3rd Floor Gallery 10215 - 112 Street Edmonton, AB T5K 1M7 780.426.4180 harcourtinfo@shaw.ca www.harcourthouse.ab.ca EXPOSED 23rd ANNUAL NAKED SHOW EXHIBITION Harcourt House Arts Centre Annex June 18 – June 30, 2015 ATTENTION ARTISTS: Call for submissions for the 23rd annual Naked Show. The exhibition will follow the same format as previous years. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION: 1. Each artist may submit up to five (5) works for the jury to consider. Each artist who submits will have at least one piece in the show and up to a maximum of three may be selected. 2. Pieces submitted must have been produced during the non-instructional drop in Drawing, Painting, or Sculpture sessions or the Draw till You Drop sessions. NO EXCEPTIONS. 3. Pieces must have been produced in the past year. 4. Provide all of the information on the submission form and include the form with the pieces you submit. We will NOT track you down for missing information. Missing information will NOT be accepted in any form after the submission deadline. 5. Harcourt House Arts Centre will NOT be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items before or after the exhibition dates. 6. Pieces should not be framed for submission but must be framed for the exhibition. 7. Drop off pieces for submission to the Drawing Room in the Harcourt House Annex. Do NOT take pieces upstairs to the Gallery unless it is absolutely necessary. It is your responsibility to ensure your submissions are clearly labeled for the Naked Show. Drop off times for the Drawing Room: Mondays 1 – 4 p.m. and 7 – 10 p.m. Wednesdays 7 – 10 p.m. Fridays 7 – 10 p.m. 8. You must clearly label each piece you submit with your name and the number on the submission form that corresponds to the information for the piece. 3rd Floor Gallery 10215 - 112 Street Edmonton, AB T5K 1M7 780.426.4180 harcourtinfo@shaw.ca www.harcourthouse.ab.ca DEADLINES TO REMEMBER: MAY 15, 2015 (Friday): Submission deadline! LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED MAY 18, 2015 (Monday): Pieces may be picked up. Pieces selected for the Exhibition will be marked on the submission form with a RED star. These pieces will have to be framed for the exhibition. JUNE 12, 2015 (Friday): Pieces must be returned to the Drawing Room for installation of the show. JUNE 18, 2015 (Thursday): Opening Reception for the Naked Show. JUNE 30, 2015 (Tuesday): 5:00 pm Naked Show exhibition closes. JULY 3, 2015 (Wednesday): Artists must remove their work from the Drawing room by this date. Harcourt House Arts Centre will NOT assume any responsibility whatever for any work remaining after this date. It is the responsibility of the artist to remove work. If you have any questions please call Harcourt House Gallery at (780) 426-4180. 3rd Floor Gallery 10215 - 112 Street Edmonton, AB T5K 1M7 780.426.4180 harcourtinfo@shaw.ca www.harcourthouse.ab.ca EXPOSED 2015 NAKED SHOW EXHIBITION SUBMISSION FORM Artist’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________ Email (optional): ___________________________ IMPORTANT: 1. All information must be included at the time of submission 2. Include this form with the pieces you are submitting for the Jury. 3. Each piece you submit MUST be labeled, on the piece itself, your name and the number on this form that corresponds to its information. 4. Ensure that all information is correct before you submit. 5. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 6. Harcourt House Arts Centre will take a 20% commission from the sale price of each item sold, please price accordingly. PIECES SUBMITTED: (Please fill out and submit full sheet with artwork) #1. Title: ______________________________________________________________ Medium: _______________________________________________________________ Dimensions [height x width x (depth)]: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________ Price (optional): __________________________ #2. Title: ______________________________________________________________ Medium: _______________________________________________________________ Dimensions [height x width x (depth)]: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________ Price (optional): __________________________ #3. Title: ______________________________________________________________ Medium: _______________________________________________________________ Dimensions [height x width x (depth)]: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________ Price (optional): __________________________ #4. Title: ______________________________________________________________ Medium: _______________________________________________________________ Dimensions [height x width x (depth)]: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________ Price (optional): __________________________ #5. Title: ______________________________________________________________ Medium: _______________________________________________________________ Dimensions [height x width x (depth)]: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________ Price (optional): __________________________
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