Online Entries at: 7777 Frazier Lake Road • Hollister, CA 95023 Northern California’s Premier Training & Show Facility Dressage at the Gaits May 29 –31 is an Official Qualifying Compe on for the 2015 Adequan FEI North American Junior and Young Riders Championships presented by Gotham North; the 2015 USEF Pony Rider Dressage Na onal Championships; 2015 AGCO/USEF Junior and Young Rider Dres‐sage Na onal Championships; and the 2015 USEF Young Adult ‘Bren na Cup’ Dressage Na onal Championships. Official Qualifying Compe on for the 2015 Markel/USEF Young and Developing Horse Dressage Championships. (See details and class list on page 6.) ***Dressage at the Gaits July 4‐5 is the CDS Central California Equine Insurance Regional Adult Amateur Compe details and class list on page 7.) on presented by Dressage at the Gaits and the Gavilan Chapter. (See Show Staff: Manager/Entry Secretary: Laurie Daniel‐Smith,, 510‐672‐3260 Secretary: May Show: Marilyn Kulifay, July Show: Connie Davenport Vendor & Volunteer Coordinator: Laurie Daniel‐Smith, Safety Coordinator: Laurie Daniel‐Smith Scoring: Yvonne Cobb EMT: Eric Drew Videography: Smith Videography Photography: Tamara with a Camera Announcer: Bob Keller Veterinarian: Peninsula Equine Medical Center 650‐854‐3162 Farrier: DeLeonardo Farrier Service 831‐442‐9154 Show office opens 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Thursdays for early check in. Show days the office opens 1 hour before the first ride to 1 hour after the last ride. Dressage at the Gaits ShowHighpoint Dressage at the Gaits SeriesHighpoint Show Highpoint Awards presented on Saturday of each show a er the last class to the high scoring Open, Adult Amateur & Jr/YR. Sash ribbons and saddle pads presented during honor rounds to celebrate the winners. Series Highpoint Awards presented July 5th at 3:00 PM. Coolers and sash ribbons awarded to the highpoint Open, Adult Amateur, and Jr/YR that par cipates in at least 2 of the 3 shows of the series. Scores must be earned in USEF First through Fourth Level, or FEI Prix St. Georges to Grand Prix tests. (Highpoint excludes freestyles) Scores must be earned in USEF First through Fourth Level, or FEI Prix St. Georges to Grand Prix tests. (Highpoint excludes freestyles) Villa Rosa Dressage LLC; FEI Highpoint Award Donated by Villa Rosa Dressage LLC; Each show will have a special FEI Highpoint awarded to the Horse/Rider combination with the highest average earned in FEI tests between Friday & Sunday. (Excludes freestyle scores.) 1 MANAGEMENT REQUESTS THAT ALL ENTRIES BE CREATED USING* Entries may be mailed or submitted and paid online. Office Fee Mailed Entries: $36.50 Office Fee Online Entries: $26.50 IF MAILING—SEND ALL PAGES OF THE ENTRY— INCULDING REGISTRATION, MEMBERSHIP CARDS AND SIGNATURE PAGE Make checks payable to “Gilroy Gaits” Mail Entries to: Laurie Daniel-Smith 5442 Gold Creek Circle Discovery Bay, CA 94505 *Entries submitted and paid online will have 5% surcharge added to the entry fees by EqEntries. Joining EqEntries, creating entries & printing entries is FREE. If you do not already have a user account with, please sign up! As a first time user, you can get $5 off your first paid online entry submission. Input the following in the Coupon Code in the payment section: FIRSTENTRY. Other Fees Con nued: Fees: Document Service Fee $15 (prin ng of cards for you) Mandatory Fees: USEF Drug $16 Incomplete Entry $10 / omission or error (Ques ons? Please email the Entry Secretary for help before sub‐ mi ng your entry.) CDFA $5 Changes to entry a er closing date $10 CDS Travel Grant $3 Office Fees: Paid Online Entry $26.50 Stabling: 12X16 Permanent stalls with Pro‐mat Stall mats Mailed Entry $36.50 Stabling $45/day (Single Day or 2 Days) Classes: *Weekend Stall Thurs—Sat $125 Intro $45 *Weekend Stall Fri‐Sun $125 Rider Tests $45 *Weekend Stall Thurs‐Sun $150 Opportunity Test $45 Tack Stall $110 / show *Training to Fourth Level $50 *FEI Classes and Freestyle $60 Tack Room $250 / show (30X20 Room with door— Availa‐ ble to Barn groups only– holds 10+—limited availability) Pas De Deux $60 (Per Pair) Shavings $10/bale (No outside shavings allowed) Quadrille $80 (Per Quad) Haul‐in $25 (Per Horse / Per Day if not Stabling) Stakes Classes & Exhibi on—See list pg 5 & 6 NAJYRC & USEF Qualifying Classes—$60 pg 6 addi onal shavings available for purchase— RAAC Tests— $55 pg 7 no outside shavings allowed.* *Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Champi‐ onship Qualifying test $10 addi onal Other Fees: RV ‐ Self Contained—No Hookups $35 /Show Non‐Compete horse $45/day + office fee Weekend stalls come with 1 bale shavings— Also available: Client Lounge — Call for availability and pricing and services available for hos ng client events at the show. Late Entry $35 (If space allows a er closing date) Returned Check $25 USEF Show Pass $30 (Owner/Rider/Trainer/Coach) USDF Non‐member $25 (Owner/Rider) USDF Affidavit Fee $5 (when applicable) USDF HID $25 (Horse must have a USDF Life me or HID number to compete.) 2 DressageattheGaitsClassList‐‐ Pleaseindicatedivisionas;“Open”,“JR/YR”,or“AdultAmateur”onentrytobeplacedintheappropriateclassordivisionasthese maybepinnedseparatelyifentrieswarrant.USEF Adult Amateur Card is required to enter as AA. Compe tors are Jr/YR up un l the year of their 22nd birthday. Class No Descrip on FRI SAT SUN INTRO: USEF & USDF Membership & USDF horse registra on waived; all other fees apply 180 ......... 280………. 380 USDF Intro A 181 ......... 281………. 381 USDF Intro B 182 ......... 282………. 382 USDF Intro C ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 101 ......... 201………. 301 USEF Training Level, Test 1 102 ......... 202JP$ 302 USEF Training Level, Test 2 (202JP$ is JR/YR only, 202 Open & Adult Amateurs) 103 ......... 203………. 303 USEF Training Level, Test 3 Open GAIG/USDF Q 103.1 ...... 203.1…... 303.1 USEF Training Level, Test 3 Adult Amateur GAIG/USDF Q 103.2 ...... 