“HOME OF THE HAWKS” A DM I NI STR A TI ON Hanover High School V O L U M E 1 2 , I S S U E 4 S P R I N G Dr. Dana Gresham Principal A P R I L Erica Gervais Assistant Principal (A-Ge) Nicotine Vapor Products Walt Mercer Assistant Principal (Or-Z) Parents are asked to remind their students that these products are not permitted at school, on school grounds, or at school related events. This code applies to all students regardless of age and students who violate this code will face disciplinary action including out-of-school suspension. Additionally, lighters and matches are prohibited on school grounds. The Code of Student Conduct indicates that the possession and/or use of tobacco products or vapor products by students on a school bus, on school property, or at a school-sponsored activity is strictly prohibited (Page 7). Joshua Just Athletics/Activities Director Bettiann Aylor Senior Teacher Judy Lewis Special Ed. Senior Teacher SCHOOL COUNSELING Shelby Edmonds Counseling Director (A-Cl) Jennifer Hall School Counselor (Cm-H) Samantha Ratchford School Counselor (I-Q) Darren Thornton School Counselor (R-Z) Karla Taylor Career Counselor INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2 Principal’s Service Award School Counseling News Summer School May Testing Info. 3 AP Exams Senior Class Info 4 While some assume that these products are a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes, our Substance Abuse Counselor, Mrs. Robertson, reminds us that the Food and Drug Administration has indicated that the safety and efficacy of e-cigarettes have not been fully studied, and, therefore, consumers of e-cigarette products currently have no way of knowing: 1) whether they are safe for their intended use; 2) how much nicotine or other potentially harmful chemicals are being inhaled during use; 3) if there are any benefits associated with using these products. Additionally, it is not known if these products may lead young people to try other tobacco products, including conventional cigarettes, which are known to cause disease and lead to premature death. If you would like additional information about the potential dangers of these products, please contact Mrs. Robertson at 7302503. School Counseling News Important Dates 5 Dress Code PTSA News 6 Now that warmer weather is upon us, HHS would like to issue a friendly reminder to our students and parents about dress code expectations. Students are expected to follow a dress code that does not interfere with the orderly operation of the classroom or school, and similar to one they might have to follow on a job. Therefore: Final Exam Info Band & Athletics August Calendar 2015-16 Schedule Pick-Up Dates 2 0 1 5 Student Code of Conduct Reminders Chandra Rhue Assistant Principal (Gh-On) Dual Enrollment N E W S L E T T E R 7 · All clothing should provide appropriate coverage. · Shorts and skirts may not be shorter than fingertip length for the student. · No pajamas or slippers will be worn. · Tank tops, camisoles, and tops with spaghetti straps are not to be worn unless covered with a blouse, jacket, or sweater. · Appropriate footwear will be worn at all times. · No undergarments should be visible. · No tops with low-cut necklines can be worn. · Midriffs should be covered at all times. · Pants must be worn on the hips. · Hats are not worn in the building (this includes bandanas and sweatbands and applies to both male and female students.) · Apparel or accessories promoting drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or inappropriate messages may not be worn. Students will be given an opportunity to correct dress code infractions with the goal of them rejoining class as quickly as possible. In the event that a student MAIN OFFICE does not Phone: (804) 723-3700 have Fax: (804) 723-3759 appropriate clothing to COUNSELING OFFICE change into, Phone: (804) 723-3710 the school Fax: (804) 723-3709 will have ATTENDANCE extra PE Phone: (804) 723-3696 shorts and Fax: (804) 723-3759 shirts on hand. CLINIC Thanks for your continued support. Phone: (804) 723-3735 WEBSITE http://hanover.k12.va.us/hhs P AG E 2 2015-16 Dual Enrollment A partnership