b e a u t y t r e at m e n t s MANICUReS an d p e d icur e s f acia l ri t ua l s b o dy t h e ra p i e s EYEB R O W S A N D EYEL A S HE S MAKEUP AND OTHE R S E R V I C E S To p rovide a hig h q u a lity s ervice is import ant to re spect each t reatm e nt p roto co l , ti m e a n d m ater ia ls u s ed. W e c an on ly use procuct s os t h e spa in cluding n ai l p o l i sh e rs, as w e a r e fa ithfu l to o u r p hilosophy 100% organ ic. Our n ail polish es ar e ve gan an d f r e e of fo r ma ldehyde, fo r m a ldehyde re sin , dibutyl pht h alat e , camph or , to l ue n e an d oth e r c h e m i c a ls ha r m f u l to hea lt h . We also in form you t h at all of our pl i e rs ar e ste r i l i z e d to ma nt a i n the m a xim u m sta rdards of hygie n e an d prot e ct ion . We s e lec t b ra nds that a r e n ot t est e d in an imals an d t h at h elp envi ro n m e ntal sustai n abi l i ty: s o m e i n c lu de fo r m u latio n w it h organ ic farmin g in gre die nt s, ot h ers use r e cycl e d p ackagi g a n d ot hers do nate p a r t of th eir profict s to project s t h at cre at e em p loym e nt an d fai r trad e . M a ny of o u r p ro du c ts a r e win n ers of prest igious be auty awards in d i f f e r e nt co untr i e s, s u c h a s “B ea uty Awa rds ” or “ Th e Gree n Beauty Bible” an d are ce r ti f i e d by i nte r n ati o n al o r g a n i zatio ns s u c h a s the Soil Assot iat ion , Ecoccert or Nat rue . We w i ll a p p ly a 1 2 % dis co unt in e ach of our t re at ment s in 18 years an d un d e r an d stud e nts w h o p r es ent theis ID at the front desk. NOTE: Customers are required to arrive on time in order to perform the service within the stipulated time. We will respect the starting time of your treatment with a margin of 10 minutes of courtesy. the Join organic experience manicur e s an d p e d icur e s RE - P O L I S H Nail polish change, hand/foot cleaning with organic disinfectant, old nail polish acetone-free removal and new nail polish application. Manicure 10 € / 15 minutes Pedicure 10 € / 15 minutes S L O W & G O Includes: hand/foot cleaning with organic disinfectant, eco-friendly water conditioner, nail filing with biodegradable files, hydration with organic moisturizing lotion and nail polishing with 5-free HMB nail polishes Manicure 15 € / 25 minutes Pedicure 18 € / 35 minutes H A N D M A D E B E A U T Y Customized manicure/pedicure. Assorted 100% organic salts, eco-friendly disinfectant effervescent balls and 100% organic natural exfoliators. Welcome ritual. Assorted 5-free nail polishes. Exclusive hand, foot and cuticle treatment techniques with sterilized clippers and specific nail care products. Customize it with our extra-tips*. Manicure 28 € / 45 minutes / Man 23€ Pedicure 38 € / 60 minutes / Man 33€ H AN D MA D E BEAUTY O R G AN I C EX P ER I EN C E Four-handed manicure and pedicure carried out by two therapists. This natural therapy is based on the effects of the flowers’ energetic field. Featured ritual. A real must to complete the organic experience offered by HMB. Performed in booth under a candlelight. Two therapists provide maximum relax and comfort as they simultaneous carry out a manicure and pedicure in perfect harmony. Includes the application of exfoliators and floral essential oils, a complete massage, a final nail polish application and a tasting of floral tea 110 € / 90 minutes P ERMANENT B I O S C U L P TURE A natural alternative to permanent nail polish. Contains 55% of organic components. Starts with a dry manicure/pedicure and the application of a 55% organic base to protect nails. Ends with color application and drying with a led lamp. NOTE: A manicure/pedicure à la carte can be performed a day before the treatment. This treatment is not recommended for every type of nails. Please ask our professional first . Manicure 45 € / 45 minutes Pedicure 52 € / 60 minutes menu manicur e s an d p e d icur e s M I N I L A DY For girls up to 14 years old. Includes organic tangerine conditioner, nail filing, natural moisturizer, mini-massage and 5-free HMB nail polishing. Manicure 10€ Pedicure 12€ TREATMENT O P T I O NS R I TUA L S W I T H FA I R TRA D E TREATMENT Manicure and pedicure