See You in Deridder LA for 2015 SCKA Annual Meeting and Private

Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Association Newsletter
Summer 2015
See You in Deridder LA for 2015 SCKA
Annual Meeting and Private Treaty Sale
June 5 & 6th is the date for 2015 SCKA Annual Meeting and Private Treaty Sale in
Deridder LA. Darrell Adams will be the host this year and we look forward to viewing
his operation.
Location will be at the Beauregard Fairgrounds, 506 West Drive, DeRidder, LA 70634.
There will be a farm tour at ADO Sheep, 118 South 7th Street, Singer, LA 70660,
about 30 minutes away on Friday at 4:00. Then will go to supper dutch treat.
Also, several people are asking about sheep so if anyone is bringing sheep for
sale please contact Darrell Adams or Howard Brown and let them know so
arrangements can be made. Sheep must have health papers and be read BE-
In This Issue
President’s Message 2
Meeting Info
NRCS continued
Membership Form
Katahdins for Sale
FORE you unload, please make copies before you come. Sheep can start unloading
at 9:00 am Friday.
Saturday will start at 9:00 am. Meal Saturday will be provided. Chris Sweat will speak
on grading sheep. Mark Dennis will be doing a hoof trimming demo. NRCS reps to
talk on soil conservation and different plans available. Tommy & Gabriella Boden on
marketing and selling at Farmers Markets. Townsend Equipment will be attending the
private treaty sale again this year. If you have any equipment purchase needs get with
them and they can deliver.
Stagecoach Inn (337)462-0022
Best western Plus (337) 460-2066
Motel 6. (338)462-3450
America's Best value (337) 460-7797
Pine grove RV park (337)460-1800
If you need directions call Darrell Adams and he will try to help.
Our Officers
Our Board of Directors
President—Howard Brown
Vice President—Kenneth Jessee
Darrell Adams
(405) 567-2559
(276) 794-9214
Frankie Steifel
Sec—Tina Broussard
Treasurer—Michelle Stiefel
Ryan Jordan
(337) 896-2278
(256) 599-1223
Earl Burris
Newsletter—Robert Walker
Promotions—Mark Dennis
Kathy Keifer
(931) 510-1322
(337) 364-0422
Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Association
As I write the Presidents Corner of the SCKA NL, I feel relieved & excited. In June it will
be time for you to get someone new to take over. I had projects, that I started and are
not all finished. Maybe your next leader will have better luck. We need active members
to get things accomplished. It is hard when you don't meet but once a year. I want to encourage all of you to get involved in your association, that is the only way to make a difference. United we are strong, divided we are not.
June 5,2015 SCKA will open our annual meeting at the Beauregart fair grounds, in DeRidder, La. You will find a program for this meeting in this NL. Don't miss this meeting it
will be the earliest chance to see fellow breeders and have good Katahdin fellowship,
bring pictures of your operation and sheep to share with others.
I guess everyone knows I had quadruple bypass the end of February, I'm doing good
just dizzy at times. Doctors are trying to get my blood pressure under control. The bottom line is, I will be in your face another 20 years, if you raise Katahdins. I figure it will
take that long to pay all the bills.
I still believe that the Katahdin breed hasn't scratched the surface, the market may be
softer, but think, Katahdins have been upbeat for 10 years. All things have cycles, but if
you can't raise Katahdins and put them on the scales for profit, you don't have the right
kind of Katahdins, the ones that will reproduce, live, grow, be efficient and will grade
ones and twos. Each stage I have mentioned will make your bottom line better.
KHSI has been ask many times for several years, to come up with a better breed characteristic (a guide for better Katahdins). I haven't seen anything on this and don't have
any hope. So you will have to decide what you think is important for this breed, to be
better to survive. Here is what I think, we have to keep reproduction (mothering abilities
the Katahdin ewes are famous for). Katahdins are shedding sheep therefore they need
to shed. Females need to weigh 200 plus lbs at maturity and rams 280 plus lbs. They
need to be polled and mainly white with pigmentation around their eyes, with black
hoofs, be sound (strong pastures), good bones (no light boned fat sheep), well muscled
(with the right maturity), long (with straight backs), and balanced (front to back & from
ground up). I know some of these terms maybe Greek to you. So you come up with your
own terms. It doesn't have to be my terms. But KHSI needs to develop some of these
terms and define them, so we will all be on the same page. We need leaders for this
breed to survive. SCKA has had a lot of impact in the past & we will again. Someone
needs to do something even if it is wrong.
