June 2015 Newsletter - Harborfields Public Library

A Musical Alphabet
from the Island Hills Chorus
Sunday, June 7th, 3:00 PM
June 2015
Save the Date!
The Liverpool
Back for an
encore performance!
Friday, July 24th,
7:00 PM
This all-female choral group is a local chapter of the
Sweet Adelines International. They will present an “ABC
Book” of musical terminology enlightened by song. You’ll hear
music from the Broadway stage and familiar jazz standards. If
you enjoy four-part harmony in the barbershop style, you will
love this show! This program is sponsored by the Friends of
the Library. Free tickets are available at the Circulation Desk.
Bring your blanket or
chairs to the The Friends of
the Library Annual Outdoor
Concert at the Library. Plan
to arrive early and start the
evening with a picnic dinner on the lawn.
Summer Hours
Beginning Father’s Day, June 21st, the Library will be
closed on Sundays throughout the summer.
Remember that you can access Live-brary.com,
24/7 to access digital materials and more.
Melissa Maravell
& Richard Podlesney
Photography and Artwork in
the Gallery June 1st - 29th
Artist’s Reception:
Wednesday, June 3rd,
7:00-8:30 PM
Husband and wife photographers from Greenlawn, NY, will
be exhibiting their photographs
and artwork in the Library Gallery
and showcase this month. The
locations of the subjects will range from Namibia, Zimbabwe,
Malawi and other African countries, to here at home.
Richard has built his love of photography into a second
career and is seldom seen without a camera. Melissa is a
fine graphic artist with a degree in design. They often will
find themselves taking the same shot, however, the results
are often quite different. They don’t give their images titles,
implying the capture of essence, nature or other hyperbole.
They simply take images and leave it to the viewer to decide.
Please join them in the Gallery for an opening reception on
Wednesday, June 3rd at 7:00 PM.
Read like a super hero! Escape the Ordinary and try
something new this summer. Whether it be a new genre, a
new format, a new author or a new interest - the library has
something for everyone. All Harborfields Public Library cardholders (age 18 and over) are invited to join the 2015 Adult
Summer Reading Club. You can read or listen to any book
of your choice and earn prizes and raffle tickets and take a
chance on ten spectacular raffles. Sign up at the Reference
Desk beginning Monday, June 22nd, and begin your summer
of “super” reading.
Harborfields Public Library 631-757-4200
Adult Programs
Please call the Reference Desk or register online for adult programs unless
otherwise noted. In-person registration is required for all programs with a fee.
Need Tech Help?
Book A Librarian!
Tap into our resources with a
free customized technology session that will help you learn about a
specific topic that is important to you.
Harborfields Public Library cardholders can book a one-on-one, 45-minute
technology training session with one
of our friendly librarians. Training sessions are educational in
nature. You should have a clear goal
of what you would like to learn (during your session) such as
how to:
•Download eBooks or audiobooks to a device.
•Set up an email account.
•Set up a Facebook account.
•Learn to use Library databases for research.
•Use the Library Catalog from home to reserve
and renew materials.
Librarians are instructors, not tech support and cannot troubleshoot or fix malfunctioning laptops, devices or
software. Sessions are available at various times during the
week. For more information, or to schedule an appointment,
please call the Reference Desk at 757-4200.
Bridge for Beginners
Mondays, June 8th through July 27th, 7:00–8:30 PM
Theodore Roosevelt:
The First of the Modern Day Presidents
Wednesday, June 17th, 7:00 PM
Sagamore Hill National Historic Site will re-open to the public in July 2015. In anticipation of that event we have invited
volunteer Wayne Wagner, who has been conducting tours and
hosting discussions about Sagamore Hill and Theodore Roosevelt since 1999, for an insder’s look at the President’s life,
family and major accomplishments. Please register.
Starburst Mirror Craft
Thursday, June 18th,
10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Use clothespins and a mirror to create a fun
take on a starburst mirror. All supplies will be
provided for this chic craft that is simple to make.