with humanitarian E B O NY: African plants and ingredients. awareness, as 3 € from each treatment are Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hydrating. Baobab, donated to international NGOs. These treatments red tea, tamanu. are designed for people who are looking for IGUAZÚ: Rejuvenating and hydrating. Coconut, mango, leisure and relax. Each treatment is based in guayaberry and açaí. the properties of plants and fruits from different NO RD IC FJ O RD : With bandages and warm-cold water. continents of the world. Includes: complete Moisturizing and recommended for skin problems like manicure/pedicure ritual, application of a acne or psoriasis, pregnant women and people with water retention. natural exfoliator, massage, natural face mask XO CO L ATL : Mexican treatment for natural relaxation. created on the spot by the therapist, resting time Reduces chronic fatigue symptoms and diminishes high and a massage on head and shoulders. It ends blood pressure. with a 20-minute deep massage and 5-free HMB C URE : Aromatherapeutic treatments: floral, herbal and nail polish. spices. Each treatment contains sensorial properties to Manicure 42 € / 65 minutes improve the mood and the organism. Pedicure 50 € / 75 minutes D E TOX : Depurative and detoxifying. Hot rocks from the Himalayas plus a combination of effervescent Epsom salts. Promotes skin rest, drainage and purification. EXTRA TIPS ECO-PARAFFIN: Organic soy wax wrapped in hot towels. Check out our selection. FOOT REFLEXOLOGY: Intense reflex massage to stimulate internal organs. Not performed on pregnant women.. 10 € Performed in booth: 45€ / 40 minutes 30€ / 20 minutes GARRA RUFA FISH: Recommended for people suffering from psoriasis and poor blood circulation. The treatment finishes with a 15-minute massage. COMPLETE HAN D TREATMENT: Designed to take care, regenerate and protect the skin on hands from various aggressive external factors. Peeling with fruit-based alpha hydroxy acids, hydration with customized serum and sealed with active paraffin. Anti-agingMoisturizing Alba (depigmentation) *Our fish have a certificate of authenticity and health. Please note that the treatment will not be carried out if the customer has any deep wound or suffers from nail fungus. 20 € menu Magna (vitaminic) 15 € / 20 minutes *If this treatment is carried out as part of the HMB manicure, only an extra 8 € will be charged. f acia l ri t ua l s B I O ENER G ET I C FA C I A L TREATMENT For devitalized skin. Relaxes, relieves tension, enhances face skin firmness and luminosity. Deep massage based on natural oils to decongest and activate your skin’s metabolism. Includes a relaxing face mask for an in-depth moisturization. An oxygenating ritual designed to release tensions and obtain a relaxed, radiant complexion. 85 € / 75 minutes A L P I NE R O SE LYM P H O ENER G ET I C D ET O X TREATMENT Balancing and regenerating for stressed, dull and intoxicated skin. Chenot method consisting on the application of essential oils on your body meridians and energetic points through a manual massage combined with glass cups that adhere by suction to slightly absorb and disperse the tissue. 75 € / 75 minutes D EE P C L EANSE FA C I A L TREATMENT AN D “ P URANAS ” C E L L RENE WA L 100% customized treatment. Based on personal skin diagnosis and cosmetic manufacturing in a exclusive protocol for each customer. Cleansing, renewing and hydrating treatment. Includes; cleansing, tonification, exfoliation with AHAs (fruit acids), facial massage with elixir, face mask, eye contour and hydration. 85 € /75 minutes * This facial recovers the skin’s cellular biological cycle, if it is performed regularly throughout six weeks in a row. Ask about our bonus and discounts in our home care products. FAST S H I NE FA C I A L TREATMENT 20-minute facial. Instant renewal of the skin. Cleansing, massage with Queen’s Beauty Oil, phyto-aromatic fluid, hydration and a final moisturizing and refreshing mist. 40 € / 20 minutes FA C I A L TENS O R T H ERA P Y W I T H V I BRAT I O NA L AN D S P E C I A L EYE C O NT O UR Removes signs of fatigue, clears the eye contour, hydrates and oxygenates the skin. Blurs fine lines, decongest and smoothes the skin texture with a vibrational fork to help the penetration of active ingredients, and promotes microcirculation. 