Hardys Bay Residents Group Bay news JUNE 2015 “WORKING FOR A POSITIVE LIFESTYLE AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT IN OUR COMMUNITY” HARDYS “STORM” BAY H ardys Bay became Storm Bay during the storm of April 20th-23rd. With wind waves over a meter high and wind gusts up to 45 knots (90kph), the storm was designated as a Category 2 cyclone! Not only was there devastation for some boats in the Bay and Brisbane Water generally (a reported 45 plus boats broke their moorings), but also there was even greater devastation to the Killcare, Hardys Bay, Wagstaffe Peninsula. With so many trees and power lines down, it was considered the worst storm since 1974. There were many wonderful acts of community caring and pulling together as well as some harrowing experiences. A tree fell on a car driving along Heath Road; we are pleased to report the driver was unhurt. Not so a well-known sailor moored in the bay who took a bad fall on board. Emergency services were unable to reach him so the Police asked the HBRG to provide a vessel to get emergency personnel out to him. HBRG did so only to have the ambulance people decline to use a private vessel. It was 18 hours later that Roads and Maritime vessel attended and got him off. However the magnificent effort by our local Firies and all the other emergency services was greatly appreciated by the community. The Hardys Bay Club hosted a “Thank You” party for all services. Auctions and raffles raised over $2,300, thanks to donations C O N T E N T S from local businesses and prominent individuals. Again thanks and well done to all involved. Hardys “Storm” Bay P1. Hardys “Storm” Bay P5. Surf Club Report P2. Killcare Firies P6. Mudflat Creek P3. Our Caring Community P7. Garden Club & Yacht Regatta P4. Profile & Frigid Digits P8. Briefs HARDYS BAY RESIDENTS GROUP INC – www.hardysbay.com BAY NEWS – June 2015 1 President’s Message Welcome to our winter, “Storm” edition of Bay News. In this issue, we highlight some of the results from the late April storm, and in particular how our wonderful community all pulled together to help. We also highlight the work being done at mudflat creek and other items of interest and a profile on some new Australian citizens who just love the Bay. We extend a warm welcome to all new members and are proud, too, of our rapidlyincreasing membership ranks. We particularly wish to thanks the many people supporting us with much appreciated donations and remind everybody that new members are always welcome. We always look forward to receiving the community’s comments and particularly wish to thank the many people who are working so hard to assist in achieving recent successful outcomes. Working in such conditions can be quite dangerous. While the Killcare Firies were out assisting the Community,a large tree fell and squashed one of the Killcare Firies’ cars parked at Killcare Station. On another occasion, a large tree fell and narrowly missed one of our Fire vehicles but it brought power lines down over the vehicle. The Volunteers inside the vehicle at the time were shocked at how close the tree came to hitting them. They were not allowed to exit the vehicle until Ausgrid arrived and declared that the power lines on the vehicle were dead. Such a Storm brings to the forefront how isolated our Community can be. It reminds us that we personally need to be prepared for a range of natural disasters, e.g. bushfires and storms. Everyone should make sure that they complete their “Bushfire Survival Plan” (located on the NSW RFS website) and their “Home Emergency Plan” (located on the NSW SES website). Lastly, Killcare Firies would like to thank the Community again for their great support! Best Wishes to all Adrian Williams President KILLCARE FIRIES M ichelle Biddulph, Killcare RFS captain, reports on the vital work of the local brigade. The Killcare Firies were extremely busy throughout the recent storm which caused havoc within our Community. The way our Community pulled together is a great reminder that we live in a great area with great people! Whilst the Firies were out working to re-establish normality within our area, Community members and local businesses ensured that we were continually being fed and assisted where possible. This wouldn’t have been easy considering that we were all out of power at the time. A special mention goes to The Fat Goose Café whose support was extraordinary and the Hardys Bay Club for putting on the Post Storm Party. Our biggest day was on Wednesday 22 April when we established Killcare Station as a local Control Centre for the day’s operation. Killcare Firies, as well as Pearl Beach and Narara Brigades, worked tirelessly to clear roads and driveways to re-establish access and worked in conjunction with Ausgrid personnel to get our power restored. 