Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) and the University of Hawaii Cruise Plan Hawaii Ocean Experiment - Legacy I (HOE-Legacy I) Dates: April 6-10th, 2015 Ship: R/V Kilo Moana, University of Hawaii Master of the Vessel: Gray Drewry Cruise ID: KM15-03 Chief Scientist: Tara Clemente Co-Chief Scientist: Oscar Sosa OTG Marine Technicians: Steve Tottori and Trevor Young Kilo Moana phone number: 842-9817, cell 864-0065, satellite 001-870-336-956510 Marine Center phone number: 842-9813 Tara Clemente: 808-389-0544 Loading: April 2nd, 2015 @ 0900 Departure: April 6th, 2015 @ 0900 (Science personnel on board by 0800) Arrival: April 10th, 2015 @ 0800 1.0 SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES The objective of the cruise is to maintain a collection of hydrographic and biogeochemical data at the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) station. Station ALOHA, is defined as a circle with a 6 nautical mile radius centered at 22° 45'N, 158°W. Station ALOHA and will be occupied for a majority of the cruise. 1.1 SCIENTIFIC OPERATIONS Station ALOHA (sta. 2) Activities PIT and McLane Sediment traps, Primary Production array, CTD operations, Hyperpro, misc. experiments. Underway/continuous, ADCP, thermosalinograph, pCO2 system, fluorometry, and meteorology. 1. Deployment of PIT Sediment trap array. 2. Deployment of bottom-moored sediment traps (2 x 4000m) in the vicinity of 22°51'N, 157°54W. 3. Deployment of Primary Production array. 4. CTD Operations 2.0 SCIENCE PERSONNEL Participant Frank Aylward (M) Bob Bidigare (M) Tara Clemente (F) Maria del Carmin Muñoz Marin (F) Ken Doggett (M) Sara Ferron-Smith (F) Eric Grabowski (M) Christien Laber (M) Morgan Linney (F) Jozef Nissimov (M) Sarah Searson (F) Eric Shimabukuro (M) Oscar Sosa (M) William Truong (M) Ger van den Engh (M) Alice Vislova (F) Blake Watkins (M) Steve Tottori (M) Trevor Young (M) Title Post-Doc Scientist Chief Scientist Post-Doc Research Associate Post-Doc Research Associate Student Research Associate Post-Doc Research Associate Research Associate Co-Chief Scientist Intern Scientist Student Marine Engineer Marine Technician Marine Technician Affiliation UH/CMORE UH/CMORE UH/SCOPE/CMORE UCSC/CMORE/SCOPE UH/CMORE UH/CMORE UH/CMORE Rutgers University UH/CMORE Rutgers University UH/CMORE UH/SCOPE UH/CMORE UH/CMORE MARCY UH/CMORE UH/CMORE OTG OTG (19 science personnel: 13 male and 6 female) 3.0. SUMMARY SCHEDULE 2 April 6 April 6 -9 April 10 April Ship loading at 0900 hrs Depart from Snug harbor at 0900 hrs. Science personnel on-board by 0800. Safety briefing, orientation meeting 1000. Station ALOHA operations. Arrive back to Snug Harbor. 4.0 OPERATIONAL PLAN 4.1. Station ALOHA (22°45'N, 158°W with 6 nm radius) 4.1.1. PIT Sediment trap array deployment RF Ch. 68, 157.425 MHz Upon arrival to Station ALOHA, a floating sediment traps array will be deployed at a location within Station ALOHA, to be determined en route to ALOHA by local current conditions. The sediment trap array will be deployed from the stern, using the A-frame and large Sea-Mac winch. Power requirement for the winch is 440 VAC, three phase at 10 amps. After deployment we request that the bridge verify that the radio transmitters are functioning and directionally correct. The PIT sediment trap array will be equipped with 2 ARGOS satellite transmitters (platform #’s 3028, 60482), 2 strobe lights, and radio transmitters (RF Ch. 68, 157.425 MHz) and will consist of 3 crosses 2 @150m and 1 @ another depth TBD. Daily positions of the array shall be transmitted by email directly to the ship (, password: argosfix), therefore the ship will not need to keep within sight of the array until the time of the recovery. Assistance from the bridge is requested in plotting the drift track of the array. We request the use of the ship's radio direction finder for locating the array before recovery. NOTE: depending on the speed and distance this array travels, the time for recovery may shift to maximize time for operations at Station ALOHA. 4.1.2. Deployment of two McLane bottom-moored sediment traps in the vicinity of 22°51'N, 157°54W. Two conical McLane sediment traps @ 4000m, glass floats and a mooring weight will be deployed from the stern using the A-frame and large Sea –Mac winch (see attached diagram 1.) Power requirement for the winch is 440 VAC, three phase at 10 amps. After deployment we would like to triangulate the position of the deep-moored sediment traps. 4.1.3. On the first day at Station ALOHA (4/7), CTD casts will recommence. 