The Elkhorn April 2015 Elk of the Month : Mary Wallace Volunteer of the Month: Joanna Hernandez I am blessed to be surrounded with some very talented and extremely energetic fellow officers and committee members. ENF will be headed up by Jane Boling, who has always been there for me and the Lodge. My Lodge Sweetheart will be Jada Iglesias and believe me when I say if you think she makes a great Bingo Caller, just wait and see where she sets her mark for Sweetheart. Linda Burke will still be doing our en- Harlingen Elks Lodge #1889 Special points of interest: Easter Egg Hunt April 4th 2 pm Steven May & Southern Knights April 18th Exalted Ruler’s Message A new year has dawned and it is time we put our conflicts behind us and get after the business of making Harlingen #1889, the pride of Texas! We have come a long way over the last 5 years but I know that we are not close to being all that we can be! From ENF to Sweetheart, Veterans to Youth Activities, Lodge Activities to Community Involvement, we should always try to show the way and set the mark for what makes us ELKS (the Best People on Earth). Volume 1, Issue 1 tertainment and I can’t wait to see some of the new entertainment that will perform for us during the course of the year. Youth Activities will be spearheaded by Roxy Konzem and Melinda Hill will assist her, so we know going in, the kids are going to have some great outings at the Lodge. Lee Wallace will keep the bingo balls rolling so we can continue to share our blessings in the community. Butch Swope and Don Alongi are going to be co-chairs of the House Committee, bringing their wealth of knowledge in the food and beverage business to our Social Quarters. The House Committee has lots of exciting plans for this year. Mary Wallace has done an outstanding job the last two years in the kitchen and I understand she has some new tricks up her Chef’s jacket for this year. Rumor has it, there may be some secret Chefs stepping in from time to time in our Kitchen. We will continue the membership drive that has helped us grow into one of the largest lodges in Texas. With all that said, I can also tell you that we are in the process of teaming up with the Harlingen Police Department for a Law Enforcement BBQ Cook-Off and some other joint ventures during the course of the year. Indoor/Outdoor Market Days April 18th If you are reading this in any form other than an email sent, I would like for you to send an email to the office and Mary Wallace at and This will ensure you are receiving all the current information on all the activities that are going on at all times. In the subject line, put member email. New Office Hours Thank you all for the faith and confidence you have placed in me. I’ll see you at the Lodge and here’s to a great year. Texas Hold’em Tournament April 25th Officers and Committee Chairs Listing Inside this issue: Sickness/Distress 2 Birthdays 2 Event Ads 3 Installation of Officers 4 Officer Listing 4 Bingo Schedule 5 Calendar of Events 6,7 Friday Night Menus 7 EASTER EGG HUNT FOR CHILDREN SCHEDULED From the Editor 8 The Harlingen Elks Lodge will be sponsoring its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4th, 2015 starting at 2 pm. Children ages 2 to 12 are welcome to come out and participate in the hunt. Children must be accom- Pictures 9,10 panied by a parent or guardian. The hunt will start in the Lodge room and will proceed to the field next door. Children collecting the most eggs will receive Easter baskets full of candy and games. So, Elks Fraternally, Pamela Crouch, ER bring your children, invite your friends with children and bring your grandchildren or great grandchildren to the festivities. We will definitely be having some fun out there. Page 2 April Birthdays 1 Clifford Meyer 2 Kevin Dyer 4 Don Alongi, Gregory Coolidge, John Crouch Please keep the following members and their families in your prayers as they battle with sickness and distress. 