Spring Picnic - Hall Newman Center

Chapel of the Holy Spirit
36 New Street, PO Box 207, Oswego, NY 13126
(315)312-7222, fax 216-6593
Director of Campus Ministry Michael Huynh
Administrative Assistant
Denise Knight
The Hall Newman Center
~May 3, 2015~
Please join us for Sunday Mass During the Academic Year
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
Double Mass Schedule (12:15 pm and 6:30pm) through May 1 0, 2015
A Prayer for our Graduates
May you have
WISDOM in heart and Mind
SUCCESS in every challenge you find
COURAGE to seek life’s purpose for you
BELIEF in yourself to make it come true
STRENGTH to do your best and endure
And the guiding light of FAITH
Weekday Services & Events
to ensure that wherever you go, whatever you do,
God’s LOVE will always see you through.
Communion Service: Tuesday - 5pm
~ Lisa O. Englehardt
Holy Hour : Wednesday - 1pm
to our seniors and graduate students who will graduate next SaturEucharistic Minister & Lector Schedules day. We also honor those who are transitioning from here. We thank you for making the
Newman Center your spiritual home away from home. Thank you for sharing your gifts
May 3, 2015
and talents with us. All of us here are truly grateful that it was in God’s plan for our paths
Lectors………… Colin Petramaale
to cross. Please remember this place and the people who make it the Chapel of the Holy
Stephanie Okafor
Spirit, and know you are always welcome here. May God bless you on your journeys and
Lead EM……… Marian Chermack
know that you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us in your prayCiborium….…… Emily Stasko
Cup…………..... Nico Angerosa
And to our students going on summer break…
I can hardly believe that another year has come and gone. Thank you for a wonderful year!
Lectors………… Matthew McCabe
I hope you have a restful and wonderful break, and look forward to seeing all of you in the
Colleen McClure
Fall. “Stay out of trouble, and don’t get arrested!”
Lead EM……… Carol Fitzsimmons
Peace, Mike
Ciborium….…… Tricia Faith
PS God is smiling!
Cup…………..... Karen Breen
Mass Intentions
12:15 - Eve Harrison
6:30 - Charles Citrak
May 10, 2015
Lectors………… Matthew Slocum
Grace Pendall
Lead EM……… Alexandra Mars
Ciborium….…… Andrew Janiszeski
Cup…………..... Karen Breen
Lectors………… Samuel Burgos
Monisha George
Lead EM……… Lauren Cutler
Ciborium….…… Nico Angerosa
Cup…………..... Carson Case
Come join us TODAY,
after 12:15 Mass,
For Our
Newman High School Retreat
Fundraiser for Nazareth Farm Trip
Spaghetti Supper
Wednesday, May 6
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Suggested Donation - $6.00
Take-outs Available
phone: 607-205-4061
Dinner includes: Pasta with
sauce, salad and roll/bread.
Annual Garage Sale - Signups at Entranceway
May 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20
Someone will be in Swetman Hall each evening
starting around 5:30pm, and most nights
we are done by 7:30pm.
May 21st: 9am-6pm - May 22nd: 9am-5pm
Saturday, May 23rd: 9am-1pm ($2/bag)
People are needed to help with the sale,
with re-straightening, hanging
and then on Saturday with
bagging up all the leftover items.
Many hands make light work, and this sale
plays a very important part in the community support
we are able to provide throughout the year.
Community Prayer List
As we enter into this time of transition…
graduations, summer vacation, changes in
schedules, a time of rest and renewal for
some, a hectic time for others, we recognize
the gift this new season offers - and in turn
the opportunities that every new transition
grants to us. Spring and summer often offer
us the time to embrace our beautiful surroundings in a new way. So as we embrace this
new season I would like to take the opportunity to ask you to remember the ministry here at
the Hall Newman Center. Please recognize
that as you travel to visit family and friends
and take time to rejuvenate during vacation
that the ministry here carries on -- and as always, we cannot do it without your support. Please consider using Faith Direct to
continue to support our ministry even when
you cannot be physically present here. Faith
Direct is an online tool in which you can automate your financial gifts to the Hall Newman
Center. Several of our community members
are enrolled and report positive feedback as to
the security, and convenience of this program.
