Circular Letter 04/2010 Attachments: Attachment A: “Spare parts price list” Attachment B: “General conditions of software use, activation procedure and technical support" Attachment C: “Warranty conditions” Attachment D: “Request procedure for resale to independent operators” Attachment E: “Request and payment procedure for programming the vehicle ECUs” Modena, 17 February 2010 From : After-sales Manager A: Dealers, Importers, Branches RE.: “Maserati Diagnosi” electronic diagnosis system for independent operators Dear Sirs, As of December 2009, the new electronic diagnosis system called “Maserati Diagnosi” is available for purchase also for independent operators. Only the Authorised Maserati network are entitled to sell the system, and solely in Europe, the USA and Canada in compliance with applicable law and regulations. The Maserati Diagnosi System kit is the same used by the Authorised Maserati Workshops, and will be sent to you through our Spare Parts Dept. with P/N: 900027788, following your order. The kit contains: MDVCI Maserati Diagnosi Kit, Part Number 900027699 (Maserati Diagnosi Vehicle Communication Interface) MDT Maserati Diagnosi kit, Part Number 9000277xx (Maserati Diagnosi Tester PC, xx stands for the destination market, as described in Attachment A) MDVMM Maserati Diagnosi kit, Part Number 900027766 (Maserati Diagnosis Vehicle Measurement Module) Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy MDDS (Maserati Diagnosis Docking Station) Part Number 900027765 Maserati Diagnosi Software, VCI Manager, EAUS, Technical documentation Picoscope and Picoscope for Maserati software ETAS Generic Scantool software In addition, the Maserati Diagnosi System Light kit is also available. This kit, identified by P/N 900027789, will be available only on request and includes: MDVCI Maserati Diagnosi Kit, Part Number 900027699 (Maserati Diagnosi Vehicle Communication Interface) MDT Maserati Diagnosi kit, Part Number 9000277xx (Maserati Diagnosi Tester PC, xx stands for the destination market, as described in Attachment A) Maserati Diagnosi Software, VCI Manager, EAUS, Technical documentation Picoscope Software (which can be used on any connected MDVMM) ETAS Generic Scantool software Upon its launch, the tool will support diagnostics for M145, M139 and 8Cmodel vehicles, and shall be used together with the current SD3 tester as long as the system is not equipped with integrated diagnostics also for previous vehicle models. The SD3 tester will no longer support diagnostics for the new models that will be introduced in production, nor any related downloads and updates. Sales policy The parts shall be invoiced by our Spare Parts Dept. as follows: First purchase by an independent operator: The spare part list price for the Maserati Diagnosi System kit (Spare part number: 900027788) sold to independent operators will be 14,000.00 + VAT, including the first activation licence, registration fee for the current year and technical support. The kit must be sold for this price. IMPORTANT: The official dealer who purchases the tool for resale to an independent operator will be invoiced for an amount of 13,500.00 + VAT. The request procedures are indicated in Attachment D. In addition: The Maserati Diagnosi Light System is also available, spare part number: 900027789. The spare part list price for the kit will be 13,000.00 + VAT, including the first activation licence, registration fee for the current year and technical support. The kit must be sold for this price IMPORTANT: o This kit will be offered to the independent operator with an additional discount of 44% on the list price ( 7,280.00 + VAT). The Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy discount will be applied only if the independent operator has already purchased the kit P/N 900027788. Also in this case, the purchase price includes the first activation licence, current year registration fee and technical support service o The Maserati dealer who purchases the tool for resale to an independent operator will be invoiced for an amount of 12,500.00 + VAT if he does not own another kit, 6.780.00 + VAT if the purchaser already owns a kit. The request procedures are indicated in Attachment D. Each individual kit component may be purchased for the prices indicated in the relative price list (Attachment A hereto). In the event that you already possess one of the two above mentioned kits, you will be granted a 44 % discount on the individual items purchased. Annual costs At the time of purchase, the Maserati dealer will activate the purchaser according to the procedures described in Attachment D, and a customer code will be assigned. As from the year following the purchase, the amounts listed below will automatically be invoiced on the 10th of January of each year during which the customer code is active, according to the following procedure: Yearly registration fee for software licence, updates, upgrades and technical support service per customer: 2,600.00 + VAT M Yearly registration fee for software licence of each additional MDT activated for the same Customer's code and relative updates, upgrades and technical support service 300.00 + VAT, (in addition to the price for the first system licence) . IMPORTANT: The attachments hereto describe all the general conditions of use of the software licence, warranty and technical support service. Namely: A. Attachment A: spare parts price list B. Attachment B: general conditions of software use, activation and technical support procedures C. Attachment C: shows the warranty conditions D. Attachment D: Request procedure for sales to independent operators and customer code activation E. Attachment E: Request