203.2…... 303.2 USEF Training Level, Test 3 Junior/Young Rider GAIG/USDF Q 104 ......... 204………. 304 Training Level Rider Test N/A ........ 205………. 305 USEF Training Level, Test of Choice ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 111 ......... 211………. 311 USEF First Level, Test 1 112 ......... 212………. 312 USEF First Level, Test 2 113 ......... 213………. 313 USEF First Level, Test 3 Open GAIG/USDF Q 113.1 ...... 213.1…... 313.1 USEF First Level, Test 3 Adult Amateur GAIG/USDF Q 113.2 ...... 213.2…... 313.2 USEF First Level, Test 3 Junior/Young Rider GAIG/USDF Q 114 ......... 214………. 314 First Level Rider Test N/A ........ 215………. 315 USEF First Level, Test of Choice ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 121 ......... 221………. 321 USEF Second Level, Test 1 JP$ 122 ......... 222 322 USEF Second Level, Test 2 (222JP$ Adult Amateur only, 222 Open and JR/YR) 123 ......... 223………. 323 USEF Second Level, Test 3 Open GAIG/USDF Q 123.1 ...... 223.1*….. 323.1 USEF Second Level, Test 3 Adult Amateur GAIG/USDF Q *Dover Medal Class 123.2 ...... 223.2……. 323.2 USEF Second Level, Test 3 Junior/Young Rider GAIG/USDF Q 124 ......... 224………. 324 Second level Rider Test JP$ N/A ........ 225………. 325 USEF Second Level, Test of choice indicates Jack Pot Class‐ see ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ page X for details. STK 131 ......... 231………. 331 USEF Third Level, Test 1 indicates Stakes Class – see 132JP$ ..... 232………. 332 USEF Third Level, Test 2 page X for details. N/A ........ 233………. 333 USEF Third Level, Test 3 Open GAIG/USDF Q N/A ........ 233.1……. 333.1 USEF Third Level, Test 3 Adult Amateur GAIG/USDF Q * indicates Dover Medal Class N/A ........ 233.2……. 333.2 USEF Third Level, Test 3 Junior/Young Rider GAIG/USDF Q 135 ......... 235………. 335 USEF Third Level, Test of Choice ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Onsite farrier service provided by: USEF Fourth Level, Test 1 141 ......... 241………. 341 142 ......... 242………. 342JP$ USEF Fourth Level, Test 2 N/A ........ 243………. 343 USEF Fourth Level, Test 3 Open GAIG/USDF Q N/A ........ 243.1……. 343.1 USEF Fourth Level, Test 3 Adult Amateur GAIG/USDF Q 3 Class No Descrip on SAT SUN FRI N/A ......... 243.2……. 343.2 USEF Fourth Level, Test 3 Junior/Young Rider GAIG/USDF Q 145 ......... 245………. 345 USEF Fourth Level, Test of Choice ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 150 ......... 250………. 350 USEF Developing Horse Prix St. Georges 151 ......... 251………. 351 USEF Developing Horse Grand Prix 152 ......... 252………. 352 USEF Dressage Seat Equita on, Adult Amateurs 153 ......... 253………. 353 USEF Dressage Seat Equita on ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 160 ......... 260………. 360STK FEI Prix St. Georges GAIG/USDF Q (360STK Adult Amateur only, 360 Open and JR/YR) 161 ......... 261STK 361 FEI Intermediate I GAIG/USDF Q 162 ......... 262………. 362 FEI Intermediate A 163 ......... 263………. 363 FEI Intermediate B STK STK 164 ...... 264………. 364 FEI Intermediate II GAIG/USDF Q (164STK Adult Amateur only, 164 Open and JR/YR) ................ (364STK Open only, 364 Adult Amateur and Jr/YR) 165 ......... 265STK 365 FEI Grand Prix GAIG/USDF Q 166 ......... 266………. 366 FEI Grand Prix Special 167 ......... 267………. 367 Young Rider Grand Prix 16 ‐ 25 168 ......... 268………. 368 FEI Pony Individual Test (Na onal Dressage Pony Cup Partner Show) 169 ......... 269………. 369 FEI Pony Freestyle (Na onal Dressage Pony Cup Partner Show) 171STK ...... 271………. 371 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ USDF Freestyle Test of Choice GAIG/USDF Q (specify level; No “Q” at Training Level) 172 ......... 272STK FEI Freestyle Test of Choice (specify level) GAIG/USDF Q 372 173 ......... 273………. 373 FEI Junior or Young Rider Individual Test (specify) 174 ......... 274………. 374 FEI Junior or Young Rider Team Test (specify) GAIG/USDF Q Not NAJYRC qualifying tests – See page 7 for USEF Na onal Qualifying Compe on classes. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 177 ......... Prac ce USDF Pas de Deux /State Level – No charge/not judged – end of day Friday ................ 277………. 377 USDF Pas de Deux /State Level 178 ......... Prac ce Quadrille/Compulsory/State Test – No charge/not judged – end of day Friday ................ 278………. 378 Quadrille/Compulsory/State Test 179 ......... Prac ce Quadrille/Freestyle/State Test – No charge/not judged – end of day Friday ................ 279………. 379 Quadrille/Freestyle/State Test ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 183 ......... 283………. 383 Para Equestrian, Novice TOC1 184 ......... 284………. 384 Para Equestrian, Team TOC1 185 ......... 285………. 385 Para Equestrian, Individual TOC1 186 ......... 286………. 386 Para Equestrian, Freestyle TOC1 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Volunteers needed for runners, parking, awards 509 ......... …………………. USEF Young Horse 4 Y‐O (Warm‐up) 510 ......... …………………. FEI Young Horse 5 Y‐O Final Test (Warm‐up) and other. 511 ......... …………………. FEI Young Horse 6 Y‐O Final Test (Warm‐up) If you would like to volunteer time to a show, 512 .........…………………. USEF Young Horse/Dev Horse TOC (Warm‐up) Volunteers Needed please email the show manager at Your time and talents are greatly appreciated. 4 Class No Descrip on FRI SAT SUN Opportunity Classes: OPPORTUNITY INFO: Memberships & USDF horse registra on & USEF Drug Fee waived; Office, CDFA & CDS/TGF fees apply; 190 ......... 290………. 390 Opportunity Class: USEF Training Level 1 191 ......... 291………. 