2 Wires down over Firies truck. BENSVILLE PHARMACY Family Owned & Friendly Service Owen Cheung B.Pharm & Vivian Lee B.Pharm Tel: 02 4369 2022 Fax: 02 4369 2122 Shop 1 / 32-34 Kallaroo Road, Bensville NSW 2251 FREE DAILY HOME DELIVERY TO: Bensville, Empire Bay, Killcare, Killcare Heights, Daleys Point, Hardys Bay, Umina, Pretty Beach, Wagstaffe, St Huberts Island, Kincumber OPENING HOURS: Mon – Fri 8:30am – 5:30pm Saturday 9:00am – 1:00pm Closed Sunday and Public Holidays KILLCARE CELLARS AND GENERAL STORE Come in and see our extensive range of fine wines and beer, gourmet foods, sauces, dips, Australian and imported cheese, antipasto and breads. Also, a range of fresh meat, fruit and vegetables, bait, and, on weekends, fresh oysters. Select all your herbs from our herb garden with our compliments. We will take individual orders for private functions. Pam, Michael and Garry Janes. Open 7 days Winter Hours: Monday to Sunday 7.30am to 7pm Ph : 4360 1179 BAY NEWS – June 2015 PRESIDENT’S PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE MESSAGE According According to a number to a number of members of members of theofHardys the Hardys Bay Bay Residents Group, whocooked were who were inmany attendance in meals attendance at the atgaththe gathsameResidents thing andGroup, also for several Welcome Welcome to thetoChristmas theCOMMUNITY Christmas edition edition of BayofNews. Bay News. On On OUR CARING ering, ering, it was it inevitable was inevitable that questions that questions from from the broadly the behalfbehalf of theofHardys the Hardys Bay Residents Bay Residents Group, Group, I wishI wish to tofamilies in Fraser road once the power was restoredbroadly ardys Bay, Pretty Beach and Wagstaffe residents representative representative group should should focus on whether on whether the imthe imthankthank everyone everyone for the for enthusiastic the enthusiastic support support of our of our to her Noblegroup Road home. Herfocus washing machine live in a wonderfully caring community. This proved proved plan would plan would be sympathetic be sympathetic to theto surrounding the surrounding aims and aimsthe andacknowledgment the acknowledgment of theofpositive the positive approach approach practically ran non-stop for more than a week while area and area would and would not present not present unreasonable unreasonable impact impact on theon the became particularly apparent during and after the we are wetaking are taking to various to various issuesissues whichwhich are vital are to vital theto theFraser Road residents were without power. Pip and neighbouring neighbouring residents. residents. massive stormwelfare. of April 20-23. This storm knocked community’s community’s welfare. Jay’s generosity was repaid on ANZAC Day when 37 of37 theof104 the existing 104 existing trees trees destined destined for refor reout In thethis power to whole periods In issue, thissupply issue, we report wethe report on the onarea latest the for latest information information With With many of the people they had helped turned up at their moval, moval, but with but with more more to take to their take their place, place, the applicant the applicant regarding regarding thetwo major thedays major Development. Among a mixa of mix of ranging from to Development. about 10Among days. Several placesubmitted, to cut upatthe and branches there asa landalso also submitted, thefallen attime thetrees of time this oflate this assembly, late assembly, a landother other features features of general of general interest interest is a fascinating is a fascinating profile houses and cars sustained damage from falling trees profile well as at Les and Norma’s place next door. scapescape plan plan showing showing proposed proposed plantings plantings of native of native trees trees on ainon leading a leading Killcare Killcare Surf Club Surf identity, identity, an update aninto update on on and, some