Soccer Shoot-Out with the Kenton Elks #157 -Thurs., May 7, 2015 –5:00—6:30 pm At the YMCA Practice Fields, St. Rt. 309 W, Kenton Free for children 13 and younger. Proof of birth date required. Youth Soccer Skills Camp —July 27 – 30, 2015 Presented by Ohio Northern Men’s Soccer Team at the YMCA Soccer Field Complex on 292 in Kenton. Ages 5—7: $35.00 (9:30 a.m.—11:00 a.m.) Ages 8—15: $40.00 (9:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m.) Sign Up Ends July 2nd. YMCA HOURS: APRIL TO NOVEMBER Mon—Thu: 6am to 9pm Friday: 6am to 7:30pm Saturday: 9am to 4pm Sunday: Closed CHILD WATCH HOURS Mon-Fri: 9 am—11:30 am Mon-Thu: 5 pm-8 Participants will need shin guards and water. FOR HEALTHY LIVING ASSESS YOUR HEALTH Life Line Ultrasound Screenings —Wed., May 20, 2015 Preventive health screenings can detect your risk for serious disease. Stroke/Carotid Artery Ultrasound Screening, Heart Rhythm Screening (Atrial Fibrillation), Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Ultrasound Screening, Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening, Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Ultrasound. These tests are offered at a significant savings. For more information flyers are available at the Y. Appointments are limited and pre-registration is required: Call 1-888-653-6450 Fitness Classes: Mon-Fri, Mornings and Evenings We encourage you to try out our classes. Most are available as part of your membership. You may try any class or program one time at no cost and no obligation to continue! Make new friends and be encouraged by like minded individuals. A full listing is available on our website and at the front desk. FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBLITY GET INVOLVED Spring Clean Up Day –Kenton’s Historic Courthouse District -Sat., May 16, 2015 -9:00 am—1:00 pm Join your community, volunteer to spruce up our downtown! We will be planting new flowers, pulling weeds, power washing sidewalks, hanging flower baskets and washing storefront windows. Call 419673-4131 to participate. Red Cross Blood Drive -Fri. May 22, 2015 –10:00 am—4:00 pm To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS, or visit, sponsor code: YMCAHardin. Kroger Community Rewards: Visit, login to your account and enroll in community rewards then choose the organization #81743 or Hardin County Family YMCA. This will allow the Y to receive a portion of the purchases you make. Recycle Printer Cartridges and Cell Phones. Boxes are located at the entrance to the Y and by the front-desk. The Y makes a small amount on these donations and use the funds to buy supplies. HARDIN HEAT CHEER Tryouts: Full Year, Prep Teams: ages 3 –18 Special Needs Cheer: ages 5—65 Hardin Heat Cheer Season is June 2015—April 2016 Prep Team and Special Needs Season is August 2015—January 2016 Cost for Clinics and Tryout Sessions: $10.00 YMCA Members $15.00 Non-YMCA Members Students must attend a minimum of 2 clinics to tryout. Ages 3-11 —Tiny, Mini, & Youth from 5:30—6:30 pm on May 7, 14 & 21 Ages 12–18 —Junior & Senior from 7:30 -8:30 pm on May 7, 14, & 21 Mandatory Tryouts are on May 28 Ages 3-11 –5:30—7 pm Ages 12-18 –7-8:30 pm Mandatory Parents Meetings: Special Needs Firecrackers May 14, 6:307:30 pm All others: May 21, 6:30—7:30 pm CheerBandz Coaches Certification and Jump & Tumble Clinics: Coaches Certification Training Fri., May 29th -6 p.m. Sat., May 30th - 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Jump and Tumble Clinics Sat., May 30th Jump Clinic 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Tumble Clinic 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Jump Clinic 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tumble Clinic 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. For more information contact Jami Dellifield: 419-889-9264 2 HARDIN CO. FAMILY YMCA NEWSLETTER Hardin County Family YMCA 918 W. Franklin St., Kenton, OH 43326 419-673-6131 Find us on Facebook! MAY 2015 AROUND THE Y May Swim Lessons: The Y is offering swim lessons to everyone grades Kindergarten and up! For all skill levels! Beginners or those who want to improve. Lessons are 1/2 hour long and limited to 6 participants. These lessons are only $2 for one week of lessons. Advanced sign up is required. Lessons run Mon-Thur, through May. The deadline to sign up for each week is Sat. of the week before. 1/2 sessions run from 4 pm to 6:40 pm. FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT YOUTH & FAMILY EVENTS The Y is here to help families to grow strong in spirit, mind and body with healthy activities for the whole family. Buggy Ride, a Bicycle Tour of Amish Country in Hardin County brought to you by the Healthy Lifestyles Coalition and the Y —June 13, 2015 Cycle through the picturesque countryside, down winding river roads. You will enjoy old fashioned general store, opportunities to purchase authentic Amish goods and snacks at every stop. Relax knowing emergency services and a SAG truck are available. All cyclist are required to wear helmets. Registration fee is $25.00 for each rider age 13+. Parents riding with a preschooler are free, but they must be pre-registered. Fees include snack stops, a route map, road markings, safety coverage and delicious homemade noodles and cookies and the end of the ride. Starting at McCullough Industries, 13047 Co. Rd. 175, Kenton, OH 43326 Sign-in begins a 7 a.m. Participants should arrive 30 minutes prior to departure time. 30 mile ride –8:00 a.m. 15 mile ride & 6 mile family fun ride –8:30 a.m. All riders must be on the road by 9:00 a.m. *Registration forms are available at the Y and on our website ( Please contact Mike Styer at 419-674-3512 Kathy Oliver at 419-674-2297 for more information. Continues on back — Stay Connected: Y program, event and news is available in the Kenton Times, at our website, Facebook, and on the community calendars of WKTN, Shine FM, Time Warner Cable and Hardin Co. Chamber & Business Alliance. Red Cross Certified Instuctor of First Aid, CPR, & AED (Adult, Child, and Infant), Michell Nalls: watch for future classes. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, IDEAS? Director: Sean Galvin Program Director: Chris Kalla Fitness Director: Michelle Nalls Mmbrshp/Mrktng: Cheri Newton Child Watch Director: Beverly Horn Evening Supervisor: Jim Dixon 1
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