391 Opportunity Class: USEF Training Level 2 1 ‐‐ TOC Classes ‐ separate class numbers will be issued if more than one level is entered. “Q” = Great American Insurance Group/USDF Qualifying for the Regional Finals – Please add $10 to Class Fee and indicate "Q" on Entry. Qualifying rides require; Ac ve USEF membership for Rider & Owner; USDF Par cipa ng membership for Rider and Participating or Business membership for Owner; USDF Life me Horse Registra on and either Life or Annual USEF Horse * Registra on. 223.1 Second Level, Test 3, Adult Amateur is Dover Medal Class. See Page 12 for informa on on Dover Medal Program. Classes with less than 2 entries may be cancelled. Class 270: Exhibition Freestyle Costume Jackpot Class (Class Fee $65.00) Class is a Test of Choice USDF or FEI Freestyle Class. Awards will be given based on test score, with consideration given to costume’s contribution to the overall artistic impressions. Awards presentation will be held immediately after the completion of the class. Entrants are required to participate in the awards presentation, but are not required to be mounted. $10 of each entry will go into the jackpot. The 1st Place winner receives the jackpot. Award is based on the number of entrants. (Competitor needs to be eligible to show the Freestyle level that they are entering and provide proof of eligibility per USEF rules. Scores do not count towards CDS, USDF or USEF awards or scores, nor do scores count toward Dressage at the Gaits High Point awards per USEF rules.) Jackpot Classes: (Class Fee $55.00) Jackpot Classes will have $10.00 of the class fee go into the pot. 1st Place winner of the class receives the jackpot. Award is based on the number of entrants in the class. These classes are not split for awards. Jackpot Classes: Friday: 132JP Third Level Test 2 Open/AA/JR Y 202JRJP Training Level Test 2 Juniors &YR ONL Y 222AAJP Second Level Test 2 Adult Amateur ONLY 342JP Fourth Level Test 2 Open/AA/JR YR Saturday: Stakes Classes: Sunday: (Class Fees as listed) Stakes classes require a minimum of 3 entrants to be held. Unless otherwise indicated, classes are open to all divisions will not be split for awards. Friday: Class Number #164 #171 STK STK Saturday Class Number #261STK #265 #272 STK STK Description $500 FEI Intermediate II Adult Am Stakes $300 USDF Freestyle TOC Stakes (Please include proof of 58% or higher scores Description $500 FEI Intermediate I Stakes $300 FEI Grand Prix Stakes $300 FEI Freestyle TOC Stakes (Please include proof of 58% or higher scores Division Adult Amateur Class Fee $125 (USDF Qualifying add $10) Open/AA/JR YR $90 Division Class Fee (USDF Qualifying add $10) for highest test of Level for Freestyle) Open/AA/JR YR $125 Open/ AA /JR YR $90 Open/AA/JR YR $90 (USDF Qualifying add $10) (USDF Qualifying add $10) (USDF Qualifying add $10) for highest test of Level for Freestyle) *Please note the Saturday Stakes classes may be part of a Saturday Evening performance for the May 30th show. 5 Sunday Class Number STK #360 #364 STK Description $500 Prix St. Georges Adult Am Stakes $300 Intermediate II Open Stakes Division Class Fee Adult Amateur $125 Open $90 (USDF Qualifying add $10) (USDF Qualifying add $10) AWARDS CEREMONIES: All Stakes Classes will have formal awards ceremonies following the classes. Winners must be present at the awards ceremony to be eligible to receive the stakes award. Competitors are requested to accept awards mounted in show attire, but are allowed to accept awards un-mounted. PRIZE MONEY: Awards will be paid and mailed within 10 days after close of show. For tax purposes, recipients will be reported and Federal Tax Forms 1099 sent as required. Out-of-state residents may have CA state taxes deducted. Tax Forms and schedules may be requested prior to the show and will be available in the Horse Show Office. Prize money is paid: 1st (50%); 2nd (30%); 3rd (20%). (GR Art 130) NO PRIZE MONEY WILL BE MAILED WITHOUT APPROPRIATE SOCIAL SECURITY OR TAX ID NUMBERS, AND COMPLETED W-9 OR W-8 (foreign owner) FORMS SUBMITTED TO THE OFFICE. Prize money will paid to owner. Class List for 2015 USEF Na onal Qualifying Compe on May 30 & 31: All classes $60 Saturday, May 30th, 2015 612 614 616 618 619 620 FEI Junior Team Test (edi on 2009, updated 2015) NAJYRC & USEF Qualifying, GAIG/USDF Q FEI Young Rider Team Test (edi on 2009, updated 2015) NAJYRC & USEF Qualifying, GAIG/USDF Q FEI Pony Rider Team Test (edi on 2012, updated 2015) USEF Qualifying (Measurement Card required to enter class and must be submi ed with entry) USEF Developing Prix St. Georges Test (edi on 2012) 7‐9 year old horses USEF Qualifying USEF Developing Grand Prix Test (edi on 2012) 8‐10 year old horses USEF Qualifying “Bren na Cup” Class: FEI Young Rider Grand Prix 16‐25 Test (edi on 2009, updated 2015) USEF Qualifying Sunday, May 31st, 2015 709 USEF Four‐Year‐Old Test (12/1/2014) Markel/USEF Qualifying 710 FEI Five‐Year‐Old Final Test – Final (edi on 2004, updated 2009) Markel/USEF Qualifying 711 FEI Six‐Year‐Old Final Test ‐ Final (edi on 2004, updated 2009) Markel/USEF Qualifying 712 FEI Junior Individual Test (edi on 2009, updated 2015) NAJYRC & USEF Qualifying 713 FEI Junior Freestyle Test (edi on 2006, revision 2009) NAJYRC & USEF Qualifying 714 715 716 FEI Young Rider Individual Test (edi on 2009, updated 2015) NAJYRC & USEF Qualifying FEI Young Rider Freestyle Test (edi on 2006, revision 2009) NAJYRC & USEF Qualifying FEI Pony Rider Individual Test (edi on 2012, updated 2015) USEF Qualifying (Measurement Card required to enter class and 717 must be submi ed with entry) FEI Pony Freestyle (edi on 2007, revised 2009) USEF Qualifying (Measurement Card required to enter class and must be sub mi ed with entry) Villa Rosa Dressage LLC JR/YR High Point May 29‐31 Dressage at the Gaits show is a USDF Region 7 Junior and Young Rider Team Fundraiser Please contact Jamie Pestana ( 925‐413-7043) to sponsor classes, donate to silent auc on, or contribute to the teams and help them get to Kentucky for the 2015 North American Junior & Young Rider Championship. At the May 30 & 31 show, Villa Rosa Dressage is sponsoring the JR/YR High Point Award. Award will go to the rider with the highest score earned in classes 612, 614, 712, 714 or from a compulsory FEI Test Class #'s ending 60 - 67 & 73-74 6 Dressage at the Gaits & CDS Central