4.1.4. Water column measurements Vertical profiles of temperature, conductivity and dissolved oxygen will be made with the OTG instrument package consisting of a Sea-Bird CTD attached to a 24-place rosette with 12 liter Bullister sampling bottles. We will need the ship’s CTD winch and A-frame for these operations. Water samples for biogeochemical measurements will be collected on each cast. There will be an additional instrument to be included with the OTG CTD package –two Transmissometers with a pump. Power requirement is 35-50 mA at 7-15V. 4.1.5. Primary Production Array deployment A free drifting incubation array will be deployed once during this cruise, for 12- hour duration, starting on the second day (4/7) of the cruise at Station ALOHA. We request the use of the Aframe for this operation and will also use the Sea-Mac winch. The array is equipped with two ARGOS satellite transmitters (platform #’s 84857,60484) a strobe light and a radio transmitter (RF Ch. 74, 157.725 MHz). Positions of the array shall be transmitted by email directly to the ship (, password: argosfix). 4.1.6. Hyperpro The Hyperpro is a profiling unit with one up-looking and one down-looking hyperspectral radiometer, a WET Labs ECO-BB2F triplet (measuring Chlorophyll-a fluorescence and backscattering in the blue and red wavelengths), temperature and conductivity sensors. This instrument also incorporates a ship mounted surface radiometer. The Hyperpro will be deployed daily during the cruise. The Hyperpro is deployed from the stern through a small block hung from the A-frame. The instrument is hand-lowered and retrieved. Each deployment will consist of three profiles before the instrument is retrieved and take approximately 45 min to complete. 4.2 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler The ship’s acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) will be in operation during the duration of the cruise. The OTG electronics technicians will be in charge of the ADCP system. Thermosalinograph, pCO2 system, Fluorometer, and meteorological system 4.3 The ship’s thermosalinograph, pCO2 system and fluorometer sampling the uncontaminated seawater supply system will be in operation during the duration of the cruise while the ship is outside of Snug Harbor. The ship’s meteorological system shall be in operation throughout the cruise. Access to real-time underway data through the ship’s network will be required. The OTG technicians will be in charge of the thermosalinograph, pCO2 system, Fluorometer, and meteorological suite operations. Whenever pumping of the ship’s tanks is needed, it must be conducted outside the circle that defines station ALOHA (Sect. 1.0). To avoid disruptions in the schedule, this operation should be coordinated with the chief scientist and co-chief scientist. 5.0 EQUIPMENT 5.1 The science party shall be bringing the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 5.2 One 20 ft. laboratory van with assorted equipment for radioisotope and general use (Van #23) One 20 ft laboratory van for radioisotope and flow cytometry use (Karl, FCM van) All required chemicals and isotopes Large vacuum waste containers Liquid nitrogen dewars Drifting PIT sediment trap array with strobe lights, satellite and radio transmitters, floats, weights Two McLane Sediment Traps with line, strobe lights, satellite and radio transmitters, floats, weights Primary Production array with strobe lights, satellite and radio transmitters, floats, weights Polypropylene line 48 PIT Sediment traps and 4 crosses Oxygen titration system Desktop and laptop personal computers Assorted tools All required sampling bottles Stand up Incubator Deck incubation system Pertinent MSDS We will need the use of the following ship's equipment: 1. OTG’s 24-place rosette, and 24 12-l water sampling bottles 2. CTD Instrument package (OTG). 3. Two Transmissometers with pump on CTD instrument package. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. A-frame A-frame block assembly Winch and conducting wire for CTD operations (0.681) Electric power for winches (440 VAC, 3 phase, 60 Amp breaker) and vans (208 VAC single phase at 60 amps for lab van. Radio direction finder Space on upper deck for two laboratory vans Space on upper deck for incubators Hand-held VHF transceivers Precision depth recorder Shackles, sheaves, hooks and lines Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Thermosalinograph, pCO2 system, and Fluorometer Meteorological suite Copy machine Grappling hooks and line Laptop with Nobeltec charting software and GPS feed Running fresh water and seawater hoses Electronic mail system GPS system Uncontaminated seawater supply Distilled, deionized water Small capstan (~ 10 m/min) Underway/on-station data acquisition system for meteorological instruments, ADCP, thermosalinograph, fluorometer, pCO2 and access to real-time data through the network. Large Sea-Mac winch (Mod. 1025 EHS). 