United Nations Human Settlements Programme P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi 00100, KENYA Tel: +254-20 7625555 OED@unhabitat.org MEMORANDUM To: All UN-Habitat Staff Reference: UNH-OED-M-150323-01 From: Dr. Joan Clos, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director Date: Subject: Umoja: preparation for ramp down, cutover and blackout 23 March 2015 As we draw closer to Umoja “go live” we must “ramp down” our business activities in IMIS and other systems. This phase starts 6 to 8 weeks prior to the move into Umoja (or “cutover”); a period that coincides with a total systems “blackout”. For UNON, UNEP and UN-Habitat the ramp down phase has started. The main goals of the ramp down phase are ensure that activities on the critical path to cutover are completed in advance of system freeze dates and to plan ahead for operational requirements that will occur during the blackout period. Critical dates in the ramp down phase are determined by calculating backwards from the freeze date for master data and the freeze date for transactional data in order to ensure that all business readiness activities are completed in beforehand. A detailed plan is being developed that includes all major functional areas, including; Funds Management (e.g. ensuring that allotment balances per org/ programme are positive at a budget class level). Grants Management (e.g. following up on donor contributions to minimize negative cash balances; closing all dormant/inactive funds/projects in IMIS). Procurement (e.g. confirming that all vendors are registered in UNGM; planning ahead for procurement requirements that might occur during the blackout period; creating requisitions and converting them to Purchase Orders in advance of blackout). Logistics Execution (reviewing and confirming the mapping of legacy inventory descriptions to the Umoja material master; completion of goods receipt against all open legacy Purchase Orders in the legacy inventory system). Human Resources (e.g. planning recruitment/arrival of inbound staff to minimize check in/on-boarding activities during the blackout period; ensuring that staff members with a valid appointments have contracts that are extended beyond the go live date). Travel (e.g. reviewing operational schedules such as conferences/ large travel events and planning ahead to minimize travel and claims requirements during the blackout period). Payroll (e.g. executing early processing of the May payroll in IMIS and assessing need to process an advance of June payroll at that point). Page 2 of 6 Finance (e.g. reviewing and expensing (or writing-off) long outstanding receivables; reviewing and minimizing outstanding obligations; reconciling bank accounts with the bank statements on a daily basis). Treasury (e.g. consolidating / closing those bank accounts not scheduled for transfer to Umoja; converting accounts to 'contributions only' where they will not be used for payments and preparing those to be reconfigures as Secretariat-wide “house banks”). Blackout Period: The blackout period is scheduled for the last 1-2 weeks of the cutover period. For UNON, UNEP and UN-Habitat this will start from 15 May 2015. This is the timeframe during which legacy systems are no longer available, and the Umoja system has not yet gone live. This is necessary in order to facilitate the migration of data into the production environment of Umoja. Manual Blackout Forms will be made available on iSeek to assist with tracking transactions that occur during the blackout period so that they can be entered into Umoja once the system is made available after go-live. However there will be very tight management control of any transactions during the blackout period, and authorization will be required from senior management of the requesting entity (UNON, UNEP or UN-Habitat) to approve any transaction during the blackout period. All HR related transaction should continue as normal until the Umoja blackout period. As existing systems are unavailable during the blackout period, it will be necessary to take proactive action on certain activities before this is initiated. Certain activities will need to be temporarily suspended during this time. Contract renewals/extension of staff members, as well as non-staff personnel whose appointment/contract expires during the blackout period and any changes in organizational and position management must be completed before the blackout period. During the blackout it will not be possible to onboard new staff members or non-staff personnel, or to make temporary/permanent movements of staff members. A detail ramp down plan is being prepared for UNON, UNEP and UN-Habitat and will be circulated shortly. However, for planning purposes please find below a table that highlights the key critical dates that all staff need to be aware of across the areas of Finance, Travel and Logistics. In relation to HR, we anticipate that transactions will continue as normal up until the blackout and ramp up shortly thereafter. In this regard, staff are also asked to be guided by the attached HR transactions factsheet. Further information in respect of Umoja will be issued in due course by the UNEP, UN-Habitat and UNON Nairobi Deployment Group. Page 3 of 6 Fact Sheets & Key Dates: Following fact sheets and key dates are valid as of 23 March 2015, but the Umoja Nairobi Deployment Group will regularly issue subsequent details and updates. 1. Finance No. Finance Cut Off Date 1 Period March 2015 - IMIS closed for transactions in March (Period April will be opened for processing) 26/03/2015 2 Submission of signed IPSAS Financial statements to BOA 31/03/2015 3 Last day for OAH with bank accounts closing to requests for replenishment. 