2015-2016 Hamilton Dance Program Tryouts

 2015-­‐2016 Hamilton High School Dance Team • Tryout Packet • Information • Mandatory Forms “To touch, to move, to inspire. This is the true gift of dance.” -­‐ Aubrey Lynch Clinics and Tryouts: Clinics: The purpose of clinics is to help prepare the students for the tryout. We will be working on technique, turns, jumps, and choreography. Tryouts: The tryout will determine if students will make the Hamilton Senior competition team, the school team or no team at all. All positions are filled by tryout. NO position is automatic. • In order to attend Clinics, students must have on the first day: o A completed Emergency Medical Form o Student tryout form o Parent/guardian and student contract o One teacher recommendation o Communications form • No visitors or parents will be permitted at the clinic, practices, or at the tryout. However, you may come the last 5 minutes of clinics and videotape the dance so girls can practice at home. • No potential candidate may solicit help from a person who is directly involved in teaching the tryout material or preparing the tryout material except during clinics. • Tryout Uniform: White shirt, black or blue shirts and hair pulled back. Girls must have sneakers but may also bring socks, dance shoes or go barefoot. Each dance candidate must be prepared to perform the following at tryouts: Pirouette (turn) Tilt jump GrandeJete (Leap) Toe Touch C-­‐Jump 1 minute choreographed dance Double Pirouette (bonus points) Turns in second (bonus points) High School Dance Team Tryouts 2015-­‐2016 Candidate #____________________ Judge Initials__________________ JUMPS Toe Touch C-­‐Jump Grande Jete (Leap) Tilt jump TURNS Single Turn Double Turn *extra Turns in second *extra JAZZ SECTION Technical Execution/Placement/Strength Knowledge/Timing POM/HIP HOP SECTION Style/Placement/Strength/ Execution Knowledge/Timing Overall Appearance/Performance Overall technique/flexibility Attitude, character, and potential TOTAL SCORE Comments: ______/5 ______/5 ______/5 ______/5 ______/5 ______/10 ______/10 ______/10 ______/10 ______/10 ______/10 ______/10 ______/15 ______/10 _______/100 Constitution The constitution serves as a guideline for all members of a Hamilton City Schools dance team. However, the administration and coaches reserve the right to make any decisions they consider necessary regarding Dance Team throughout the season. This document does not limit the judgments and decisions of the administration or the coaches. Hamilton Dance Program Vision The vision for the 2015-­‐2016 dance program is to be a competitive team that competes among other middle school and high school students in the area. No matter what school we come from, we will all work as one under the Hamilton name. Our dancers will be pillars within the school that show outstanding character and work ethic inside and outside of the classroom. We will participate with the football season and participate in a few basketball games. Our priority is to get the women of Hamilton ready for a college level dance team. Teams 1. HHS Dance Team (Football Only): The high school will have one single varsity dance team. This team will learn a dance and perform this dance at the games. This is a great team for girls that participate in winter sports. These teams will be responsible for the following: o Dance at home football games o Walk in the Hamilton High Homecoming parade o Dance at school pep rally o Participate in summer conditioning o Season will start in June and end mid-­‐October o Summer camp o Fundraising o Costume/spirit wear fees • Approximate Price: $250 (Specific price sheet coming soon) 2. Hamilton Senior Competition Team: A mixed team of freshmen to seniors that will be competing during the months of January, February and March. These girls could be competing jazz, hip hop, and pom, to the coach’s discretion. There will be weekly practices as well as additional practices that are TBA. Girls DO NOT have to be on the school team to participate on the competition team. This is a good team for students participating in a fall sport. This team will be responsible for the following: o Season will start July and end at the end of March o Compete pom and hip hop o Family is responsible for getting students to competitions o Weekday and possible weekend practices o Summer camp o Fundraising o Costume/spirit wear fees o Dance at one basketball game at the high school •
Approximate Price: $250 (Specific price sheet coming soon) Practices: Guidelines: •
Practices are subject to change and there may be additional practices added, but students will be notified a week in advance. All practices are mandatory, if you are unable to attend practice and miss before the next game you will be unable to perform in the next game. If you are not at school on practice day you may NOT come to practice. All students must be on time for practice. Students must wear practice clothing. No jeans. Tennis shoes or dance shoes required. Hair must be pulled back. NO chewing gum during practice. NO wearing jewelry while practicing. Excused absences include: o Illness-­‐ phone call or email must be made to coach in advance o Emergency Doctor’s appointments o Vacation-­‐Please let me know in advance o Physical Injury-­‐A doctor’s excuse is required o Death or serious illness in family Unexcused absences include: o Doctor or other appointment. Please try and schedule doctor’s appointments on days other than practice days o Failing to properly notify coach o Unable to get a ride to school o Detention/Thursday school Games: •
