but it was just a fender-bender…?’ Neither have I. The pavement is not very forgiving to your body or your head. Someone cares. We all have someone in our lives who cares about us. If we were to become seriously hurt or killed, their lives would be very much affected. Imagine someone YOU care about being seriously hurt... I’ve heard riders say ‘it’s just me, so why should anyone else care about what I wear?’ Here’s the deal – it IS your choice to wear gear or not wear gear; it IS your choice regarding how much gear and what quality gear you wear. But make no mistake…it is NOT just you. In my case, I have a wife and young son at home…it’s not just me. One of my riding buddies has aging parents that need his help on a regular basis…it’s not just him. A woman I know is a teacher with a room full of kids waiting to learn every day…it’s not just her. Let’s just say she had a bad experience (motorcycle crash with minimal gear) and has dedicated her life to helping others NOT go through what she did. Your gear is your choice. Honor those who love you. Choose gear that will help you survive a crash. -Ax 4 P.S. For those who were able to make the ride on the 18th of April, Karen and I want to thank you so very much for allowing us to join in. We really enjoyed the ride and the time out with all of you. OK so I didn’t enjoy the last stop as much as the rest of the day but hay, you got a good visual lesson in what not to do and or how much you pull the front brake handle when your handle bars are not straight. Thanks again. Bob FOR SALE: 2006 Aspen Sentry tent trailer. Queen sized bed, 20 cu. ft. storage. $2500. (509)-751-0846 – Dave Other items for sale -- rear valve stem (O.E.M.), 45-degree chrome plated valve stem. Take-off parts from trike conversion. All for GL1800 prices negotiable. The Engraver, GWRRA licensed vendor. We carry many fine items and can engrave your bike plates, GWRRA name tags and Couple/Individual of the Year medallions, Hairdo by Gold Wing pins, engraved maps and much more. Our GWRRA Couple of the Year name tags are buy one and get one free. Custom engraved pins can also be made for your chapter. Items can also be made for your goodie store at quantity discounts. Also, the chrome radio knob gas tank and pouch keys are our innovation and we can be made for the GL1500 and GL1800. We truly thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to call, email or use our website if we can be of service. Our ad can also be found every month in Wing World under motorcycle goodies. EVENTS OF INTEREST: This is not an all-inclusive list. The dates and details of events may have changed. Review information before attending an event. If you have an event to add, please send the information to Laurie. DATE 05/14 05/15-05/18 05/20 05/21-05/24 05/22-05/25 05/22-05/29 05/22-05/23 05/23-05/24 05/30 06/02 06/02-06/06 06/04 06/05-06/07 06/06 06/12-06/13 06/12-06/14 06/13-06/14 06/13 ACTIVITIES/EVENTS Lost in the 50’s 2015, BC-G Victoria Days Rally 2015, ID-B Evening Ride – Depart Steelhead park at 6:00 p.m. Bring dinner. Region F Rally 2015, WA-L Desert Spring Fling 2015, NAIA Baseball Tournament 2015, Camas Festival 2015, Dayton Days 2015, WA-B Harvest Run 2015, GWRRA ID-B Gathering – 6:30 p.m. Americade Rally 2015, Alive after 5 WA-R Blue Mountain Rendezvous 2015 Big Water Blowout 2015, Oregon Mountain Cruise 2015 - All Wheels Weekend 