Registration is required and there is a $5 supply fee payable at
the Reference Desk. Sample projects are on display.
Summer Session II
Wednesdays, July 8th - August 12th
5:30 – 6:25 PM
Join the Zumba dance party with certified instructor Janeen
Waso. The fee for this six-week session is $30. Harborfields
Library cardholders may register and pay at the Reference Desk
by June 16th to hold your space. In-person registration opens
to non-residents beginning Wednesday, June 17th, if space
remains. No refunds.
Learn how to play bridge in this eight- week beginner course.
There is a $40 fee payable in person at the Reference Desk
upon registration. A required course book will be available, and
may be purchased for $20 at the first class, from the instructor.
Friday, June 19th
1:30 PM
Digital Photo Shooting Tips
Thursday, June 18th, 7:00 PM
Lifestyle photographer John Spoltore will give you tips on
how to improve your photographs. Learn how to adjust your
camera settings to get the best vacation photos, portraits and
more. Please register.
“From Cover to Cover”
Book Discussion with Shirley
Wednesday, June 17th, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Join our guest discussion leader Shirley Conlin for this
month’s discussion of The Art Forger by B. A. Shapiro. Copies
of this book are available at the Circulation Desk.
“Just the Facts” Nonfiction Book Discussion
Thursday, June 25th, 7:00 PM
Join discussion facilitator Brad Silverman to discuss
Blackett’s War: The Men Who Defeated the Nazi U-boats and
Brought Science to the Art of Warfare by Stephen Budiansky.
Copies of this book are available at the Circulation Desk.
Rated PG-13,
101 minutes
Starring Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, Kristen Stewart, and
Kate Bosworth
Friday, June 27th,
1:30 PM
Rated PG-13,
169 minutes
Starring Matthew
McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain
and Michael Caine.
www.harborfieldslibrary.org 631-757-4200
Frank Sinatra
Film Series
With Film Historian
Irene Eckert
Tuesday, June 16th
6:30 PM
ON THE TOWN (1949)
98 minutes
Tuesday, July 21st
6:30 PM
111 minutes
Tuesday, August 18th
6:30 PM
127 minutes
Adult Programs
Please call the Reference Desk or register online for adult programs unless
otherwise noted. In-person registration is required for all programs with a fee.
SeniorNet Seminar: Dazzling iPad Apps
Tuesday, June 16th, 3:30–5:00 PM
The iPad is one of the most successful computer products in
history. Much of its popularity is due to the more than one million apps that users can download, many of which are free. Join
us to see in-depth demonstrations of apps that take advantage
of the iPad’s unique multimedia and display attributes. This will
include educational, reading (e-books and e-magazines) and
entertainment apps. Registration is not required.
Ballroom Dancing: Fox Trot
Tuesdays, June 16th & 23rd, 7:30 –8:30 PM
Ballroom dance instructor Norma Granofsky will teach you the
Fox Trot. Come alone or bring a partner and have fun learning
to dance in this two-session class. Please register. Registration
opens to non-residents on June 9th if space is available.
Folk Dancing
Wednesdays, June 24th - September 10th, 6:30–8:45 PM
(No dancing on Wednesday, July 16th)
Dance with Annie’s International Folk Dance Cooperative
on Wednesday evenings in the Community Meeting Room. You
do not need a partner to enjoy dancing with this lively group of
seniors. Assistance and instruction will be available to beginners
from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. At check-in, please inform the group that
you are a Harborfields resident to take advantage of the free
summer guest membership. Registration is not required.
Arthritis Exercise - Summer Session
Thursdays, June 18th - September 10th,
10:00 - 11:00 AM
No class on July 16th & 23rd
Each week you will exercise for fun and fitness under the supervision of PACE Arthritis Foundation certified instructor Eden
Bennett. There is a $25 fee for this ten-week session. In-person
registration will be accepted at the Reference Desk. No refunds.
