Harrison Elementary School February / March 2015 Newsletter Dear Harrison Hawks: The School District of Janesville is committed to creating a great place for students to learn, teachers to teach, staff to work, and for parents to send their children to receive a great education. To build on this commitment, the school district gathers and analyzes data on three essential goals and measures – Student Achievement, Employee Engagement, and Parent Satisfaction. Student Achievement: Last fall, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction released the report card scores for public schools across the state. Based on our score, Harrison School was #1 in the district for student achievement for the third year in a row, which was definitely cause for celebration! Employee Engagement: In December, the employee engagement survey was administered to all school district employees to assess their level of satisfaction with the work environment of the school where they work. The results of that survey were rolled out in January. AWESOME NEWS! Harrison was the #1 school in the district based on staff satisfaction. Harrison earned an amazing 4.7 out of 5 on the survey, which is further evidence that our school is truly a great place for students to learn and for staff to work. Parent Satisfaction: We will be asking parents/guardians to take our Parent Satisfaction Survey during parent-teacher conferences on March 11th – 12th. We will have computers set up in the open lab, and the survey will not take more than a few minutes of your time to complete. This is a great way for you to give us feedback about what is going well here at Harrison, but it is also a way for you to let us know if there are areas that you would like to see improved. We value your input and your feedback is important to our continued success here at Harrison. We are hoping for top scores in this area, too! We look forward to seeing you during our spring parent-teacher conferences. This will be a wonderful time when you can learn more about the great progress your child has made already this year. It will also be a time when you can talk with your child’s teacher about any concerns and ask any questions you might have. We appreciate your continued support of your child’s education and our school. As always, feel free to contact me with any ideas, questions, compliments, or concerns you may have regarding Harrison School. You can reach me by phone at 743-6405 or by email at jgrandt@janesville.K12.wi.us. Sincerely, Mrs. Grandt, Harrison School Principal MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Spring Break March 30 – April 3, 2015 School Resumes April 6, 2015 Fifth Grade Track Meet (Monterey Stadium) p.m. May 19, 2015 Fourth Grade Track Meet (Monterey Stadium) p.m. May 20, 2015 Rain Date – Track Meet May 21, 2015 Harrison Picnic May 21, 2015 Last Day of School June 11, 2015 Harrison Elementary 760 Princeton Rd., Janesville, WI 53546 Attendance Telephone Fax 743-6430 743-6400 743-6437 http://janesville.k12.wi.us/har What time is lunch? May 22, 2015, Snow Reserve Day. School will be in attendance on Friday, May 22, 2015 Kindergarten: 11:10 1st grade: 11:15 2nd/3rd grade: 11:45 4th/5th grade: 12:10 New Staff Member at Harrison Elementary School Please welcome Mrs. Megan Schultz to the Harrison Staff in her new position as Special education teacher. Megan was born and raised here in Janesville. In her spare time she enjoys skiing, playing tennis, crafting, and reading with Sophie, her 7 year old daughter. “I am inspired every day by my students, and my goal is for them to be inspired by my passion for teaching”. Today, we pause to recognize a great a man who fought for Justice, Peace, and Equality for everyone. Many school districts were out today in honor of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. The School District of Janesville (SDJ) observes this day with a “Day On.” During this day, each of our schools teaches students about the life and legacy of Dr. King. Students will be able to reflect and discuss what the dream meant to them and what they can do to carry out the dream of equality. The School District of Janesville understands the importance of a quality education and how important it is for students to achieve. Having a “Day On” will allow us to continue to strive for excellence in the district. We believe in our mission statement: To serve our community by educating every child. The SDJ realizes that all students are not the same, so we work hard developing programs and policies to make sure all students succeed. This is how we are making sure we are keeping the dream alive. Educational Excellence is our goal, one that we take seriously. Dr. King believed, valued, and fought for education. He wanted to make sure that all students were treated equally and had the same opportunities. The SDJ shares this sentiment and will continue to push for quality education for all students. The SDJ applauds the effort, struggle, and fight for equality that Dr. King led. As your Superintendent, I thank each of you for your dedication to our students. You are making a difference in the lives of our future. --Posted By Karen Schulte to Dr. Karen Schulte at 1/19/2015 02:27:00 PM Student Council is designed to help promote school spirit