We should have our brochures for SCKA ready by June 5th. Thanks to all for your hard
work. A special thanks to Kathy Keiffer for all the leg work.
Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Association
Important Reminders regarding Gathering:
** Health Certificates must be provided prior to unloading sheep.
** Only SCKA members can sell at the Private Treaty Sale. There will be no charge for selling
sheep. The Private Treaty Sale will be ongoing throughout Friday /Saturday.
** Please bring some folding chairs if it is convenient for you
** Ken from Townsend Equipment will be onsite with sheep handling equipment. Not to
late to give him a call and get free delivery.
*****Be thinking of hosting the 2016/2017/2018 Meeting. Contact
Board Members or Officers for more information.
Annual Meeting and Elections
Want to be more active and help our Association grow? Come to the annual
meeting and become an officer. Any successful organization needs lots of active
Shepherds Chart:
Body Temperature: 100.9-103.8
Pulse Rate: 70-80 per minute
Breathing Rate: 12-20 per minute
Interval of cycle: 14-20 days
In order to utilize SCKA funds wisely, all members will receive the SCKA
Newsletter via e-mail. Hard copies
will be mailed upon request or to
members without e-mail addresses.
Duration of cycle: 20-42 hrs
Gestation: 144-152 days
SCKA Motto: We only do positive
things for Katahdins
Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Association
What can NRCS do for you?
With the annual meeting in Deridder to include some NRCS representatives, I thought it
would be a great time to ask our members, “What can NRCS do for you?”
The reason I ask that is I just received funding through NRCS EQIP program to do
crossing fencing and water supply to take roughly 50 acres and make into paddocks.
When I shared my great news to some sheep friends, no one seemed to know these programs even existed. So, I can tell you a little about my deal so you can get your mind
thinking in time to ask the representatives on hand how you can take advantage of these
The pic included is a Google map layout of what they are paying me to do. The red
dots represent locations of waterers. The waterers will be bias ply ag loader tires with tops
Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Association
NRCS continued….
cut out and float in middle. They have been used forever with great results. They will gravity
flow from a 4000 gallon tank that I already have that is located on high point at corner of the
black square in the pic. The black square will be the location for future covered working facility.
The black lines represent water
lines from 2 different sources.
One source being a pond that I
will pump into tank. The other
source is city water to use as a
The paddocks will be connected with each other and the working facility by lanes which are
shown in the pic. Each paddock
will range in size from 4 acres to 7
Total payment on this setup is just shy of $18,000! It will be a huge help for us as we grow
our flock and allow us to better utilize parts of the farm we haven’t used for sheep yet. Will be
able to better rotate pastures and to plant different forages for different seasons. Will also
allow us to stockpile even more for prolonged winter grazing. This past year we fed zero hay
until first weekend in Feb!
From the NRCS website, The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a voluntary program that provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers
through contracts up to a maximum term of ten years in length. These contracts provide financial assistance to help plan and implement conservation practices that address natural
resource concerns and for opportunities to improve soil, water, plant, animal, air and related
resources on agricultural land and nonindustrial private forestland. In addition, a purpose of EQIP is to help producers meet Federal, State, Tribal and local environmental
Articles written in this newsletter may or
may not be the thoughts and suggestions
Do some research online or go by your
of all the membership nor its officers or
board of directors, but merely the opinion local NRCS office and see what programs
might work for you. Then bring all your ideas
of the one writing the article.
to Deridder and ask lots of questions.
Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Association
Membership Form
Date: _______________________
New Member
Dues Attached ($20.00)
Dues Attached (due Jan 1st )
Dues & renewals are $20.00 per year when paid before January 31. Renewals- a $5.00 fee is due if
paid after January 31 in order to be re-instated. One vote per membership.