AARP Smart Driver Course
Tuesday & Wednesday, June 23rd & 24th, 6:00 –9:00 PM
You must bring a check payable to AARP to the Reference Desk to register. The fee is $20 for AARP members and
$25 for non-members. Please bring your license and AARP
membership card with you to the class. Limited to Harborfields
Library cardholders until June 16th.
Empire Safety Council
Defensive Driving
Saturday, June 20th, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
There is a $28 fee, payable by check only to Empire Safety Council for this class. Drivers may be eligible for discounts
and reduce points from their driving record upon completion
of this six-hour class. In-person registration at the Reference
Desk is required.
Global Viewpoints Forum
Baltimore—What Went Wrong and What Can Be Done?
Tuesday, June 9th, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Join facilitator John Busch and share your thoughts on current events. Please call the Reference Desk or register online.
Medicare Services Counselor
Wednesdays, June 3rd & 17th, 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Larry Elmen, HIICAP Counselor for Suffolk County RSVP is
available to discuss Medicare Services, Medicaid Options, Prescription Drug Programs, and Long Term Care/New York State
Partnership Program Insurance. Registration is not required.
Private sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis
in the Literacy Booth.
Assistive Technology
For People With Disabilities
Wednesday, June 3rd, 1:00 PM
Please join Valerie Lewis from the Suffolk Cooperative Library
System, who will be at the Harborfields Public Library to demonstrate a variety of adaptive hardware and software solutions for
people living with a visual or learning disability. Please register.
Diabetes And Healthy Eating
Thursday, June 18th, 2:00 PM
Join Elissa Feldman, Clinical Nutritionist in the Diabetes Center
at University Hospital Stony Brook, and learn how and what to
eat to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Please register.
Sleep Disturbances
Thursday, June 25th, 10:00 AM
Dr. Penny Stern, Director of Preventive Medicine with North
Shore L.I.J. Health Systems, will be talking about normal
sleep, how sleep changes as we age, and about insomnia,
which is the most common problem people of all ages have
with sleep. She will discuss what insomnia is, why it is so common, what the consequences of insomnia are, and how it can
be resolved with self-guided strategies or with sleep professionals. Please register.
The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia
and Alzheimer’s Disease
Tuesday, June 30th, 6:30 PM
If you or someone you know is affected by Alzheimer’s
disease or dementia, it’s time to learn the facts. Information
on detection, causes and risk factors, stages of the disease
and treatment will be discussed. This program is presented in
cooperation with NYS Assemblyman Chad Lupinacci and the
Alzheimer’s Association, L.I. Chapter. Please register.
Game Room Open
Fridays, June 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th, 1:00 - 4:00 PM
www.harborfieldslibrary.org 631-757-4200
Babies & Toddlers Children’s Programs
Children must be Harborfields residents to register and attend these programs. Please call Youth Services to register. O
Mother Goose
For children ages birth to 24 -months
and a caregiver
Sunday, June 14th, 2:00 -2:30 PM
Registration is not required. Siblings
are welcome.
Let’s Make Music
Children ages 12- to 35-months-old
and a caregiver
Thursdays, June 11th & 18th,
10:30 - 11:00 AM or 11:15 - 11:45 AM
2015 S
Preschool Science Fun with Color
Children ages 3-to 5-years-old and a caregiver
Tuesday, June 9th, 2:30 - 3:15 PM
Let’s explore the wonders of color! We will read stories about
color and mix primary colors to create the beautiful colors of
the rainbow. Children will make a colorful craft to take home.
No siblings please. Registration begins Tuesday, June 2nd.
Celebrating our Fathers
Preschool Craft
Children ages 3- to 5-years-old and a caregiver
Thursday, June 18th, 2:30 - 3:15 PM
Join us as we honor our fathers with some children’s stoJoin us for a half-hour program of singries,
songs and a craft to take home to our special parent or
ing and dancing to a variety of lively musigrandparent.
Registration begins on Thursday, June 11th. No
cal tunes with instructor Diane Young.
