HAFED OIL MILLS REWARI (A UNIT OF THE HARYANA STATE CO-OP. SUPPLY AND MARKETING FEDERATION LIMITED, SECTOR- 5, PANCHKULA) KONSIWAS ROAD, REWARI-123401 (HARYANA) Phone: 01274- 254427 e-mail : omhfdrwr@hry.nic.in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENDER NOTICE FOR LABOUR AND TECHNICAL OPERATIONS IN HAFED OIL MILLS NARNAUL & REWARI. Hafed intends to invite the tender for allotment of different type of labour work and Technical operations in Hafed Oil Mills Rewari & Narnaul for the year 2015-16 (1.7.2015 to 30.06.2016). The tenders are invited from registered labour contractors which should reach in the office of GM, Hafed Oil Mill, Rewari on or before 1:00 PM on dated 15.06.2015 and will be opened on the same day at 1:30 PM in the presence of the bidders, who wish to be present. Interested parties may submit their sealed offers (technical bid & financial bid in different cover) on the prescribed form which can be obtained on payment of Rs. 200/- from the office of Hafed Oil Mill Rewari/ Narnaul along with EMD of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand only) as cash or Demand Draft in favour of concerned Oil Mill, Rewari/Narnaul separately before opening of the tender. Detailed terms & conditions may be seen in tender documents. Hafed reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without assigning any reason whatsoever. General Manager, Hafed Oil Mill, Rewari. HAFED OIL MILL NARNAUL & REWARI Phone- 01274-254427 (Technical Bid) TENDER FOR LABOUR & TECHNICAL OPERATIONS IN HAFED OIL MILL REWARI & NARNAUL FOR THE PRIOD FROM 01/07/2015 to 30/06/2016. Tender form No.____________ Cost of tender form: Rs. 200/-(Non-refundable) Date & time of receipt of tender ................................. Date & time of opening of tender ........................................ We are registered labour contractor and our name is registered with labour –cum- Conciliation officer as per the fulfilment of requirements of contract labour (Regulation and abolition) Act. 1970 and is valid upto date______________. We will be responsible for compliance of provisions of:A. Provident fund: - Deposit of PF contribution regularly, filling of monthly return regularly in prescribed Performa and to submit its copies to concerned Mill every month and our PF code is_____________. The present rate of P.F. is 13.61% B. ESI: - Deposit of ESI contribution and maintenance of record under it, filing of return and to submit its copies of receipt & returns regularly to concerned Mill plant every month. Our ESI code is _______________________. The present rate of ESI is 4.75% C. Service tax: - Deposit of service tax and maintenance of record under it. Filing of return and to submit its copies of receipts & returns regularly to Concerned Oil Mill our Service Tax No. is ________________. The present rate of Tax is 14.00%. D. Permanent TDS code No. ___________________ E. PAN No. ____________________ F. Experience certificate ______________________________ G. License from labour ____________________________ cum conciliation officer H. Shall maintain attendance register, other relevant registers, declaration form and other records as per factory labour Act. etc. and these shall be presented for inspection to competent authority every month. I. Shall get PF& ESI Card of the workers prepared from the PF& ESI department. J. Earnest money of Rs. 20,000/- is enclosed vide DD/ CR No. __________ dated _________________ in favour of Hafed Oil Mill Rewari & Narnaul separately. K. We have carefully read all the terms and conditions of this tender form as per enclosed annexure and would abide by all the terms and conditions of the contract. Signature of Tenderer. Name of Tenderer_________ Address_________________ _____________________ Telephone No.____________ Mobile No. ______________ Seal __________________ Note:- Copies of labour license, PF No., ESI No. Service tax, PAN No, Permanent TDS, code No. experience certificate should be attached with the tender (Technical Bid). GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITION OF LABOUR CONTRACT: 1. The offer should be submitted in two parts i.e. technical & financial. The technical offer containing proof of labour contractor license/ESI & PF numbers, experience certificate, earnest money, service tax no, PAN no, TDS code no etc and acceptance of the terms & conditions shall be opened first and financial bid of only those parties shall be opened who are found technically suitable. Both technical & financial offer should be sealed in a separate envelop and subsequently sealed in a single cover. 2. The labour contractor should possess valid license from labour–cum– Conciliation officer. 3. The labour contractor shall provide adequate labour as per requirement of factory from time to time on the wages approved by the DC/Minimum wages, Act 1948, as declared by government from time to time. 4. The payment of labour contractor are liable to Income Tax/Service Tax or any Govt. levies deductions as per the rates enforced by the government from time to time which shall be deducted at source from the bills of the contractor. 5. The labour contractor shall strictly comply with the provisions of Minimum wages Act and other relevant labour laws and regulations and shall maintain proper record under them which should be produced to the respective Inspecting authority on demand and inspection copy shall be submitted to Concerned Oil Mill monthly. 