and leadership among students. Each fourth and fifth-grade classroom has two representatives. Brayden Stocks was chosen as this year’s Student Council president based upon his fine leadership last year in Student Council. Currently, Student Council is trying to inspire Random Acts of Kindness by our students and have students put them on the school calendar display that they helped design. When students see a random act of kindness, they are encouraged to write it on a paper snowball, and Student Council representatives will display them. Initially, students were confused Back row: Brayden Stocks, Natalie Ziebell, McKaylie Justman, of the difference between random acts Madelyn Mayer, Presley Stanley Addison Kooyman of kindness and kind words, so our Front row: Devyn Klingaman, Litty Dummer, Audrey Bowditch, representatives developed a Prezi Chandler Hanthorne lesson that all teachers shared with their class to teach students examples of random acts of kindness. We look forward to seeing all the random acts of kindness pile up. Also, in an effort to prevent bullying in our schools and promote kindness, Student Council is participating in a book study on a thought-provoking novel called Wonder by R. J. Palacio. This book was selected because it does an amazing job of teaching kindness, friendship, and acceptance, which our Student Council representatives continue to promote at Harrison Elementary. Weather Alert Please dress your child for Wisconsin winters. Students will be going outside twice a day unless the temperature and / or wind chill is 0 degrees or below. Students will not be allowed to stay in unless they have a medical excuse from a doctor. Student Council Theme Days Monday, February 2 - Mismatch Day Friday, February 6 - Spirit Day Tuesday, February 10 – T-shirt, Tutu, Tie Wednesday, February 18 – Fancy Wednesday Thursday, February 26 – Throwback Thurs. Friday, March 27 – Spirit Day/Hawaii Day November Hawk Hero Award Winners Kindergarten Third Alliana Greco (K-Astin) Aiden Benewich (3-Grooms) Landen Henkel (K-Adler) Joyon Forster-White (3-Smith) Cheyanne Christians (3-Fitzsimons) First Fourth Matthew Yates (1-Martin) Aiden Guernsey (4-Genung) Riley Stacey (1-Sarauer) Bailey Valet (4-Stalsberg) Jamar Jenkins (1-Washington) Second Fifth Ellie Breit (2-Kislia) McKenna Bennett (5-Burke) Blake Bowditch (2-Malterer) Saharra Cappis (5-Kohn) Cooper Ritter (2-Seibert) December Hawk Hero Award Winners Kindergarten Third Wiley Rufledt (K-Astin) Macie Breit (K-Adler) Zadin Subhan (3-Grooms) Olivia Crawford (3-Smith) Hailey Jessie (3-Fitzsimons) First Fourth Lincoln Baker (1-Martin) Logan Krause (4-Genung) Shaden Fustok (1-Sarauer) Kiara Hejhal (4-Stalsberg) Landon Guernsey (1-Washington) Second Fifth Nathan DeCook (2-Kislia) Aiden Ott (5-Burke) Jacob McLaughlin (2-Malterer) Evelyn Filter (5-Kohn) Callie Stanley (2-Seibert) SCOOPIE NIGHT February 3 4:00-8:00 pm April 14 4:00-8:00 pm February/March Orchestra Newsletter 2015 Dear Parents and Students: I am happy to report that we had a very exciting concert on Thursday December 18th. Every student has been working hard to achieve mastery of skills that they have learned and also team work with other orchestra performers. Orchestra is a team of players and each instrument has a different part to perform in the pieces we learn. So that is why it is so important to be a part of every concert we present to the community. We have been working to learn songs on our D and A string. In the next few months we will expand to the G and C string and learning some very fun songs. We have a practice club. As soon as every student fills up their practice chart we will have a celebration. With limited rehearsal time, it is imperative that students invest extra time to improve their skills in practicing at home. Please encourage a positive practice schedule. Remember that practice time must be framed as a benefit and not as a disciplinary penalty. Practice is a positive way to learn the skills and songs. If you make the time of practice as a part of the homework that they need to do for other classes, they will learn that it is an important part of their learning. Students will like practice if parents present it as a positive learning experience. Our next concert will be: Thursday April 16th All City Strings at Craig High School. This is a great opportunity for each orchestra student to hear and perform with the Middle and High School orchestra. Your continue support of the whole orchestra program is a cornerstone in the foundation of our music program. Thank you, Mrs. Banwell, Orchestra Director Please remember to only send birthday invitations to school if your child is inviting everyone from the whole class to the party. This helps prevent hurt feelings. Thanks! School Calendar for 2015 – 2016 The 2015-2016 District Calendar has been approved by the school board and is available on the School District of Janesville website. Go to “for parents”, “Calendars, and click on “2015-2016 All District Calendar/Parent Teacher Conference Days”. Link provided below: http://www.janesville.k12.wi.us/Portals/1/Calendars/15-16%20All%20District%20Calendar.pdf In addition to the calendar dates, the elementary school day will be extended by eight minutes: 8:20 a.m. - 3:08 p.m. Letters to Salvation Army Volunteers A group of third grade students completed a community service project by writing thank you letters to volunteers. They wrote specifically to volunteers that rang bells for the Salvation Army during the Christmas season. The letters . were graciously received by an employee at Salvation Army and were to be distributed to the volunteers at their banquet in January. 