5 Leann Smith, David C Vogel John Doster — Home 6 HI (Fred) Fredricks, Bert R. Keyes 7 Dennis Thomas 10 Wayne J Broadt 11 Barbara Jo Stohler Ken Terry — Canterbury Court Donna Brett —Mother’s Illness Isabel Wisnoski — Son’s Illness 14 David M Lozano, AJ Wallace Peggy Cooney — Golden Palms 15 Gunnen Craig, Laura Smith Gary Gunn — Home 17 James C Mason Tisha Bach — Home 18 Louis Oden Melinda Hill — Home 19 Dennis M Benfield 20 Richard B Mitchell, Gerald Jepsen, Arthur Monaghan 21 Adriana DiGiovanni, John Huppert 22 Hortencia Noemi Garcia, Roberta Thomas 23 Rodolfo Cantu Membership Program in Full Swing 24 Marguerite Thompson We are looking for quality members just like you. Members who are interested in the Elks programs and who are willing to participate and volunteer for the good of our community. Our membership program gives you the opportunity to bring to the organization persons who are looking for just that. Bring in 4 new members (must complete initiation) between now and December 31st, 2015 and get your membership fees for 2016-2017 paid. You can do this. Invite your friends and have them learn about all the things we do to promote and elevate our community. They will be hooked, guaranteed. 25 Pedro Bolanos, Tammy Swope 27 Gene F McGee,II 28 Christopher Casey Clipson Ken Freese — Golden Palms See Membership Chairman — John Crouch New Members effective March 25th, 2015. Tina Long, Peter Garcia, James Mathews, Rosemarie Norman, Michael Pool, Laura Prado and Alberto Almanza. Congratulations and welcome to The Harlingen Elks Lodge #1889 —— BPOE………….Best People on Earth Page 3 Indoor/Outdoor Market Days at the Lodge The Harlingen Elks Lodge presents Steven May & Southern Knights Saturday April 18th, 2015 7pm to 11 pm Reserved Seating $5.00 Tickets available at the bar on April 1st Saturday, April 18th, 2015 8 am to 2 pm Table Rentals Only: $10.00 Set up: 530 pm on Friday or 7 am on Saturday Contact Felicia Drake for details at 956-264-4783 All proceeds benefitting the Sweetheart Fund From the Secretary’s Desk Tournament Saturday, April 25th, 2015 Sign In starts @ 1pm Play starts promptly @ 2 pm Buy Ins and Re buys $25.00 Limited Seating Kitchen Opens @ Noon Dues notices have gone out several times. If dues are not paid by April 1st, you will not have access to the Lodge. So, submit dues payments as soon as possible. Dues payments can be made as follows: Cash, check, or credit card. The bar staff is able to take those payments from you if you cannot be here during office hours. You can also make partial payment of $43.50 now and the second half of that payment in October or sooner if you are able. So, don’t hesitate to come in and get it done. Pool Memberships are also available in the Lodge office or with Katie in the Kitchen. Dues must be paid before pool membership can be purchased. New Office Hours Effective April 1st Monday—Wednesday—Friday 9 am to 2 pm Lodge Secretary Viv Gebauer Table Give Aways @ Half time All proceeds to Elks Charities Elks National Foundation Give-Away Elks Lodge Pool Membership 2015 Honor our nation’s military past and present $10.00 / ticket to SWIM all year long Drawing to be held Memorial Day Purchase Tickets @ SQ or from Jane Boling Need not be present to win New Lodge Officers Installed Officers for the Harlingen Elks Lodge #1889 were duly installed on Sunday, March 29th, 2015. Following the Grand Lodge Installation Ceremony, food and refreshments were served in the Social Quarters while Southgate entertained members and officers. Officers installed included: Pamela Crouch, ER; Marlin “Butch” Swope, Leading Knight; Mike Burke, Loyal Knight; Roberto Lopez, Lecturing Knight; Vivienne Gebauer, Secretary; Roberta Thomas, Treasurer; Mary Wallace, 5 year Trustee; AJ Wallace, Tiler; Sonny Waddups, Inner Guard; Lee Wallace, 1 year Trustee; Deborah Parrish, Esquire; and Isabel Wisnoski, Chaplain. Congratulations to all officers and best wishes for a wonderfully successful year. 2015-2016 Officers and Committee Chairpersons Exalted Ruler: Pamela Crouch 5 Year Trustee: Mary Wallace, PER Bulletin: Mary Wallace Leading Knight: Marlin “Butch” Swope Flag Day: Lee Wallace, PDDGER Loyal Knight: Mike Burke Grand Lodge Alternate: Lee Wallace, PDDGER Lecturing Knight: Roberto Lopez Committee Chairpersons: Secretary: Vivienne Gebauer Audit/ Accounting: Jesse Saldivar Treasurer: Roberta Thomas House Committee: Marlin Butch Swope & Don Alongi Chaplain: Isabel Wisnoski Esquire: Deborah Parrish Tiler: AJ Wallace Inner Guard: Ralph Waddups, Jr 1 Year Trustee: Lee Wallace, PDDGER 2 Year