places, power linesClub were turned including including spotted spotted gum, gum, the cheese the cheese tree and tree tuckeroo and tuckeroo There were many other wonderful, caring services PrettyPretty Beach Beach School’s School’s progressive progressive year,inand year, and timely a their timely safetysafety spaghetti. Many residents pitched to ahelp which which would would exceed exceed the number the number of existing of existing trees trees to provided by our community as a result of the storm.be to be reminder reminder from from the local the Rural local Rural Fire Service. Fire Service. neighbours and friends who were less fortunate than removed. It hasItbeen has been another another busy busy year and year our andvarious our various sub- subIt is removed. this spirit of community and of our caring for themselves. This whole newsletter could broad easily be fully of of Eventually, Eventually, following following the the Council meeting evethat evecommittees committees continue continue to work to work on a on a broad rangerange each other that enabled our Council community tomeeting setthat up our devoted to the deeds of our caring community. The ning, ning, and the and subsequent the subsequent handing handing down down of the of decision, the decision, matters, matters, of long of and longshort-term and short-term consequence, consequence, whichwhich are areresident charity, Killy Cares. Killy Cares is to have names and incidents mentioned below are just a tiny the the community planning report, report, in its in summary, itsonsummary, statedstated thatJuly the that new the new of local of local relevance. relevance. We always We always look forward look forward to receiving to receiving its planning first meeting Wednesday, 22, sample of thecomments kindand heartedness and embedded plantings plantings wouldwould provide provide vertical vertical and horizontal and horizontal bandsbands your your comments commend and commend ourcaring website our website as an as ideal an ideal at 7.30pm at the Community Church in Araluen of vegetation of vegetation that would that would complement complement the established the established incommunication our community. On source behalf ofgeneral all our community, communication source for allfor allof general matters. matters. Drive. Here you will learn what the charity has tree canopy tree canopy on theonsite theand sitethe andsurrounding the surrounding area. been area. We extend We extend a warm a warm welcome welcome tothanks ourtomany our many new members new members Hardys Bay Residents Group everyone who doing sincedesign itofwas established lateit in 2014. You will The design The the of building, the building, it concluded, concluded, was expected was expected throughout throughout this year this year and our and committee our committee offers offers the the helped and cared for their neighbours and friends. be able to partake of refreshments once the meeting to improve to improve the appearance the appearance of theofsite theand site enhance and enhance the the heartiest heartiest greetings greetings to alltoinspecial all theincommunity the community for took a for safe,a safe, Callum Woulfe deserves mention. He has concluded. Bay News expects this meeting to be streetscape streetscape and foreshore. and foreshore. healthy healthy and happy and happy festive festive season. season. the day off work when the storm was at its worst so very well attended so get there earlyfavouring to ensure you get However, However, despite despite the verdict the verdict favouring the developer, the developer, he could help the other Firies who were working a good seat. Sincere Sincere good good wishes, wishes, doubts doubts over the overissue the issue continue continue to linger to linger in a number in a number of of tirelessly throughout the storm and for the next two Adrian Adrian Williams Williams community community minds. minds. The decision The decision has been has been cautiously cautiously ac- acweeks. While he was with them attending to fallen President President cepted. cepted. trees on power lines and houses, 3 trees fell on his In theInaftermath the aftermath of theofCouncil the Council decision, decision, the commuthe commuute which was parked next to the fire station. He and nity has nityexpressed has expressed concerns concerns in respect in respect