Enrollment can be accomplished online at
faithdirect.net, using code NY667 or by mail.
An FAQ as well as enrollment forms are
Please call our office at 315.312.7222 or
email at newctr@oswego.edu for additional
Connie Armstrong, Father Guy Baccaro, Lillian Belfield,
Billie Brady, Jeanne Brantman, Liz Cannady, Andy Carpenter,
Hoover Catano, Luzmila Catano, David Chamberlain, Tom Duell,
MaryAnn Ebert, Kathy Emmons, Thomas Fee,
Susan Funk, Paula Gange, Sister Germaine, Vivian Golding,
Connie Gosek, Dee Hall, Rodica Ieta, Angie Laguerre and her
brother, Scott Lee, Cooper Levine, Liz Lucas, Catherine Mathews,
Tove Moen, Marylou O’Donnell, Chris Parker, Roger Peck,
Melissa Paestella , Ann Peterson, Ann Marie Pontante,
Ginny Stamm, Matthew Slocum, Stephen Slocum, Kathy Stock,
Fred Sweeney, Julian Thompson, Justin Thompson,
Larry VanHorn, Gwen Vickery,
Makayla Walker, Marilyn Ward, Nancy Ward
The Rural and Migrant Ministries, St. Francis Farm,
Unity Acres and all those involved in ministry and missions worldwide,
Our Servicemen and Women and their families.
St e wa rdshi p & Our Phy sica l Spa ce
Sa nc t ua ry a nd Al t a r Re nova t i on
As we begin this new Easter Season we are
reminded of new life and new beginnings very
often…. One of the ways we have experience
that in a tangible way is even in the transformation of our physical space. At one point we
had unusable storage on our West wall that
was junk and dust magnet. Our sanctuary
floor was structurally unsound. With the help
of many hands a few demolition parties and many generous donors we
have recently completed the first phase of
the west wall renovation. Thank you to all
for your commitment to the stewardship of
our ministry and chapel. I want to especially
Thank you, Mike.
thank Mark Wahl for overseeing the entire
process. Leave it to Mark to design something so complicated that he had to finish it
Collections…………….….April 26, 2015: $592
eGiving ………………………..April 2015: $223 himself.
Financial Report
Student Spotlight
Nicholas Carson, tech-ed major from Cherry Valley, New York, will be graduating this December. At his home
parish of St. Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic Church, Nick was active as an altar server.
Since his freshman year, Nick has attended the Newman Center because it was important for him to continue
attending mass and celebrating his faith. He found the Newman Center by Googling for Catholic ministries in
the Oswego Area and has enjoyed attending some of the many community functions such as our Student
Thanksgiving Dinner.
Nick is involved in the SUNY Oswego STEM for Kids program, active with the Oswego Technology Education
Association, a peer advisor for first year technology students and an EMT for SAVAC at SUNY Oswego.
Thank you, Nick, for sharing your faith journey with us! We wish you continued success with your future as
Technology Education Instructor. God Bless ♥
Mark Your Calendar!
Sunday, May 3 - Senior Day Mass & Newman Community Spring Picnic
Wednesday, May 6th - Nazareth Farm Summer 2015 High School Retreat Team Spaghetti Dinner
Thursday, May 7th - National Day of Prayer - 1pm at Oswego City Hall Common Council Chambers
Sunday, May 10th - Mother’s Day Breakfast—St. Stephen the King Church - following 9am Mass
Sunday, May 17: Summer Mass Schedule Resumes - 6:30pm Mass Only
May 21st-May23rd: Garage Sale...Leave Green! - (details on front of bulletin and online at hallnewmancenter.org)
June 7th - Alumni Mass - 10am
The Mission of the Hall Newman Center is to nurture spiritual development of individuals on the SUNY Oswego campus
and in the Oswego community. We commit ourselves to be a resource for information, education and advocacy on behalf of
the Catholic Church and its teachings. Our welcoming and vibrant atmosphere promotes a sense of Christian Community and
we commit ourselves to be available to and to represent the students of SUNY Oswego, the larger college and area communities.