45 € / 30 minutes 65 € / 60 minutes menu f acia l ri t ua l s S P E C I A L FA C I A L F O R MEN Combines the best products for man face skin with the most relaxing massages. Ideal for obtaining a deep skin hygiene and adds vitality and firmness. B eard c l ea n s e a n d t rim f or a 1 5 € s u pp l eme n t 75 € / 60 minutes d e e p BA C K C L EAN I N G Double thorough skin cleaning, double exfoliation, extraction, back mask and calf massage. Final massage with deep back hydration. 48 € / 50 minutes menu b o d y t h e ra p i e s H MB R I TUA L , A P L EASURE F O R T H E SENSES Our signature massage, based on a method combining seven 100% natural and organic essential oils in a pure state. Inspired by acupressure, reflexology and the Japanese culture’s knowledge of energy management. Provides a complete balance for the customer, promotes the body’s natural self-healing power, invigorates the skin, removes toxins and stimulates blood circulation. Besides, improves muscle flexibility and relieves tensions 90 € / 75 minutes ME D I TERRANEAN R I TUA L W I T H AR G AN O I L For dry skin or without firmness. Includes exfoliation with sea salt from Formentera, a relaxing massage using oils made with rose, jasmine and nard with Moroccan argan and a high vitamin E content. Perfect to prevent premature aging. 75 € / 75 minutes MAYAN R I TUA L EX F O L I AT I O N W I T H x ocol at P O W D ER , x ocol at C O AT I N G AN D A L O E V ERA MASSA G E For dehydrated, non luminous skin. Starts with deep skin exfoliation based on a mixture of organic xocolat powder. It is followed by a xocolat face mask coating and ends with a deep moisturizing massage with aloe vera oil. Releases tension, anxiety and toxins. Renews body energy improving the holistic harmony of the organism. 90 € / 90 minutes A L P I NE R O SE EX F O L I AT I O N R I TUA L . SENS I T I V E S K I N For sensitive, thin or irritated skin of any kind. All products used are made with organic roses from the Alps that help to improve and soothe the state of the skin. Superficial wrinkles are removed from the skin to bring back its natural smoothness and contribute to reduce scars through tissue regeneration. Includes skin cleansing, exfoliation, mask and massage. 90 € / 90 minutes LYM P H O ENER G ET I C D ET O X TREATMENT W I T H G L ASS C U P S Detox technique made with glass cups that adhere by suction, combined with the application of several essential oils through a manual massage in your body meridians and energetic points. Stimulates metabolism and removes toxins. Revitalizes your body to recover its energetic balance. Perfect to fight water retention and jetlag. 90 € / 75 minutes Thi s t reat me n t ca n be per f ormed ma n u a l ly wi t ho u t g l a s s c u p s , 7 5 € menu b o d y t h e ra p i e s L E G o r BA C K RESTi n g R I TUA L Helps to discharge the area of our body that suffers more tension. You can choose between: a complete, relaxing and decontracturing back massage, or a circulatory, lymphatic leg massage 48 € / 30 minutes F O UR - H AN D E D MASSA G E Based on the perfect synchronicity of two of our therapists. It combines different movements and techniques to promote decontracture and a deep relaxation. Various techniques are performed to promote circulation and toxin elimination. 110 € / 90 minutes C O L O MB I AN RE D U C T I O N MASSA G E W I T H S W E D I S H C U P S Naturally shapes your body using manual massage techniques and wood instruments to help you to lose fat. Includes: dry exfoliation, reduction massage with Swedish cups, cryotherapy with cold bandages. Shapes the glutes, abdomen and legs.. 85 € / 60 minutes Thi s t reat me n t ca n be per f ormed ma n u a l ly wi t ho u t Swedi s h c u p s , 7 5 € AYUR V E D I C C H AM P I H EA D MASSA G E Performed on head, neck and shoulders. Tonifies your vital energy and nervous tissue. A hot ayurvedic oil is applied on your back, neck and scalp while performing a deep massage. When the ritual is finished, the client can shower with ayurvedic shampoo. * Thi s t reat me n t ca n be per f ormed wi t ho u t oi l a n d s eat ed o n a chair . . 