Trustee: Patti Smith, PDDGER 3 Year Trustee: Connie Torres, PER 4 Year Trustee: Dennis Thomas, PER Lodge Activities: Don Alongi Kitchen: Mary Wallace Elks Memorial Day: John Crouch, PDDGER Veterans Program: Marlin Butch Swope Government Relations: John Crouch, PDDGER Entertainment: Linda Burke Pool: Lee Wallace, PDDGER Hoop Shoot: Jesse Gallegos/ America Rigelsky Youth Activities: Roxanna Konzem/ Melinda Hill Drug Awareness: Jesse Gallegos Bingo: Lee Wallace, PDDGER Community Relations: Mary Torres ENF: Jane Boling Lodge Sweetheart: Jada Iglesias Elks Webmaster/Facebook: Jennifer Sanchez In order to succeed , your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. Schedule Day Date Thurs 2-Apr Caller Cashier Pull Tabs Table Floor AJ Wallace Felicia Drake Connie Torres Margaret Colvin Sonny Waddups Sat 4-Apr AJ Wallace Joanna Hernandez Tues 7-Apr Jada Iglesias Lee Wallace Sonny Waddups Mike Phillips Jane Phillips Butch Swope Frank Iglesias Thurs 9-Apr John Crouch Felicia Drake Connie Torres Margaret Colvin Sonny Waddups AJ Wallace Jane Phillips 11-Apr AJ Wallace Joanna Hernandez Butch Swope Sonny Waddups Mike Phillips Tues 14-Apr AJ Wallace Lee Wallace Butch Swope Sonny Waddups Thurs 16-Apr John Crouch Felicia Drake Margaret Colvin Sonny Waddups AJ Wallace AJ Wallace Joanna Hernandez Tues 21-Apr Jada Iglesias Lee Wallace Thurs 23-Apr John Crouch Felicia Drake 25-Apr Jada Iglesias Joanna Hernandez Tues 28-Apr Jada Iglesias Lee Wallace Thurs 30-Apr John Crouch Felicia Drake Sat Sat Sat 18-Apr Connie Torres Butch Swope Sonny Waddups Jane Phillips Butch Swope Mike Phillips Frank Iglesias Connie Torres Margaret Colvin Sonny Waddups AJ Wallace Frank Iglesias Sonny Waddups AJ Wallace Butch Swope Frank Iglesias Sonny Waddups AJ Wallace Pam Crouch Margaret Colvin Sonny Waddups Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 House Committee Meeting 630p 5 6 7 8 Kitchen Opens @ 530p Lodge Meeting 7p Bingo 7p 12 13 14 15 Board of Directors Meeting 630p Kitchen Opens @ 530p House Committee Meeting 630p Bingo 7p 19 20 21 22 Kitchen Opens @ 530p Lodge Meeting 7p Bingo 7p 26 27 28 Kitchen Opens @ 530p Bingo 7p 29 Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 4 Kitchen Opens @ 530p Dinner 530-7p EASTER EGG HUNT 2p Bingo 7p Music by: Diego Dance 7-10p Kitchen Opens @ 530p Bingo 7p 9 10 11 Kitchen Opens @ 530p Dinner 530-7p Kitchen Opens @ 530p Bingo 7p Music by: Southgate Bingo 7p Dance 7-10p Friday Night Menus April 3rd Build Your Own Burger & Chips Starting at $5.00 April 10th Chicken Fried Chicken or Steak Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans Texas Toast 16 17 18 Kitchen Opens @ 530p Dinner 530-7p Indoor Market Days 8a-2p Bingo 7p Music by: Bushriders Steven May & Southern Knights Dance 7-10p 23 24 25 Kitchen Opens @ 530p Dinner 530-7p Kitchen Opens @ 530p Bingo 7p Dance 7-10p Music by: Los City Boys Bingo 7p Texas Hold’em Tournament 1p til ? $10 Chicken $12 Steak April 17th Kay’s Ribs, Mel’s Beans, Viv’s Slaw & Bread from HEB $12.00 Last time for the Season Please pre-order April 24th Ham Steak Sweet or Baked Potatoes 30 Kitchen Opens @ 530p Bingo 7p Salad & Rol $8 —half $10 — Whole Business Name Party Time Leave the planning, cooking and cleaning up to us. The Lodge Room, Pool and Social Quarters are available for your next event. Kitchen services available for meals, appetizers and drinks. Let your friends and business you deal with know about our facility and accommodations. Lodge Room not available on Thursdays or Saturdays. HARLINGEN ELKS LODGE # 1889 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks A Fraternal Organization PO Box 449 1426 So. Commerce Street Harlingen, Texas 78551 From the Editor : If you are not receiving your newsletter electronically, please send me an email and let me know. I will insure that your email address is correct and forward your newsletter to you promptly. My email is: TECSI in Ottine, Texas —- The Inside and Out Tip o Tex Trailriders visit on their way to the RGV Livestock Show Chili Cook Off Winners : Best Booth —Hades Ladies 3rd Place — Outback Crew 2nd Place — Fishin’ Fools 1st Place — Lickety Split Cookers 2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off
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