California Equine Insurance Regional Adult Amateur Competition Hosted by Gavilan CDS Chapter Presented by Equine Insurance Saturday, July 4thth 2015 Sunday, July 5 2015 CDS, USEF, USDF, NDPC Recognized, AQHA Pending USEF # 331415 Level 3 Saturday July 4th Sunday July 5th Novice Division Class No Descrip on SAT 900 ........... USDF Introductory C Novice Division 901 ........... Training Level Test 3 Novice Division GAIG/USDF Q 902 ........... First Level Test 3 Novice Division GAIG/USDF Q 903 ........... Second Level Test 3 Novice Division GAIG/USDF Q 904 ........... Third Level Test 3 Novice Division GAIG/USDF Q 905 ........... Fourth Level Test 3 Novice Division GAIG/USDF Q 906 ........... FEI Prix St. Georges Novice Division GAIG/USDF Q 907 ........... FEI Intermediate I Novice Division GAIG/USDF Q Elite Division Class No Descrip on SUN 907 ........... Training Level Test 3 Elite Division GAIG/USDF Q 908 ........... First Level Test 3 Elite Division GAIG/USDF Q 909 ........... Second Level Test 3 Elite Division GAIG/USDF Q 910 ........... Third Level Test 3 Elite Division GAIG/USDF Q 911 ........... Fourth Level Test 3 Elite Division GAIG/USDF Q 912 ........... FEI Prix St. Georges Elite Division GAIG/USDF Q 913 ........... FEI Intermediate I Elite Division GAIG/USDF Q Compe tors may enter classes on prior day, or classes on same day from Open Show class list for warm up classes. RAAC classes will be scheduled a er Open Show Tests 1 & 2 of each level to allow for warm up. Mission: The mission of these compe ons is to provide an opportunity for all CDS Adult Amateur riders to qualify and compete against others of similar skills and experience. The regional nature of these shows will help provide our membership with a developmental path to gain compe ve experience, to promote excellence and increase awareness of and support for CDS Chapters. Goals: #1 – For the Chapters: These regional level adult amateur compe ons are designed to promote and enhance awareness and par cipa on by the CDS Chapters, provide State level support in funding and adver sement, and a chance to generate funds at the chapter level. #2– For the Riders: These compe ons will provide a posi ve introductory show experience for some, which will hopefully be a stepping stone to bigger things, while offering the other more experienced amateur riders an addi onal compe ve experience. #3 – For the whole organiza on, these compe ons are designed to bridge the gap between the local Chapter shows with the individual year end awards programs and the tremendously difficult, top caliber compe on at the Annual CDS Championship Show. Qualifica on (Last day to qualify is June 14, 2015) 3 scores from 2 judges at Basic Level USDF Introductory level Test C test 3 of 65& or higher at Novice Division Level only (Elite Division will not be offered) 3 scores from 2 judges at any Training Level of 60% or higher 3 scores from 2 judges at 4th level of 60% or higher 3 scores from 2 judges at PSG of 60% or higher 3 scores from 2 judges at 1st level of 60% or higher 3 scores from 2 judges at 2nd level of 60% or higher 3 scores from 2 judges at Intermediare 1 of 60% or higher 3 scores from 2 judges at 3rd level of 60% or higher Adult Amateurs who wish to par cipate in the RAAC Classes must be registered with the Central Office by June 14, 2015. Two Levels or two horses will be charged and addi onal $25. Divisions: Elite Adult Amateurs for riders that have competed in a CDS Championship Show. Novice Adult Amateurs for riders who have never competed in a CDS Championship Show. All compe tors will ride once. 7 Dressage at the Gaits & CDS Central Equine Insurance Regional Adult Amateur Competition Awards: Each RAAC compe tor will receive an official RAAC gi . Training and 1st Levels will receive: an embroidered cooler for 1st place and a neck ribbon; 2nd place winner a neck ribbon and a halter; and 3rd – 10th place bridle ribbons. 2nd Level and above will receive: an em‐ broidered cooler to 1st place with neck ribbon; 2nd place winner a neck ribbon and a halter; 3rd – 6th place bridle ribbons. High Percent‐ age Score Elite and Novice Rider – bridle ribbons to each division. ‐‐Roses Award neck ribbon for High Percentage Elite and Novice Rider 50 years of age and older in three sec ons: Basic through First; Second through Fourth; and FEI Levels, that officially sign‐up for the divi‐ sion prior to their RAAC ride. Awards Ceremonies: Will be scheduled during the lunch break for classes concluded in the morning session, and at the conclusion of the last class of the day for a ernoon classes. A schedule will be provided to all compe tors upon checking in at the show office and will clearly explain the de‐ tails on mes/days/loca ons/arenas/classes for awards ceremonies. The schedule will also indicate when and where RAAC compe tors can obtain the awards they have won i.e. coolers or halters. All RAAC award winners (up through 10th place) will be invited to par cipate in the awards presenta ons. Those compe tors that par cipate in the awards presenta on will be properly a red in show clothes and show tack. Protec ve boots or wraps on the horses are permi ed. 1st/2nd place finishers as well as High Score and Roses Award winners are required to have photographs with all appropriate awards won taken in front of the RAAC Banner. The RAAC Rider Rep (or the desig‐ nated alternate) can excuse a winner if some unusual situa on or emergency occurs, provided the compe tor has requested permission to be excused from awards presenta ons in advance. Host Chapter Informa on ‐ Gavilan Chapter Volunteer Coordinator: Adria Spano: email;, phone: 408‐888‐4696 Sponsorship/Fundraising: Dana Clark email; RAAC Liaison: Shelly Clark Welcome Party: Saturday July 4th, following the final class in the indoor arena. Hosted by the Gavilan Chapter. Management requests that all entries be created on If you do not already have a user account with, please