6. The labour contractor shall be responsible for observing all the provisions of ESI/PF of the workers and its correct and timely deposit to the concerned department. All the liabilities in this respect will be of labour contractor and in case of any noncompliance or penalty etc. the same shall be borne by the labour contractor. The copy of monthly deposit of PF/ESI statements mentioning name of the workers with code No. shall be submitted to Concerned Oil Mill every month with the Copies of previous month of Chillan’s/ statements .In case of non-submission, security shall be forfeited & contract can be Cancelled.& contractor Can be declared as black listed. 7. In case ESI facility is not available in any district, then the labour contractor will obtain Group Insurance Policy of Security Guards/Labour/staff at his own level and expenses on this account shall be reimbursed by Hafed, so that the claims of accident/ injury death etc. are settled accordingly on the pattern of Security Agencies. 8. The labour will be provided as per the factory act and contractor will be responsible for compensation, if any of the labour meets the Indian Factories Act or the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 or Employees Provident Fund Act or any other similar enchantments in respect of all such personal/labour will be of the labour contractor or security provider. 9. The contractor should not have been blacklisted/ debarred from doing business by Govt. Agency /Dept. The contractor should not be defaulter of Hafed, EPF,ESI ,Income Tax, Service Tax Dept. or any other statutory authority concerned. 10 In case the labour contractor fails to provide adequate labour as per the requirement of the factory, the labour shall be engaged at the risk and cost of the contractor. 11 In case of any loss /damage caused by the labour to the Hafed, during the duty period suitable recovery shall be made from the bills payable to the contractor. 12 The labour contractor shall have to deposit a sum of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) or Bank guarantee of equivalent amount of as security deposit within one week after allotment of the contract failing which 1.5 times security amount that is Rs 75,000/- will be deducted from your first due payment. The security shall be refunded on the expiry of the contract and the fulfilment of terms and conditions of the contract to the entire satisfaction of the management and production of no objection certificate from ESI/PF/Service tax authorities, that nothing is recoverable on A/c of ESI/PF/Service tax etc. from the contractor. No interest will be paid on security. 13 The labour contractor shall enter into agreement with Hafed as per usual Hafed terms and conditions to provide labour. 14. Non fulfilment of any terms and conditions of the contract to the entire satisfaction of the Management within the agreed terms and conditions shall attract forfeiture of security deposit in addition to any other penalty/punishment imposed by any concerned department regarding failure to comply with rules, regulations and provisions of relevant Acts. & can be declared as black listed 15 The labour contractor shall release payment to the workers at his own level on monthly basis on very seventh day of the succeeding month in the presence of representative of Hafed. The contractor will submit the bills of labour charges complete in all respect fortnightly and payment will be made within four days. In case of failure of the labour contractor in the payment to labour, the payment shall be released to the workers as per the record available and penalty will be charged from the contractor @ 10% of the total amount payable every month. 16. The labour will be taken by the factory as per the actual requirement of the plant and if due to any reason beyond our control the production work is held up, Hafed will not be responsible for engaging labour or for loss caused to labour contractor due to such reason. 17 The contract shall be valid upto 30.06.2016 .The General Manager of the mill reserves the right to extend the period of contract beyond 30.06.2016 for a period of maximum three months if required by Hafed. 18. Hafed also reserves the right to accept or reject any/all offers without assigning any reason what so ever. 19. Offers without earnest money and conditional offers will not be accepted. 20 In case of any dispute relating to the contract due to interpretation of the terms and conditions or due to any other reason the matter shall be referred to the Managing Director Hafed, Panchkula for arbitration whose decision shall be final and binding upon both the parties. 21. Each and every paper/ attached document of the tender must be signed and stamped by the tenderer. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR TECHNICAL OPERATIONS: 1. The contractor will be fully responsible for providing labour for maintenance of plant & machinery which includes following works. a To withdraw all type of worn out worms from the expellers, replace them with new/ repaired worms in the expellers, opening of chamber etc. so that the expellers may work as per requirement of the mills i.e. the final mustard cake should not have more oil than 7.75% and of merchantable quality. b To put gear oils in the gear boxes of the expellers. c To repair all type of machinery installed in the mill except electrical equipments. d To clean the filter presses installed in the mill and to change filter cloth whenever required. e To transfer oil from one tank to another tank etc. f To repair the material handling machine & maintenance of all kohlus & conveyors in the mills. g To remove mustard seed from dust coming out from the seed cleaner through manual sieving. 2 The contractor will provide trained & experience labour. 3 There should be minimum break down in the machines so that production may not be affected and it should not be more than 5% of the total working hours. 4 The process loss should not be more than 1.5%. 5 The oil in finished mustard cake should not be more than 7.75%. 6 The oil production from mustard seed, processing loss, oil in mustard cake & production of mustard cake should be as per requirement. 7 At no stage there should be break down in the Kohlu more than 10%. 8 Log book of Gen. Set, Kohlu, expellers & boiler should be maintained of each shift as per instructions of the mill. 9 The technical staff such as electrician, welder, fitter can be allotted other work of Oil Mill besides processing of mustard seed. 10 In the event of loss to Hafed due to repeated break down in the machines on account of negligence of the labour provided by contractor then the loss to hafed will be recovered from the contractor. 11 The contractor has to do the job right from feeding of mustard seed upto production & supply of oil in the mother tanks and supply of mustard cake in the godowns so produced. 12 The cutter line man provided on the Kohlu should be well experienced so that the oil so produced should have pungency not less than 0.30% failure of which may cause penalty to the contractor. 13 You will provide minimum man power in each shift as per detail given below:S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 Description Line Man For Kohlu Helper for Line Man Mechanic for Kohlu Expeller Operator Filter/Oil Man Expeller Mechanic Jharna Operator Quantity 02 Nos. 01 No. 01 No. 03 Nos. 01 No. 01 No. 01 No. It is the prime responsibility of Contractor to take care for the Cleaning of plant areas as well as for packing areas on routine daily basis. 15. Contractor will have to provide separate dress and shoes (as per packing / labeling rules 2011) to the labor who is working in the packing area. 16. The contractor has to get ready the material for supply within 24 hours as per instructions given by the Store-keeper/ General Manager of the mill, other-wise the material will be got ready at the risk & cost of the contractor. 17. Labor huts will be given only to a labour working in the mill who is living without family and in case any labour is with family he has to make his own arrangement for stay outside the Hafed Complex. One electrical connection for illumination of bulb in each hut will be provided free of cost and its misuse like use for heater, cooler etc. will result in with drawl of connection and suitable penalty will be imposed on the contractor. 18 The contractor labour will hand over the empty bardana generated from feeding of mustard seed in the mill in bundles of 25 bags each to the store keeper. 19 In the event of closer of the mill due to any reason like non availability of mustard seed / storage space for oil/ cake, 48 hours advance notice will be given to the contractor and no compensation will be given due to such eventuality. 20 In case of failure of production or less production due to less labour provided by the contractor or for any other reason related to contractor, the losses made to Hafed will be recovered from the contractor. 21 In case of any natural fault in machinery /plant and production is held up in that case no compensation / additional payment will be given to the contractor.. 22 The contractor will give requirement of spare parts of the machines one month in advance. 23 The contractor has to process minimum 7500 qtl. mustard seed per month / 100 qtl. per shift per day and in case of less quantity processed then the penalty will be imposed @Rs. 10/- per qtl. and this amount will be deducted from his labour bill. 24. Any operation which is not indicated above but is required for smooth running of the Mill is applicable. Signature of Tenderer. Name of Tenderer_________ Address_________________ _____________________ Telephone No.____________ Mobile No. ______________ Seal __________________ HAFED OIL MILL NARNAUL & REWARI Phone- 01274-254427 (Financial Bid) TENDER FOR LABOUR & TECHNICAL OPERATIONS IN HAFED OIL MILL REWARI & NARNAUL FOR THE PRIOD FROM 01/07/2015 to 30/06/2016. I / we _____________________________ am/are ready to provide adequate technical skilled labour and other labour for various technical operations mentioned in the tender document and will compile with all terms & conditions mentioned in the tender document and agree to work at _____________ above/discount/on par of Rs. 14/- per qtl. of basic rate of Mustard Seed crushing. I/we ______________ am/are ready to provide labour to work on the fix rate of various operations mentioned in the category I and accept to work at ____________ above /discount / on Par of the basic rates for various operations mentioned in category II, detail of which is mentioned below:- Signature of Tenderer. Name of Tenderer_________ Address_________________ _____________________ Telephone No.