K ids Youth - Happenings At Grace Chapel

Grace Chapel Church of Christ
April 26, 2015
Grace Chapel Church of Christ
April 26, 2015
This is an open invitation to the Grace Chapel family to
“meet and greet” the candidate for lead minister, and his
You’re Invited!
VBS - July 13-17, from 9:00 AM - noon each day, at Grace Chapel. Registration will open on May 17.
Senior Recognition & Celebration - Next Sunday, May 3. The seniors will be recognized during the morning assembly, and the celebration will
take place during Youth Night dinner that evening.
Saturday, May 2 from 1pm to 3pm in the Grace Chapel
auditorium. Beverages will be served.
You have a chance to help our candidate develop a broad
picture of “who Grace Chapel is”, so please come and be part
of the enjoyment!
Summer Camp - June 28-July 2, at Camp Wetoga in north Georgia. Get full details and register online at:
High School Camping Trip - Thursday-Saturday, May 28-30, near the Ocoee River in Tennessee. Cost is only $70 for two nights tent camping,
white water rafting, food, and transportation. Sign up and get full details on the Youth website about what to expect, what to bring, and what we
will do on this great adventure.
Serving Opportunities this Summer:
SmarterMe Camp - June 1-5, 9 AM - 1 PM, at Grace Chapel. This is in partnership with Next Generation Focus.
Summer Camp - June 27-July 3, at Camp Wetoga. Anyone going into High School or older can serve as assistant counselors or in various roles
around Camp. Anyone interested must complete a simple application process, which will be available on the Youth website soon. Contact Rocky
Wyatt for details.
Senior Recognition & Celebration
Next Sunday, May 3
We will be recognizing the following Seniors during the morning
Worship Assembly.
Seniors will set up displays in the Fellowship Area. This is a great
opportunity to leave them a gift at the box at their table.
During Youth Night, we will celebrate with the Seniors & their families.
Full details can be found on the Youth website, and you can RSVP
there if you would like to come to the dinner.
Girls: Bailey Collinson, Kadia Grant, Ashley Koopote, Jennifer
Rooke, Paighton Roushey, Cassidy Wilson, Sierra Wilson
Praise God for the generous donations we received Sunday for the WINGS children! We were
overwhelmed by your gift of $750.00! We will be
able to buy all the children watches as a gift &
have a party! They will be so excited by this and
they will feel loved! Poor children of India aren't
used to any gifts or parties in their honor, so this
will show them how much they are loved by us
and by God!
VBS - July 13-17, 9 AM - 12 PM, at Grace Chapel. Anyone in middle school or high school can serve with crew leaders or in the
various stations. Contact Kate Hazlewood for details.
Youth Night
GCYM in the Middle
Wednesdays, 7:00-7:45 PM,
In the Youth Room
A safe, encouraging environment
For 6th-12th graders, led by 6th-12th graders.
Attention Guests
We are so thankful you chose to join us today in our time of
worship and praise. God continues to bring families who are
seeking a close walk with Him and a desire to serve and participate in a growing church family. We value your thoughts and
input concerning your time with us this morning. Please go to
the following link to give us your helpful feedback:
In Christ, Roxy Picker & Ann Johnston
Guys: Doster Cohen, Jeremy Johnson, Tanner Johnston, John
Rooke, Chris Waites
Summer Camp 2015 Registration now Open
June 28-July 2 , Camp Wetoga in north Georgia
Registration = $150
All current 2nd-7th graders are welcome, and this is a great
opportunity to bring a buddy with you.
Please contact Rocky Wyatt if you are interested & available to
serve in a volunteer role at Summer Camp Volunteers even receive a 25% discount on registration for one
of their children.
Get full details and register online
at WetogaSummerCamp2015.eventbrite.com.
Bulletin Submission: misso3496@bellsouth.net
Deadline: Thursday at 9:30 a.m.
No Youth Night tonight due to Spring Breakaway. Next Sunday night, May 3, is
Senior Celebration Youth Night. We will enjoy dinner together as usual, but we will
not meet for Small Groups. All Youth are still encouraged to come have fun as we
celebrate & pray for the Seniors.
Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:30 a.m.— 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
Terry Irwin ..................... (770) 317-3332
Washington Johnson ..... (901) 302-0919
Skip Latson .................... (404) 312-4777
Dallas Rodgers ............... (404) 314-5106
Mike Stoniecki ............... (770) 365-4592
Ben Waites .................... (678) 977-4308
Bruce Warmbrod ........... (770) 889-4859
6755 Majors Road • Cumming, GA 30040
Family Ministers
Rocky Wyatt ............................................(678) 983-2316
John Shamblin .........................................(770) 633-5884
Evangelist Minister: Bill Hale…………………(770) 826-0271
Capstone Christian Counseling ...............(770) 744-5055
Phone: (678) 455-6845
Fax: (678) 455-4011
Grace Chapel Church of Christ
April 26, 2015
Rubel Shelly
Rubel Shelly
Coordinator - Assembly
Mike Randolph
Russ Schoper
Worship Leader (Communion/
Clif Jones
Rocky Wyatt
Bobby Blackwell
David Coyle
Andy Doty
Keith Gammon
Scott Giddes
John Green
Jay Hamilton
Justin Hunton
Ben Hazlewood
Jonathan Kilpatrick
Communion Servers
Communion Servers
Dale Kilpatrick
Paul Sherrod
Scott Sams
Todd Whitacre
Ken Whitlow
David Wilson
Caleb Brown
Charlie Blackwell
Shawn Brown
Alton Hayes
Danny Lee
Andrea Baker
Tammy Lee
Todd Baker
Communion Prep./Clean-up
Assembly: 427
Grace Chapel Church of Christ
April 26, 2015
Classes: 390
Year To Date
Nursery Volunteer Schedule
April 26th
May 3rd
May 10th
Sue Pernice
Allison Moore
Jaime Nystuen
Becky O’Neal
Kelly Posey
Ruthanne Redfield
Jacob Reese
Jenifer Reese
Linda Rodgers
Lori Sams
Angie Wilson
Mary Shamblin
Kimberly Shaw
Bobbie Stoniecki
Gail Turner
Amy Valderrama
Coreen Wallis
Ann Waters
Dawn Whitlow
Lucy Williams
Ashley Wyatt
Mother’s Day
Katie Baker
Men to Serve, Volunteer
Will Baker
Drew Baker
Minister Search Prayer
Coffee Station Prep
Kerry Teel
Alton Hayes
Andy Ferrell
Chris Combee
Andy Doty
Andrew Butler
Jason Green
Michael Tye
Andrew Baker
Bonnie Baker
David Wilson
Carl Fink
Alec Johnston
Austin Milligan
Ann Johnston
Kristen Milligan
Chris Lee
Sean Burks
Renee Lee
Kristy Burks
*Team Leaders
Please arrive at the Welcome Center by 9:20 AM
to receive our guests and members.
If you are unable to serve during the assigned
time above, please find a substitute to take your place.
Worship Nursery Coordinator - Kristin Hungerford
Bake Communion Bread
Oasis Live Host
Oasis Live (3rd-5th)
Oasis Live (K-2nd)
Oasis Live Plug-In (K-2nd)
Graceland (3 & 4 yrs)
Todd Posey
Ben Waites
Shepherd on Call - Lobby
Ben Waites
Bruce Warmbrod
Michael Fischer
Brad Jones
Craig Hunter
Vance Kessler
Scott Stavran
Russ Schoper
Brent Irwin
Cindy Keane
Lori Irwin
Jim Keane
Clif Jones
Dan Koopote
Diane Jones
Donna Koopote
Pat Patterson
Brian Mower
Martye Smith
Adam Nystuen
Mike Smith
Jaime Nystuen
June Somervell
Ruthanne Redfield
Welcome - Greeters
Song .........................................................................................#62 - I Exalt Thee
“Go and make disciples of
all nations.”
Proving you care more
about each other than
winning an argument.
Song ............................................................. #300 - Praise Him! Praise Him!
“So let us do all we can
do to live in peace.
And let us work hard to
build each other up.”
Romans 14:19
Jesus wants to be my
Friend Forever.
Who wants to be your
friend forever?
Wendy Waites
Carol Lambert
Tech Team 1
Rich Light
Kerry Johnson
Tech Team 2
Eli Reese
Keenan Kessler
Kara Akins
David Mann
Rosemarie Misso
Ken Whitlow
Bulletin Submission: misso3496@bellsouth.net
Song ...................................................................................... #60 - He Is Exalted
Song ...................................................................... #2 - We Praise Thee O God
Song .................................................................................. #83 - God Is So Good
Jesus wants to be my friend
Abigail Intervenes
Samuel 25:1-35
Song ................................................................................ #74 - Praise The Lord
Song ................................................................................ How Great Is Our God
Acts 16:16-34
Paul and Silas praised the
Lord while in jail. God
caused an earthquake that
freed them, but they
stayed to tell the jailer
about Jesus.
Ben Waites
Welcome - Guest Assistance
Count Contribution
Mike Stoniecki
Attendance Taker (Worship &
Matthew 28:19
Jeremy Chupp
Shepherd on Call - Worship
Call to Worship
Song ............................................................................................ All The Heavens
Maren Chupp
Parent Cue
Week 4
Today’s Order of Worship
Prove you care about
others by being part of
the solution.
Song ...................................................................... That’s Why We Praise Him
Let’s Live it!
Children are currently in small groups; pick-up at 11:45 am
Adult Discipleship Classes - 11:00 am - 11:45 am
Deadline: Thursday at 9:30 a.m.
6755 Majors Road • Cumming, GA 30040
Phone: (678) 455-6845
Fax: (678) 455-4011