sign up! As a first time user, you can get $5 off your first paid online entry submission. Input the following in the Coupon Code in the payment section: FIRSTENTRY. You can print your entry and snail mail it with a personal check, or pay online with a credit card. If you chose to pay online there is a 3% fee plus a $5.00 handling charge. There is no charge to join EqEntries, create or print an entry. So if you chose to pay by personal check, the service is free. We appreciate your using the preferred entry method. All Dressage at the Gaits shows are recognized by USEF, USDF and CDS. To participate, the horse MUST have a USDF Horse Identification Number (HID). If the horse does not have a USDF HID number, please add $25 HID fee to entry. You can upgrade the registration at the show to Lifetime if desired. Rider, Owner and Trainer must be a member of USEF or pay a $30 Show Pass fee. Rider and Owner must be a member of USDF or pay the non-member fee of $25. (Exceptions: Opportunity, Introductory, Pas de Deux, and Quadrille classes are exempt from all membership and horse registration requirements. Para classes are exempt from USDF membership & horse registration requirements.) Eligibility to ride a GAIG/USDF Regional Championship Qualifying test requires that the Rider & Owner are Active USEF members, and Rider and Owner are PARTICIPATING or BUISNESS members of USDF. Horse must be USDF Lifetime registered, and USEF Lifetime or Annual registered. These memberships must be in place at the time the scores are earned. The $10 fee for the Qualifying ride must be paid in advance of the ride. For scores to be eligible for CDS Championships, both rider and owner must be members of CDS at the time scores are earned. Cards and membership numbers must be provided on the show entry. 8 SHOW RULES AND GENERAL INFORMATION PLEASE READ CAREFULY 1. ENTRY ACCEPTANCE: 2. SCRATCHES, CHANGES and CANCELLATIONS: It is the responsibility of the competitor to inform the show secretary (510) 672-3260 of intention to scratch. Refunds are given for scratches prior to closing date less the $26.50 office fee. No refunds given after closing date w/out vet certificate, and only if ride can be filled from wait list with same class, and will also be less the $26.50 office fee. Refund of USDF Qualifying Fees: Scratches prior to show in which a full refund (less office fee) is being made WILL include any USDF Qualifying fee paid. Scratches that do NOT qualify for a full refund will NOT be refunded any USDF Qualifying fees. Non-refunded USDF Qualifying Fees will be paid to USDF per USDF rules. Changes to Entries: Changes made after the closing date will be assessed a $10 fee. Cancellations: Shows will be held rain or shine. No refunds given due to weather conditions All entries must be postmarked by the closing date. The show management may close entries early if the show is full. Entries must be filled out completely and have proper fees enclosed. Federation Agreement Page must be signed by rider, owner, trainer, and coach. *Minors (riders under 18 years old) must have the parent or guardian sign the Federation Agreement. Missing signature pages-even for online entries are considered incomplete and subject to $10 incomplete fee. Entries are accepted on a first-come, first-served ba- sis. This show accepts mailed and electronic online entries. No Faxed, Emailed or Phoned Entries. Mailed entries are accepted based on the post mark date, and are only accepted on or after the opening date listed in the prize list. Online entries are accepted based on the date/time stamp of the paid submission. Should the show be over subscribed and the need to cut off entries prior to the closing date arise, entries received after the show fills will be notified and be given the option to be placed on a wait list or receive a full refund. Ties regarding entries received at any time on the same day /time will be broken by lot in the show secretaries office prior to scheduling the show. Affected competitors will be notified and allowed to be present when the drawing of lot is performed. (Secretaries office is not at the show grounds.) Incorrect or incomplete entries may be charged $10 per correction and/or may not be accepted. 3. ENTRY CONFIRMATIONS: Entry confirmations will be emailed. Please ensure that your email is set to allow emails from Competitors are responsible for reading and responding to the entry confirmation. If entry confirmation is not received by the closing date of the show, the competitor is advised to contact the show secretary. 4. RIDE TIMES: Times will be emailed and posted on Harlequin Show Experience ( and the Fox Village website ( prior to the start of the show. It is the rider’s responsibility to inform management if times are not received. Competitors should be prepared to be scheduled at any time, as may be necessary to run classes out of order. No numbers will be issued without completed entries, full payment, signatures, fees and CURRENT copies of ALL registration cards. Always bring your cards to the show with you. 5. STABLING: Permanent 12 x16 stalls with doors available. See fee list for rates. Most stalls do not have automatic water. Competitors must bring water buckets or tubs for horses. DO NOT dump water in stalls. Water must be dumped in the wash rack or outside of the barns. Dumping water buckets in the stalls causes additional clean up for the facility staff and will result in charges to the entrant. Manure dumping stations will be located at the back side of the show barn. Stalls have “Pro-mat” stall mats of either 1” or 2”. Shavings available at $10/bale. No outside shavings allowed. All entries must include an emergency contact name and number for rider. Management reserves the right to accept conditional- ly or cancel any entries, disqualify riders as exhibitors, prohibit exhibition of entries and cancel or combine award classes. Online entry available at Send