ASSISTANT TEACHER APPLICATION School Year 2015-2016 Applicant Information Legal Name: Nickname: First Last Phone Numbers: ( ) Home ( ) ( Cell ) Other E-mail: UW NetID: Mailing Address: Street Apartment # City State Zip Graduate School Program: Year in Program: Expected Graduation Date (month & year): Program/Classroom Preferences Please indicate your top two program preferences. Infant and Toddler Program (ITP) The Infant and Toddler Program (ITP) serves children ages birth through 3 years. Through education and support, EEU teachers provide playgroup-based intervention specifically designed to help each child’s needs. This program serves EEU children and their families by providing community and home-based services as determined by the needs of the child and the family. Preschool The goal of the inclusive preschool program at the EEU is to provide a high quality early learning program for all children. In addition, we offer enhanced services for children and families who qualify for ECEAP (Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program) based on family income and other risk factor, and implement systematic instruction to children with special needs. Project DATA Project DATA—Developmentally Appropriate Treatment for Autism—is a program in which children on the autism spectrum currently enrolled in our preschool or ECEAP programs can receive extended-day services. Project DATA emphasizes blended strategies (ABA, Early Childhood Special Education, Early Childhood) and teaches discrete skills and skill sets to promote independence in the classroom environment. Kindergarten The EEU provides a full-day, blended kindergarten program that includes students with and without disabilities. The program emphasizes the development of academic, social, communication and motor skills that enable children to successfully transition to the least restrictive environment the following year. Questions Please print legibly or type your answers on a separate page. 1. 2. 3. Please provide a brief explanation or rationale for your preference selection. Why do you want to work at the Experimental Education Unit? Please tell us about your future goals as an educator and how an assistant teacher position at the EEU would help you achieve those goals. Return Application to: Mail: University of Washington E-mail: Experimental Education Unit c/o Chris Matsumoto Box 357925 Seattle, WA 98195-7925
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