and payment procedure for programming the vehicle ECUs Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy This letter and the attachments thereto represent the general conditions of use and must be carefully read by the user. When activating the system, following the procedures described in Attachment B, this letter will be sent once again to the e-mail address of the applicant together with the activation codes. By entering the codes provided and so activating the system (as described in Attachment B) you acknowledge and consequently accept the general conditions of use described in this document and all of its parts. Technical training Maserati Academy has already organised specific training courses on the use of the diagnosis tool. To request participation, please see the instructions on the site Licence renewals and software updates The licences will be automatically renewed on the 10th of January of each year, based on the number of Maserati Diagnosi Systems owned by each Customer code. Should the purchaser wish to withdraw from this agreement, written notice must be given to Maserati S.p.A., by and not later than the 10th of December of the year prior to the one in which the purchaser wishes to suspend use of the tool, by registered letter with advice of receipt to be sent to: Maserati S.p.A. ATTN.: Diagnosis System Manager After-sales – Technical Service Department Via Ciro Menotti, 322 41121 Modena - Italy The licence will remain active until the 1st of January of the year following receipt of the notice of withdrawal. Failing written notice, Maserati S.p.A. will automatically invoice the holder of the customer code with the amounts stated above. The software will be automatically updated as soon as updates are available, with no additional costs, by connecting the system to the Internet and running the automatic update tasks. Only under exceptional circumstances will an update CD/DVD sent. Maserati reserves the right to change the above stated amounts subject to prior publication of the adjusted prices on the site and/or a written communication to the address indicated by the customer. Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy Technical Support and handling of defective testers The yearly registration fee includes a technical support service with help desk in your native language: the technical staff that will respond to your requests has full knowledge of the system, so that any software problems may be corrected and defective components (in the event of hardware faults) repaired. In the latter case, you will be sent a replacement part. The operating procedures for requesting our technical support and the warranty conditions are detailed in Attachments B and C. Kind regards Technical Service Dept. After-sales Manager Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy Attachment A Spare parts price list Maserati Diagnosi Price List Description Name Maserati code MASERATI DIAGNOSI SYSTEM KIT MASERATI DIAGNOSI SYSTEM KIT 900027788 MASERATI DIAGNOSI LIGHT SYSTEM KIT 900027789 MASERATI DIAGNOSI LIGHT SYSTEM KIT MDVCI (ETAS ES6515) KIT MDVCI Maserati Diagnosi MDVCI (VCI unit) EOBD 16-PIN OBD cable USB cable 4-wire cable Self-test adapter Quick Start guide MDT PC (Maserati Diagnosi Tester MDT for the United Kingdom PC CF19 2 GB RAM Panasonic) MDT for Italy MDT for France, Monaco, Belgium, Luxembourg MDT for Germany, Austria MDT for Switzerland MDT for Spain, Portugal MDT for the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus MDT for the USA, Canada, Bahrain, Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Kuwait, Lebanon, U.A.E. MDT for Russia, Ukraine External DVD reader, USB powered Car charger Docking Station Maserati Diagnosi Bag 2 m Ethernet Cable Spare Power Supply Unit (3 pin) Spare Tether (Laccetto penna CF-19) Spare Stylus pen for CF-19 Hard Disk CF-19MK2 (80G) Spare Li-Ion Battery Pack (CF-19) MDVMM (Specific Maserati Picoscope 4423 Pico Maserati Diagnosi MDVMM kit Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy 900027699 900027700 900027701 900027703 900027704 900027738 900027702 900027739 900027740 PRICE 14000,00 13000,00 3930,00 3750,00 103,60 19,70 223,20 57,20 n.a. 900027741 900027742 900027743 900027744 9500,00 900027745 900027746 900027758 900027747 900027748 900027765 900027791 900027792 900027793 900027794 900027795 900027796 900027797 375,00 196,40 892,80 250,00 10,70 182,10 28,60 14,30 535,70 428,60 900027766 6660,70 Technologies) Out of kit Maserati Specific PicoScope 4423 including USB cable and Maserati software CD Maserati branded carry case for MDVMM BNC to microdot cable BNC to 4mm test lead 3m length BNC to 4mm test lead 5m length Black dolphin clip Red dolphin clip Black multimeter probe Red multimeter probe Black crocodile clip Red crocodile clip Electronics backpinning probe kit 60A DC current clamp with BNC connector 600A DC current clamp with BNC connector S Hook Cable Identifier Kit (5mm) Pressure sensor kit with compression hose 2 pin break out lead 100mV/g Accelerometer with BNC cable and magnetic mount (PCB M608A11 or equivalent) Opto switch, cable and connector (Omron E3F2-R2C4 or equivalent) COP ignition probe with BNC cable Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy 900027767 4464,30 900027768 250,00 900027769 116,10 900027770 83,90 900027771 900027772 900027773 900027774 900027775 900027776 900027777 900027778 125,00 21,40 21,40 16,10 16,10 12,50 12,50 121,40 900027779 412,50 900027780 412,50 900027781 900027782 7,10 3,60 900027783 2260,70 900027787 3,60 900027785 694,60 900027786 Tbd 900027784 437,50 Attachment B General conditions of software use, activation and technical support procedures 1. General conditions of use of the software licence Maserati Diagnosi and accessories: 1.1. MASERATI S.p.A. is the owner of the copyright and all rights relating to the software used and included in the product. 