Registration begins Wednesday, June
3rd. Siblings are welcome.
Every H
Has a S
Stop by the Harborfie
quarters” and share with
super powers. Spend a
other super reading her
park. Discover what sk
to become a superhero
hero Training Academy
picture taken as a supe
relax and watch a movi
ers to the Rescue” mov
Let’s Move & Groove*
Puzzle Time
Children ages 12- to 48-months-old
and a caregiver
Friday, June 12th, 10:30 - 11:15 AM
Children 3- to 6-years-old
Tuesday, June 30th, 6:30 - 7:15 PM
Dance, sing, and make music using a variety of instruments
with instructor, Diane Young. Online registration begins Monday,
June 22nd.
Enjoy listening to a variety of stories
and playing with puzzles of all shapes
and sizes. Each child will create their very
Brought to you by the Page to Stage
own puzzle to take home. Registration
Theatre Troupe
is not required. Siblings are welcome.
Reader’s Theatre
for Little Ones
Saturday, June 13th, 1:30 - 2:30 PM
Toddler Movies
In the Children’s Meeting Room
Friday, June 5th
10:30 AM
Friday, June 19th
10:30 AM
An adult must accompany the children at all times. Please, no eating or
drinking during the movie. Registration
is not required.
Shake, Rattle, & Roll*
Children ages 3- to 5-years-old
Monday, June 8th, 6:30 - 7:15 PM
As part of her Girl Scout Gold Award
Project, Harborfields teen, Gabrielle Mank
has assembled a cast of teens to bring
children’s books to life. Watch some of
your favorite stories come alive on the
Harborfields Library stage! Preschoolaged children must be accompanied by
a parent. Tickets will be available at the
Children’s Desk beginning June 1st.
Family Movies
In the Children’s
Meeting Room
Saturday, June 6th, 2:30 PM
Registration is not required.
Siblings are welcome.
Building with
Children in grades K - 2
Saturday, June 13th,
2:30 - 3:15 PM
LEGOs at
the Library*
(PG) 95 minutes
Saturday, June 20th, 2:30 PM
Children ages 30-months to
5-years-old & a caregiver
Thursday, June 4th,
11:00 - 11:45 AM
Online registration begins
Monday, June 1st.
(PG) 99 minutes
It’s time to shake your fingers and toes,
during the movie or in
rattle those instruments and dance to the
under the age
beat of great kids’ songs with Ms. Diane. Onof
line registration begins Tuesday, June 2nd.
an adult. No registration necessary.
Harborfields Public Library Please bring a pict
self when you com
your first
Children in grades 3 - 5
Saturday, June 13th,
3:30 - 4:15 PM
This month’s theme is “Superheroes”. Online registration
begins Monday, June 1st.
Children’s Programs for Grades K - 5
Online registration is available for all program listings followed by an asterisk.*
Summer Reading Clubs
elds “Hero Headh us your hidden
an afternoon with
roes at the city
kills you will need
o at the Supery. Have your
erhero or just
ie in the “Readvie cave.
June 24th - August 5th
Children entering grades 3 through 5 in September
are invited to stop by “Hero Headquarters” to report on
one book per day from June 24th through August 5th.
Please bring a picture of yourself when you report
on your first book. An official copy of the “Every
Hero Has a Story!” rules will be available
beginning Monday, June 1st.
ture of yourme to report on
t book!
Father’s Day Craft
Children in grades 1 and 2
Wednesday, June 17th, 4:30–5:30 PM
Mighty Readers
June 26th - August 5th
Mighty Readers ages four-years-old (by
July 1st) and those entering Kindergarten
through 2nd grade in September, report on
one book per day anytime from June 26th
through August 5th. Please bring a picture
of yourself when you report on your first
book. A copy of the official rules will be
available beginning Monday, June 1st.
Artists Come Alive
Children in grades K - 3
Friday, June 12th, 4:30 – 5:30 PM
Children will learn about the life and
masterpieces of various artists with instructor, Diane Young. Each child will create their own masterpiece to take home.