to thetobuilding the building other Firies then got to work and cut up these trees so process, process, such as such noise as noise levelslevels affecting affecting neighbours neighbours and loand locars could again access Fraser Road and Hardys Bay cal businesses cal businesses throughout throughout a lengthy a lengthy period period of construcof construcParade. Needless to say, that day turned into the first tion … tione.g. …woodchipping, e.g. woodchipping, builders’ builders’ equipment equipment move-movements ments and traffic and traffic flow issues. flow issues. of many days off work for Callum. The The DA approval DA approval carries carries somesome special special conditions conditions Monica Cram, now known as our very own which which will require will require regular regular monitoring monitoring by the by commuthe commuresident ice-queen, bought more than 30 bags of ice nity. These nity. These include: include: and redistributed them to those she knew didn’t have 1. Tree 1. protection Tree protection is to be is to as be perasthe perarborist’s the arborist’s power; this helped many to continue to keep their recommendation. recommendation. food fresh. 2. Replacement 2. Replacement trees trees planted planted are toare be to of be local of local Jacqui Payne was one of the many who made nativenative species species and super and super advanced advanced specimens. specimens. her bathroom shower freely available to those 3. Survival 3. Survival and establishment and establishment of landscaping of landscaping is is misfortunates living nearby who were without power to betomaintained be maintained for a for period a period of 36ofmonths 36 months from from the the for much longer than she was. Pip Ljubicic did the Date Date of Occupation of Occupation certificate. certificate. 4. Sound 4. Sound level level output output from from the development the development is is H Hours … Open 7 days from 7.00am – 4pm breakfast and lunch Specialising in the Killcare Blend style coffee, artisan bread baked daily, pies, pastries and deli items, milk, newspapers Shop 3 Killcare Rd 2 HBRG-XMAS-12pp.indd HBRG-XMAS-12pp.indd 2 2 BAY NEWS – June 2015 Ph: 4360 1888 2 12/5/2011 12/5/2011 1:42:22 PM1:42:22 PM 3 PROFILE NORMA & BRUCE P roud New Australians, after living in Australia for 51/2 years, Norma and Bruce Cadwallader became Australian citizens on Australia Day this year and are welcome and well known local Killcare/Hardys Bay residents. Following retirement from busy working lives in Cheshire in the North West of England where Norma was Director of Education and Children services for the Borough of over 200,000 residents and Bruce a civil engineer engage in a variety of engineering projects, they have settled on the Bouddi peninsula. Having visited Australia many times previously to visit their daughters and family they knew from searching the coast that their future was here in the Central Coast. The attraction to Killcare/ Hardys Bay was its natural beauty, it’s accessibility to Sydney and welcoming community said Norma. Both have joined in nearly all the local community activities, with Norma being a keen winter swimmer and Tai Chi participant and Bruce enjoying his fishing both at the beach and estuary. It was important to them both to be able to join and contribute to the local community which they have certainly done. They are enjoying travelling within Australia and like many local residents just love to come home to the Bay. With grandsons both here and in Sydney, it’s a busy time for them both as they search for a permanent residence. “ It’s the proximity to the Beach, Bay and Bush “ says Bruce that makes” Killcare/ Hardys Bay such an attractive place to live and we just love it”. Norma and Bruce are committed Aussies now and also Boudi devotees. The Old Killcare Store home to newly named Hardys Cafe, Bar & Bistro • Open 7 Days. Breakfast & Lunch from 6.30am – 4.30pm • Open for Dinner Friday & Saturday nights from 6.00pm • Daily Specials & Market Fresh Fish for Dinner • Children's Menu Now Available 4 • Fully Licensed & BYO Wine • Functions & Special Events Catered for • Bookings Welcome & Recommended 54 Araluen Drive, Hardys Bay 2257 Tel: 4360 1667 “FRIGID DIGITS” HOST FOUR WAY SWIM H ardys Bay “Frigid Digits” Winter Swimming Club were host Club for the annual “Four Way Swim”, with Winter Swimming