All home football games are mandatory. If you miss a game that was not excused you will be removed from the team. I need to be notified ahead of time if you are unable to attend games or practices. All practices and games are mandatory! If you are not at school on game day you may not perform at the game. We will perform for the whole football game (probably getting third quarter off) We will always sit as a team. You are responsible for your uniforms and equipment. If you forget part of your uniform you will not be able to perform and will have to dress and sit. There will be no disrespecting our team, our cheerleaders, the other team or coaches. You will be respectful of everyone and failure to do so will result in dismissal of the team. NO DANCER CAN PERFORM IF THEY HAVE AN F IN ANY CLASS. It is the responsibility of the dancer to turn grades in before each performance. They will sit the bench if they have an F in any class. Discipline Guidelines: This is just a guideline and may be altered by the coach or administration if necessary. The following will result in benched games: • Missing uniform pieces. • Unexcused absence. • Disrespectful attitude toward others. • Ineligible grades. o This means having at least one F or three D’s. This is a school extracurricular so you need to be responsible for your grades first before extracurricular. o You will dress for games and be benched but will not perform. You will attend practices but not participate. If you do not abide by this you will be dismissed from GMS Dance Team. The following will result in dismissal: • Expelled from school. • Missing 3 unexcused practices per year. • Missing 2 unexcused games per year. • Any action or behavior that the coach and administration feel is worthy of dismissal. o We WILL be checking with all teachers for any behavior problems, disrespectful behavior or suffering grades. Teacher will have input. Competitions: •
We will be competing with the Showcase Unlimited circuit along with Ameridance Dates for competitions will be released as soon as decided Families will be responsible to get their child to competitions and to have all belongings with them. Competition participation will be based around grades, attendance and attitude. All coaches and administrators will decide on who is eligible to participate in competitions. All competitions are mandatory and missing a competition will result in automatic removal from the team. Payments: •
Payments will come in installments, unless you are able to pay it all up front The first payment of $100 will be due by the first practice (TBD) Contact: Allison Korson akorson10@gmail.com Student Tryout Form (Must submit this form on the first day of clinics) Name________________________________________________________________ Home Phone #_________________________________________________________ Cell Phone #___________________________________________________________ Please put a check next to one or both of the teams you would like to try out for: o High School Football Dance Team o High School Senior Competition Team 1. What qualities do you possess that would be a positive addition to the Dance Team? 2. Do you have any prior dance, cheer, or tumbling experience? If so, explain? Parent/Guardian and Student Contract Student Name: ____________________________________ I have read the constitution and agree to abide by the rules and regulations. I understand that failure to abide by these rules and regulations may result in removal from the dance team. Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________ Date:______________ Student Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date:______________ Coaches Evaluation Sheet: *Please fill out the form, seal it in the given envelope, and students are responsible for returning to Allison by tryouts on Thursday, 5/14. **If you do not have a previous coach, please have a teacher fill out the form. Student name: _________________________________________________________________ Referring Coach: ______________________________________________________________ What grade does this student have in our class? _____________________________ Does this student have behavior issues? Please explain. Please rate the student on a scale of 1-­‐5 (1=low 5=high) I would recommend this student for the dance team 1 2 3 4 5 This student is a positive leader in my classroom 1 2 3 4 5 I rarely have to correct this student for poor behavior 1 2 3 4 5 This student is respectful to me and other classmates 1 2 3 4 5 This student has a good work ethic 1 2 3 4 5 This student is responsible in class 1 2 3 4 5 This student has minimal missing assignments in my class 1 2 3 4 5 Any comments you would like to add about this student? Thanks for your help.