UGC Sponsored National Seminar On EMPOWERMENT OF YOUTH: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Organised By Deptt. of Sociology & Philosophy HARHI COLLEGE, DHAKUAKHANA In Collaboration with North Bank College, Ghilamara 25th July, 2015 Venue: Harhi College Auditorium P.O.- Gobindapur, Dhakuakhana Dist.- Lakhimpur, Assam, PIN-787055 Website- E-mail- INVITATION Sir/Madam It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that the Departments of English, Philosophy and Assamese, Harhi College, Dhakuakhana is going to organize a UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “EMPOWERMENT OF YOUTH: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS ” to be held on the 25thJuly, 2015. So, we would like to invite you to participate and contribute research paper. Your presence and participation will make the occasion more meaningful and successful. With sincere regards, Ranjit Handique Thagendra Chutia Coordinators Dr. Manash Jyoti Neog Principal cum Chairman Ananda Bharali Vice-Principal Cum Vice-Chairman Seminar Organizing Committee Harhi College, Dhakuakhana ABOUT THE THEME India is a youthful nation with more than 400 million youth population and continuing to be the youngest nation in the years to come. World Youth Report 2005 says, “there 1.2 billion young people in the world today, and the generation of youth (children presently below the age of 15) will be half again as large, numbering 1.8 billion.” The report highlights that, over 200 million youth living in poverty, 130 million illiterate, 80 million unemployed and 10 million living with HIV/AIDS. The number of people belongs to this category in India is also astonishing, owing to size of youth population. It is fashionable, particularly in developing countries, to talk about the youth empowerment in all aspects of development. Most writings, government respects and research reports seem to suggest that it is only through empowerment of youth and children that India can be successful developed. Educators and policy makers strongly believe that good education is the key to the success of national development that will be immense benefit to all. One of the significant recent developments in India has been the explosion of Education. It is difficult to ignore that enthusiastic and energetic youth in India. People from all sections of society have a hunger for good education. Change is essential but question is change to what? What kind of education is relevant for 21st century? With this change, unemployment in all sections in India is increasing, particularly in the higher educated groups; hence the number of educated employed is increasing. It is estimated that nearly 70% of youth are unemployed. The cost of living is increasing. In order to cope with the economic demands of life the youth experience is a conflict between economic survivals in competitive vis-aviz pursuit of inner wishes/interests and the needs of society. One wonders whether young people think in terms of making a real change thereby a difference. Another critical issue that needs to be considered seriously is that of whether the youth, rich or poor, are engaged in some sort of part time work: this should form part of education. Perhaps educators seem to underestimate the value of such initiatives in the long term. The question may arise as to the relevance and the process associated with the board aim of education. Empowerment of youth without a good education is counterproductive. A good education should be deigned to impart necessary skills, knowledge, understanding, experience and desirable attitudes within the board framework of national development. The ultimate factor of job satisfaction and success on the part youth is personal fulfillment, creative realization and high self-esteem. Upgrading the knowledge of educators is point of the process. Youth have all the potential. Let us all provide rational support to them so that they keep on growing in their knowledge and understanding and keep making a difference to the nation and to the world. Then they should be fully empowered to lead India into the future. Sub Themes: 1. Role of youth: Disaster management 2. Empowerment of Youth through participation 3. Empowerment of Youth and Human Development 4. Empowerment of Youth development through NGOs and SHGs 5. Need of Leadership questions among youth 6. Role of Youth in Indians Politics 7. Empowerment of Youth through education 8. Youth in conflict with Law 9. Empowerment of Youth through Education Call for Papers Research papers are invited in the form of original works from the researchers, academicians, teachers from universities and colleges, research scholars, social workers and students. Two hard copies and one soft copy (CD) of full paper are to be submitted. Medium of research paper The medium of research paper can be either Assamese or English. Assamese Font: Geetanjali (RAMDHENU). In case of the English the researcher should type the research paper in MS-Word in Times New Roman with font size 12. Guidelines Authors are requested to follow strictly the specifications given below without which it will be difficult for selection of papers for publication. The guidelines for submission of abstracts and full papers are as follows. Submission of abstract Abstract of the research paper should be submitted with the following information and in this order: a) title of abstract, b) name of author(s), c) institutional affiliation, d) email address, e) telephone numbers, f) body of abstract and g) key words (alphabetically). The abstract should not exceed 250 words. Submission of full paper 1. Title of the Paper 2. Name of the Author/Authors 3. Designation and Institution 4. Email Id 5. Copy of the Abstract Submitted 6. Main Body of the Paper 7. Bibliographical references should be arranged alphabetically and given at the end of the text in the APA* format. 