1.2. MASERATI grants the purchaser the software user licence limited to the country in which the software is sold. 1.3. The price of the product includes the amount payable for the licence and the technical support as well as update services up to the end of the calendar year in which the product is sold. 1.4. The licence is not exclusive and is open-ended, subject to the provisions set out in the following paragraph 1.6. The user accepts this licence by entering the activation codes and so activating the system. In the event that the purchaser, after reading the circular letter xx/2010 containing this Attachment, decides not to accept these conditions, he may renounce purchasing by returning the unopened product package by and not later than 8 days from purchase: The renunciation will result in the withdrawal from the agreement with Maserati s.p.a. for the sale of and assistance to its products. With the system activation the 4-year warranty period is started and the purchaser acknowledges and accepts the warranty and technical support conditions. In the event that the purchaser avails himself of the right mentioned in the above paragraph, i.e. he returns the unopened product package, the warranty will be immediately forfeited. 1.5. The licence is granted for the use of the Maserati Diagnosi system products only, intended for diagnostics and repair of motor vehicles according to the procedures described in the accompanying instruction manuals and forming an integral part of the product as a whole. The license may only be used within the purchasing company and may not be transferred to third parties. 1.6. The licence grants the right, where provided for by the system, to obtain the software updates, technical upgrades and technical support service as described in the following paragraph, subject to payment of the update cost (please refer to the MASERATI price lists in force). 1.7. The purchaser undertakes not to modify, adapt, recompile or copy the software, subject to the provisions laid down in the current EC regulations regarding software copyright (Directive 91/250/CEE). 1.8. In the event that the purchaser infringes the provisions set out in paragraph 1.2 and paragraph 1.7, the licence agreement will immediately be terminated and the user may no longer use the product. Maserati may request cancellation of Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy the software. Maserati always reserves the right to request compensation for damages. 1.9. In the event of operating failures or non-conformities, Maserati shall not be liable for any compensation for damage related to income loss or production stops or anything else, as the warranty is limited to repair or replacement of non-functioning software only. 1.10. The licence agreement is governed by the Italian law. 1.11. Any dispute arising in connection with the licence agreement shall be settled by the Court of Modena. 2. Activation procedure 2.1. The first time the system is started, it will be configured in the language chosen by the user and all necessary operations for first activation will be performed. The MDT and MDVCI must be connected as described in the “MDVCI Quick Start Guide” contained in the kit, and the system must be connected to the Internet, as described in the Maserati Academy Training Courses. The first time the Maserati Diagnosi software is started, the application will open a window where the user must enter the data required for activation. The request will be sent to the department where data conformity will be checked and the software activated 2.2. The applicant will receive an Diagnosi with the code to enter for activation and this circular letter with attachments 2.3. by entering the code and so activating the system, the user expressly accepts all terms and conditions provided for in this document 3. Technical support 3.1. Technical support request procedures The service will be provided by Iveco S.P.A. – Customer Service as outlined below telephone: the following toll phone numbers are available (with answering service) for providing assistance in the following languages: o French, Spanish, Italian: +39 0110078438 o English, Italian: +39 0110078439 o German, Italian: +39 0110078440 by fax: +39 011 0076630 e-mail: The Service is active from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 AM to 1 PM and from 2 PM to 6 PM (Italy time: GMT+1), holidays excluded (Italy). The user may choose any of the above methods, as desired The help desk staff who answers the call Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy is in a position to support the user already during this first contact. The staff in charge of this service will identify the type of fault found and will correct the system functionality according to the procedures described in the following points 3.2 and 3.3. Should the expert staff realise that the difficulties reported by the user are due to lack of basic system knowledge - which can be acquired by carefully reading the user manuals or attending the special training courses held by Maserati Academy - rather than to functional faults, they may refuse to provide technical support. Full and extensive assistance is provided as to: Procedure for system registration MASERATI DIAGNOSI diagnostic software installed on the MDT PC, for its first configuration, following updates and for any functionality correction after identifying the problem/fault reported by the user. Picoscope Software VCI Manager Operating system, in relation to its use, maintenance, update and any functionality correction after identifying the problem/fault reported by the user. Use of the operating system means the use of those operating system features which directly interact with the diagnostic system understood as vehicle diagnostics/programming system. Panasonic Tools. This is all software supplied by Panasonic and included in the system, other than the diagnostic software. Security package included in the MASERATI DIAGNOSI System. System hardware (please refer to Attachment A for a complete list of hardware parts). 