between Hanover County Public Schools and Reynolds Community College allows high school students to meet the requirements for high school graduation while simultaneously earning college credit. "The only dreams impossible Tuition rates for 2015-16 dual enrollment courses will be distributed in late May and fall tuition will be collected in June. Once tuition is announced, it is important that students pay the required tuition as soon as possible, to ensure space availability. Checks should be written to Hanover High School. All dual enrollment registration forms are due no later than Friday, April 17th. A copy of the student’s placement scores must also be on file. Contact your child’s school counselor for more information. to reach are the ones you Principal’s Service Award never Seniors are reminded that all documentation for the Principal’s Service Award must be turned in to Ms. Aylor by Monday, May 4th. pursue." ~ Michael Deckman Students who average at least 50 hours of community service per year of enrollment at Hanover High are eligible to receive the Principal’s Service Award at graduation. Students are responsible for maintaining documentation of service hours until May of their senior year. Summer School This year, summer school will take place at Patrick Henry High School, June 22 - August 5 from 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Information regarding the exact schedule, transportation from HHS, and course offerings is now available. Summer School 2015 @ P.H.H.S. HA N OVER HIG H Registrations for eLearning courses will be accepted in the school counseling office from April 20 - May 22. Registrations for face-to-face courses will be accepted in the school counseling office May 4 - June 12, and at Patrick Henry High School on June 15-16. The fee is $300 for Hanover residents or $360 for noncounty residents. Check the HCPS website at http://hanover.k12.va.us or the school counseling office for more information. Attendance Waivers In early May, attendance waiver applications will be mailed to the parents of students who have violated SCHOOL the county attendance policy. The completed applications will be due to the school counseling office by May 22nd in order to be submitted to the attendance committee for approval. Notification of the waiver approval will be mailed in early June. V OLUME 12, ISSUE 4 P AG E 3 May 2015 Testing Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday May 1 4 8 AM - AP Chemistry 8 AM - AP Env. Science 8:30 AM - IB English 1 12 PM - AP Psychology 12 PM - IB Econ 1 2:30 PM - IB Latin 1 5 8 AM - Calculus AB 8 AM - Calculus BC 8:30 AM - IB Econ 2 11:30 AM - IB Latin 2 2 PM - IB English 2 6 8 AM - AP English 12 Literature 8:30 AM - IB Biology 1&2 12 PM - AP Physics 1 7 8 8 AM - Comp. Science 8 AM - AP U.S. History 1 PM - IB Biology 3 11 8 AM - AP Music Theory 8 AM - AP Biology 12 PM - AP Physics C: Mechanics Science SOL 12 8 AM - AP U.S. Gov’t 8:30 AM - IB Math 1 12 PM - IB Spanish 1 Science SOL 13 14 8 AM - AP English 11 8:30 AM - IB History 1 Language Reading SOL 8:30 AM - IB Spanish 2 12 PM - AP Statistics 12 PM - IB Math 2 Reading SOL 18 8:30 AM - IB History 3 12:30 PM - IB French 1 12:30 PM - IB German 1 Social Studies SOL 19 20 8:30 AM - IB French 2 Geometry SOL Algebra II SOL 21 Algebra I SOL 15 12 PM - IB History 2 Social Studies SOL 22 12 PM - IB German 2 SOL Make-Up Testing & Expedited Retakes will be held 5/27 through 6/6. Advanced Placement Exams AP Exams will begin Monday, May 4th. There will be a mandatory pre-administration session Wednesday, April 15th from 910:30 AM in the HHS auditorium. Any student registered to take an AP exam must attend this session. Please note, the following exams will be administered off-campus: HA N OVER · Calculus AB · Calculus BC HIG H SCHOOL All students registered to · English 12 Literature · U.S. History · U.S. Government (11th & 12th) · English 11 Language take an AP Exam must attend the Pre- Students are responsible for transportation to and from offcampus testing locations. Contact your school counselor if you have questions. V OLUME Administration session on April 15th! 12, ISSUE 4 P AG E Important Senior Class Meeting Friday, May 1st at 9:45 am Plan to attend! 