60 Amp Hubbel plug/connector (440 VAC, 3 phase, 60 Amp breaker) RV Kilo Moana HOE-Legacy I Date Cast 4/7 S2C1 25m S2C1 S2C3 CTD casts April 6-10th, 2015 Target Samples Bottles Depth ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Station ALOHA OS (24@ 25m) 24 500 m KB (Virus; 2 @ TBD, TBD, TBD, 55, 25 m, 1% Par); JZ(qPCR; 1 @ 5, 25, 45, 75, 100 m) 17 500 m SF (2@ 5, 45, 75,100m & 4 @ 25); 12 500 m KB(Virus; 2 @ TBD, TBD, TBD, 55, 25, 1% Par m); JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); 23 Start Diel 4/7 S2C4 DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C5 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 23 SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m); SF (2@ 25m); EG ( Particulates 10@ 25m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m; 1 @ DCM) S2C6 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 21 SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m); OS( 10@ 500m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C7 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 21 SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m) ; EG (Particulates 10@ 75m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C8 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 11 4/8 S2C9 500 m KB(Virus; 2 @ TBD, TBD, TBD, 55, 25, 1% Par m); JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); 23 DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C10 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 24 SF(4 @ 25m); SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m); EG (Particulates 10@ 350m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C11 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 23 SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m); SF (2 @ 25m); OS (10@ 500m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C12 500 m KB(Virus; 2 @ TBD, TBD, TBD, 55, 25, 1% Par m); JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); 23 DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM); SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C13 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 21 SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m); EG (Particulates 10@ 500m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C14 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 21 SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m); OS(10@ 500m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C15 1000 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 20 SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m); ML (1 @ 200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C16 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m) 11 BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 4/9 S2C17 500 m KB(Virus; 2 @ TBD, TBD, TBD, 55, 25, 1% Par m); JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); 23 DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM); SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C18 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 11 SF(4 @ 25m); SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C19 500 m JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) 18 SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m); SF (2@ 25m); ES (ESP-3 5@ 25m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) S2C20 500 m KB(Virus; 2 @ TBD, TBD, TBD, 55, 25, 1% Par m); JZ(Diel; 2 @ TBD m); DL (Diel; 500ml @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM); SF pb DL (Diel; 200ml @ 5,25,45 m) BB & KD pb DL (Diel; 2L @ 1@5, 25,45,75,100,125,150,175m,DCM) Abbreviation users: BB= Bob Bidigare, KB=Kay Bidle’s Group, KD= Ken Doggett, SF=Sara Ferron-Smith, EG=Eric Grabowski, DL= Debbie Lindell, ML= Morgan Linney, ES= Eric Shimabukuro, OS= Oscar Sosa, JZ=Jon Zehr’s Group, Pb = piggy back, i.e. shared Niskin bottle. 23 TIME Mon. 4/6 Tues. 4/7 CTD Cast S2C1 0000 Wed. 4/8 Thurs. 4/9 CTD cast S2C8 CTD cast S2C16 CTD cast S2C9 CTD cast S2C17 Deploy Gas Array CTD cast S2C10 CTD cast S2C18 Deploy bottommoored sed trap Deploy Seaglider Fri. 4/10 0100 CTD Cast S2C2 0200 0300 CTD Cast S2C3 0400 0500 0600 0700 Scientists onboard 0800 Scientists onboard 0900 Depart Snug Transit ALOHA Safety Briefing Arrive at Snug Harbor CTD cast S2C11 CTD cast S2C19 CTD Cast S2C4 CTD cast S2C12 CTD cast S2C20 HyperPro HyperPro Recover Sediment Traps CTD cast S2C5 CTD cast S2C13 1800 CTD cast S2C6 CTD cast S2C14 1900 Recover Gas Array 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 2000 Arrive ALOHA 2100 Deploy Sediment Trap 2200 2300 CTD cast S2C7 CTD cast S2C15 Depart Station ALOHA 18 (4/7/2015) 4000m depth
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