Clubs from Bulli, South Maroubra and Coogee making the journey to picturesque Putty Beach to compete on Sunday May 17. Not only did the local club turn on great weather and competition but also a superb hearty lunch at the surf club. Over 70 people enjoyed the BBQ of deliciously tender steaks and sausages supplied by Edwards Family Butcher at Woy Woy. The three visiting clubs who attended were very appreciative of the wonderful hospitality shown to them and a great time was had by all. The Mother’s Day breakfast / morning tea was another “eatathon” and the catering was restaurant quality thanks to our Social Organiser, Joann Edwards, with help from Katie Stevenson, Sarah Bolt and Robyn Miller. More than 60 members and families were lucky enough to enjoy the culinary delights. There is a big year ahead for the “Frigid Digits” with the Northern District Swimming Championships at Woy Woy Pool in July and the Australian Winter Swimming Championships to be held in Wagga Wagga in September. Members are proud of the WAGSTAFFE GENERAL STORE Old Style country service – 7 days a week Post Office & Newsagent, Commonwealth Bank Agent, Take away Hot Foods, Cappuccino, Soft Drinks, Ice Creams, Groceries, Vegetables, Bait, Tackle, Fishing Licence, Gas refills, Mobile Recharge, Tennis Courts, Racquet Hire available. Fresh flowers available. 46–48 Wagstaffe Avenue,Wagstaffe Tel/Fax 02 4360 1018 Close to ferry whart to Palm Beach HARDYS BAY YACHT CHARTERS • Romantic Overnight Packages • Private Charters • Group Sailing Experiences Ph: 0417 672 960 hardysbayyachtcharters.com.au BAY NEWS – June 2015 fact that they have sent a team to every Australian Championship since 1976 and have won numerous medals during those years. The “Frigid Digits” continue to grow in numbers with 8 new members so far this year resulting in a total of 67. Members enjoy a wonderful swim on Sunday mornings during winter followed by homemade soup, bacon and egg sandwiches, delicious cakes made by Vicky McKell and of course lots of laughs. The “Frigid Digits” always welcome new members (men, women and children). All levels of swimmers are catered for and it’s not too late to join. Get down to Putty Beach on Sunday mornings at 9.00am and enjoy the comradeship of friendly members. SURF CLUB REPORT A Geoff Bown - Club Captain & Greg Linnert nother good season has come to an end for the Killcare SLSC. On the beach preventative actions meant that no major rescues needed to be performed and no lives were lost. A big thank you goes out to all patrolling members for their service to the community again this summer and their dedication to ensuring our beautiful beach remains safe. Competitively Killcare SLSC had a very good season again this summer. Whilst not as productive in the medal race at the major carnivals we did see a large increase in the number of our members competing at many carnivals throughout the summer. It was pleasing to note that many of our Nipper and junior members have begun to compete and attended many carnivals both locally and in Sydney throughout the season, exposing them to some national standard competition. The ability to win events at these larger carnivals is very pleasing. There were some notable performances from many of the juniors, especially Chloe Penn and the Under 15 girls beach relay team. The Open Men’s Beach relay team also did extremely well at the branch titles at Terrigal this year. The State titles, again held locally at Umina and Ocean Beach, saw our younger members do well against some very tough competition in the open and age championships. In the masters category Kellie Granny’s Cottage Jay Ljubicic Electrical Luxury Bed & Breakfast • ~ Long Stays Welcome ~ 16 Putty Beach Drive, Killcare Tel: (02) 4360 1950 office@grannyscottage.com.au www.grannyscottage.com.au Dr. Rouel Vergara D.M.D. (Univ.East.Phils) Gen.Dent.Cert.