3.2. Software recovery procedures In the event of a software fault, the skilled staff will guide the user to solve the problem and recover functionality. If third parties' software that is not covered by warranty nor approved by Maserati S.p.A. is installed, system recovery cannot be ensured; Maserati S.p.A. may not be held responsible for any system usage that does not comply with the instructions given in the user's manuals provided. The help desk staff will in any case try to recover the system, subject to the user's authorisation, by resetting it to the initial conditions (all data stored will be lost). We therefore recommend that you save your personal data on disk “D” of the MDT hard disk. Maserati S.p.A. reserves the right to request compensation from the user in the case of recovery costs incurred due to improper use, as provided for by the warranty conditions set out in Attachment C Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy 3.3. Hardware recovery procedures In the event of a hardware fault, our skilled staff will activate the replacement procedure for the defective component. Within 48 hours from the request to the help desk, the user will receive a replacement part (it must not be necessarily a new part, but may also be a verified component in perfect working condition), which will become his property. Upon delivery, the user shall agree with the express courier entrusted how to return the defective component by and not later than 5 days after receiving the replacement part. If the component is not returned within the terms provided, the replacement part shall be invoiced as per price list under Attachment A. The defective component shall be examined, the repair procedure performed and the component carried free of charge if the warranty conditions set out under Attachment C apply. If the defect is found to be due to improper use or falls in the exclusions provided for in the warranty conditions, the costs incurred for the component repair and carriage shall be charged to the user. Because of the complexity of the international relations between the various countries in the USA and Canadian markets, a special procedure will have to be followed for returning the defective component. This procedure will be indicated by the expert centre upon requesting return of the component. Any costs incurred for material under warranty will be reimbursed with a credit note. 4. Internet access configuration To ensure proper functioning of the Maserati Diagnosi system, this must be connected to the Internet (please refer to the MOS for minimum connectivity requirements) with the following settings: HTTP/HTTPS protocol, 80/443 ports access to the above mentioned protocol is aimed at ensuring connection to the following services: o [] o Windows Update o SEP Antivirus o o Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy By entering the code and activating the tool, the user declares to be aware that during operation, the Maserati Diagnosi system exchanges the vehicle-related data and the diagnosis operations performed on it with the Maserati/Iveco servers. Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy Attachment C Warranty conditions 1. Term and validity 1.1. The warranty has a 4-year validity term, which starts upon the activation date 1.2. The warranty includes the technical support service described in Attachment B 1.3. The warranty and technical support service are valid for all parts described in Attachment A 2. Warranty exclusions and limitations 2.1. Software: 2.1.1. Installation and use of peripherals chosen by the customer (web-cam, etc.) 2.1.2. any faults due to improper use and/or installation of hardware peripherals chosen by the customer. 2.1.3. hardware problems on the same peripherals 2.1.4. Installation and use of other software chosen by the customer (image processing programs etc.) 2.1.5. any software or hardware faults due to improper use and/or installation of other software (e.g.: games) 2.1.6. installation and use of other diagnostic software chosen by the customer 2.1.7. any software or hardware faults due to wrong use and/or installation of other diagnostic software 2.1.8. any operating fault due to viruses If possible, the MDT PC will be restored to its initial conditions, subject to the End User's approval 2.2. Hardware: 2.2.1. loss or theft 2.2.2. costs incurred for installation and reallocation 2.2.3. opening and/or repair of any device by unauthorised staff will immediately render the warranty null and void 2.2.4. costs incurred if no fault is found when the returned part is received (no fault found) 2.2.5. accidental damage, including breakage of or scratches on the LCD display 2.2.6. defective LCD display pixels (not exceeding 0.002%) 2.2.7. components sublet and/or lent for use/leased to third parties Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy 2.2.8. damages caused by negligence, abuse or misuse; use or allocations other than those recommended in the maintenance instructions and users' manuals provided use of accessories and equipment not approved or improperly connected incorrect power supply wrong connection of accessories introduction of foreign liquids or matter hardware problems caused by software (e.g. by viruses, programming, unauthorised and/or software not included in that provided) hardware problems caused by electric sources, current fluctuations 2.2.9. normal wear and tear: wearing-out or breakage due to normal wear and tear or oxidation scratches or dents 2.3. Damages directly or indirectly caused by: 2.3.1. wars, invasions, any kind of hostility action (even if there is not explicit declaration of war), civil wars, riots, revolutions, insurrections and coups. 