SCKA invites you to visit our website:
• SCKA will help you design a World Wide Web page for $125.00
• Each year thereafter with up to 5 changes will only be $100.00
• To link your own web page to SCKA is only $45.00 annually
• 1st Year Web Design & Web Page ________ ($125.00)
Web Page ________ ($100.00) Web Link ________ ($45.00)
Please PRINT name and address exactly as you would like it to appear on SCKA records and website.
Membership Name (s)____________________________________________________________
Farm/Ranch Name _____________________________________________________________
P.O. Box or Street
City, State, Zip Code______________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________________________________________________________
Web address____________________________________________________________________
Please Mail your check and completed form to:
To save funds, all newsletters will be emailed to
SCKA – Treasurer
the email address listed above. If you would like
Michelle Stiefel
one mailed also, please check the box bellow as
175 County Rd 612
Section, AL 35771
updated : Feb 8, 2015
I would like a printed copy of newsletter
Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Association
Only SCKA members may list here. Listings will be renewed every newsletter. SCKA will assist you in buying and selling Katahdin sheep. Keep us informed of your needs by telephone or e-mail. Check the membership list for
more information, including all contact information, SCKA members will treat
you right! Call for Pricing!
1. Alabama - For sale in Alabama-Registered Katahdin Ewe lambs and two RR ram lambs
out of our Ram from Steven Bull In Iowa. Lambs Born Dec-Feb. weaned and ready for
new homes. 251-229-3838 We are also taking reservations
for lambs to be born in Sept/Oct this year ,expecting lambs from both our Rams Alabama (GF9398 son) and Warlock(Bul). Come by and visit.
2. Alabama - For Sale Now: Registered 100% Katahdin Ewe Lambs and 2 Ram Lambs
born Jan. 2015, Scrapie Free Flock. Weaned, Wormed and Vaccinated. Contact Dan
Drinkard D-D Ranch 251-769-3606.
3. Arkansas - Register Katahdin lambs born March 2015, ready for new homes June 1. All
of our sheep come from the Lazy B Farm and our ram is a son of Wildman. Howard
Brown bred and raised our ram. Small Farm, Great Genetics. Contact Bill Gray at 479521-3024 or email Website.
4. Louisiana — FOR SALE NOW---Registered Katahdin Ewe and Ram Lambs born Jan.
to March 2015. Lambs are RR or QR, polled, have A or AA white hair coats. Several
blood lines available. Lambs will be available for pickup in June. Vaccinations Given.
Health records available. Flock is Certified (SFCP Flock# LA65) Please see our website: Contact Tina at:, or by phone 337/2886121 to set up an appointment to visit the Farm. PTB Farms is located near Scott, LA.
5. Tennessee - Registered Katahdin sheep from certified scrapie free flock. Lambs are RR
or QR and are bred for growth, bone size, mothering ability, meat and still have eye appeal. Contact Robert Walker, 931-510-1322 for more info, ,
Alpine, TN 38543. Check us out on Facebook!
6. Tennessee - Akbash/Anatolian female pups for sale. Can deliver to Deridder. Pups
were born April 3rd. Contact Robert Walker, 931-510-1322 for more info, , Alpine, TN 38543.
7. Virginia --Registered Katahdin ewe and ram lambs born Jan., Feb., and March 2015
Sired by SWP 08-142 Wildman. These lambs have super length and an excellent hair
coat. Free delivery to Deridder, LA and Sedalia, MO. and locations in between. Call
Kenneth and Connie Jessee at 276-298-5118.
Things to Ponder for New Year!
Renew Membership!
Get your checklist for lambing ready
Check your pasture/hay supply
Start thinking about new genetics
Consider doing Promotions for SCKA
Take lots of sheep pics for SCKA
Work on writing a couple articles for this
newsletter. They don’t write their selves
and I am sure you guys have years of
wisdom that needs to be shared. Start
early and take your time. Write about
equipment you have built or modified,
write about your goals or marketing
plans. We could all learn from each
Got pictures or Articles of Interest?
E-mail them to Robert at
Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Newsletter
Robert Walker
429 Wilder Hwy
Alpine, TN 38543
We only do positive things for Katahdins