(Aust.Dent.Council, Melb.) Open Monday & Friday 8am to 6pm Tuesday & Thursday 8am to 8pm Saturday 8am to 1pm 7 Sorrento Road, Empire Bay NSW 2257 P (02) 4369-0165 E reception@empirebaydental.com.au www.empirebaydental.com.au NOW OPEN: LATE NIGHT TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS & SATURDAY MORNINGS BAY NEWS – June 2015 Contact our local sparky for everything electrical. Ph 4360 1239 • 0424 354 798 Your Killcare Peninsula specialists Sales, permanent & holiday management Contact Ingrid & the team 4360 1107 or mail.killcare@rh.com.au 2 Killcare Rd, Killcare rh.com.au/killcare 5 Robinson came away with a gold medal in the 45 49 beach flags, Michaela Hofer won two silvers in the 40/44 beach flags and beach sprint, Leah Fotofili received the bronze medal in the 35/39 women’s beach sprint and the 140year women’s beach relay team (Michaela Hofer, Laura Washington, Tegan Spackman and Leah Fotofili) came away with a bronze medal. The Australian Titles were held again on the Gold Coast this year with competitor numbers increasing dramatically over the last year. Killcare sent a team of Master competitors only, including a mens and a women’s boat crew and 5 beach competitors. The Ladies 180 years boat crew came away with a very impressive bronze medal coming 3rd in their event after a very exciting final. The men’s crew made the Semis, their best ever performance. Micky Hofer gained a 3rd place in the beach flags, and also a 4th in the sprint. Kelly Robinson as usual performed well to gain 4th in the over 45 beach flags, as did Tegan Spackman. Leah Fotofili placed 4th in the over 35 ladies sprint and was a finalist in beach flags. New member Tanja Arienzale learnt a lot at the Aussies and will be a force next year. Aussies to be held on the Sunshine coast next year for the first time for many years and we hope to take a large team to this Carnival. MUDFLAT CREEK - 2ND STAGE T he second stage of the Mudflat Creek restoration, the new bridge in Noble Road, was opened on Friday, May 22. The new bridge has walkways on both sides so that when kerb and guttering comes to Noble Road, it won’t have to be modified. Council have now allocated the money to complete the third stage in 2015-16. This will provide drainage back to the two large pipes that drain the middle and much of the southern section of Fraser Road. The creek in front of these pipes has in it over 2 metres of silt discharged from the pipes, which currently compromises the drainage in much of Fraser Road. Local residents expect that the engineering of the new bridge will prove to be superior to that of the old bridge. Fortunately, the partially built bridge survived the April 20-23 storm when the peak storm surge affected tide covered the uncompleted structure by approximately 30cm. Local residents hope that Council will finish the final stage of this project before the next massive east coast low hits NSW. Unfortunately early NSW settlement records indicate that these storms became very prevalent during the grand solar minimum that occurred during the first 40 years or so of European settlement. They apparently were much more intense than those that have occurred in the intervening 180, or so, years. At this stage many solar physicists believe the new grand minimum, which commenced about 5 years ago, will produce similar climatic conditions to the one that occurred two centuries ago. Council have assured local residents that the new creek will be regularly maintained. We are advised that, given the amount of sand and silt that has already been washed down the creek since the first stage was completed, the first maintenance of the creek will be undertaken before work on Stage 3 commences. TAX RETURNS KILLCARE All Tax Returns BAS AIS Small Business Specialist Mobile Returns Service Available VIC WILMOT taxreturnskillcare.com.au BUS. 4360 2836 | MOB. 0438 177 811 6 BAY NEWS – June 2015 THE KILLCARE HEIGHTS GARDEN CLUB C ongratulations to Pretty Beach resident Warren Bailey who won the Hungry Caterpillar quilt For the past 30 years, occasionally broken by interraffle of the Killcare Heights Garden Club. The raffle state work commitments, John Bourne has been the Fordrawn the past 30 years, occasionally was during the very enjoyablebroken outingbyofinterthe club coach at Killcare and his mentoring achievements state work commitments, John Bourne has been the garden club to Quarantine at North Head, throughout thethe duration haveStation produced remarkable club coach at Killcare and his mentoring achievements where the garden clubhis celebrated its 30th results. Those under stewardship haveanniversary. praised his throughout the duration have produced remarkable A large portion of the proceeds of the raffle was spent patient approach and an uncanny ability to extract the results. Those under his stewardship have praised his on