Registration begins Thursday, June 4th.
Tail Waggin’ Tales
Children in grades K - 3 and a caregiver
Fridays, June 5th OR June 19th, 4:30 5:30 PM
Children will read one-on-one with
Cutch, a certified therapy dog from Therapy Dogs International, Inc. Please sign
up for one 15-minute session on either of
the two dates listed above. Registration
begins Monday, June 1st. Siblings are
Under the Sea
Kindergarten Craft
Tuesday, June 16th, 4:30– 5:15 PM
Let dad know that he is “out of this
world” as we read stories about fantastic fathers and make a fun craft that is a
perfect gift for Father’s Day. Registration
begins Wednesday, June 10th.
Summer is almost here and we can’t wait
to jump in! Join us as we dive into the water
and create our own ocean scenes filled with
sea creatures! Registration begins Monday,
June 8th.
The Page Turners*
The Ultimate Brain Game*
Spend an evening with friends and a
librarian discussing Melvin Beederman,
Superhero: The Curse of the Bologna
Sandwich by Greg Trine. Pick up a copy
of the book in the Children’s Room upon
registration. Online registration begins
Tuesday, June 9th.
Come on down! Compete with friends in
this interactive, game-show-style challenge
where the quickest and cleverest will win!
Impress us with your library knowledge and
skills as well as your expertise in a variety of
popular subjects. Online registration begins
Thursday, June 4th.
Children in 2nd grade
Monday, June 15th, 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Children in grades 3 - 5
Thursday, June 11th, 4:30 – 5:30 PM
Get Ready to Babysit!*
Superhero Hunt
Visit the Children’s Room between
Monday, June 1st and Saturday, June 13th and
search high and low for all the hidden
“HEROES”. When you complete the hunt
you will receive a “SUPER” surprise.
For students entering 6th grade and up
Thursday, June 18th, 5:00– 8:00 PM
This three-hour workshop taught by
an instructor from Cornell Cooperative
Extension will teach the necessary skills
that every good babysitter should have. All
participants will receive a certificate upon
completion of this workshop. Online registration begins June 1st.
Featured Bookmark is on the last page
info@harborfieldslibrary.org 631-757-4200
Young Adults
Teens must be Harborfields residents in grades 6 - 12 to register for these
programs, unless otherwise noted. Please call YA Central or register online.
** Registration by phone or online begins on the 1st of the month for YA programs unless otherwise noted **
Share a Tale Volunteers
Orientation Meeting
Monday, June 8th, 7:00–7:30 PM
For students entering grades 7 through 12, interested in
earning community service hours listening and reading to
preschoolers through 2nd grade this summer, you must attend
this 30-minute orientation meeting. Please register.
2015 Young Adult
Summer Reading Club
The Five Common Mistakes Students
Make on their College Application
Essays and How to Avoid Making Them
Monday, June 22nd Friday, August 7th
Thursday, June 11th, 7:00– 8:00 PM
Avoid the stress in the fall...school work and college applications! Spring into action now by joining writing coach Randy
Levin who will share the top five mistakes students make on
their college application essays. Learn how to set yourself apart
from all other applicants. Discover the secrets now to better your
chances later. Don’t waste your valuable time writing the wrong
essays. Please register. Parents welcome.
Get Ready to Babysit!
For students entering 6 grade through 9th grade
Thursday, June 18th, 5:00 – 8:00 PM
This three-hour workshop taught by an instructor from
Cornell Cooperative Extension will teach the necessary skills
that every good babysitter should have. All participants will receive a certificate upon completion of this workshop. Students
entering 6th grade are welcome. Please register.
Writers’ Workshop for Teens
Friday, June 19th, 4:30 – 5:30 PM
All students entering grades
6 through 12 are invited to join!
Discover the superhero in you this summer when you join
this year’s Summer Reading Club! Challenge yourself to read
a variety of books that will power up your interest and curiosity!