mailed entries to Show Secretary at: 5442 Gold 6. FREESTYLES: Freestyle entries must send a copy of eligibility test with entry. Freestyle music must be on compact disk. Please give to Show Secretary upon check-in on show day. Sound check will be held daily at the first break approximately 10 AM each day. Creek Circle, Discovery Bay, CA 94505. Make checks payable to: Gilroy Gaits *Licensing fees have increase. USEF has levied a $1.50 per horse fee to competitions which significantly increased licensing fees. 9 SHOW RULES AND GENERAL INFORMATION PLEASE READ CAREFULY 8. MANAGEMENT: The Horse Show Management reserves the right to interpret all questions and conditions in regard to or arising out of any incident in the show without claims for damages or recourse of any kind. All questions not covered in these rules and regulations shall be decided by the Horse Show Management and their decision will be final. The Horse Show Management reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally or cancel any entries, disqualify riders or exhibitors, prohibit exhibition of entries, and to cancel /award prizes, without claim to damage, to change, cancel or combine any classes, to reschedule classes after due notice to exhibitors, or to change rings or substitute officials. The judges decisions are strictly their own and the Management accepts absolutely no responsibility for those decisions. Management reserves the right to arrange for additional judges and to cancel, combine or amend any class, including but not limited to class awards, scheduling and location. 11. RESTROOM FACILITIES: The show provides many Port-O-Potties for the show. Gilroy Gaits requests that participants of the show and their guests kindly use the temporary facilities brought in for the show and refrain from using the on-site restrooms in the main office and vet offices. Your understanding is appreciated. 12. AWARDS: Ribbons through 5th place. Highpoint awards to Open, Adult Amateur, and Jr/YR for each show awarded at end of day on Saturday. Series highpoint coolers awarded for Open, Adult Amateur, and Jr/YR awarded to highest scoring individual that showed at least one day in all 3 show weekends. Honor rounds require for those competing in Jackpot and Stakes classes to receive awards. 13. FOOD: Food available on the grounds one hour before show to end of show day. 14. LUNGING: Absolutely no lunging in the warm up arena. Lunging allowed in designated lunging arenas only. 9. NON-COMPETE HORSES: Horses not competing in the show must be registered with the show office and will be given a number to be worn at all times when out of the stall. Entry form and signed Federation Agreement must be submitted, and appropriate fees must be paid prior to the horse being ridden. Failure to register and pay for schooling horse can result in doubling of entry fee. Non-compete horses are allowed in the warm-up as long as there is room and their presence is not disruptive. This determination will be made solely at the discretion of show management. There may be other areas on the grounds available for schooling purposes. No schooling of horses in or around competition arenas during the competition. After the completion of the competition, with permission of show management, competition arenas may be opened for schooling 15. ARENAS and FOOTING: Show arenas are indoors and out doors and are standard regulation size (20m x 60m). Overall dimensions approximately 150’ X 300’, and have Euro Sand footing. Warm up arenas are outdoors with similar footing. 16. VET & FARRIER: Peninsula Equine Hospital is onsite and will provide on call vet service. Phone numbers will be posted at the show office for both vet and farriers. 17. EMT: Qualified medical personnel are on the premises at all horse shows. 18. DOGS: Preferable that dogs stay at home, any dog on the property must be on leash at all times. . 2011 GR1301.6 USEF Rules apply. Please review. 10. PONY MEASUREMENT CARDS: Competitors wishing to have their scores count for pony awards must include a current pony measurement card with their entry, or arrange to have pony measured at the show. If competitor wants to have their pony measured by the TD at the show, they must let management know two weeks in advance of show date. Vet will be on site to do pony measurements on the Friday of each show at 1:00PM for those that have made appointments with show management. Competitor will be responsible for paying vet call fees and other fees associated with having pony measurement completed. If Vet is called away due to emergency, the show can not be held responsible, but will work to arrange an alternate time for measurements during the show. 10 SHOW RULES AND GENERAL INFORMATION 11. DIRECTIONS: 7777 Frazier Lake Road, Hollister, CA 95023 19. HOTELS: Ridge Mark Golf and Country Club 831-637-81551 From the North; take Hwy 101 south to Hwy 152 east to Frazier Lake Rd. Take Frazier Lake Rd until you see a large wrought iron gate with several palm trees on your left. Enter here. Hilton Garden Inn Gilroy 408-840-7000 Hollister Inn www. 831-637-1641 From the South; take Hwy 101 north to Hwy 25. Take Hwy 25 toward Hollister and make a left turn on Shore Rd. Make a second left on Frazier Lake Rd. The facility will be on your right with a large wrought iron fence and huge palm trees. Best Western Plus, Forest Park Inn 408-848-5144 “EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT USEF RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH.” RULES: MORE RULES: SHARPS CONTAINERS: GR1210.4 Competition management shall place a minimum of one sharps container per each competition, whether or not stabling is provided. Additionally, at least one sharps container per fifty occupied stalls for the disposal of needles and other disposable sharp instruments in convenient locations in barns housing competition horses. It is competition management’s responsibility to replace such