____________ Mobile No. ______________ Seal __________________ The above terms and conditions have been read carefully by me/us and are accepted as such. Accepted Signature of Tenderer. Name of Tenderer ____________ Address ____________________ Seal _______________________ TENDER –FORM Sr. No. (For the year 2015-2016) HAFED OIL MILLS, NARNAUL OFFER FOR LABOUR RATES IN RESPECT OF VARIOUS LABOUR/CARTAGE OPERATION FOR HAFED OIL MILLS, NARNAUL FOR THE YEAR 2014-2015 (01.07.2015 to 30.06.2016) I, ……………………………………………. S/o Sh. …………………………. Permanent address………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………Phone No. …………………… hereby accept to work at HAFED fixed rates mentioned in Category No. I (Item No. 1 to 13) and for category II, I will charge premium/discount or at par as under:Category - II……………………………………………………………… Category –I (Fixed rates) Category-I Items Fixed Rates 1. Loading/Unloading and stacking of crates 15 Paise 2. Folding and packing of polythene Cover/Tarpaulines 3. Covering and Decovering of stacking with Polythene Cover/Tarpauline 4. Loading/Unloading and staking of 50 bags bundles 50 Paise per cover 25 P. per Tarpauline Rs. 2/- per stack with P. Cover Rs. 1.25 per stack with Tarpauline 9 Paise 5. Loading/Unloading and stacking of polythene Covers/Tarpauline 15 Paise 6. Loading of Gunny Bales Rs. 1.25 Paise 7. Unloading and stacking of Gunny Bales Rs 1.75 Paise 8. Destacking and weighment of Mustard/Cake Bags including removal from weighment scale 11 Paise Gale Katai 14 Paise 9. Cont—2 --2-10. 11. Pulanda making of empty seed bags, shifting from Plant to Godowns and stacking (each pulanda 50 bags) pulanda Stiching of cake bags with Machine including thread repair & maintenance of machine. In case, labour contractor fails to stich the bags with machne, on old & on new M. cake bags, the penalty of Rs. 5/- per qtl. on M. Cake bags sealed with sutli will be imposed and deduction in the bill. 50 Paise per 50 Paise per bag 12. Stiching of Cake bags with sutli including cost of sutli (Only old Bardana) if required by the mill. 30 Paise per bag 13. Segregation of Bardana including opening of pulanda segregation in five categories i.e. I) Fit for M. seed II) Repairable for M. seed III) Fit for M. Cake IV) Repairable for M. Cake V) Rags and Pulanda making in five categories and stacking. 09 Paise per bag CATEGORY II PLANT OPERATIONS. 14. Loading of M. Cake bags into carts/Trucks 12 Paise 15. Kutai, Filling, Weighment of oil cake bags (50/55/60 kg. packing) 45 Paise 16. Stacking of M. cake bags upto height of 10 in Machine Room 10 Paise 17. Stacking of Oil Cake bags upto height of 15 in Machine Room 15 Paise 18. Stacking of oil cake bag in Hafed Godown I, II & III from Machine Room upto all height( including cartage) 35 Paise 19. 20. 21. 22. Destacking of Cake bags, weighment, standarisation, 50 Paise sealing with machine excluding thread & restacking upto all height Shifting of M. seed bags from Hafed Oil Mills/D.O. godown. I, II & III to machine room (Including cartage (50 Paise godown-I,II&III machine room) including weighment at weighbridge 80 kg. packing) in Hafed Complex (35 Paise godown-I,II &III 50 kg. packing) Unloading of empty tins/jars from truck and stacking Into godown/machine room (both 5 kg. & 15 kg.) 02 Paise Loading of Mustard Oil Tins into Truck/cart from Hafed Godwon I & II & III Machine Room, packing will be made by the provision of burada & bags to avoid leakage in transportation (Burada & Rags will supplied by Hafed) 15 kg./15 ltr. 7 Paise 5 ltr. 5 Paise Cont—3 --3-23. Unloading of Cartoon of all kind (empty) 1 Paisa per cartoon 24. Shifting of empty bags from Godown to Plant for Filling cake 1 Paisa 25. Loading of loose M. oil in Tankers Rs. 4/- per MT 26. Loading of Cartoon of oil bottles into Truck/Tempo including cartoons of pouch & jars Paise per cartoon 27. 28. Screen printing of Jute bags including colour, gum Etc. but excluding screen 8 Paise per bag for single Screen printing Shifting of cartoon of empty bottles from godown to plant (cartoon + bottles) 2 Paise Shifting of 15 ltr./15 kg. empty tins from godown To plant 2 Paise 30. Shifting of 5 ltr. empty tins from godown to plant 1 Paisa 31. Shifting of packed oil (All kind & all packing) from packing room to any of godown I, II, III including loading & stacking upto requires height including cartage 80 Paise per qtl. 32. Unloading of empty bottle 1 Paise per 12 bottle 33. Filling weight sealing and stacking of M. oil tins in Machine room including Agmark labeling and packed With cartoons/Box including tap-top-bottom & straping 15kg/15 ltr 50 Paise 5 ltr.40 Paise 34. Removal of empty bottle/HDPE Pack from cartoon, Filling of bottle/HDPE pack weighing, putting of installation & cover, sealing, labeling including Agmark label & placing in carton & packing of carton with plastic strip & stacking 29. ½ ltr. packing 6 Paise per bottle 1 ltr. packing (bottle & pouch) 8 Paise per bottle & pouch 5 Ltr. HDPE pack 20 Paise per pack Including all kind of printing on TBL carton & Preparation of carton for all packs for all edible oils (Signature of Tenderer)
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