7:50 - 8:10 a.m. Free for all Janesville School District students. On days when the start of school is delayed, Harrison will NOT serve breakfast, Students attending Breakfast Club at Harrison should not be on the grounds before 7:50 a.m. as there will be no adult supervision. Students not attending Breakfast Club at Harrison should arrive at school no earlier than 8:05 a.m. when adult playground supervision is provided. Fifth graders at Harrison participated in the Hour of Code in December. Fifth graders used Khan Academy and worked on coding Java Script, web pages, and data bases. They also spent time on Code.org and worked on the fundamentals of coding. Second graders at Harrison recently had a guest teacher in their classroom – a park ranger from Yellowstone National Park! We connected with the ranger via Skype and she talked with us about the super-volcano in the park, which was an extension of information we have been learning about in class. Students were engaged and very excited about the opportunity. Harrison School Lunch Picnic Thursday, May 21st Kindergarten Grade 1 Grades 2 & 3 Grades 4 & 5 11:00 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 11:40 a.m. 12:00 p.m. MARK YOUR CALENDARS – INFORMATION TO FOLLOW Public School Open Enrollment Timelines The State of Wisconsin has announced the application period for open enrollment (also known as public school choice) begins in February for the following school year. Open Enrollment laws permit children to attend a public school in a school district other than the one in which they live. The open enrollment application period for the 2015-2016 school year is from February 2, 2015 – April 30, 2015. Parents are encouraged to apply on-line at https://www2.dpi.state.wi.us/OpenEnrollApp. Although on-line application is recommended, paper applications may be obtained from the Department of Public Instruction or any school district after January 15, 2015 and must be delivered (hand-delivery is recommended) to the nonresident school district during the application period. Paper applications to attend Janesville must be submitted to the Administrative Services Department no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 30th (a postmark does not constitute timely submission). Applications turned in prior to February 2nd will be returned as not valid and must be resubmitted after February 2nd but before April 30th. Enrollment in a requested school or program is subject to space and other limitations and is not guaranteed. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent. Under School District of Janesville board policy, students who attended the district under open enrollment the previous year are not required to reapply for the following school year, unless they will be entering middle school. An application is required for each sibling in the family. For example, if a family has one child in elementary school that has been approved for open enrollment and a new student entering kindergarten next year, the student entering kindergarten must apply for open enrollment in order to attend the School District of Janesville. Parents will be informed in June whether their open enrollment applications have been approved or denied. The student’s school or program placement will be provided in June. If you have questions, please contact the Administrative Services Office at 743-5006. Parents of ELL students: If you would like to have a larger voice in the school district's ELL services, please consider attending the ELL Parent Advisory Committee meetings. This is an opportunity to share your appreciations, concerns, and suggestions. Upcoming meetings are scheduled for February 20 and April 15 (Fridays) at 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the board room at the Educational Services Center (527 S. Franklin St.). There will be childcare, snacks, and a children's book raffle. Hope you can be there, Patty Henrichs, ELL Teacher Moving? If you will be moving from your current home address please contact Harrison Elementary School office at 743-6400 as soon as possible to determine what paperwork you will need to fill out for your child to continue attending his/her current school. Please note: if you are moving to an address outside the School District of Janesville in most cases your child is eligible to continue attending the School District of Janesville as long as you complete the appropriate paperwork within the required timeline. If you have any questions about school placement for a particular address please contact Administrative Services Secretary Tami Carlson at 743-5006. The Administrative Services Office is open year round. Summer School registration information will be coming home with your child soon! Harrison Summer School: June 15th – July 10th 8:00-11:30 a.m. Mark your calendars and plan on joining us for summer school fun! If your student will be taking medication at school this year (prescription and/or over the counter), please stop in to the office this week to pick up an updated Medication Consent Form and drop off the medicine. All students taking prescription medications at school MUST have a new Medication Consent Form each year, signed by both the parent/guardian and the prescribing physician. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our school health aide, Sandy Perry, at 743-6415. We have about 40 girls in fourth and fifth grade participating in Girl Power this year. During our first meeting in October, we discussed what Girl Power is and participated in community-building activities. In November, we made an empowering scrapbook page. After the pages were completed, we hung them in the hallway for the whole school to see. In December, we frosted and decorated cookies to donate to ECHO. We started 2015 off with a sledding party in January. Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Genung, and Mrs. Stalsberg all love getting in on the action of empowering young women. Thank you to all the girls, parents, and volunteers who have helped to make Girl Power a huge success thus far. Emma DiStefano is a sixth grader at Marshall Middle School. While Emma was attending Harrison she was chosen to take part in the “100K Strong Ambassador Program”. Last summer Emma went to visit China along with her mother, Heather. One of the Ambassador’s responsibilities is to speak to groups about their trip to china. Emma talked about her trip to China with each class at Harrison. Enrollment Beginning February 2, 2015 P4J Questions contact Angela Lynch, P4J Coordinator, or Peggy Karleski, P4J Secretary Educational Services Center 527 South Franklin Street 608-743-5038 The School District of Janesville is excited to offer its 4-year-old kindergarten program for all children who are 4 years old on or before September 1, 2015. The School District of Janesville partners with 16 different community early learning and care centers within Janesville. Families that do not live in the School District of Janesville boundaries and whose home district offers 4k programming, will need to “Open Enroll” their four-year-old child during the February 2- April 30, 2015 open enrollment window. Preschool 4 Janesville (P4J) is funded through the Department of Public Instruction and the School District of Janesville. Participating families do not pay tuition to participate in the P4J Program. P4J classrooms offer a developmentally appropriate preschool experience. Each classroom is taught by a DPI certified teacher. A minimum of 437 hours of preschool instruction are offered by each partnering community program. In addition, the School District of Janesville and the collaborating P4J sites offer many hours of parent outreach programming. P4J Enrollment Process: 1. Determine your top choice(s) of P4J sites you want your child to attend. If your child is already attending daycare at a specific site that hosts a P4J classroom, inform the site you are interested in participating in P4J. Open House opportunities are available at participating P4J locations to become familiar with the sites during the week of January 26-30, 2015. (See enclosed sheet for times) 2. Child Development Days (CDD) is occuring at the same at the Educational Services Center the week of February 2-6, 2015. This is a great opportunity to have your child participate in a developmental screening. If you would like to have your child screened please call 743-5063 to make an appointment. 3. Enrollment paperwork and a P4J site selection form must be completed for all P4J students at the New Student Enrollment Office (located at the Educational Services Center, 537 South Franklin Street); you need to bring with you to complete enrollment include: Parent Identification (Drivers License/State I.D.) Proof of residency ( for example, copy of lease/purchase agreement or utility bill) Child’s Birth certificate Child’s Immunization Records Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 5 Saturday 6 7 Mismatch Day Scoopie Night Culvers Milton Ave. 4:00–8:00pm Ground Hog Day 8 9 10 Spirit Day 11 12 18 19 13 14 Happy Valentines Day! 20 21 T-Shirt, Tutu, or Tie Tuesday 15 16 17 Spring Primary PTO Meeting 6:30-7:30pm 9:30-11:15 Gr. 4 & 5 JPAC Chinese Acrobats Fancy Wednesday Chinese New Year 12:00-1:45 Gr. 3 JPAC Chinese Acrobats 23 22 Remember to save your Box Tops for PTO Collecting: February 9-23 Trimester 3 Snack Milk Money Note Goes Home 24 Guys Rock Girl Power 3:00-4:00pm 25 26 Throwback Thursday Market Day Pick-up 3:00-5:00pm School Store Gr. 1-5 11:30-12:30 PTO Game Night 6:30-7:30pm 27 Six Flags Reading Logs Due Back to School 28 Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 5 End of Second Trimester 8 9 10 Trimester 3 Snack Milk Money Due 15 16 17 11 Conferences 3:20-8:00pm School Store during conferences School Store during conferences 18 6 19 Guys Rock Girl Power 3:00-4:00pm 7 Teacher Work Day 12 Conferences 3:20-8:00pm Saturday 13 14 20 21 School Store Gr. 1-5 11:30-12:30 Spring Pictures 22 23 24 25 Gr. 5 Field Trip 8:00am-6:30pm 29 30 31 April 1 26 Market Day Pick-up 3:00-5:00pm April 2 27 28 Spirit/Hawaii Day April 3 School Resumes Monday, April 6
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