4 Class of 2015 The following information will be distributed in-depth during an important senior assembly, May 1st. Seniors, please plan to attend or see Mrs. Acors in room 2206 to receive forms you will need regarding graduation and other senior events. Junior/Senior Prom - Sat. 5/30, 8 -11 pm - Meadow Event Park Tickets (sold May 26 - May 29 during lunch for $30) are required & students may arrive/depart from prom at any time. HOWEVER, ONCE YOU LEAVE PROM, YOU MAY NOT RETURN. student will receive 10 tickets & 2 parking passes (only if all school fees have been paid in full). All graduation tickets & parking passes may be picked up in the library starting June 1. Requests for additional tickets must be returned to Mrs. Acors by May 22. Senior Class Picture - Fri. 5/29 @ 8:45 am - HHS Gym Graduation attire is required. If you want to order the picture, you must bring order form & payment that morning! Senior Recognition / Awards Program - Mon. 6/1 @ 6 pm HHS Auditorium PTSA honors seniors for their achievements; reception beginning at 6 pm, ceremony beginning after brief PTSA meeting at 6:30 pm. Dress code for males: dress slacks, white shirt, tie, dark shoes & socks. No tennis shoes or sandals. Graduation Practice - Fri. 5/29 Immediately after class picture - HHS Cafeteria Graduation attire is required. Approximately 2 hours. YOU MUST ATTEND PRACTICE TO ATTEND GRADUATION. Senior Picnic - Fri. 5/29, immediately after rehearsal - HHS Catered picnic at no cost to seniors. Baccalaureate - Sun. 6/7 @ 6:30 pm - HHS Auditorium Service hosted by Fellowship of Christian Athletes featuring inspirational messages from several area pastors. Graduation Ceremony - Sat. 6/13 @ 7:00 pm - VCU Siegel Ctr. Students must report by 5:45 pm. Caps & gowns are required. Each Dress code for females: white or pastel dresses or slacks & white or pastel shoes. No flip-flops. YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO DISPLAY MESSAGES OF ANY KIND ON YOUR CAP AND/OR GOWN. **If you do not adhere to dress code, you cannot participate. Students who do not demonstrate appropriate behavior will need to meet with an administrator at HHS prior to receiving their diploma. Seniors are reminded to request a final transcript in June from JSRCC for your dual enrollment courses. Look on the JSRCC website for their transcript request HA N OVER HIG H form, and submit directly to JSRCC. Our GRASP representative is available on Mondays from 9-2 through May 18. If there are questions about financial aid award packages, feel free to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Feyerabend by signing up on the Counseling Office window, or by calling 7233710. SCHOOL Stop by the Counseling Dept. & let us know what your plans are for next year. Decorate a graduation cap for the Class of 2015 window! Seniors - School Counseling News Seniors, as you receive financial aid award letters and other scholarships, please bring a copy of the award letter to the School Counseling Office before May 22. Attention Seniors! please bring copies of your Final 2015-16 course verification sheets will be distributed in late May and must be returned to your school counselor by June 1. Requests for changes may not be met after August 12, so please review your student’s course requests for next year carefully. award letters to the Counseling Office by May 22nd to be recognized at Senior Awards Night. V OLUME 12, ISSUE 4 P AG E Important Dates 5 Mandatory Pre-Administration Session for AP Exams 4/15 Deadline to submit Dual Enrollment registration forms for 2015-16 4/17 ACT Exam 4/18 Senior Cap/Gown/Announcement Deliveries (during lunches) 4/20 - 4/22 Senior Class Assembly 5/1 SAT Exam 5/2 Deadline for seniors to submit Principal’s Service Award documentation 5/4 AP Exams 5/4 - 5/13 IB Exams 5/4 - 5/22 Jazz Dinner 5/7 Deadline to register for June 6 SAT and June 13 ACT 5/8 HHS School Clean-Up Day 5/9 SOL Testing 5/11 - 5/21 Senior Festival sponsored by Emerging Leaders 5/15 Chorus Concert 5/19 Deadline for seniors to submit financial aid & scholarship