2015, Dayton Events Tumbleweed Festival & Pioneer Days 2015, Pomeroy Chamber WA-D Duck Hunt 2015, 5 LOCATION Sandpoint, ID Salmon Arm, BC Park in Orofino, ID Tucson, AZ Kennewick, WA Lewiston, ID Weippe, ID Dayton, WA Bremerton, WA Lake George, NY Downtown Clarkston, WA Milton-Freewater, OR Riggins, ID Joseph, OR Dayton, WA Pomeroy, WA Montesano, WA 06/15 06/17 06/18-06/20 06/19-06/20 06/19-06/21 06/20 06/20 06/26-06/27 06/27 06/27-06/28 07/02-07/04 07/02 07/03-07/05 07/04 07/07 07/09-07/11 07/09-07/13 07/10-07/12 07/10-07/12 07/11 07/15 07/16-07/18 07/17-07/18 07/17-07/19 07/18 07/21-07/26 07/22 07/23-07/25 07/24-07/25 07/25 07/30-08/01 07/30-08/02 07/31-08/02 07/31-08/02 07/31-08/02 08/03-08/09 08/04 08/05-08/08 08/06 08/07 08/08 08/08 08/13-08/15 08/13-08/16 08/14-08/15 08/14-08/16 08/17-08/23 08/19 08/22 08/29 09/01 Ride to Work 2015, ID-B Evening Ride – Depart 6:00 p.m. Reno Rendezvous 2015, Car d’Alene 2015, Wenatchee River Bluegrass 2015, Sprint Boat Racing 2015, NW Best Brewfest 2015, NWBrewfest Information LC Bluegrass Festival 2015, NW Classic Motorcycle Club Poker Run, (Registration 9am-noon) Summer Kite Festival 2015, Festival Information ID District Rally 2015, ID- District Rally Information Alive after 5 Border Days 2015, Sprint Boat Racing 2015, GWRRA ID-B Gathering – 6:30 p.m. OR District Rally 2015 - Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally 2015, WY District Rally 2015, Republic Motorcycle Rally 2015, 509-775-0717 for info. Rotary Salmon Bake 2015, WallaWalla Fairgrounds ID-B Evening Ride – Depart 6:00 p.m. WA District Rally 2015, Utah District Rally 2015 - Pateros Apple Pie Jamboree 2015, Ride For Life 2015, Chief Joseph Days 2015, Mule Mania 2015, MT District Rally 2015, Riggins Hot Summer Nights 2015, Sprint Boat Racing 2015, Great NW Region J Rally 2015 - Region L Rally 2015, ID-H River Run 2015, Pierce 1860 Days 2015, Street Fair 2015, Sturgis 2015, GWRRA ID-B Gathering – 6:30 p.m. Region I Rally 2015 - Alive after 5 Bronze Blues & Brews 2015, Sprint Boat Racing 2015, Taft Beach Sandcastle Competition 2015, Oregon Coast Calendar CO District Rally 2015, Omak Stampede 2015, NW Classic Motorcycle Club Motorcycle Rodeo,, Sign up 11am, Rodeo 2 pm Good Guys NW Nat’ls 2015, Int’l Kite Festival 2015, ID-B Evening Ride – Depart 6:00 p.m. Sprint Boat Racing 2015, Sprint Boat Racing 2015, GWRRA ID-B Gathering – 6:30 p.m. 6 Reno, NV Coeur d’Alene, ID Cashmere, WA St John, WA Nez Perce Cty Fairgrounds Nez Perce Cty Fairgrounds FredNecks, Rockford, WA Lincoln City, OR Kamiah, ID Downtown Clarkston, WA Grangeville, ID Toutle, WA Hood River, OR Baker City, OR Buffalo, WY Republic, WA Walla Walla, WA Port Angeles, WA Cedar City, UT Pateros, WA Spokane, Coeur d’Alene Joseph, OR Dayton, WA Deer Lodge, MT Riggins, ID Port Angeles, WA Wolfville, NS CDA River Pierce, ID Coeur d’Alene, ID Sturgis, SD Lewiston, ID Downtown Clarkston, WA Joseph, OR Toutle, WA Lincoln City, OR Montrose, CO Omak, WA Clayton, WA Spokane Fair & Expo Ctr Long Beach, WA Port Angeles, WA St John, WA 09/02-09/06 09/03-09/06 09/04-9/06 09/04-09/07 09/04-09/07 09/08-09/12 09/11-09/13 09/11-09/13 09/11-9/20 09/16-09/19 09/17-09/20 09/18-09/20 09/23-09/27 09/24-0/27 09/25-09/27 09/26 09/27 10/01-10/04 10/01-10/03 10/02-10/04 10/03 10/03-10/11 10/03-10/04 10/09-10/11 10/10-10/11 10/14-10/18 10/15-10/18 10/17-10/18 10/17 10/24 10/31 ??? 