Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association A L U M N I N E The President’s Corner…. Hello, everyone! This past year has been filled with many achievements by your Alumni Association. We are officially a 501 ( c ) 3 organization, which means donations are now tax deductible. To celebrate our new status, the Trustees launched a Capital Campaign with a goal to double our current endowment. We continue to increase our participation in many events: setting up booths at home football games for the third straight year, manning tables at Parent/Teacher conferences to promote awareness, marching in the Hampton Holiday Parade, bringing the very successful Young Alumni College Networking Fair to the high school, and sponsoring the Comedy Show fundraiser, featuring alumni Jon Rineman, writer for Jimmy Fallon. We look forward to attending upcoming events such as the MCJROTC Annual Awards Ceremony and Banquet May 19, and Community Oven Alumni Night June 8th. Please join us at the Annual General Meeting and Buffet at the Grill 28. The MCJROTC color guard will be present and alumni will serve and entertain you! We are always involved in new and exciting projects. Make sure to check out our website for the latest ventures at www.winnacunnetalumni.org.In closing, I would be remiss if I did not thank the tireless Board of Directors and officers—they are making things happen for you and all alumni of the HA and WHS Alumni Association. We would welcome your individual contribution as well. So, jump on board and get involved. There are many ways you can become involved —large and small. Send us a note! W S L E T T E R M A Y 2 0 1 5 G e n e r a l R e u n i o n B u f f e t a n d Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association Announces The 109th Annual General Reunion and Buffet (1907-2015) Friday evening, June 19, 2015 at Grill 28, Pease Golf Course, Portsmouth, NH Social Hour 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm Buffet 7:15-8 pm Meeting 8 pm Tickets: $25.00 Pre-paid tickets will be reserved at the door All tickets purchased after June 16th: $30.00 Hors D'oeuvres Buffet CASH BAR Looking forward to seeing you all again and hearing from you in the upcoming year. Warmest regards, Write checks to HA/WHS Alumni Assoc. and send to President Tracy Emerton Williams, WHS Class of 1981 P.O. Box 81 North Hampton, NH 03862 by June 15th tracy.williams@winnacunnetalumni.org I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : Alumni Events in the Community 2 Donations Needed 2 New Emeritus Status 2 Email at info@winnacunnetalumni.org Your membership is very important to us...that is why it is free upon your graduation from high school. We do not require dues. Please, do not be fooled by a website or Facebook page that asks you for membership money, and do not give them precious information. Some sites are asking for your yearbook pages and will profit off of this. Stay away from classmates.com; yearbook.com and any other false site claiming to be from your high school! Follow your only true membership at : Alumni Scholarship Awards 2014 3 www.winnacunnetalumni.org or www.hamptonacademy.org or email at info@winnacunnet.org Annual Meeting 2014 3 Or find us on Facebook Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association In Memoriam Special Class Reunions 4 4 We now have IRS 501 {c} 3 status, making us a public charity. All donations are now tax deductible! Officers 2015— President: Tracy Williams, ‘81, Vice President: Lori Cotter, ‘76, Secretary: Sue Brooks, ‘81. Treasurer, Ellen Lavin, ‘70. Board of Trustees : Bruce Aquizap, ‘51; Ted and Betsey Davis, ‘61 ; Andrea Condon, ‘61; Lydia Estey, ‘64; Ellen Lavin, ‘70; Lori Cotter, ‘76; Linda Libbey, ‘81, and Sue Brooks,’81; Tracy Williams, ‘81 Trustee Emeritus: Shirley Carter, ‘45; Fred Rice, ‘56 P a g e 2 H A H a m p t o n & W H S A c a d e m y A L U M N I & W i n n a c u n n e t I N T H E H i g h S c h o o l A l u m n i C O M M U N I T Y EVENTS OF 2014-2015 ANNUAL DINNER SOCIAL MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVANCE AND WREATH CARE PACKAGES FOR WHS MILITARY ALUMNI SOCCER AND FOOTBALL GAMES HAMPTON HOLIDAY PARADE YOUNG ALUMNI COLLEGE NETWORKING FAIR COMEDY SHOW FUNDRAISER ANNUAL NEWSLETTER CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS ANNUAL COLLEGE ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP ADVISORS TO EXETER ALUMNI FOR JOINT VENTURES YEARBOOK ADVERTISING Young Alumni College Networking Fair at WHS in January Comedy Show with alumni Jon Rineman, writer for Jimmy Fallon Putting together Care Packages for WHS Alumni in the military Your donations are very important to our cause. We seek to help graduates work together for the common good of our community. Our goal is to help renew old acquaintances and continue everlasting interest in our high school through reunions, college scholarship, student career programs and support at special high school events. Donations can be made through our PO Box 81, North Hampton, NH, or using Paypal on our website at www.winnacunnetalumni.org or www.hamptonacademyalumni.org. B o a r d V o t e s f o r n e w E m e r i t u s s t a t u s A motion was made and approved to establish an Emeritus Trustee status. In a non-profit organization, this would denote perpetual status to an original or long time member of an organization, and acknowledge an individual who was a past officer or member of the Board of Trustees who brought the organization to new