paint, plants, from mulches and other materials used by very best efforts his charges when it counts most. patient approach and an uncanny ability to extract the Attaining gold medals in major competitions could well the garden club to revamp the Cenotaph in readiness very best efforts from his charges when it counts most. be to one who possesses a Gallipoli “ Midas “landings touch. by forlikened the 100th of the Attaining goldAnniversary medals in major competitions could well Highlights of a golden career for his teams have inthe ANZACs on April 25. be likened to one who possesses a “ Midas “ touch. cluded 5 Men’s Open Beach Relay victories at the AusThe Hungry Caterpillar beautifully Highlights of a golden careerquilt for hiswas teams have intralian Championships and 4 consecutive successquiltedSLSA donated Helen Reid, a Killcare cluded 5and Men’s Openby Beach Relay victories at Heights the Auses in the World titles between 2000 and 2006 ( staged resident andChampionships member of theand executive committee of tralian SLSA 4 consecutive successevery second year ) when held in Sydney, Italy, the USA es the World titles between 2000 and 2006 ( staged theinclub. and Lorne, Victoria. every second year ) when held in Sydney, Italy, the USA ButLorne, perhaps the crowning achievement came when and Victoria. his club’s Beach Relay team was inducted into the SLSA’s But perhaps the crowning achievement came when Hall of Fame last August. his club’s Beach Relay team was inducted into the SLSA’s “ Our teamlast wasAugust. formed in 1999, mainly to boost paHall of Fame trol members for the club, “ he recalled. “ At the time we “ Our team was formed in 1999, mainly to boost paonly had 20 patrolling members so the new relay team trol members for the club, “ he recalled. “ At the time we combined with the local winter swimming club in addonly had 20 patrolling members so the new relay team ing much-needed members. Within a year we won the combined with the local winter swimming club in addState, National and World titles which was an amazing ing much-needed members. Within a year we won the State, National and World titles which was an amazing timely to invite some of our chefs de cuisine to provide ferings in our local communities, we felt it would be us with their trademark recipes which are designed to timely to invite some of our chefs de cuisine to provide delight. In the first of a 3-part series, Cameron Cansdell us with their trademark recipes which are designed to of Bell’s at Killcare, offers, for our indulgence, a special delight. In the first of a 3-part series, Cameron Cansdell HARDYS BAY YACHT recipe. of Bell’s at Killcare, offers, for our indulgence, a special COMPETES IN SAIL PORT recipe. CAMERON CANSDELL has an impressive curricuREGATTA lumSTEPHENS vitae, having worked at such respected establishCAMERON CANSDELL has an impressive curricuments as Belmondo at The Rocks, Sydney ( with Steve lum vitae, having worked at such respected elsea Blue” an American designedestablishC&C115 Manfredi ), Bistro Moncur, ( with Damien Pignolet ) ments as(38ft) Belmondo atHardys The Rocks, Sydneyby ( with Steve from Bay sailed Hardys and Est ( with Peter Doyle ), then running the De BortoliBay Manfredi ), Bistro Moncur, ( with Damien Pignolet ) localsrestaurant skipper,inAdrian crew Allan Winery the YarraWilliams Valley forand 3 years before andAdolphson Est ( with Peter Doyle ), then running the De Bortoli (navigator)atTerry Feltham accepting the appointment Bell’s at Killcare(Tactician) when it Winery restaurant in the Yarra Valley for 3 years before and Bill Egan (trimmer) along with 2 Terrigal sailors, opened in late 2007. accepting the appointment at Bell’s at Killcare when it Davein Stefani and Dave Thomas OCTOPUS was one of WITH 5 yachts Cam’s special offering is GRILLED opened late 2007. CUCUMBER AND TOMATO SALSASail which serves 4. representing GSC at this year’s Port Stephens Cam’s special offering is GRILLED OCTOPUS WITH He Regatta describesheld it asfrom a ‘ refreshing salad perfect as the 13th summer through to 19th of April. CUCUMBER AND TOMATO SALSA which serves 4. a first course or as part of a summer lunch buffet. ‘ The 3 itrace Cup salad seriesperfect was as held He describes as a ‘ Commodore refreshing summer Tofirst braise octopus large octopus fresh or‘ frowiththe a very competitive fleet of buffet. 