2.3.2. ionising radiations, radioactive contaminations, nuclear radiations, any type of combustion, explosions 2.3.3. pressure waves caused by airplanes or other types of sonic, ultrasonic or subsonic air-borne phenomena 2.3.4. environmental influences (electric storms, lightning, magnetic fields etc.) 2.3.5. Damages caused by foreign matters 2.3.6. problems due to configurations controlled by the user 2.3.7. parts whose identification codes have been removed/damaged 2.4. Warranty conditions for special parts 2.4.1. the warranty is not applicable in the event of components worn/damaged due to careless use. 2.4.2. The MDT PC battery (part number 900027797) warranty is valid for 6 months as from the date of delivery of the device. 2.4.3. The MDDS (docking station, part number 900027765) is covered by a one-year warranty and does not enjoy the quick replacement service using spare parts and may only be repaired. Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy Attachment D Request procedure for resale to independent operators (operations performed by the authorised Maserati repairer) 1. Requesting the Maserati Diagnosi user code 1.1.1. The official Maserati dealer connects to the ModisCS portal and under the menu: Technical Service/Independent Dealers/New Request (Figure 1, red arrow), enters the customer’s data filling in all the fields shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 1.1.2. Select your data in the first three fields and the requester’s data in the next fields. Once the country has been selected, a menu will open for entering the remaining data as shown in Figure 2. Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy Figure 2 1.1.3. Enter the data and select ”Check” to verify that the data are correct and “Save” to send the request to Maserati. 1.1.4. Once the request has been sent, you can view it by selecting “Request Management” in the main menu of ModisCS (Figure 1, green arrow). While the request is pending approval, it will be in “open” status (Figure 3). Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy Figure 3 1.2. Maserati will assess the eligibility of the request and accept or reject it accordingly. 1.2.1. If the request is rejected, the Maserati dealer will be sent a notification email giving the reasons for the rejection. 1.2.2. If the request is accepted, a Maserati Diagnosi User Code will be created and sent via confirmation e-mail to the authorised dealer who has entered the request and to the e-mail address indicated in the request fields. 1.2.3. If the request is accepted, the code will be activated and the Maserati Diagnosi tool can be ordered as described in point 2. Interrogating the system as described above, the status will be “confirmed” (Figure 4, red arrow) and the user code active (Figure 4, green arrow). Figure 4 Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy 1.3. The customer will need the Maserati Diagnosi User Code to use the tool and access the services on the portal 2. Ordering procedure 2.1. After completing the steps outlined under point 1, place the order with our Spare Parts Department following the procedures that will be indicated in a special bulletin (to be published soon). 2.2. Our Spare Parts Department will invoice you for the device according to the discount granted for resale to independent operators. Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy Attachment E Request and payment procedure for programming the vehicle ECUs (operations performed by the independent operator) In order to update the electronic control units (ECU) in the vehicle, “credits” need to be purchased directly and only with a credit card on the site 1. “Credits” request and payment for programming the vehicle ECUs 1.1. Connect to the portal and enter the user ID and password to access the service. If you have not yet registered, do so following the instructions given on the portal. 1.2. Access the menu: “Purchase Credits” Figure 1 1.3. Follow the instructions for the payment procedure: you can purchase from 1 to 10 “credits” that will be deducted as you perform each operation. The cost indicated on the site is up to date and according to the number of operations Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy you want to purchase. Maserati reserves the right to change the price list and guarantees that it will be kept up to date on the portal 1.4. Maserati S.p.A. will make out and send the invoice to the holder of the Maserati Diagnosi user code, using the data entered during registration. 2. Using the credits and ECU programming with the Maserati Diagnosi tool 2.1. For the programming operating procedures, refer to the technical courses held by Maserati Academy and to the tool user manuals. 2.2. After each programming operation, one credit will be deducted. 2.3. If the credit is insufficient, programming will not be possible and the user will be informed with a message on the MDT display. Maserati S.p.A. V.le Ciro Menotti, 322 - 41100 Modena, Italy
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