The sign-up officially begins June 22nd. Once you’ve joined, you
can read or listen to books and log what you have read. Rate
and review your books for prizes, raffle tickets and paperback
books! Your summer of fun is waiting for you as you engage
in a variety of programs and activities in “Gotham City”, aka,
Young Adult Central!
Superhero Trivia Night!
Tuesday, June 23rd, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
So you think you know a lot about Superheroes? Test your
superhero knowledge among your friends and win prizes in
this fun superhero trivia contest. Please register.
Come and join others who share a passion of writing and
storytelling. Local author Lygia Penaflor will offer tips and techniques to develop your own writing style. Please register.
DJ Dance Party!
Friday, June 26th, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Battle of the Books
Kick off this year’s Summer Reading Club at the “Unmask! DJ Dance
Party!” Join your friends for a night
of fun as you celebrate a summer
of reading for fun and unmask the
superhero in you!
For students entering 6th grade through 9th grade
1st Meeting is on Wednesday, June 3rd, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
For students who LOVE to read and enjoy sharing this passion with others you will want to join this team! The 2015 Battle
will be held on Saturday, August 1st. Battle of the Books is
a county-wide competition of teens from participating Suffolk
County Libraries and a whole lot of FUN! Please speak to a
Young Adult Librarian for more information on how you can
become part of our team.
LEGOs Helpers
Open to students in grades 7 through 12
Saturday, June 13th, 2:30 – 4:15 PM
Teens Connect
Student volunteers will assist with the Children’s LEGOs
program and earn up to two hours of community service. This
program is limited to four volunteers. Please register.
www.harborfieldslibrary.org Five-Hour Pre-Licensing Class
Saturday, June 27th, 9:30 - 2:00 PM
The five-hour pre-licensing class is required by the NY State
Department of Motor Vehicles for all students who would like
to schedule a road test. The fee for this class is $45 (cash only
and exact change is appreciated.) The class will be taught by an
instructor from a local driving school and is open to anyone ages
16 and up. You must bring your NY State Learner’s Permit to
class. In-person registration is required at the Young Adult Desk.
10:00 AM-English Conversation Group
1:30 PM–Spanish 101
7 PM– Bridge for Beginners
29 28 Library Closed
All Day–Young Adult 2015 Summer
Reading Club begins!
9 AM–Let's Move & Groove*
10:00 AM-English Conversation Group
11:15 AM–Dance Therapeutics
1:30 PM–Spanish 101
7 PM– Bridge for Beginners
7 PM– Zumba Gold with Janeen
22 Library Closed
Father's Day
21 10:00 AM-English Conversation Group
11:15 AM–Dance Therapeutics
6:30 PM–The Page Turners*
7 PM– Bridge for Beginners
7 PM– Zumba Gold with Janeen
15 14 2 PM–Mother
9 AM–Under the Sea Kindergarten Craft
10:00 AM-English Conversation Group
9:30 & 10:30 AM–Patty–Cake!
11:15 AM–Dance Therapeutics
1:30 PM–Spanish 101
6:30 PM–Shake, Rattle and Roll*
7 PM– Bridge for Beginners
7 PM– Zumba Gold with Janeen
7 PM–Share a Tale: Volunteer
Orientation Meeting
8 All Day–Superhero Hunt Begins!
9 AM–Building with LEGOs*
9 AM–LEGOs at the Library*
9 AM–Tail Waggin' Tales Registration
9:30 & 10:30 AM–Patty–Cake!
