Hackettstown High School 2015 (HHS Student & Non HHS Student Guest) Junior & Senior Prom Packet 1 Prom Table Sign-up Your Full Name: _____ Grade: _____ Grade: (Print legibly) Guest Full Name: _____________ (Print legibly) School Guest Attends (if not HHS): There will be 10 students per table. Write down the first AND last name of each student you would like to sit with. We will do our best to seat you together but your table is only guaranteed if the same group is written down by all 10 students. Don’t forget to include yourself (and your date) in the list below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2 Prom Dress Code In order to maintain a healthy, safe, and orderly environment, the following dress code shall be used. The purpose of a prom dress code is to help you make good choices, not inhibit your style or personality. If you are bringing a date outside HHS, you are responsible for making sure his/her attire meets the requirements. Gentlemen: Formal prom attire may be classified as a tuxedo or dress suit, including a tie, bow tie, a collared shirt, and may include a vest. Jeans will not be permitted. No canes, hats or headwear are permitted. Shirts are to be worn at all times. Boys’ shirts must be buttoned up (and remain buttoned up) to at least the second button from the collar. Pants should fit properly on the hip and not sag below the waistline. Dress shoes must be worn. Ladies: (Refer to “Prom Dress Code 2015” on the Junior Class Website for examples) Girls will wear semi formal attire or formal gowns or pantsuits. Undergarments must not be showing. Dresses may not be cut below the bust line. Rule: place thumbs on collarbone and touch index fingers together toward bust line. Where your fingers meet is how low your dress can go. The bust continues around your sides directly under the armpit. With arms down at your side, if flesh touches flesh below the bust line, the dress is inappropriate. No midriff can show or cut-outs that expose the front or sides of midriff (even when arms are raised). Two-piece dresses must overlap. Sheer/see-through fabric over bare areas is not acceptable. Back of dress must not be too low-cut or revealing. Back of dress should not go below natural waist. Dresses are to be no more than 3 inches above the knee (front and back). This also applies to slits in dresses. Dress must also be at the appropriate length even if leggings are worn underneath the dress. The determination of the appropriateness of student dress and grooming shall rest with the administration. If the attire is questionable, students are encouraged to show their evening wear to administrators beforehand to determine if it is appropriate. Contact your class advisor(s) by email if you have a question about a dress. Students and their dates who are inappropriately dressed shall be denied entry. If the student dresses inappropriately, refunds will not be given. Girls will not be permitted to use cover-ups (coats, shawls, sweaters) over dresses that do not meet dress code as a solution. Agreement I, _____________________ _____ __________________, understand and agree to follow the Prom Dress Code. (Print legibly) ______________________________________________ Student signature ___________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature 3 Hackettstown High School Junior & Senior Prom May 15, 2015 Hackettstown High School Juniors, seniors and their guests may attend our prom. Guests from other schools must be approved by the administration and also complete a guest pass which requires a parent signature. The prom will be held at The Villa at Mountain Lakes from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Students must arrive at the high school between 5:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Buses will depart at exactly 6:00 p.m. Students who do not ride the bus will not be admitted entrance to The Villa. Students attending the prom will be dismissed from school immediately following an 11:45 a.m. mandatory meeting in the auditorium. No student will be excused before this time. Students must attend periods 1 through 6. Dismissal will follow the meeting. Please arrange all appointments accordingly. We are pleased to announce that we have contracted luxury coach buses (air conditioned, CD players, TV’s) to transport prom goers to and from the Villa at Mountain Lakes. Bus transportation is in place to ensure all prom-goers safety. Bus will depart from the high school at 6:00 p.m. and return to campus at approximately 11:00 p.m. The Hackettstown Board of Education has adopted the following regulation specific to illegal drugs and/or alcohol: When a student is found to be under the influence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol, or in possession of illegal drugs and/or alcohol, or found to be selling illegal drugs and/or alcohol at any district school property/premises or any district school function, or found guilty by the court of criminal violence while on any district school property/premises or at any district school function, he/she will forfeit all co-curricular activities for a period of 25 school days. If a student were to be found guilty of a second offense as outlined above, the penalty will double to 50 school days. Please note that this regulation is in addition to suspension and counseling required by policy. Seniors, please be aware that this 25 day suspension would include forfeiture of all senior activities including participation in the graduation ceremony. Agreement I, _____________________________________________, understand the rules governing the Prom and agree to follow them. (Print