Hancock County Chamber of Commerce Newsletter Hancock County Development Complex, 1605 US Highway 60 West, Hawesville, KY 42348 Phone: 270-927-8223 ~~ Email: Chamber@hancockky.us Spotlight Business of the Month! Items of Interest Spotlight Business: Bill’s on the Hill Chamberfest 1 1 Crossroads IGA Crossroads IGA #780, is an employee April 2015 Chamberfest 15 THE HANCOCK COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENTS owned market, located in Lewisport, Ky. Message from the President 2 Houchens Industries Inc., in Sept. 2006, purchased the store, formerly Foodland. Crossroads IGA market , is a combination of a conventional grocery store and a New Members 2 convenience store. Our deli currently serves Blue Ribbon chicken, daily plate Breakfast Sponsors 2 First Class Services 2 lunches, and a selection of fruit and meat trays for all occasions. We provide competitive fuel and diesel pricing. Crossroads IGA meets the needs of the consumer on a secondary shopping basis, while at the same time offering a value to the consumer. The 1st Annual Chamberfest. Saturday April 25 ,10am-4pm Vastwood Park Sponsored by: Farm Credit Services, House Insurance Services, Perry County Hospital, Domtar, Crescent Tube, Management team: Store Manager-Marla McFarling Assistant Manager-Janice Winters Thanks for serving Hancock County and Merserve Enterprises, Kenergy, Hancock Game and Fish, being a member of the Dept of Wildlife, Chamber of Commerce. Board of Directors Tim Heavrin, President Tim Meserve, Vice President Steve Canepari, Treasurer Sharon Russelburg, Secretary Dan Allard Sherry Lassaline Pam Bolen, Executive Director United Way will be presenting awards for our April Breakfast. Better Business Bureau will be speaking about there services. John Garner will tell you more about a fun event in the fall for local cruisers. Hancock Bank and Trust, Labor Management Credit Union, Galaxy Pizza, Hancock County Library, Oakland City University and Relative Creative. See attached Flier designed by: Come early and come Relative Creative, LLC hungry! www. relativecreative.com Making News….. Scholarships Winners Breakfast Meeting Taylor Bryant – Daughter of Michael and April Bryant of Lewisport. Ashley Lanham– Daughter of William and Michelle Lanham of Lewisport Rene Paul– Daughter of Michael Paul and The late Christine Paul of Lewisport. Each winner will receive $500.00 to goes toward tuition of the college there choice. —————————————————————- The Chamber Membership continues to grow. Newest members are Riverview Hydro Graphics & Specialty Coatings – Located in Lewisport, Owner Chuck Billings. Head’s Enterprises DBA Rob’s Heating &A/C Located in Lewisport, Owner Rob Head Mary Rummage Byard Accounting Payroll Services & Tax Preparation April, 14 7:30am Sponsored By Riverview Restaurant Meeting will be at Career Center. Come early to get a good seat. Thanks to Adult Education they are sharing space. Letter from the President Located in Lewisport, Owner Wanda Byard Beverly Emmick Main Cross Café Downtown Hawesville, Owner Shirley Garvin and Shanda Morris Owensboro Community & Technical College– Located in Lewisport ——————————————————————————————————————————- We are proud to see the Chamber growing! Thank you so much form the Board of Directors! I was very disappointed that I was not able to attend the meeting at the Farm Museum. Everyone I talked to told me it was a great success. It seems that as soon as the snow melted it was time to start yard work. Be sure to visit all our local businesses for your yard care needs. Local people helping local businesses helps keep our dollars moving around among our members. Our expanding local economy has made headlines in both the local and regional news lately. Let’s all do our best to help make sure this trend continues. Tim
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