11:15 AM–Dance Therapeutics
1:30 PM–Spanish 101
7 PM– Zumba Gold with Janeen
7:30 PM–Friends of the Library Meeting
1 Monday
3 PM–A Musical
Alphabet from the
Island Hills Chorus
7 Sunday
6:30 PM–Let's Move &
6:30 PM–The Basics:
Memory Loss, Dementia and
Alzheimer's Disease
30 6 PM– AARP Smart Driver
7 PM–Super Hero Trivia Night!
7:30 PM– Ballroom Dancing:
Fox Trot
23 3:30 PM–SeniorNet Seminar:
Dazzling IPad Apps
4:30 PM–Under the Sea
Kindergarten Craft
6:30 PM–Summer Movie
Series: On The Town (1949)
7:30 PM– Ballroom Dancing:
Fox Trot
16 9 AM– Page Turners*
2:30 PM–Preschool Science
Fun with Color
7 PM–Global Viewpoints
9 9 AM–Preschool Science Fun
with Color Registration
9 AM–Shake, Rattle, and
Roll* Registration
10 AM–1, 2, Buckle My Shoe
2 Tuesday
10 AM–Arthritis Exercise
Summer Session
10 AM– Sleep Disturbances
7 PM–Just the Facts
Nonfiction Book Discussion
7:30 PM–Library Board of
Trustees Meeting
25 10 AM–Arthritis Exercise
Summer Session Begins
10 AM–Starburst Mirror Craft
10:30 AM–Let's Make Music
11:15 AM–Let's Make Music
2 PM–Diabetes and Healthy
2:30 PM–Celebrating Our
Fathers Preschool Craft
5 PM–Get Ready to Babysit!
7 PM–Digital Photo Shooting
18 9 AM–Celebrating Our
Fathers Preschool Craft
10:30 AM–Let's Make Music
11:15 AM–Let's Make Music
4:30 PM–The Ultimate Brain
7 PM–Five Common Mistakes
Students Make On Their
College Essay Application
11 9 AM–Artists Come Alive
9 AM–The Ultimate Brain
Game* Registration
10 AM–Arthritis Exercise
11 AM–LEGOs for Little Ones
4 Thursday
June 2015
All Day–Every Hero Has a
Story – "Supersonic Readers"
Summer Reading Club Begins
6 PM– AARP Smart Driver
6 PM– Folk Dancing
7 PM–Battle of the Books
24 11:30 AM–"From Cover to
Cover" Book Discussion
1 PM–Medicare Services
4:30 PM–Phenomenal
Father's Day Craft
7 PM–Battle of the Books
7 PM–Sagamore Hill & The
17 9 AM–Phenomenal Father's
Day Craft Registration
6:30 PM–3rd Grade Kids
7 PM–Battle of the Books
10 9 AM–Let's Make Music
1 PM–Assistive Technology for
People with Disabilities
1 PM–Medicare Services
7 PM–Battle of the Books
7 PM–Melissa Maravell &
Richard Podlesney Artist's
3 Wednesday
All Day–Every Hero Has a
Story – "Mighty Readers"
Read with Me Summer
Reading Club Begins
1 PM–Game Room Open
1:30 PM–Afternoon Movie:
7 PM–Teen Unmask DJ
Dance Party!
26 8:30 AM–Bus Departs for
The Culinary & FDR Home
10:30 AM– Mah Jongg Social
10:30 AM–Toddler Movie:
Peppa Pig: Bubbles
1 PM–Game Room Open
1:30 PM–Afternoon Movie:
Still Alice
4:30 PM–Tail Waggin' Tales
4:30 PM–Writers' Workshop
for Teens
7 PM–Read and Rap*
19 10:30 AM– Mah Jongg Social
10:30 AM–Puzzle Time
1 PM–Game Room Open
4:30 PM–Artists Come Alive
12 10:30 AM– Mah Jongg Social
10:30 AM–Toddler Movie:
"Suzy's Zoo: A Day with
1 PM–Game Room Open
4:30 PM–Tail Waggin' Tales
9 AM-Friends of the Library
Bus Trip Registration
5 Friday
Present your card to
receive a discount at
participating merchants.