65 € / 60 minutes 35 € / 45 minutes MASSA G E À L A C ARTE You can customize your massage, choosing among our assorted oils and essences. You can also choose the massage pressure. The following massage techniques can be chosen: BioenergeticSport Aromatherapeutic Hot rocks 75 € / 60 minutes 120 € / 90 minutes M O T H ER -T O - BE T H ERA P I ES Takes care of the mother-to-be and protects her from backache and tired legs. With organic maternity cosmetic products and ergonomic cushions. C I R C U L AT O RY F O R L E G S S W EET EX P E C TAN C Y MASSA G E H EAV EN LY P O L I S H I N G Reduces swelling and promotes circulation. Improves lumbar rest and soothes tired legs. Recommended starting on the fourth month Massage and organic exfoliator and sweet almond oil with a floral touch. 60 € / 60 minutes 80 € / 75 minutes 45 € / 60 minutes menu EYEB R O W S A N D EYEL A S HE S cejas y pestañas E C O BR O W A prior study of the customer’s face and gaze is carried out. Designed in a customized, unique way to achieve an immediate face-lift gaze effect. 35 € / 25 minutes EYEBR O W D ES I G N T O U C H - U P 12 € / 10 minutes FA C E - L I F T AN D EYE L AS H V O L UME Increases eyelash volume, length and evens color. Highlights the eyes instantly. Duration: approximately 3 weeks. 75 € / 45 minutes C O TT O N T H REA D I N G Lips. . ........................................................ 12€ Eyebrows (cleansing). . .................... 12€ Chin and cheeks................................18€ V E G ETAB L E D YE F O R EYE L AS H ES *An allergy test is performed before every treatment 30 € / 10-20 minutes F L AS H EYE L AS H EXTENS I O N Applied on the eyelashes one by one to achieve a totally natural effect. It lasts a week at the most, and can be shortened depending on the customer’s eyelash life cycle. It must be removed only by a professional. 40 € / 20 minutes 40 € / 20 minutes EYE L AS H EXTENS I O NS Applied on the eyelashes one by one to achieve a totally natural effect. Quantity, length and thickness depend on the effect the customer needs. This treatment last depending on the customer’s eyelash natural duration. It is advised to retouch them every 15 days. 120 € / 120 minutes EYE L AS H T O U C H - U P 40 € / 35 minutes maquillaje y otros servicios menu M A K E U P A N D OTHE R S E R V I C E S All our makeup products are 100% natural, organic and hypoallergenic Makeup touch-up....................................................................... 25 € Daytime makeup........................................................................ 40 € Nighttime makeup.................................................................... 68 € Bride makeup (test included) ........................................ 250 € G L U C O SE H A I R REM O VA L “ SU G AR I N G ” o r v e g e ta b l e wa x 100% natural technique based on a mixture of water and organic glucose, or vegetable wax performed at room temperature to protect the skin. Armpits............................................ 16 € Bikini (normal).......................... 35 € Arms (full)...................................... 25 € Bikini (line) ................................ 45 € Back.................................................. 28 € Bikini (Brazilian). . ..................... 55 € Glutes .. ............................................ 25 € Legs (full)................................... 40 € Chest................................................ 25 € Legs (half).................................. 20 € Abdomen........................................ 25 € SU G AR C ANE SUNTAN Organic sugarcane product applied with a pistol to give the skin a golden tone without sun exposure. Includes dry exfoliation. It’s recommended to start the treatment with a clean skin, without any creams or lotions and wearing dark, loose clothing. I M P O R TA NT. The prod u c t i s ab s orbed i n di f f ere n t way s depe n di n g o n t he t y pe o f s k i n , s o t he f i n a l t o n e ca n cha n g e accordi n g t o t he i n i t ia l s k i n t o n e 45 € / 55 minutes the Join organic menu experience
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