41 yachts in 2 a first course or as part of: a1 summer lunch zendivisions. with headKelsea removed. 1 onion, peeled and roughly Blue somefresh goodor results, To braise the octopus : 1produced large octopus frochopped. 1 carrot, peeled and roughly chopped. 1 piece and a 3rd1 on handicap race 1 and 3 zenfinishing with head2nd removed. onion, peeledinand roughly chopped. 1 carrot, roughly chopped. 1 piece respectively andpeeled a veryand creditable 3rd in the overall K Commodore Cup series. The second 3 race series, the Port Stephens Trophy, in the Performance Cruising division 2 “Kelsea Blue” again performed well in a very hot fleet of 25, finishing 2nd over the line and on handicap in the last race of the regatta to finish 6th in this series. Overall an exciting and enjoyable regatta for the Hardys Bay yacht and its local crew. OPEN 7 DAYS ... MEET KERRIE RYAN AND THE TEAM 5 5 HBRG-XMAS-12pp.indd 5 HBRG-XMAS-12pp.indd 5 12/5/2011 1:42:23 PM 12/5/2011 1:42:23 PM NEW MEMBERS APPLICATION Annual Membership: • Pensioners $5 • Members $10 • Families $15 Post to: The Secretary, Hardys Bay Residents Group, PO Box 4057, Wagstaffe NSW 2275 • Ph: 0431 488 420 Hardys Bay Name:Phone:Mob����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Address:������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Residents Group Email:Signature:Date:��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� BAY NEWS – June 2015 7 BRIEFS A proposed development at Killcare heights planning proposal has been “withdrawn by the applicant so they can undertake community consultation before proceeding further.” The proposal paves the way for a 50-house residential estate ‘Bells Living’ and ‘Bells Green’. For further information go to http://savekillcare.org/ SPECIALISING IN The Killcare Marina has received planning permission to upgrade and extend the marina to 39 berths with a floating slipway. A burst water pipe at RSL creek bridge on Heath Rd stopped an NRMA van in its tracks as the road collapsed. Heath road was closed and caused significant delays and concern for parents trying to get the Pretty Beach school for pick up’s Linda Emery – Lawyer since 1983 FAMILY LAW • Divorces • De facto • Children’s Issues • Property • Binding Financial Agreements WILLS & ESTATES • Probate, Wills & Disputes • Power of Attorney • Enduring Guardianship CONVEYANCING • Purchase & Sale of Property • Refinancing Mortgages • Purchase & Sale of Business • Leasing • Retirement Villages COURT APPEARANCES • Criminal Law • AVO Matters • Traffic Matters • Drink Driving 4323 4766 Email: lemery@lindaemery.com.au www.lindaemery.com.au So much more than just law… Ground Floor, Suite 6, 22 Watt St Gosford Killcare Kiosk on the Beach Open Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm Weekends 9am to 4pm Enjoy a delicious lunch, marvel at the view… great food, coffee & soft drinks. Excellent service & prices! Phone your orders. We also provide surf reports. A memorable experience. Phone: 4360 1330 Clarke’s Amcal Pharmacy Lance Clarke B.Pharm., M.P.S. Shop 4 Peninsula Plaza, Woy Woy NSW 2256 Telephone (02) 4342 2256 The executive committee are pleased to welcome Ms Virginia Henderson to the committee, Virginia is a resident of Wagstaffe and brings to the HBRG a wealth of experience and knowledge and contacts from corporate and political life. Killy Cares is to hold its first community meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday July 22nd at the Community Church in Araluen Drive, learn what the charity has been doing since it was established late in 2014. H.B.R.G. President �������������������������������������� Adrian Williams EMPIRE BAY TAVERN BAR – BISTRO – LOUNGE KENO… TAB Relaxed Environment… Cold Beers… Huge Meals Light Entertainment Family Friendly… Great Prices Courtesy Bus Available – Ph: 0405 578 788 Open 7 Days 1 POOLE CLOSE, EMPIRE BAY PH: 02 4369 5840 8 Secretary ���������������������������������������������� Sarah Bolt Treasurer ������������������������������������������ Brent Walker Memberships �������������������������������������� Cliff Daniels Bay News Editor ���Adrian Williams, Pauline Garde Executive���������������������� Adrian Williams, Sarah Bolt, Pauline Garde, Brent Walker, Cliff Daniels, Virginia Henderson. Printed & Designed 4382 2566 BAY NEWS – June 2015
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