11/07 11/14 11/20-11/22 11/21-11/22 11/21-11/22 11/26-11/28 12/05 12/05 12/05 12/12-12/13 Walla Walla Fair & Rodeo 2015, WallaWalla Fairgrounds Wing Ding 37 2015 - Columbia County Fair 2015, Chelan County Fair 2015, Ellensburg Rodeo 2015, Lewiston Round-Up 2015, Garfield County Fair 2015, Hells Canyon Mule Days 2015, Spokane Interstate Fair 2015, Pendleton Roundup 2015, Latah County Fair 2015, WA-P Oyster Feed 2015, Reno Street Vibrations 2015, Nez Perce County Fair 2015, Prosser Balloon Rally 2015, Taste of the Harvest 2015, Oyster Run 2015, LasVegas Bikefest 2015, NM District Rally 2015, Wings & Wheels 2015, GWRRA ID-B Gathering – 8:30 a.m. Balloon Fiesta 2015, Balloon Fiesta Information Issaquah Salmon Days 2015, Home Idea Show 2015, Fall Kite Festival 2015, Walla Walla Balloon Stampede 2015, Balloon Stampede Information Daytona Biketoberfest 2015, Rock & Gem Show 2015 - Octobrewfest 2015, NWCMC Halloween Swap Meet 2015, ID-B End of Season Party GWRRA ID-B Gathering – 8:30 a.m. Holiday Wine Walk 2015, Wenatchee Events Custers Christmas Arts & Craft Show 2015 - Custer Shows Christmas Craft Fair 2015, WallaWalla Fairgrounds Christmas Bonanza 2015 - Festival of Trees 2015 - GWRRA ID-B Gathering – 8:30 a.m. Holiday Gala 2015, Lighted Christmas Parade 2015, LC Valley Chamber Christmas Extravaganza 2015 - Information Walla Walla, WA Huntsville, AL Dayton, WA Chelan, WA Ellensburg, WA Lewiston, ID Pomeroy, WA Enterprise, OR Spokane, WA Pendleton, OR Moscow, ID Castle Rock, WA Reno, NV Nez Perce Cty Fairgrounds Prosser, WA Wenatchee, WA Anacortes, WA LasVegas, NV Taos, NM Wenatchee, WA Albuquerque, NM Issaquah, WA Spokane Fair & Expo Ctr Lincoln City, OR Walla Walla, WA Daytona Beach, FL Nez Perce Cty Fairgrounds Spokane Fair & Expo Ctr Spokane Human Society ??? Wenatchee, WA Spokane Fair & Expo Ctr Walla Walla, WA Lewiston, ID Lewiston, ID Uniontown, WA Downtown Clarkston, WA Lewiston, ID Check your WingWorld, Idaho District and Region I web sites and newsletters for other GWRRA sponsored events. FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY, AND KNOWLEDGE SEE YOU AT THE JUNE 2nd GATHERING Jollymore’s, downtown Lewiston, at 6:30 p.m. 7 Lewis and Clark Resort, 4243 HWY 12, Kamiah, Idaho 83536 Convention/Rally Headquarters, M/C and R/V Camping on Sight Make Reservation for Lewis and Clark Resort for Rooms, Cabins and Camping, call 208-935-2556, Camping - - - -Tent Camper $12.00 RV’s (50amp/30amp)$25.00/$22.00, Motel ---- King Rooms $65.00. 2xQueen $72.10. Cabins $95.00. Extra rooms available in town at the Clearwater 12 Motel for Rooms only Single Room $62.90. Double Room $72.90. Suite for 2 people with Full Kitchen $78.00 (in Kamiah) 888-935-2826. All Rooms at both places are plus Tax. July 2, 3, 4, 2015 Come and get a piece of “THE ROCK’ Rider Name_________________________________________ Member#_____________ Chapter_________ Co-rider/Rider Name_________________________________ Member#_____________ Chapter_________ Position currently held in GWRRA, if any:______________________________ Tele#__________________ Mail Address: ___________________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________ City________________________________, State _____ Zip________ Advanced Pre Registration – Post marked by June 1, 2015 T-Shirt, Short Sleeve Life Member $ 20.00 X ______ = $_____________ Member $ 25.00 X ______ = $ _____________ Non-Member $ 30.00 X ______ = $ _____________ Friday night Dinner (pre-registration only) $ FREE Saturday BBQ Country Style Ribs $ 15.00 X ______ = $ _____________ T-Shirt Sales Total = $ _____________ Pre-registration 50/50 $ 1.00 X ______ = $_____________ (Must be present to win) or 6 for $5.00 Small Medium Large X Large XX Large XXX Large After June 1, 2015 – Registration Life Member Member Non-Member BBQ Country Style Ribs $ 25.00 X ______ = $_____________ $ 30.00 X ______ = $_____________ $ 35.00 X ______ = $_____________ $ 18.00 X ______ = $_____________ Grand Prize Tickets (Must be present to win) $ 1.00 X ______= $_____________ Grand Total Enclosed Check # ______ $___________ $ 15.00 X ____ = $______ $ 15.00 X ____ = $______ $ 15.00 X ____ = $______ $ 15.00 X ____ = $______ $ 15.00 X ____ = $ ______ $ 17.00 X ____ = $______ T-Shirt, Long Sleeve Small Medium Large X Large XX Large XXX Large $ 17.00 X ____ = $______ $ 17.00 X ____ = $______ $ 17.00 X ____ = $______ $ 17.00 X ____ = $______ $ 18.00 X ____ = $______ $ 19.00 X ____ = $______ ALL T-SHIRT SALES PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY Please make checks payable to “GWRRA Idaho District”. Mail to District Treasurer: ALEX PIPER, 1539 S Dillon Drive, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814. Phone number 509-492-0100. Agreement: I/We the undersigned agree to comply with the rules governing this event. I/We hold harmless GWRRA, its officers, representatives, and event sponsors, for the loss or injury to personal property. I/We have read and understand this form. Rider (signature) __________________________ Date_______ Co-rider (signature)_______________________ Date _______ 8 Idaho District Convention 2015 Lewis and Clark Resort (Convention Headquarters) Kamiah, Idaho Thursday July 2 1:00 to 6:00 PM Registration and Check In Camp Set Up, Scenic Rides 6:00 PM District Staff Core Team and Chapter Directors and their Staff (Pre-Convention Meeting) Friday July 3 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Registration Opens 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Vendors Open Opening Ceremonies 9:00 AM Pre-Registration 50/50 Drawing (Must be present to win) All Day Scenic Rides 10:00 AM to NOON 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Bike Games (Clearwater Motel) Bike Show and Shine (in front of the HUB) Free Dinner put on by the Idaho District Staff Slide Show put on by the Chapters of Idaho and 50/50 following . 8:45 PM 9:00 PM Light Parade Drivers Meeting Staging for Light Parade (Drive to Kamiah) Light Show back at Lewis and Clark ICE CREAM SOCIAL AFTER LIGHT PARADE * WEAR Full Protective riding gear for light parade (Helmet, Gloves, Arms and Legs Covered, Over ankel boots) Saturday July 4 All day Scenic Rides 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM 10:30 AM 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Vendors Open Camp Site Judging (High Impact Leadership Training) LTP BBQ Country Style Rib Dinner Entertainment (Dave's Magic Show) Closing Ceremonies 50/50 drawing Grand Prize Drawing (must be present to win FIRE WORKS AT ABOUT 9:00 pm (BY Lewis and Clark Resort Sunday July 5 8:00 AM Wrap up of Convention meeting with District Staff Core Team and Chapter Directors and their Staff. Happy Trails to You Have fun and ride home safe. See you back next year. 9
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