01/04/2015 4 Last day to change or create new third parties and their releated banking details in IMIS 12/04/2015 5 Closure of projects - UNEP to submit closing revisions to BFMS 15/04/2015 6 Deadline for Contributions recording (creation of RCPLs) 23/04/2015 7 Deadline for submitting obligations in 2015. No new obligations can be raised after this date. 23/04/2015 8 Last day to submit payment requests to UNON for disbursement in May 2015 24/04/2015 9 Final date for closing obligations 25/04/2015 10 Last day to disburse funds from field office bank accounts that are closing 30/04/2015 11 Last day to process write off in IMIS 30/04/2015 12 Last day to change bank details for personnel Business Partners in IMIS 03/05/2015 13 Petty Cash - Last day to request for replenishment for May an June 05/05/2015 14 Last day to disburse funds from field office bank accounts that are converting to become UN Housebank 10/05/2015 15 Actual payroll batch run for May salary 10/05/2015 16 17 UNEP and Habitat to complete settlement of bills from UNON Closure of IMIS for black out period 10/05/2015 15/05/2015 Page 4 of 6 2. Travel No. Travel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Review operational schedules such as conferences and large travel events taking place in May and June and work with travel unit to minmise travel during the blackout period. Final meetings list to be submitted to TSVU. Deadline to submit Travel Requests for ticket option entitlement travel occuring prior to 1 July 2015 (home leave, education grant travel etc) Deadline to submit Travel Requests for travel of meeting participants prior to 15 June 2015 Deadline to submit travel claims for all individual travel completed before 3 May 2015 Deadline for reconciliation of DSA advances for meeting participants, for meetings completed through 30 April 2015 Deadline for submission of credit notes for all transactions prior to 30 April 2015 for travel and shipment contractors Deadline for submission of authorized unaccompanied shipment approved from April 2014 May 2015 Deadline to submit Travel Requests for UNON travel agency issued tickets for official travel (staff members and consultants) prior to 8 June 2015 Maximize data cleansing and processing of all aged outstanding travel requests; close aged travel advances, pending ticket & shipment invoices including finalization of outstanding travel claims Deadline to submit Travel Requests for recruitment related travel occuring prior to 8 June 2015 Deadline to submit Travel Requests for lump sum entitlement travel occuring prior to 1 July 2015 (home leave, education grant travel etc) Deadline to submit Travel Requests only for DSA and Travel Advance for official travel (staff members and consultants) prior to 8 June 2015 Cut Off Date 24/04/2015 24/04/2015 01/05/2015 04/05/2015 04/05/2015 04/05/2015 04/05/2015 06/05/2015 08/05/2015 08/05/2015 08/05/2015 08/05/2015 3. Logistics No. Logistics 1 2 3 4 5 Complete the goods receipt of all open legacy POs in legacy inventory system Ensure barcode printers are properly configured and ready for use Complete disposal/write-off process of any obsolete or otherwise not required items. Complete all goods issues/transfers in legacy systems that can be pre-planned/arranged to satisfy local client requirements during the period of cut-over. Institute an "Operational Freeze" of all inventory transactions in legacy systems until after Umoja go live. All unplanned/emergency goods receipts and/or goods issue transactions should be recorded on black out forms to be processed upon Umoja go-live Cut Off Date 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 07/05/2015 15/05/2015 Page 5 of 6 4. HR transactions factsheet No. HR Transaction 1 Annual Leave Nairobi-based Clients Out-posted Clients* Important Information** Staff member applies through the Umoja Employee Self- Staff member applies through the Umoja Employee Self- Staff and Managers are instructed to ensure leave Service Portal; and Manager approves from within the Service Portal; and Manager approves from within the records are updated in a timely fashion so that reliable Manager Self-Service Portal. Manager Self-Service Portal. time and attendance details are loaded into Umoja. Staff member's request must be approved prior to commencement of annual leave. 2 After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI) Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja After-Service Life Insurance (ASLI) Employee Self-Service Portal. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. 3 Assignment Grant 4 Beneficiary 5 Contract Renewal Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Designating or changing a beneficiary can be done through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Managers must submit decisions on contract renewal through the Umoja Manager's Portal. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Designating or changing a beneficiary can be done through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Managers must submit decisions on contract renewal through the Umoja Manager's Portal. 6 Danger Pay not applicable Designated Time Senior Administrators must update in Umoja 'no Danger Pay' absence type only. 7 Education Grant 8 Family Status - Dependency & Benefits Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. 9 Family Visit Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal at least six weeks prior to planned departure. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal at least six weeks prior to planned departure. 10 Home Leave Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal at least six weeks prior to planned departure. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal at least six weeks prior to planned departure. 11 HR and Entitlement Travel Staff member logs into Employee Self-Service Portal to access the Travel Module. 12 Insurance (Medical & Life) Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal at least six weeks prior to planned departure. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. 13 Maintain Family Status Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. 14 Maternity Leave Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. 15 Medical Evacuation Eligible staff members must apply directly with the Joint Eligible staff members must apply directly with the Joint Medical Service. Medical Service. 16 Monthly Residential Security Allowance Eligible staff members must continue to apply through the Lotus Notes tool accessible via the UNON workflow portal. 17 Overtime, CTO and ND Eligible staff members must submit their on-line applications within the window of 30 days prior to and after their date of separation. Managers are advised to submit decisions at least six months prior to the staff member's expiration of appointment. Umoja automatically checks if duty station is eligible for Danger Pay and calculates entitlement upon staff member's assignment. Staff members must continue to submit requests for Staff members must submit requests for settlement of Staff members serving outside Nairobi will be notified settlement of education grant claims and advances using education grant claims and advances using the Lotus when it becomes technically feasible to apply for the Lotus Notes workflow application available on the Notes workflow application soon to be available. In the education grant through the Umoja Employee SelfUNON Portal. meantime, they may be submitted to your HR Partner as Service Portal (tentatively scheduled for 2016). an email attachment. Family visit provides staff members who do not have any family members living with them at their duty station for a period of time (taken as annual leave) to reconnect with their family members. New administrative instruction on home leave soon to be published introducing a point system!! Approved by the respective UNDP offices at the duty station. Staff members submit the approval and inspection documents to the HR Partner via email for processing in Umoja. Staff member applies through the Umoja Employee Self- Staff member applies through the Umoja Employee SelfService Portal; and Manager approves from within the Service Portal; and Manager approves from within the Manager Self-Service Portal. Manager Self-Service Portal. 18 Paternity Leave Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. 19 Positive Time Recording (applicable to DCS staff members holding when-actually-employed contracts) 20 Rental Subsidy Attendance will be updated by DCS Time Administrators. not applicable Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. 21 Repatriation Grant Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. 22 Representation Allowance No application or personnel action needed. System determines eligibility and calculates payment. No application or personnel action needed. System determines eligibility and calculates payment. 23 Rest and Recuperation not applicable 24 Salary Advance Staff member submits memorandum to HRMS. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Staff member submits memorandum to HRMS. 25 Safe Driver Bonus Your HR Partner will activate the safe driver bonus through the Umoja system. You will not be required to take any action to receive this bonus. Your HR Partner will activate the safe driver bonus through the Umoja system. You will not be required to take any action to receive this bonus. 27 Shipping Requests Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. 28 Special Leave Staff member applies through the Umoja Employee Self- Staff member applies through the Umoja Employee SelfService Portal; and Manager approves from within the Service Portal; and Manager approves from within the Manager's Self-Service Portal. Manager's Self-Service Portal. 29 Work and Life Events Staff member updates Work & Life Events information Staff member updates Work & Life Events information Work and life events facilitate staff reporting on the through the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal in Umoja. through the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal in Umoja. status and changes to their work and personal circumstances that may affect eligibility for benefits and entitlements. 26 Sick Leave Eligible staff members must apply through the Umoja Employee Self-Service Portal. Payable to locally recruited General Service staff members serving in the UN Secretariat at locations away from headquarters, who are appointed as drivers of UN vehicles and do not cause any car accidents or receive any moving violations. Staff member applies through the Umoja Employee Self- Staff member applies through the Umoja Employee Self- Approval of first 20 days of sick leave each cycle in line Service Portal; and Manager approves up to first 20 days Service Portal; and Manager approves first 20 days from with ST/AI/2005-3 (paragraph 2.2 refers). from within the Manager Self-Service Portal. within the Manager Self-Service Portal. Page 6 of 6 * Out-posted offices that do NOT have Umoja connectivity should submit their request as email attachments to their HRO & HR Partner to process on their behalf. ** HR Fact Sheets providing more detailed guidelines are available at the following website: https://www.unumoja.net/display/public/HR+Factsheets
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