Hampton Glen - 2015 Dues Request and Homeowner Information Please return the completed homeowner/resident information form with your Dues to help us manage the dues payment process and keep the Homeowner Information up to date. Request for Dues: st This is an official request for dues. $405.00 is due by May 1 payable to HGHOA. After May 15th, a late fee of $30.00 will be added. After 30 days, a 2% per month fee will be added as well. Dues can be dropped off or mailed to the current treasurer’s mailbox at 1459 Fenwick Drive. (Reginald Clyne) Homeowner Information Update: Please fill out the following information about the Owner or Resident in each home for management of our records and the Homeowners Association Directory. You confirm the current Directory information on the website at www.HamptonGlen.org on the Directory page. The common ID is “hgowner”, and password is “protect.” If internet access is not available, then please ask a neighbor, or member of the board to check for you. Unpublished Email and Phone ONLY for Important business: We also request that everyone provide an up to date email address and/or phone number for use by the Board for communicating important business. This WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED, only used for important Homeowner business. There is a separate field for this purpose from the directory. We only have about 60% of valid email addresses, making it very hard to communicate important Homeowner Newsletters, dates, events and other HG business communications. If the current information is up to date, please enter “N/A”. Owner/Renter Information (for Directory): Address: Number ___________ Street: _________________________________________________ Last Name(s): _______________________ First Name(s): _______________________________________ Children(s) Names: _______________________________________________________________________ Published Phone No. & Email: _______________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION, (for Urgent Business): UnPublished Email and Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Owner Information (If Rented): Address: Number __________ Street: _________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: _______________________ Zip: ________________ Last Name(s): _______________________ First Name(s): _________________________________________ Phone No. & Email (Required) ________________________________________________________________ Thank You, HGHOA Board
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