9:30 AM–Five-hour Pre–
Licensing Class
27 9:30 AM–Empire Safety
Council Defensive Driving
2:30 PM–Family Movie:
"Strange Magic"
20 All Day–Superhero Hunt
1:30 PM– Readers Theatre
2:30 PM–Building with
2:30 PM–Teens Connect:
LEGOs Helpers
3:30 PM–LEGOs at the
13 2:30 PM–Family Movie:
6 Saturday
Non-Profit Org.
U. S. Postage
Greenlawn, NY
Permit No. 29
31 Broadway
Greenlawn, NY 11740
The Library Board of Trustees Meeting is on Thursday, June 25th at 7:30 PM.
Children’s Continued...
Kool Kits
Are you planning a car trip
or a long plane ride with
your children this summer?
We are offering “Kool Kits”
for children ages 4 to 12. We
have “Kool Kit” backpacks
filled with books, puzzles,
games, and more that can be
borrowed from the Children’s
Room for a one-week period,
on a first-come, first-served
basis, beginning June 22nd.
June 2015
Featured Bookmark
Shea Cali
Age 5
Adult & Community Programs Continued...
Summer Fun for the Whole Family!
The Harborfields Public Library, with help from the
Friends of the Library now has 15 museum passes
available to borrow for your summer enjoyment.
Museum passes may be reserved up to 60 days in
advance from the Library Website or through the
Reference Desk. You also may purchase a variety
of discount admission tickets and vouchers at the
Circulation Desk for venues that do not offer passes. Passes
and vouchers are available to adult Harborfields Public Library
cardholders only.
Friends of the Library Bus Trip
Essex Steam Train & Riverboat Ride
Wednesday, July 22nd
Bus departs from the Library at 8:00 AM
and returns at approximately 7:30 PM
Join the Friends of the Library in the quaint
village of Essex, CT for lunch at the Griswold Inn. Afterwards we
will embark on a steam train trip and riverboat ride. The cost of
this trip, which includes transportation, lunch, and all gratuities, is
$100 per person. Current members of the Friends of the Library,
may register by telephone only at 9:00 AM on Friday, June 5th
and pay for their reservation at the Reference Desk by Monday,
June 8th. Beginning Saturday, June 6th, if space remains, the trip
will be open to anyone, but reservations with payments must be
made in-person only at the Reference Desk. No refunds unless
we are able to fill your space from a waiting list.
The Culinary Institute & FDR Home bus trip, on
Friday, June 19th may have openings.
Please call the Reference Desk to inquire.
The next Friends of the Library Meeting is on
Monday, June 1st at 7:30 PM
Hola! Hello! Allo!
Mondays, June 8th, 15th,
22nd & 29th
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Practice and Improve your
English in a casual and fun
environment. This program is
open to all. Please call the Reference Desk or register online.
Little Book Shop
Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
from 10 AM - 4 PM
All Children’s Books are
now $5 a bag in the Friends
Little Book Shop.
Phone: (631) 757-4200
Fax: (631) 757-7216
Library Hours
Mon. - Thur. 9 AM - 9 PM
Friday 10 AM - 9 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday (Sept. - June) 1 PM - 5 PM
Board of Trustees
William Baker, President
Ellen Rieger, Vice President
Joseph Friedlander, Finance Officer
Joyce Hilgeman, Ph.D., Secretary
Jenny Wyckoff Shore, Trustee
Cristina Spinelli, Treasurer
Director: Carol Albano
Assistant Director: Ryan Athanas
Newsletter: Susan Hope
Important Notice!
The Harborfields Public
Library encourages all
residents to participate in its
programs and activities. If you
require any special accommodation because of a disability,
please contact the Reference
Desk in advance at 757-4200.
The following equipment is available at the Library for anyone
with a visual disability: CCTV,
ZoomText Magnifying software
on a computer workstation,
hand-held magnifiers and assistive listening devices for programs. Also, if you are unable
to get to the Library because of
a disability, we will be happy to
deliver library materials to your
home. Please call to make arrangements.
Staff may take photographs at Library programs for use in Library
publicity. Please inform
us if you do not want photos taken
of you or your child.