letters to guidance 5/22 but teaching Deadline for seniors to request additional graduation tickets 5/22 them what Deadline to register for eLearning courses in summer school 5/22 Deadline to submit attendance waivers 5/22 OKMS/HHS Orchestra Concert 5/27 OKMS/HHS Band Concert 5/28 Senior Picture, Graduation Practice, Picnic 5/29 Junior/Senior Prom 5/30 Senior Awards 6/1 Deadline to return final course verification forms 6/1 Underclass Awards Daytime Ceremony 6/3 SAT Exam 6/6 Baccalaureate 6/7 Athletic End-of-Season Awards 6/8 “Teaching kids to count is fine, counts is best.” ~ Bob Talbert Final Exams 6/8 - 6/11 Deadline to register at HHS for summer school 6/12 ACT Exam 6/13 Graduation 6/13 Summer school registration at PHHS 6/15 - 6/16 Summer school begins HA N OVER HIG H SCHOOL 6/22 V OLUME 12, ISSUE 4 P AG E 6 PTSA News I know everyone is ready for a warm spring! Time has flown by and it will be summer before long. The HHS PTSA would like to thank once more all of the Hanover High School families, students, teachers and administration who joined the PTSA for the 2014-2015 school year! Your membership benefits all our children through supporting our school and its amazing teachers and staff. This year it helped us sponsor staff events like Teacher Appreciation Week and dinner for our teachers for Parent-Teacher Conference Day, along with special monthly recognitions and supplementing our Fall School Supply Drive. It has also benefited our students by funding the Reflections program and our annual senior scholarships, which we are proud to say we again are able to provide six, $500 scholarships for this senior class! As you can see – your PTSA money goes right back into our school, our students and our staff! The HHS PTSA can only be as strong as the people who work within it. Please consider helping us out! There are always areas that could use a chairperson or some manpower to make events happen. Let us know if you would like to join us for the next school year to help support our wonderful school and to make Hanover High the best it can be! Our emails are on the PTSA page on the school’s web site – we would love to hear from you! We congratulate all the seniors as they enjoy these last months as Hanover High students and wish them the best of luck in all their future endeavors! It has been another successful and fun year at HHS. Through our support and commitment to our teachers, our administrators, and to each other as parents, we continue to make a difference in the lives of our children! Karen Rosser HHS PTSA President 2014-15 EXAMINATION INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS 2014-2015 – SECOND SEMESTER Early morning exams are given in two parts during classes on Wednesday & Thursday, June 3 & 4. B2 & B4 exams for SENIORS ONLY are Friday, June 5. Senior MAKE-UP exams are Thursday, June 11. EXAM SCHEDULE Monday, 6/8 Tuesday, 6/9 Wednesday, 6/10 Thursday, 6/11 AM (8:30-10:15) A1 B1 A2 B2 PM (10:20-1:15) A3 B3 A4 B4 EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS – Examinations are required for each course. Students must take the examination to receive credit. Seniors as well as SOL students are not to assume they are exempt from an exam until officially told by the teacher. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT – Students are expected to take the examinations as they are scheduled. Exams will not be administered out of sequence to accommodate individual wishes. Students must remain in the classroom for the examination period. Hanover County School Board policy does not allow early dismissals from examinations. Students who arrive after the examination begins will not be admitted to the classroom during testing without permission from Dr. Gresham. NON-ATTENDANCE DURING EXAMINATIONS POLICY – Attendance policies shall be in effect during exams. Students shall not be excused from an examination or classroom except for emergencies. Students absent for an exam or students who are absent for a portion of the exam who do not follow the prescribed procedure due to an excusable circumstance shall be subject to the same disciplinary action as if a regular school day were missed or a class skipped, and a grade of incomplete (I) issued until the disciplinary action is satisfied. ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL – The parent should telephone the attendance office at school (723-3696 or 723-3700) if a student misses an exam due to illness or other circumstance on any given day. When the student returns to school, a written note from the parent is required for make-up examinations. MAKE-UP EXAMS – The only students who will be eligible to make up an exam are students who have been approved in advance by Ms. Gervais. PERMISSION FORMS – Students will receive a permission sheet from their English teacher which will be used in lieu of notes from parents during exam week. The form is self-explanatory; however, please review it with your student. The form is MANDATORY FOR EVERY STUDENT. Each of the student’s teachers must sign the form first and then the parent needs to sign the form. The student is responsible for returning the form to the attendance office PRIOR to exams. Students will not need additional notes during exam week; parent notes & faxes will not be accepted. Please note – exemption from an exam does NOT excuse a student from an exam review class. HA N OVER HIG H SCHOOL V OLUME 12, ISSUE 4 P AG E 7 Band & Athletics August Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday August 3 4 5 6 Competition, Sideline Cheer & Dance Team Try-Outs - 4-7 pm - Gym Competition, Sideline Cheer & Dance Team TryOuts - 4-7 pm - Gym Competition, Sideline Cheer & Dance Team Try-Outs - 4-7 pm - Gym Girls’ & Boys’ Volleyball Try-Outs Time TBD - Gym Spring Band Dates Marching Band Info. Mtg. (Trip/Show Revealed): 5/11 @ 6 PM Guard Auditions: 5/4 - 5/7 Drumline/Front Ensemble Auditions: 5/6 - 5/7 Leadership Auditions: 5/29 Commitment Form/Deposits Due: 5/29 Email Mrs. Birdsong at abirdsong@hcps.us with any questions. Cross Country - 7:30 am - Stadium Golf Try-Outs - Time TBD - Hanover Country Club 10 11 12 13 Football - 6 am - Locker Room Band Rookie Camp (New Marchers & Leadership Team) 9 AM - 4 PM All Personnel 1 PM - 4 PM 17 18 19 20 Band Glove/Shoe Fitting Day Band Camp (All Personnel) 8 AM to 4 PM 24 25 26 Fall Sports Parent Meeting July 28th 6 pm Auditorium 27 Band Pictures AM Band Pool Party TBA Band Camp (All Personnel) 8 AM to 4 PM 31 September 1 2 Band Camp (All Personnel) 2 to 4 PM 3 Band Camp (All Personnel) 2 to 4 PM 2015-16 Fee Night/Schedule Pick-Up Tuesday, 8/25, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. - 10th & 11th graders, last names A-H & any senior Wednesday, 8/26, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. - 10th & 11th graders, last names I-Z & any senior Tuesday, 9/1, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. - 9th graders, last names A-H - schedule pick-up & fee payment Tuesday, 9/1, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. - 9th graders, last names I-Z - schedule pick-up & fee payment ** Principal’s Welcome Presentation for 9th Graders at 4:45 p.m. on Tuesday, 9/1 ** There will be an informational meeting on Wednesday, August 26, 5:30-6:00 p.m. in the auditorium for any junior/senior enrolled in a dual enrollment course. Attendance is strongly encouraged as course expectations and important timelines will be shared. Students unable to attend the assigned schedule pick-up time should contact their school counselor to arrange an alternate pick up time or send a friend with written parent permission to pick up their schedule. Fees may also be paid online using www.myschoolbucks.com. No schedules will be released prior to the assigned pick-up time. HA N OVER HIG H SCHOOL V OLUME 12, ISSUE 4 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PRESORTED STANDARD U.S.POSTAGE PAID MECHANICSVILLE, VA PERMIT NO. 202 Hanover High School 10307 Chamberlayne Rd. Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Mission Values Educate for Excellence We will demonstrate: Honor Vision Hanover High School students will be successful in a global community. Achievement Work Ethic Knowledge Solidarity
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