8. Do not use foot notes, use only end notes before the references (if any). 9. Word Limit- 3000 words *APA Style: Surname, name, year of publication, title of the book, place of publication ExampleRogers, C. R. (1961). On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. In case of edited book Adler, A. (1956). The individual psychology of Alfred Adler: A systematic presentation of selections from his writings. (H. L. Ansbacher & R. R. Ansbacher, Eds.). New York N.B. Authors are requested to kindly send the ABSTRACT and FULL PAPER through E-mail to the ID: Publication Selected papers will be published as a book volume having ISBN and will be distributed to the participants on payment basis. Important Dates a) Last date of submission of Abstract: 10th July, 2015 b) Last date of submission of Full Paper: 15th July, 2015 Registration Fees a) Participant with paper : 500/b) Participant without paper: Rs. 200/Accommodation The organizing committee will provide accommodation to outstation participants on payment and this correspondence must be made ten days before the seminar. Travel and Connectivity 1) The college is located 5km north of Dhakuakhana town. 2) Regular day and night bus services to and from Dhakuakana and Guwahati as well as other parts of the state. 3) Ferry connection is available from Disang Ghat (Sivsagar) to Matmora Ghat (Dhakuakhana). 4) Local vehicles are also available from Dhakuakhana town to the college. ABOUT THE COLLEGE Harhi College was set up in 1996(Academic Session 1998-99) and situated at a very beautiful landscape on the bank of the river Charikoria of the rural Sub-Division of Dhakuakhana, P.O.-Gobindapur, Dist- Lakhimpur, Assam. It is only a premier institution of Higher Education, covering almost 5 GP where most of the people basically belong to ST, SC, OBC and MOBC. The college now tills the date of establishment, imparting higher education and providing Knowledge and skill in Arts among the poor students. The College which began with a few students in HS and BA 1st year classes and the faculty was consisted of only five members, is now a full-grown one in the rural SubDivision of Dhakuakhana. The faculty now increases up to 34 and most of them have M. Phil degree. Some are now getting admittance in Ph. D course. The college has a student enrolment of more than 1200 right from HS to the BA classes in conventional mode. Besides, the college has another 200 students in Open School under Assam Higher Secondary Council, BA Part-1 and MA classes under Directorate of Distance Education, DU, in non-conventional mode. The college campus extends over an area of more than 48 Bighas of land of which 8 Bighas of low land are still covered under Fishery and another 7 Bighas of land are under the coverage of Chum plantation. Besides, the campus of the college is nicely built including Employees’ Residential Quarters. The College has already been received final concurrence from the State Govt. of Assam on 22-12-2005, Affiliation from Dibrugarh University on 05-10-2005, 2(f) registration from UGC on 18-09-2008 and received UGC 12(B) recognition on 21-012011. After receiving the recognition under the section 12(B) from UGC, now the college is able to receive a huge amount of grant from UGC to construct Women Hostel, Indoor Stadium, Outdoor Stadium and to uplift the library facility. The college has Provincialised by the Assam Venture Educational Institutions (Provincialisation of Services) Act, 2011 and Amendment Act, 2012 in the year 2013. UGC Sponsored National Seminar On EMPOWERMENT OF YOUTH: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Organized By Deptt. Of Sociology & Philosophy Harhi College, Dhakuakhana, Lakhimpur 25th July, 2015 Registration Form Name (Capital Latter)……………………………………………….…………… Designation……………………………………………………………………… Institution…………………………………………………………………………… Phone Number…………………………………………………………………………… Registration fees paid…………………………………….………………………. Address: …………………………………………………………………………… Telephone………………………………………………………………………… E-mail……………………………………………………………………………… Title of the paper………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …… Requirement of Accommodation (Please Tick): Yes ( ) No ( ) Date… Signature of the participant Address for communication Dr. Manash Jyoti Neog Principal, Harhi College Contact No. 9435277478 Email Id- Ranjit Handique Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology Harhi College, Gobindapur Contact No. 9678871937 Thagendra Chutia Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy Harhi College, Gobindapur Contact No. 9401665360, 9678666788 Email Id-
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