containers when full and dispose of them properly. Competition management may fine any individuals including trainers, owners, exhibitors, or their agents up to $100 for improper disposal of needles or other sharp disposable instruments. Competition management will place a notice of this requirement either in its prize list or on a specific handout given to trainers on check in at the competition. If local law has different requirements, local law will prevail. Competitions failing to comply with placing the required number of containers on the show grounds will be considered in violation of the rules and may be subject to penalty as determined by the CEO or Executive Director and/or the Hearing Committee. DR120 Dress: WAIVING OF COATS: In locations with high aver age heat and humidity on the date of a competition, management can publish in their prize list that jackets will be waived for the duration of the competition. Alternatively, management can announce prior to or during a competition that competitors can show without jackets when extreme heat and/or humidity is forecast. This waiver applies to in all classes including FEI classes at National Competitions. However, competitors must wear protective headgear and a shirt with sleeves and collar, without neckwear, and without decoration except as described under .14 below. T-shirts are not permitted. Members of the Armed Services or police units may wear summer uniforms. &2$76$5(:$,9('$7$//'5(66$*($77+( *$,766+2:6'8(72+,6725<2)+($73/($6( 86(<285',6*5(66,21$1'%(67-8'*(0(17 )25<2852:1:(//%(,1*5(63(&7)257+( 63257 HELMET RULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2013: Fr om the MOTORIZED VEHICLE STATEMENT: GR1301.7: Minor s time horses are officially admitted to the competition grounds by who do not have a valid driver's license which allows them to competition management, anyone mounted on a horse a any time operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will on the competition grounds, including non-competing riders, not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, inriders on non-competing horses, and those competing in all clascluding, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or ses and tests, including Para-Equestrian tests, must wear protecfarm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed com- tive headgear as defined by this rule and otherwise in complipetitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operance with GR801. Any rider violating this rule at any time must ate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are immediately be prohibited from further riding until such headaccompanied by an adult with a valid driver's license. Violations gear is properly in place. Protective headgear is defined as a ridof this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), ing helmet which meets or exceeds ASTM (American Society guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) 11 2015 USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal Program The USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal Program is designed to specifically recognize and encourage adult amateurs riding at Second Level. Awards 1. USDF/Dover Saddlery Medal Recipient The eligible rider with the highest score of 60 percent or better in the designated Second Level Test Three class or applicable test of choice USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal class at a participating competition will receive a handcrafted USDF/Dover Saddlery pewter medal and neck ribbon. Winners will receive a $20 Dover Saddlery gift certificate for the first three USDF/Dover Saddlery Medals they win during the competition season. 2. USDF/Dover Saddlery National Merit Award A USDF/Dover Saddlery National Merit Award will be awarded to riders winning three USDF/Dover Saddlery Medals in the same competition year. 3. Year-End Awards The USDF/Dover Saddlery Medal National Champion and Reserve Champion are determined from the average of the top three winning ride scores during the competition year. The champion receives a $1000 Dover Saddlery gift certificate and the reserve champion receives a $500 Dover Saddlery gift certificate. Rider Eligibility 1. Rider must have a current USDF Participating or Group Membership and be a member in good standing of USDF when the scores are earned. 2. Rider must be an adult amateur in accordance with Article GR1306 of the USEF rules and be designated with USEF as an adult amateur at the time the scores are earned. Owner & Horse Eligibility 1. Horse and owner must meet minimum competition eligibility requirements at the time scores are earned. Additional Information For additional information and an updated list of competitions offering the USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal Program, please visit Competitions/rev. 7/30/2014 CDS MEMBERSHIP CDS Membership is not required to par‐ cipate in USEF/USDF recognized shows. However, if your goal is to qualify for the CDS Annual Championship show, CDS Junior Championships (North or South), or CDS Adult Amateur Compe ‐ ons (North, Central or South), or any CDS awards programs, the Rider and‐ Owner must be members of CDS at the me the scores are earned. Proof of CDS membership is required with entry for scores to count. Those that do not provide valid CDS membership numbers and cards with their entry are required to fill out a CDS non‐member form at the show. To ensure that your scores count for CDS Championships and other CDS events, be sure to include a copy of your card with your entry, or join at the show. 14 USEF MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT Life, senior ac ve and junior ac ve members shall be eligible to par cipate in all classes at Regular Compe ‐ ons, Even ng Compe ons at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Compe ons at the Ad‐ vanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaul ng Compe ons and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may par cipate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Compe ons, Even ng Compe ‐ ons, Dressage Compe ons, Reining Compe ons and Combined Driving Compe ons upon payment of a $30 Show Pass fee. Par cipants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) lead‐ line; 2) exhibi ons; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4‐H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Compe ons. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) ci zens of other na ons who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own Na onal Federa on, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes. Show Management and Secretarial Services provided by: 15 16 331758, 331295, 329628, Dressage at the Gaits 331415 Level 3 17 2015 Make Checks Payable to Gilroy Gaits Official Use Only BRIDLE # COMPETITION NAME____________________________________ COMPETITION DATES NAME OF HORSE PREVIOUS NAME (IF ANY) _________________ BREED SEX DAM’S SIRE HEIGHT COLOR COGGINS DATE (ENCLOSED COUNTRY OF BIRTH YEAR OF BIRTH USEF# COPY) SIRE BREEDER RIDER/HANDLER ________________________________________ USDF# DAM FEI/PASSPORT # CLASS NO. FOR SALE DIVISION GROOM CLASS DESCRIPTION QUAL Y/N FEES USEF#______________ USDF#____________ FEI/CDS #___________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________ CITY/ST/ZIP______________________________________________ CELL PHONE__________________JR/YOUNG RIDER BIRTHDAY________ EMAIL ADDRESS____________________________________________ RIDER CITIZENSHIP (IF NOT USA )_________________________________ RIDER STATUS (CIRCLE ONE): JR/YG AA OPEN OWNER ________________________________________________ USEF#______________ USDF#____________ CDS # _____________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________ CITY/ST/ZIP ______________________________________________ CELL PHONE______________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS____________________________________________ SUBTOTAL CLASS FEES AND QUALIFYING FEES USEF Show Pass FEES USDF NON MEMBER FEE $25 PER NON-MEMBER OFFICE FEE USEF#______________ USDF#____________ CDS # _____________ $36.50 (Mandatory) USEF HORSE FEES (Mandatory) $16.00 $8 USEF FEE + $8 DRUG FEE = $16.00 OWNER CITIZENSHIP (IF NOT USA )________________________________ TRAINER _______________________________________________ $0.00 $30 PER NON-MEMBER CDS Travel Grant (Mandatory) CDFA Fee $3.00 $5.00 (Mandatory) ADDRESS ________________________________________________ STABLING FEES _____ STALL @ $_____/STALL $0.00 CITY/ST/ZIP ______________________________________________ TACK STALLS _____ STALL @ $_____/STALL $0.00 N/A CELL PHONE______________________________________________ BEDDING ____ BALES @ $_____/BALE $0.00 N/A EMAIL ADDRESS____________________________________________ NON COMPETING HORSE FEE COACH ________________________________________________ SPONSORSHIP USEF#______________ USDF#____________ CDS # GROUNDS FEE OR OTHER FEES ___________ _____________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________ OTHER_____________________________ CITY/ST/ZIP ______________________________________________ LATE/CHANGE/BANK CHARGES FOR CC TOTAL FEES Please Fill Out Both Sides of This Form. Reverse side MUST be SIGNED. $0.00 Stabling Information & Special Requests: Please list only ONE name (either individual or barn) for entire group (so we can get everyone together) Group/Self Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Stalls Tack Stalls Stable Group: _______________________________________________ Contact: ______________________________ I hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless USDF, its instructors, officers, directors, agents, and volunteers from and against any and all loss, liability or damage arising from or because of, or in connection with, participation in this competition or related activities. I also hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the competition liscensee, show management, competition staff, show committee and members, officers, directors, agents, and volunteers from and against any and all loss, liability or damage arising from or because of, or in connection with, participation in this competition or related activities. Federation Entry Agreement Effective By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of the Competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the Competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cable-casts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the Competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the Competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4. Federation Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Indemnification This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing. I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that “the Federation” and “Competition” as used herein includes the Licensee and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death. (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results resulted, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and if applicable, EV114, and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf. I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank and all terms and provisions of this Prize List. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. Copied from USEF website 11/14/2013 OWNER’S/AGENT’S SIGNATURE (MANDATORY) PRINT NAME RIDER/HANDLER SIGNATURE (MANDATORY) PRINT NAME TRAINER’S SIGNATURE (MANDATORY) COACH’S SIGNATURE (IF APPLICABLE) PRINT NAME PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE IF RIDER/DRIVER/TRAINER/HANDLER/VAULTER/LONGEUR IS UNDER 18 PRINT NAME PRINT PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME RIDER EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION NAME OF CONTACT/RELATIONSHIP: PHONE:
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