legibly) ______________________________________________ Student signature ________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature ________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name PRINTED Emergency Contact: ________ Emergency Phone # ___________ (Print legibly) Guest Pass (to be completed by the parent of H.H.S. student) I, __________________________________________________, the parent/guardian of ________________________________________, a Hackettstown High School student request permission for __________________________________________to attend the Prom as the guest of my child. With your approval, I accept full responsibility for his/her conduct. __________________________________________________________ HHS Parent/Guardian signature 4 Prom Photo Permission Slip Pursuant to law, we will not release any personally identifiable information without prior written consent from you as parent or guardian. Personally identifiable information includes student names, photo or image, residential addresses, phone numbers and locations and times of class trips. We are sending this parental consent form to you to request permission for your child’s photo/image and name to be published on the district and/or school’s web site. In order for the school to release your child’s name and or picture to a local newspaper and/or to include it on our website you must complete the bottom portion of this form and return it to the high school. Please be aware that the school will release pictures and names of students for the purpose of academic and athletic accomplishments, scholarship announcements and school-sponsored activities. If you, as the parent or guardian, wish to rescind this agreement, you may do so at any time in writing by sending a letter to the principal of your child’s school and such rescission will take effect upon receipt by the school. Check one of the following choices: _____ I/We GRANT permission for a photo/image that includes this student without any other personal identifiers to be published on the school and/or district’s public Internet site. _____ I/We GRANT permission for this student’s photo/image and name to be published on the school and/or district’s public Internet site. _____ I/We DO NOT GRANT permission for photo/image that includes this student to be published on the school and/or district’s public Internet site. Student’s Name: (please print)___________________________________ Student’s Grade:________ Printed name of Parent/Guardian:(print)__________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian:(sign)____________________________________________________ Relation to Student:______________________________________ 5 Hackettstown High School Junior & Senior Prom Friday May 15, 2015 **PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Name of Guest: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________ Address: ___________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ Name of School Guest Attends: _______________________________________________________________ Name of Hackettstown Student: _____________________________ Telephone: ______________________ We understand that all Hackettstown Board of Education Policies and Regulations apply to Hackettstown High School students and their guests at the dance. Failure to abide by these rules will result in removal of the student and/or guest, as well as disciplinary consequences. Consumption of alcoholic beverages/drugs will not be permitted. Local law enforcement authorities will be on duty at the event, and will be working with our School Resource Officer at the prom. Students and their guests who arrive at the prom under the influence of alcohol/drugs will not be permitted entrance and will be turned over to local police. The district policy of zero tolerance for alcohol/drugs will be strictly enforced. All guests must be under the age of 21. _____________________________________ Hackettstown Student Signature ______________________________________ Guest Signature _____________________________________ Hackettstown Parent Signature ______________________________________ Guest’s Parent Signature ___________________________________ Hackettstown Student Emergency phone # _______________________________________ Guest Emergency phone # To be completed by school administration of the Guest The above named student has been invited by a Hackettstown High School student to attend our Junior & Senior Prom, Friday, May 15, 2015. Please complete the following so we may know more about the guest. Please return by Friday, May 1 to Hackettstown High School via EMAIL to LCASTIGLIA@Hackettstown.org Thank you for your assistance. What is this person’s status at your school? Current student ____ Graduate _____ Former student ____ If a current student, is he/she in good standing at your school? Yes_____ No ____ If a former student or graduate, what year did he/she last attend your school? ____________ If your school had a special event tonight, would you allow this person to attend? Yes___ No ____ Does he/she have a record of violence and/or use of weapons on your school property? Yes____ No____ Do you know of any reason why this person should be excluded as a guest at our event? Yes____ No____ If yes to either of the last two questions, please explain more specifically on the reverse side. ___________________________ Name of School ___________________________ School Telephone _____________________________ Your Name (printed) ___________________________ Your Signature ___________________________ Title _____________________________ Date 6
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