heights. Emeritus status in this case would not be a voting member of the Trustees, but retains all the rights as a member of the HA/WHS Alumni Association, including invitations to the Board meetings, and is retired from all duties associated with the Board of Trustees and its Officers. Two Board members were granted Emeritus status per vote at the April 20th meeting: Shirley Carter Class of 1945 Fred Rice Class of 1956 With due respect to their service., The Board of Trustees M a y 2 0 1 5 w w w . w i n n a c u n n e t a l u m n i , c o m 2 0 1 4 A l u m n i This past year, we awarded 2 scholarships to children of alumni. Each scholarship is for $1000, and is renewable for 3 years, making the total value of each award $4000. Scholarship recipients are selected in a name blind process, based on a combination of factors including academic performance, extra-curricular involvement, recommendations and financial need. Winners are announced each June. Last year’s recipients were: Sara Murphy Schwab, is the daughter Rose (Twomey) Schwab, Class of 1976. Sara is attending the Univer- s c h o l a r s h i p sity of Hartford, majoring in Performing Arts. In her application, Sara said that she was excited to be attending a college that would allow her to hone her skills in performing, directing, producing and teaching. She aspires to have a successful career in theatre. a w a r d s the New York Yankees. organization. Cameron Eric Hauze is the son of alumni Mary (Martin) Hauze, Class of 1981. Eric is attending the University of Southern Maine, majoring in Sports Management. Eric has always loved playing baseball, and hopes to coach baseball on the side when we attains his dream job as a member of On the left, Sara Schwab with mom and dad, Tracy Wiiliams, President, and Ted Davis, Chairman o f the Board of Trustees. On the right, Cameron Hauze with his mother at graduation. A n n u a l P a g e m e e t i n g 2 0 1 4 Does any alumni recognize this trophy? It was found at Hampton Academy covered in paint. The front says, “ Rye Country Club Golf Committees Trophy won by C J Brown 1930 “ Last year’s Annual Meeting was held at the Inn of Hampton Conference Center Friday, June 20th, 2014. Catering was by Liberty Lane Caterers. The minutes of the meeting are accessible at www.winnacunnetalumni.org. Highlights of the evening included Dusty Baker delivering the invocation and Principal McGowen giving the state of our high school address. Don Foote, former coach and physical education teacher, was our illustrious guest speaker. Sue Brooks presented our 2014 scholarship award winners and Tracy Williams, President, talked on alumni events in our community. We gave out raffle prizes, with the 50/50 going to Ellen Lavin, our treasurer, who graciously donated it back to the Alumni Association in her name. Thank you, Ellen! We hope to see you at this year’s Annual Meeting and Reunion 2015. 3 IN MEMORIAM Eleanor (Palmer) Young 1936 Philip Walker 1936 Gordon Hobbs Yeaton 1939 Norman Merrill 1942 Lorraine (Weinz) Ahern 1943 Jean (Roddon) Denny 1948 Leonore Helen (Thompson) Albright 1948 Jane (Moulton) Olson 1948 Earl Midgley 1949 Eldridge George ‘Al’ Lindsey 1949 Donald W. Davis 1952 William F Keene 1952 Patricia Ann (Fernald) Lynch 1954 David Lee Whitman 1955 Glyn Eastman 1955 Stacy Bragg 1957 Judith (Woodworth) Bergeron 1959 Patricia A Barnaby 1959 Virginia (Bailey) Scharf 1960 Karen (Monko) Estey 1960 Bradley Bailey 1961 Edward "Taylor" MacPherson 1962 Earl L Chevalier 1963 Arthur F "Duey" Dufault 1965 Melanie (Randall) Eaton 1966 George E.B. Paul III 1968 Deborah Mae (Felch) Murphy 1969 Mark your Calendars! James Robert Clough 1969 Michael Edward Inglis Sr 1971 Robert Biron Mackle 1971 Valerie Margolis 1971 Darlene Ann (Galvin) Godfrey 1972 David John Shaw 1972 John H "JT" Taylor 1972 Joseph S. Noble III 1975 Cindy (Annis) Towle 1977 Paul "Randy" Inglis 1978 Eric Stone 1982 Michele L (Eaton) Chapdelaine 1984 Jennifer (Wheeler) Malcolm 1988 Chris J Fowler 1989 Jason E. Deyo 1991 Eric Keefe 1992 Clayton Patrick Gould 1994 John C Swain Jr 1994 Edward J Sims 1995 Shawn M. Tennent 1996 Andrew Brown-Foreman 2004 Thomas M Randall 2004 Ryan B Maguire 2005 Ryan S Lattime 2006 Scott A. Randall 2006 David L Morin Teacher David E. Deshon Teacher and Coach Roger Syphers, Driver Ed Instructor ...We remember those who have passed June 2014 to May 2015… UPCOMING EVENTS FOR YOUR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION…. Alumni presence needed at: ….and don’t forget, we need volunteers at Alumni high school games, the Hampton Holiday Parade Dec. 5th, Alumni ROTC and Military Support Programs, and Revival of the Rivals (upcoming alumni games) to be announced….please contact us! * Monday June 8th Community Oven Fundraiser, Hampton *Friday June 19th Annual Dinner at Grill 28, Portsmouth * Saturday, July 18th Hampton Historical Society Birthday Bash 2-8 pm, Tuck Museum grounds Class Agents needed! Please contact your Alumni Association if interested, or we may be contacting you! Also, let us know of your planned reunion. 70th reunion 65th Reunion 60th Reunion 55th Reunion 50th Reunion 45th Reunion 40th Reunion Class of 1945 Class of 1950 Class of 1955 Class of 1960 Class of 1965 Class of 1970 Class of 1975 35th Reunion 30th Reunion 25th Reunion 20th Reunion 15th Reunion 10th Reunion 5th Reunion Class of 1980 Class of 1985 Class of 1990 Class of 1995 Class of 2000 Class of 2005 Class of 2010
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